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Daigasso! Band Brothers P |Import Discussion| Project Iwatoid P

Pretty rad version of Earthbound's ending theme. Gosh, an awful lot of Mother music already. People need to get to working on the soundtracks of other games too!!!!
but mother music is great so it's okay
edit: it never ends

anyways making guitar parts is hard and i still can't figure out what the hell instrument hip hop vocals sound like but that's okay!

One strange thing I've noticed about the game is that random song select is only available in certainly places, like choosing a song when playing online. For some reason, I can't seem to find random song select in single player, and I really wish it had it! Every rhythm game with a substantial song list needs a random select! How am I supposed to choose between upwards of 100 (actually 3000 or something fucking crazy) songs? D:
I think the problem is that most soundtracks can't be found on JASRAC I believe...

Oh wow, I didn't know anything about any of this. It's pretty interesting to look through. So, even though they're MIDI covers, songs need to be in the JASRAC database to be allowed to be submitted? Huh.

I've actually had pretty good luck finding the game soundtracks I'm looking for on their database, though.



Oh wow, I didn't know anything about any of this. It's pretty interesting to look through. So, even though they're MIDI covers, songs need to be in the JASRAC database to be allowed to be submitted? Huh.

I've actually had pretty good luck finding the game soundtracks I'm looking for on their database, though.


I wish someone would submit the onnet theme :7
the smash bros melee version ofc.

just discovered this.. http://bandbros-p.nintendo.co.jp/music/musicDetail/index/12663
and immediately wished someone could upload "I AM IMPACT" from goemon 64 :7


Heard about the tomato thing on the RFN clidy play marathon. Holy shit, at the virtual currency expiring if you don't use it after a certain date.
and immediately wished someone could upload "I AM IMPACT" from goemon 64 :7

Yeah, I had already looked for I am Impact and the Goemon 64 main theme to no avail, ahahaha. One of these days...
Until then I guess I'll just enjoy the endless stream of Mother music!

Heard about the tomato thing on the RFN clidy play marathon. Holy shit, at the virtual currency expiring if you don't use it after a certain date.

Yup, it's... shitty. I don't like knowing that if I put the game down and come back to it half a year down the line, I'm gonna need to pay up if I want to download any of the new songs that have surely cropped up by then.

I think there might be some sort of legal mumbo-jumbo dictating why all this has to be the case, but, speaking from a consumer perspective, it has me pretty unhappy.

... but the part about being able to get more than 100 songs is cool!



So I finally got this game.

And... I felt like, what a stepback.

- Very nice marketplace, more radio stations, vocaloid, improved sound sources, and very good composer.
- WHERES THE CUSTOM RADIO!?, why can't you close the lid to hear songs, karaoke mode is a secondary function with no scoring, no freeplay just playing around with the instruments.

And also, no "Only My Railgun" on the song list yet :(

I really felt like I kinda wasted money buying this now. Felt like the previous game was much more practical.
Especially if you use the various tools available to insert custom songs.


Well fuck my life, just got this from the eshop. I'll enjoy playing this while living under a bridge or something ;_;
Actually the exchange rate seems nice these days. It wasn't that expensive in € so it doesn't sting as much, and I needed another game for the buy2get1 promo. Already got Fire Emblem through that and thinking of Kid Icarus from this.
How am I supposed to find time to play all these games?
Band Brothers was a serious contender for my favorite game on DS. (Never thought it would come to the west and imported)

Also screw Nintendos marketing department for getting people I like to promote their shit. Totally works haha. I liked Trindl and Sugichan on Run for Money (and thank god I don't have a WiiU, Ueto Aya Mario promo *drool*).

I'm probably the only person on the planet mostly not getting it for the anime and game music but whatever, had a short romp through the titles on the website and there's already a good amount of pop & rock songs I'd love to play.
Guess I could do a little matome of the stuff I know when I look up songs to download myself but not too sure people are even interested?

There goes my weekend ♪ ~

Hey look at that you have it too, yay!
Also as far as the stuff you posted from the direct thread:
After a quick google that appears to be the vocaloid GUMI - 十面相.
Also Popstar (Ken Hirai) is the song from the Ouendan Boy Band stage, it even has the same ID hehe.
So I finally got this game.

And... I felt like, what a stepback.

- Very nice marketplace, more radio stations, vocaloid, improved sound sources, and very good composer.
- WHERES THE CUSTOM RADIO!?, why can't you close the lid to hear songs, karaoke mode is a secondary function with no scoring, no freeplay just playing around with the instruments.

And also, no "Only My Railgun" on the song list yet :(

I really felt like I kinda wasted money buying this now. Felt like the previous game was much more practical.
Especially if you use the various tools available to insert custom songs.

I've... actually... never really used the radio in DX, ahaha. People are making it sound so cool, I should probably try it!
Oh, and speaking of DX, I'm finally back with my copy of it so I can see what this transfer business is all about soon, because... I'm not sure if anyone ever figured out what the whole deal with it was.
Anyways, my personal favorite feature about P over DX is the online mode, 'cause it's really awesome and lets you find and play music that you don't have installed. You should totally try it!

Also yeahhhh as far as general popular music goes, the extent of my knowledge is pretty much just what's super popular and what's featured in rhythm games like Ouendan and Taiko, ahaha.
At least I think I'm learning about some new music from the game!


Also yeahhhh as far as general popular music goes, the extent of my knowledge is pretty much just what's super popular and what's featured in rhythm games like Ouendan and Taiko, ahaha.
At least I think I'm learning about some new music from the game!

Yeah I think that's what BandBros is for mainly in the first place, I'm the odd one out.

Started collecting stuff to download, god there are already so many and the Request list is overflowing too. Just a few pages in and I already have 30+ songs...this is not going to end well for my wallet, 4800Yen price my ass :x

I'll just put up my list when its finished when it hits 110 songs, if you don't want to be bombarded with music stuff you have to put me on ignore muahaha.
So I can currently confirm that the DX -> P transfer is totally useless if you didn't make any songs in DX!
I shoulda figured, but I was kinda hoping in the back of my mind that it would maybe give me tomatoes for unused DX downloads or let me transfer over the songs I downloaded in DX that didn't get ported. Oh well!
At least I learned that I still have a Club Nintendo code in my DX case! One step closer to that SM3DW soundtrack...

Also, as mentioned before, I was kinda surprised to see that Karaoke mode was swept away to... basically a waiting minigame in the recording mode. Especially odd considering what a big selling point they made Karaoke mode in DX.
Then again, it's also possible that I'm just stupid and am missing it somewhere else!
In the end, it's still there, I suppose, and the only real difference is that it's not scored this time.

Started collecting stuff to download, god there are already so many and the Request list is overflowing too. Just a few pages in and I already have 30+ songs...this is not going to end well for my wallet, 4800Yen price my ass :x

I'll just put up my list when its finished when it hits 110 songs, if you don't want to be bombarded with music stuff you have to put me on ignore muahaha.

Yeahhh at the start I had basically downloaded half of each page of the first few pages of the popularity ranking, ahaha.
I think I'm sitting at... 52 or so tomatoes right now, and I've been slowing down a lot and just checking for the new songs uploaded daily to see what I really want.

Then again, I'm probably gonna end up spending cash on more songs later, and 3.5 months from now or so I'm gonna need to use them all up...


That sucks about the DX tool. Could have gottem waaaaay more songs from transferring from the old game
Then again they want to sell their Tomatoes. Tomatoes ruined BandBrosP confirmed, Rise Against the Tomato!

Well there we go. The first, optimistic list ended up with 154 or so titles so I had to trim the already trimmed list, more free Tomatoes please Nintendo m(_ _)m

It's now something like ~106 songs...at least the Tomatoes are not going to rot x.x

タッチ ☆ 夏祭り ☆ 卒業写真 ☆ ひこうき雲 ☆ ラブ☆ストーリーは突然に ☆ 小さな恋のうた ☆ MERRY CHRISTMAS MR.LAWRENCE ☆ 残酷な天使のテーゼ ☆ 負けないで ☆ 春よ、来い 
フレンズ ☆ 翼をください ☆ バレンタイン☆キッス ☆ TRAIN-TRAIN ☆ リンダリンダ ☆ I LOVE YOU ☆ 世界中の誰よりきっと ☆ サンキュ ☆ 神田川 ☆ オリビアを聴きながら

Amuro Namie - BODY FEELS EXIT ☆ Day After Tomorrow - イタズラなKISS ☆ misono - VS ☆ Ieiri Leo - サブリナ 
Kyari Pamyu Pamyu - CANDY CANDY ☆ Remioromen - 3月9日 ☆ Stereopony - 泪のムコウ  ☆ Ikimono Gakari - ブルーバード
Yuki - ドラマチック ☆ Judy & Mary - そばかす ☆ Ayaka - おかえり ・ 三日月 ☆ Kiroro - BEST FRIEND ・ 未来へ
Puffy - 海へと ・ 愛のしるし ・ アジアの純真 ☆ SCANDAL - 瞬間センチメンタル ・ START ☆ Negoto - カロン ・ メルシールー

Yamaguchi Momoe - ひと夏の経験 ・ いい日旅立ち ・ 秋桜
Do As Infinity - 遠くまで ・ 陽のあたる坂道 ・ 深い森 ・ 柊 ・ 遠雷 ・ 真実の詩 ・ 冒険者たち
Tokyo Jihen - 群青日和 ・ 入水願い ・ 閃光少女 ☆ Shiina Ringo - ギブス ・ 歌舞伎町の女王 ・ りんごのうた
Chatmonchy - テルマエ・ロマン ・ 女子たちに明日はない ・ バスロマンス ・ ヒラヒラヒラク秘密ノ扉 ・ 風吹けば恋 ・ 世界が終わる夜に
Otsuka Ai - プラネタリウム ・ さくらんぼ ・ 甘えんぼ ・ フレンジャ ・ 黒毛和牛上塩タン焼680円 ・ 桃ノ花ビラ  ・ CHU-LIP ・ 大好きだよ。
Morning Musume - LOVEマシーン  ・ 青春コレクション ・ 悲しみトワイライト ・ INDIGO BLUE LOVE ・ バラライカ ☆ Berryz Koubou - スッペシャルジェネレ~ション ☆ Buono! - 恋愛 ライダー
Yessss, lovely.

I think of those I only have Touch, Natsu Matsuri, Chiisana Koi no Uta, Zankokuna Tenshi no Thesis, and Linda Linda, soooo I'm gonna now go ahead and steal some of the other ones you posted that I know~

Maybe I'll post my list of songs when I can motivate myself enough to compile them, but it'd probably be pretty boring anyways, ahahaha. At least half of them are tracks from rhythm games.

Oh, also, friendly reminder for anyone who cares:
Today (Japan time) is the last day to get your 10 bonus tomatoes! Do it and download lots of songs!


Those Tokyo Jihen and Shiina Ringo songs were among the first I downloaded, along with Perfume.

Not having single player progression has definitely made the Play Priority of this game slip back to where DX and Rhythm Tengoku have been for the last few years, as something to play when I'm in a certain mood. Don't regret the purchase at all, but it doesn't have enough to demand my attention compared to the more pressing game releases since. It will be in the small pack of games I would carry around with me, though.


I love all the recommendations. For someone who loves japanese games but have zero knowledge of songs and such these are nice to look into. I never got to download 100 songs on DX even.


Well thanks for checking out my list. Always nice to share some awesome music.
It's basically (Pop) Rock music I like and classics I learned of through cover song shows/cds. (Also looking at the Karaoke Joysound rankings to find popular songs back in my karaoke days) No wonder they're in many music games.

There are already so many must-haves in the request list too, I'm currently on wikipedia looking up what organs aren't that needed...
Kyari Pamyu Pamyu is all over these requests.

Funny how one of the best additions to the game isn't even in the game, all these lists on the homepage are great!

Haven't really looked into it, how does the request system work anyways (it's pretty hidden in the first place, had to look it up in the manual). Do you have 10 request lifetime or do you get them back after one is fulfilled, or do they even expire?
Only having 10 lifetime would suck.

Not having single player progression has definitely made the Play Priority of this game slip back to where DX and Rhythm Tengoku have been for the last few years, as something to play when I'm in a certain mood. Don't regret the purchase at all, but it doesn't have enough to demand my attention compared to the more pressing game releases since. It will be in the small pack of games I would carry around with me, though.

Yeah it's not a 'must play all night NOW'' kind of game, but it will stick with you for ages. One thing that kept me from coming back to the DS one was the lack of voices, the vocaloid addition is heaven for me.


I downloaded all the songs created by Nintendo now to get a collection going.

With the songs I already downloaded I'm soon at zero tomatoes. I will try to play through every instrument before buying more. ^^

Well, great list, many of the titles I recommend and a few of those I had to get rid of for the time being.

Songs that stand out to me:
Romantic ga Tomaranai - Ditched it because I only know it from Game Center CX, if you watch that you will probably immediately recognize it (it was the title song of one of the mini-corners). If you don't watch GCCX go over to the GAF thread and rectify that mistake. Catchy song.
Ikenai Taiyou - Well, Orange Range 'nuff said. Karaoke mainstay, true classic.
Invader Invader - This game could also be called Kyari Bros, not my favorite of hers but you can't exactly have too much Pamyu
Kimi ga iru dake de - Holy shit! Always planned to check out KomeKome Club but never got around to it, now this comes totally out of the blue, thank you! Hello! Project covered this heavily and I love it, completely escaped my mind, never even knew it was a cover,
Nagisa no Sindbad - Wait I threw that out? Didn't even notice. Only Pink Lady song I could find (okay didn't look that hard), very influential girl-duo, too bad we probably won't really get the hilarious dance routines here.
Namida no Request - Well, Checkers. You liked Julia ni Heartbreak in Oendan 2 (Hair Salon Stage) you might enjoy this. Group Sounds was a fun genre. (There's a funny movie about the GS boom starring Chiaki Kuriyama a.k.a Kill-Bill's Gogo)
Yureru Omoi - Waaaait a second. Nintendo totally didn't tag that as a Zard song. Might even change Makenaide out for this, I like this more (totally not because my dear Takahashi AI covered it). Thank you again good sir!
(Maybe I should explain why I like the songs I recommend too but really nobody wants to read all that. )

I don't know why you had to read that either, haha, anyways enjoy those songs!


Haha. You are way into japanese music. =D

It took me like 10 hours to create vocaloid-parts for all songs... In the meantime I downloaded 70 songs in DX so I used up every credit and I finished all the leads on ALL songs. And I still was 75% done with the vocaloid-parts...

Now I'm working on completing all leads in BanbroP! =D

I always play these games to compete with myself. But with a non-effective scoring system it kinda blows. They should have four digits for ratings 98.34% and the result screen should contain your best/good/bad/miss count as well. They don't even tell you how many tail misses you get anymore...

And the early green / late blue splashes are gone. Now splashes show combo instead.

They ALSO changed the coloring on the d-pad back. That was a major issue when switching to DX. However this time around it seems like I can freely play both without any problems almost.. o_O




Haha. You are way into japanese music. =D

Sure thing, also it's very easy to find music shows and the like on the internet so that's a nice thing to watch to apply/learn some Japanese. A win-win situation.

I watched this because it had Hiro Mizushima in it and Norio Wakamoto did a commercial for it. I come pretty cheap.

Haha how big are the chances of someone else on GAF having watched that, cool.
Also that's exactly how I choose movies to watch so...;D

you guys seem really commited... I could never bring myself to creat a single song. It takes just way to much time...
any idea where this is from?

Did you get your copy yet?
I'm totally not committed, fired up that shimobe thing once and immediately got overwhelmed. It's cool how in-depth it is for creators, but way too much for a peasant like me.
(Vocaloid is pretty much the same with me, can't even get a single line to sound the way I want, too complex). But great that others are, you go!

The powers of google tell me that should be Chihara Minori.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
OH HELL YES! I'm so glad this thread exists! Definitely will be partaking over the next few months. Was a huge player (seller) of the original two, and just got a Jap 3DS LL to play this. Ahhh, so happy there's a GAF community now!
Songs that stand out to me:
Romantic ga Tomaranai - Ditched it because I only know it from Game Center CX, if you watch that you will probably immediately recognize it (it was the title song of one of the mini-corners).

ahaha yup
basically the extent of my knowledge of pre-90s japanese music is all GCCX segment stuff

That top ranked song from AKB48 is catchy. I hadn't heard it before, and when I looked it up I saw all these videos of random people doing the dance. I guess it was pretty popular.

i think i'm basically always in a constant state of shame over how catchy i find akb music but i think i'm getting used to it

searching got me this
also i was totally just beaten aaaaaa


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I just had to take all the songs from the other thread with me:
(just going to sort it by genre or something...)

no idea what this is http://bandbros-p.nintendo.co.jp/music/musicDetail/index/10558
NYANYANYANYAN http://bandbros-p.nintendo.co.jp/music/musicDetail/index/10235
gitaroo man? http://bandbros-p.nintendo.co.jp/music/musicDetail/index/2147626843
Popstar http://bandbros-p.nintendo.co.jp/music/musicDetail/index/2147625711

hope I didn't forget anything

Oh holy shit, I made that song from back in the day! Woooo!

gitaroo man? http://bandbros-p.nintendo.co.jp/mus...dex/2147626843

WAIT WHAT. The Legendary theme from Gitaroo Man??

I have a LOT of hype. Not for this game, but for....
Yay :D


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
make me more gitaroo man music and you will be a true gitaroo man hero

but that's super rad, it sounds great and i've been getting a lot of use out of it, ahaha

Woo! I'm glad someone even downloaded it.

I do have a question. How do you play normal songs with their vocaloid tracks? Like, if I just want to test out a downloaded song that has a vocaloid track and lyrics (from the preview), even when I go to practice the song, it always switches it to a melodied instrument instead. I want to play with the wobble-back-and-forth-microphone on my downloaded songs. But I don't know how?
Woo! I'm glad someone even downloaded it.

I do have a question. How do you play normal songs with their vocaloid tracks? Like, if I just want to test out a downloaded song that has a vocaloid track and lyrics (from the preview), even when I go to practice the song, it always switches it to a melodied instrument instead. I want to play with the wobble-back-and-forth-microphone on my downloaded songs. But I don't know how?

First, make sure you have a vocal track for it recorded, which you do by going Kyockefeller Center > レコーディング (blue icon) > choose song to record > choose Vocaloid to sing it > wait.

To play the Vocals track, in any (I believe it's any) play mode, press the difficulty farthest to the left, ボーカル. Those are the vocals tracks.


Did you get your copy yet?

not yet... it usually takes 2 to 3 weeks from play asia. last time it took even longer. It should arrive next week I think.

But I wouldn't mind playing more MH4 in the meantime *cough*

searching got me this
also i was totally just beaten aaaaaa

nice, whatever it is, I kinda like it

Remember kids: if you import a Japanese 3DS, you are rewarding Nintendo for their shitty region locking policies.

if taking a stand that will change absolutely nothing is more important to you than playing great games, please go ahead.
I'm going to have fun in the meantime.


Remember kids: if you import a Japanese 3DS, you are rewarding Nintendo for their shitty region locking policies.
Remember kids: if you import a Japanese 3DS, you are rewarding Nintendo for their shitty region locking policies.

ii have a thread for you here
a lot has been said about region locking business in this thread and i'd really rather it just be discussion about the game, if that's ok~

represents the level of rottenness, i believe
they change color once they rot, i guess


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Here's a quick question. What do the different colored tomatoes mean? I see red ones (which seem to be what you buy with), then also green and blue ones? I have no idea what's going on.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Another quick, possibly stupid question:
Do you actually get any songs to start off with? I'm not talking about the 3 or 4 they show the game off with, but like a solid list of 30-40 songs? And maybe some Nintendo songs?
Another quick, possibly stupid question:
Do you actually get any songs to start off with? I'm not talking about the 3 or 4 they show the game off with, but like a solid list of 30-40 songs? And maybe some Nintendo songs?


The 4 guest songs are the only ones on the cart.
And as far as I'm aware there aren't any official Nintendo songs made by Nintendo themselves, although there are obviously some made by others online.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.

The 4 guest songs are the only ones on the cart.
And as far as I'm aware there aren't any official Nintendo songs made by Nintendo themselves, although there are obviously some made by others online.

Is there any way to get those songs?

Also, aren't there a ton of American songs in JASRAC? I remember stuff like Ghostbusters and some Michael Jackson getting through during the days of DX. Is this any different?
Is there any way to get those songs?

Also, aren't there a ton of American songs in JASRAC? I remember stuff like Ghostbusters and some Michael Jackson getting through during the days of DX. Is this any different?

Here are all the Nintendo produced songs available.

None of the video game music or international music is there, for whatever reason.

i'll miss the ghostbusters and deep purple :(


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Here are all the Nintendo produced songs available.

None of the video game music or international music is there, for whatever reason.

i'll miss the ghostbusters and deep purple :(

Hopefully it'll just take some time. In the meantime, is there any Daigasso P underground black market where we're going to somehow be able to trade songs with each other? Come to think of it, how does that work? If I just make a random song and send it to you, does it still cost a Tomato?
Hopefully it'll just take some time. In the meantime, is there any Daigasso P underground black market where we're going to somehow be able to trade songs with each other? Come to think of it, how does that work? If I just make a random song and send it to you, does it still cost a Tomato?

As far as I'm aware, you can only trade songs that you created, and only locally.

So you best pay up for them tomatoes!


^ Too bad I was wondering if we could cheat the system a bit here, Nintendo u 2 smart.

Jesus this game will be the end of me.

So uhm, this is probably as good an occasion as any to ask about requesting again. Anybody found out exactly how it works? If your 10 requests can somehow be filled up again?
Also my method of checking the product code on JASRAC to make sure it's the right song seems kinda slow/inefficient, but there's probably no better way?

I just went through the first ten pages of the request list and already I'm making another way too long list (25 titles already) :( This game is turning me full-on otaku.

Some of the songs I will pay for in blood, if you can spare a request put it here onegaishima~su m(_ _)m (I can't bring myself to spam all the songs here again...)

M - 08168393 - How is this not already made, come on folks. In the top5 of any karaoke I've been to, rock ballad, doesn't hurt YUI sang it on Bokura no Ongaku
AGAIN - 15841707 - While we're at it, this is one of my favorite YUI songs, fast and cool. make it happen. (if you can't tell I kinda like YUI a little bit)
少女S - 15848159 There's never enough rocking girls, so SCANDAL, Shojo S gotta be one of their most famous tracks? I love the guitar in this, needs to come to Rocksmith...

There are also more Ouendan tracks, I'm amazed Rin Toshite Shigure have a track requested (was about to make a comment how indies like them would have no chance to make it), <- same goes for LiSA (though I guess she's popular with the anime crowd), some more classics and some more contemporary Pop/Rock must haves. Somebody hold me.

The text is "&#12522;&#12463;&#12456;&#12473;&#12488;&#12399;&#65297;&#65296;&#26354;&#12414;&#12391;&#12391;&#12365;&#12427;&#12424;", which sounds to me like 10 total. I'll check the manual in a bit, but... yeah. That's pretty strict, ahaha. No counter, either.

What an odd decision.

edit: Just double checked the digital manual, and unless I'm reading it totally wrong, it seems pretty blunt about 10 requests total. Seems like a strange thing to limit to me...


That's terrible if you only get 10 requests. No way that can ever be enough, especially because music keeps being released, how are you going to have enough requests for songs in a year or five.
Gonna have to complain about that in the play-survey thingy.

If you only had 10 slots and could change songs in there if they aren't fulfilled that would be okay, all the while preventing people to swamp the thing with 1000s of requests. Not that I would do that.
All I see about what happens when a requested song is made is that you get sent a SpotPass message about it.

I mean... if someone feels particularly inclined they can try testing it!
I've only requested one song so far and it got made soooo I don't really have anything to report on that ground.


Ah okay thanks, well I'll just try requesting a song and see how everything goes hmm.

Requesting popular songs (that are already on the list, maybe with many votes) almost seems like the way one should not go about it then, since somebody might make it anyways.

Better put less popular ones that might escape peoples minds and remind them about those (then again not many are going to click through to page 150 to see what few ppl voted for).

Guess I'll have to try my hand at creating songs then, sneaky Nintendo. You veterans need to teach us m(_ _)m
How long does a song take you?
(no way am I ever going to be able to create a good quality song, finding some tabs and putting them in ok but these 8-10 piece complex creations? lord have mercy)


If you get 90+ on all tracks for a song nothing happens... I expected a star or something at the row with the song name!

Can we even get credits again? There is no challenge mode or something... The first Band Brothers was really hard to complete. Three random songs you had to get 99+ on each. =D


Newbie question here but how do you even request stuff? I hope it's not just limited to 10. I need more Mika Nakashima! XD
Newbie question here but how do you even request stuff? I hope it's not just limited to 10. I need more Mika Nakashima! XD

In the song search, type in the song. When it's not there, click the blue label on the left that says "&#35211;&#12388;&#12363;&#12425;&#12394;&#12356;", and it will then take you to the request search. If what you're looking for still isn't there, press "&#12414;&#12384;&#12394;&#12356;". It will then prompt you for the song you're looking for's JASRAC code, which can be found by searching here. The code you're looking for will look like this once you find the song. Enter it without hyphens, it will work fine. And then it's requested!

also believe me, that's not a newbie question at all, ahahaha. I had to do some research to figure it out.
I always feel bad for the people who make the second or third versions of a song within a short timespan, but I thought it was pretty funny how the 3 featured songs yesterday were 3 different versions of Golden Bomber's Memeshikute.


I always feel bad for the people who make the second or third versions of a song within a short timespan, but I thought it was pretty funny how the 3 featured songs yesterday were 3 different versions of Golden Bomber's Memeshikute.

Unless a few of them were ones made for requests, I think I saw like 3 more versions there too. Some with the kanji at least one with kana, People like that song.

Then again some people maybe find their old customs from the other games or figure it's a nice exercise so it's not all bad.

And there's never enough Cruel Angel Thesis ;D

Ah somebody made NinjariBanban, that's Kyaris catchiest song to me. I'm currently applying to charity for some tomato donations.

also believe me, that's not a newbie question at all, ahahaha. I had to do some research to figure it out.

Yeah don't know why they had to hide it like that, well remember there's also a manual for the digital version, had to find it there too.
(Not that the manual actually has a lot of info urgh)
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