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DC Rebirth |OT| It's not a reboot, and it always was [SPOILERS for Rebirth #1]

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I wasn't huge on the Panopticon, tbh. Felt really ham-fisted, especially with Superman standing up to police brutality over in Action at that exact time, in a much more interesting way.

Still, will give this a shot.

It seemed like it was laying the bricks to bring social justice Ollie back, which I am all for. The worst thing about that dumb werewolf story is that Percy swiped the story beats from a (crappy) novel he wrote called Red Moon.

On paper, GA Rebirth is everything I want from the book, so fingers crossed he delivers.


So my June Rebirth pulls right now are.

Action Comics
The Flash
Green Lanterns
Green Arrow
Wonder Woman
I'm curious what everyone's planning to pull. This'll be my first time buying comics not in trade. I'm so excited for this, mainly because Tim Drake looks like he's going to be saved and Steph and Cass are back.

My pulls will most likely be:

Detective Comics
All Star Batman


I'll check out most of the Rebirth one shots, but my planned pulls for June are:

Detective Comics
Green Lanterns
Green Arrow
Wonder Woman

First off, ALL the oneshots. Because that way I know if I'm missing anything good.

After that...

Blue Beetle
Wonder Woman
All-Star Batman
Batgirl & The Birds of Prey
Teen Titans
Super Sons
New Superman
Green Arrow
Green Lanterns
Gotham Academy

For sure.

Others will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. I've been hearing rapturous praise of Chris Priest, so Deathstroke is a strong "maybe." Ditto Superwoman. Stuff like JL, Cyborg, I need to see how the creative teams actually play out. Cyborg has a lot going against it.


Here's the thing, though: The first issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws at the start of the New 52 has Jason stating the only reason Kori likes him is because he reminds her of Dick because they were part of the old TT. Roy even asks her if she remembers the team. So, Dick very clearly was on the TT in the New 52

Many initial issues had references to pre-flashpoint continuity that were quickly written out (often even rewriting the text for the trades). DC originally had said that the New 52 wasn't a reboot, and some of hose issues seemed to be written with that in mind. However, its initial success seemed to convince them to push it as a radical break point, cutting ties with the previous continuity in a stronger way after that.


Out of the stuff not coming in June I'm also grabbing.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey
New Super-man
Super Woman
Justice League
Blue Beetle
Super Sons
Sucidie Squad
Apparently, Justice League #50 will reveal the Joker's name.

Personally, do. not. want. The Joker's better off without one because that's what keeps him interesting. He can be from wherever, whoever, or whatever, and it gives writers a huge scope to play with the character. Giving him a name makes him tangible, and that sucks the mystique out of the character.

I feel it will be a whooole lot of nothing. The thing I dont want is the definite history, i liked the way Snyder played with the concept a bunch during Endgame but left the whole multiple choice thing at the end.

Unless the whole twist is that even the Mobiud Chair thinks Joker has no name. Which would be dumb but o well

As for pull lists...i plan on being an idiot and getting every Rebirth issue and then seeing what I like.


My full tentative Rebirth pull list:

Green Arrow
Green Lanterns
Wonder Woman
Detective Comics
Birds of Prey
Blue Beetle
Teen Titans
New Superman
There's no way I can afford all the books I want, even with the $3 price tag. Right now its:


The Flash
Wonder Woman
New Superman
The Hellblazer
Blue Beetle
Suicide Squad
Harley Queen


Batgirl & the Birds of Prey
Green Lanterns
Green Arrow
Deathstroke (only to see Priest's take on the character)
Teen Titans
Apparently, Justice League #50 will reveal the Joker's name.

Personally, do. not. want. The Joker's better off without one because that's what keeps him interesting. He can be from wherever, whoever, or whatever, and it gives writers a huge scope to play with the character. Giving him a name makes him tangible, and that sucks the mystique out of the character.
I feel like the Joker has to evolve at some point. Everyone loves him as a villain so much, but I feel like he has such little depth. The only depth he has isn't even solely his: it's how he plays off of Batman. Like, I guess giving him a solid history might damage some of him, but goddamn if you're gonna have a character be this popular and at the forefront then do something with him. Giving him a name isn't all that destructive if there isn't a fully cemented history.
Many initial issues had references to pre-flashpoint continuity that were quickly written out (often even rewriting the text for the trades). DC originally had said that the New 52 wasn't a reboot, and some of hose issues seemed to be written with that in mind. However, its initial success seemed to convince them to push it as a radical break point, cutting ties with the previous continuity in a stronger way after that.
Makes more sense, then


Why does he wear the mask!?
I feel it will be a whooole lot of nothing. The thing I dont want is the definite history, i liked the way Snyder played with the concept a bunch during Endgame but left the whole multiple choice thing at the end.

Unless the whole twist is that even the Mobiud Chair thinks Joker has no name. Which would be dumb but o well

As for pull lists...i plan on being an idiot and getting every Rebirth issue and then seeing what I like.

What I am doing too, with a few small exceptions.
Definite Buy:
Wonder Woman
All-Star Batman

Probably Buy:
Action Comics
Detective Comics
Justice League

Wait and See:
The rest

Red Hood & The Outlaws


Wonder Woman
All-Star Batman
Teen Titans
Super Sons
New Superman
Gotham Academy

bolded for sure.


Charles Soule's Red Lanterns stuff was widely praised. Its basically Sons of Anarchy in space if that's your thing. I also really liked the Justin Jordan New Guardian book. Tons of action and adventure. Some were upset by
the Kyle - Carol Ferris romance
I'll definitely try the Red Lantern book. I love Soule's Marvel work but i felt i had to give GL a rest after Johns so i didnt pick it up all but that does sound really good.

Don't read any of the Robert Venditti and Van Jensen run. It is just disgraceful. Venditti has the imagination of a cockroach and I wouldn't trust Van Jensen to write a fifth grade book report. I don't know why John's is letting them still write GL. It must be some weird BDSM fetish because this run can't get any worse.

I've lots of things about Venditti. What exactly did he do?
Apparently, Justice League #50 will reveal the Joker's name.

Personally, do. not. want. The Joker's better off without one because that's what keeps him interesting. He can be from wherever, whoever, or whatever, and it gives writers a huge scope to play with the character. Giving him a name makes him tangible, and that sucks the mystique out of the character.

He's Steve Kerr's twin brother, Joe.

Errrr, super late. Ummmm, pull list!

Will Try
The Flash
Rucka Woman

Might Try
Green Arrow
Detective Comics
All Star Batman
Batgirl (for the art)


Can we keep in mind that this is the same Superman that after the US Government had Lex Luthor commit Genecide on the 100 thousand Kandorians (the majority of which were innocent civilians) from the bottled city went walk about across the US instead of doing something about it? The same one who renounced his US citizenship, The same Guy who sat out Final Crises cause Lois was injured and only got involved because of Deus Ex Whathefuckery. Distance, go figure. This is the Same one who beat the Fuck out of Batman whilst under Max Lord's control then got piss off cause Wonder Woman Killed Max to free him. This is the Hypocrite we have back, who's been illegally detaining potential criminals cause they were a danger on his world. If they wanted to bring a married Superman back why not the one from the end of Whatever happened to the man of Tomorrow, That was Superman. Not this Guy who lost his title to Batman as DC flagship character. Yeah buddy, Superman had been the end all, be all till your wishy washy yuppie ass came on board. Hell even the Original Superman found him wanting.


Joker isn't a single person.

I don't see how a random name reveal would be relevant, but something like that would be pretty big, and would also end the old "why doesn't anyone ever kill him?" complaint. One of the images for the upcoming story also showed various versions of Joker lining up with that speculation.
I'll try the following:
Detective Comics
Wonder Woman
Gotham Academy (already reading so it's a no brainer)

Might give BoP a shot too. I'll get All-Star Batman for the art, but I could honestly trade wait on that.

That's a lot more than I'm reading from, well, anyone right now though, so who knows if this will stick. I don't think I'll stay on everything. I'd say I'm most excited for Batman and Wonder Woman. King and Rucka are both great.


Apparently, Justice League #50 will reveal the Joker's name.

Personally, do. not. want. The Joker's better off without one because that's what keeps him interesting. He can be from wherever, whoever, or whatever, and it gives writers a huge scope to play with the character. Giving him a name makes him tangible, and that sucks the mystique out of the character.
Absolutely right. Marvel did it with Wolverine, and what did it add? The killing joke was smart enough to mention it was "one of many origins".
Apparently, Justice League #50 will reveal the Joker's name.

Personally, do. not. want. The Joker's better off without one because that's what keeps him interesting. He can be from wherever, whoever, or whatever, and it gives writers a huge scope to play with the character. Giving him a name makes him tangible, and that sucks the mystique out of the character.

I think there's more to him than that, honestly. The multiple choice history is fun, but it's not the be-all, end-all of the character. Done properly, a structured backstory has the potential to add to him, or at least not diminish him.

That said, I 100% expect the name reveal to be a fakeout. Some base fuckery.


Can we keep in mind that this is the same Superman that after the US Government had Lex Luthor commit Genecide on the 100 thousand Kandorians (the majority of which were innocent civilians) from the bottled city went walk about across the US instead of doing something about it? The same one who renounced his US citizenship, The same Guy who sat out Final Crises cause Lois was injured and only got involved because of Deus Ex Whathefuckery. Distance, go figure. This is the Same one who beat the Fuck out of Batman whilst under Max Lord's control then got piss off cause Wonder Woman Killed Max to free him. This is the Hypocrite we have back, who's been illegally detaining potential criminals cause they were a danger on his world. If they wanted to bring a married Superman back why not the one from the end of Whatever happened to the man of Tomorrow, That was Superman. Not this Guy who lost his title to Batman as DC flagship character. Yeah buddy, Superman had been the end all, be all till your wishy washy yuppie ass came on board. Hell even the Original Superman found him wanting.
On the other hand, this is the Superman who can see in 4-D, the one who crossed the bleed into the orrery of worlds, going to limbo and back in the span of a breath to save his wife. This is the one who possessed a thought machine to fight back a primordial vampire of stories. This is the one who beat a manifestation of pure evil with a song. The one who memorized a miracle machine's schematics, built it, and saved the world. Because he is Superman. And I love Final Crisis.


well not really...yet
Apparently, Justice League #50 will reveal the Joker's name.

Personally, do. not. want. The Joker's better off without one because that's what keeps him interesting. He can be from wherever, whoever, or whatever, and it gives writers a huge scope to play with the character. Giving him a name makes him tangible, and that sucks the mystique out of the character.
whatever happened with the story that revealed Joker has actually been alive for centuries? I think it was one of the Snyder and Capullo ones

Was that just a feint or real?


whatever happened with the story that revealed Joker has actually been alive for centuries? I think it was one of the Snyder and Capullo ones

Was that just a feint or real?
Ugh.., End Game. Snyder walked into Midtown Comics, asking employees what customers thought of his Batman stories. Very insecure writer.

On a side note, bet Joker is Jason Todd's father.
Ugh.., End Game. Snyder walked into Midtown Comics, asking employees what customers thought of his Batman stories. Very insecure writer.

On a side note, bet Joker is Jason Todd's father.

Hes got a diagnosed insecurity i think. Seem to remember an interview where he says hes been on meds for it for years. Could be imagining it.


Batman and Superman still look dumb without their underwear. I have no idea why.


Do I need a new avatar?


Have to check to see if my Kindle Fire is still having trouble charging. If it is then Rebirth is the step I need to pick up a new one. I don't like reading things like comics off the computer screen and waiting on the trades is going to be annoying.

Was thinking of picking up a Kindle Fire HD 8. Does anyone have one and use it to read comics? Good fit?

The 10 inch is outside of my purchase budget for this. The original Kindle Fire I got as a gift is a 7 inch screen I think. Which is why I'm going for the 8. Just an inch but figure it might help.
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