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DC Rebirth |OT| It's not a reboot, and it always was [SPOILERS for Rebirth #1]

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And, that's the issue ... That you, nor DC, understand what the problem is. Shuffling a whole bunch of realities with the baggage that entails into a new line up isn't inviting. DC sales are dropping ridiculously. Them saying hey, we're bring back what you love about DC, but it's not a reboot or relaunch, we're just picking and choosing our favorite bits from pre and post crisis and the New 52 and convergence and maybe this and that from the animated universe ... It's just a turn off.

Read some of the comments from comic store owners:

Putting on blinders about the problems and challenges DC and Marvel face isn't doing anyone any favors.

I think you're misunderstanding what they're intending to do. These are still the New 52 characters, for the most part. That they are returning to their "most recognizable forms" means that, mostly, the costumes and storytelling focuses will be reverted. These are not the pre-Flashpoint characters coming back, at least not in any major way (only pre-Flashpoint Clark and that's already been established in New 52). There's a bit of massaging going on, but nothing so extreme as you're claiming that they're converging the two things (they did that already a year ago). It's basically all surface-level stuff.

Plus, each book has a Rebirth oneshot of its own. I imagine that'll cover the changes being made, if any.

And yeah, the Rebirth one-shots will cover what you need to know about the character if you didn't read any New 52.


So is this a good jumping back in point? I read some of New 52 (Batman/Superman/Justice League), but lost interest after a while. Didn't really care for the direction they went in.
So is this a good jumping back in point? I read some of New 52 (Batman/Superman/Justice League), but lost interest after a while. Didn't really care for the direction they went in.

Yeah, it should work. These things are always calibrated to work as a jumping-on point.

Stay tuned though, we still only have an outline of how things are going to go down.
So does anyone else think
New 52 Superman
is dying?

Based on the solicits, all the Superman books are about the post-crisis version. They haven't mentioned the New-52 version once.


Yeah, it should work. These things are always calibrated to work as a jumping-on point.

Stay tuned though, we still only have an outline of how things are going to go down.

Thanks. Maybe I'll hold off and wait for the first volumes to release than get the weekly and bi-monthly releases.
If you do that you'll be about 6 months behind the single issues. DC has terrible release schedules for their trades.

Maybe they'll start releasing trades more frequently?

So does anyone else think
New 52 Superman
is dying?

Based on the solicits, all the Superman books are about the post-crisis version. They haven't mentioned the New-52 version once.

That would really curb my interest in the Superman Rebirth books whereas before I was set on buying all of them. I got into comics with New 52 so that is my Superman, I don't care about some funky old married to Lois version.
That would really curb my interest in the Superman Rebirth books whereas before I was set on buying all of them. I got into comics with New 52 so that is my Superman, I don't care about some funky old married to Lois version.

the solicits for Superman Rebirth and the regular Superman book are both about raising a child so unless New 52 Superman also has a child...they're about pre-52 Superman.
Soooo have we guessed who the hand on the Rebirth cover belongs to? Because I'm going to say it's Alexander Luthor JR of Earth 3, aka the Multiversal little bastard...mainly because in the next issue of Justice League, due out a whole 3 months after the previous issue...Superwoman is giving birth. And he and the Anti Monitor are the only ones besides Pandora, who seems to have fallen off the face of the Multiverse, who have the power to bend continuity to their will...unless it's a case of

Terry McGinnis is back as Batman Beyond

That line alone is enough to convince me that this is a good idea.

I've not kept up with New 52 Superman at all and I haven't read any Convergence, but I gather from this thread that he's the one receiving major changes. Can someone explain exactly what's going on with Superman? What's this about pre-52?
I have trouble just getting the main Supermen straight in the first place because there have been so many alternate universe versions. I'm going to do some reading and type it out just for my own benefit.

Kal-L [Earth-Two] (Golden Age Pre-Crisis, 1938) Retroactively considered an alternate-universe superman not part of mainstream continuity?

Kal-El [Earth-One] (Silver/Bronze Pre-Crisis, ~1956) Considered the first Superman of the mainstream universe. Removed from continuity during the Crisis.

Kal-El [New Earth] (Post-Crisis, 1986) New Earth Superman that persisted until Flashpoint. Apparently survived Flashpoint somehow as explained in Convergence, lives secretly in new52 universe.

Kal-El [Prime Earth/DCnU] (Flashpoint/New 52, 2011) Created by Flashpoint event. Current version of Superman who may be on his way out?

Have I got it straight?
DC also keeps much more of their back catalogue in print than Marvel. Using DKR as an example, I dunno that it's ever gone out of print since its first collected release.

This reminds me of when I tried to collect the trades of Busiek Avengers and vol 2 was out of print and the other volumes were like £40 each...

Is there some sort of official reason that DC doesn't have a Marvel Unlimited type of service?

Nope,..but Jim Lee wanted it when the New 52 started...he was the one who fought for them having day 1 digital because the man loves the technology advances etc...but yeah. They probably think it'd eat into their business too much.
That line alone is enough to convince me that this is a good idea.

I've not kept up with New 52 Superman at all and I haven't read any Convergence, but I gather from this thread that he's the one receiving major changes. Can someone explain exactly what's going on with Superman? What's this about pre-52?
I have trouble just getting the main Supermen straight in the first place because there have been so many alternate universe versions. I'm going to do some reading and type it out just for my own benefit.

Have I got it straight?

You got it straight. The last two are relevant, as Nu52 may be killed off in favor of having pre-Flashpoint Clark be the main Supes.
So does anyone else think
New 52 Superman
is dying?

Based on the solicits, all the Superman books are about the post-crisis version. They haven't mentioned the New-52 version once.

That'd be disappointing. I have no desire to read about
post-Crisis Superman
again. Less than zero. Whereas
New 52 Superman
is a more compelling character. Why cover the character that sells less?
That'd be disappointing. I have no desire to read about
post-Crisis Superman
again. Less than zero. Whereas
New 52 Superman
is a more compelling character.

Post Crisis
is my favorite version of the character, but I don't like this at all. Regressing backwards should never be the answer IMO.
Nope,..but Jim Lee wanted it when the New 52 started...he was the one who fought for them having day 1 digital because the man loves the technology advances etc...but yeah. They probably think it'd eat into their business too much.

I had forgotten DC wasn't day-and-date across the line before New 52.
With this and new comic I get the feeling they want the animated Teen Titans/Teen Titans go fanbase interested.

As a animated Teen Titans fan, someone who can enjoy Teen Titans Go for what it is, and whose favourite characters are Beast Boy and Raven, I am curious about this new Teen Titans comic series.
I don't think that N52 supes is going to die, but he might retire or something. They mention Superman and Clark being separate characters.
I really don't care to read a story about some random ass Superman and Lois (man she is so boring and so is WondySupes, just let Superman be a bachelor). Seems like a bad time to be a Superman fan between this and what happens to him in BvS.
Yeah, Earth 2 is gonna get some pretty baller collections. Long run, largely uninterrupted except for Convergence (where you don't need a single one of the tie-ins, so you could just bundle that shit in there), creative continuity.
Convergence is ass, but it's necessary for Earth 2's story. I don't think they'd bundle it, though they might.

Earth 2's pretty much the best.
The hypest book
Soooo have we guessed who the hand on the Rebirth cover belongs to? Because I'm going to say it's Alexander Luthor JR of Earth 3, aka the Multiversal little bastard...mainly because in the next issue of Justice League, due out a whole 3 months after the previous issue...Superwoman is giving birth. And he and the Anti Monitor are the only ones besides Pandora, who seems to have fallen off the face of the Multiverse, who have the power to bend continuity to their will...unless it's a case of

It's clearly the only answer
I really don't care to read a story about some random ass Superman and Lois (man she is so boring and so is WondySupes, just let Superman be a bachelor). Seems like a bad time to be a Superman fan between this and what happens to him in BvS.

Nah dude Lana Lang best girl
I really don't care to read a story about some random ass Superman and Lois (man she is so boring and so is WondySupes, just let Superman be a bachelor). Seems like a bad time to be a Superman fan between this and what happens to him in BvS.
I'd encourage you to read Lois and Clark. There's a reason they're a classic comics couple.


I really don't care to read a story about some random ass Superman and Lois (man she is so boring and so is WondySupes, just let Superman be a bachelor). Seems like a bad time to be a Superman fan between this and what happens to him in BvS.

Pre-N52/Post Crisis Superman was the best version and I'm not just saying that because he once had a mullet.
so the rebirth one shot is a pretty big deal

FLASH REBIRTH #1 Spinning directly out of the epic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the fastest man alive finds himself at the center of a DC Universe at a crossroads. WARNING: Do NOT read this issue until after you read DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1!
so the rebirth one shot is pretty big deal

FLASH REBIRTH #1 Spinning directly out of the epic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the fastest man alive finds himself at the center of a DC Universe at a crossroads. WARNING: Do NOT read this issue until after you read DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1!

Wally West is coming back

In my dreams :(
I'd encourage you to read Lois and Clark. There's a reason they're a classic comics couple.

Read that version, reached the end of my enjoyment with it, given the issues of Lois and Clark I read.

New 52 Superman - when written correctly - is the right amount of heroism mixed with a bit of arrogance and impetuousness. There's room for that character to grow and morph. He is the Superman that I feel the movies keep trying to reach: flawed, but heading in the correct direction.

I'm not particularly interested in exploring Superman as a father; instead, I'm more interested in Jon Kent as Superboy.

I'd liked reading about Post-Crisis Superman when he was around, but I much prefer the New 52 version at this point and the sales showed that I probably wasn't the only one. Regardless, it is what it is at this point. I'll give Jurgens an issue and probably give Tomasi a few, but I'm not enthusiastic about the direction.


So as someone who stopped reading GL after the Johns run ended, has thier been anything worth reading in the GL verse other than Omega men? What the hell has been going on in the GL verse anyways
So as someone who stopped reading GL after the Johns run ended, has thier been anything worth reading in the GL verse other than Omega men? What the hell has been going on in the GL verse anyways

Charles Soule's Red Lanterns stuff was widely praised. Its basically Sons of Anarchy in space if that's your thing. I also really liked the Justin Jordan New Guardian book. Tons of action and adventure. Some were upset by
the Kyle - Carol Ferris romance
So as someone who stopped reading GL after the Johns run ended, has thier been anything worth reading in the GL verse other than Omega men? What the hell has been going on in the GL verse anyways
Don't read any of the Robert Venditti and Van Jensen run. It is just disgraceful. Venditti has the imagination of a cockroach and I wouldn't trust Van Jensen to write a fifth grade book report. I don't know why John's is letting them still write GL. It must be some weird BDSM fetish because this run can't get any worse.
Don't read any of the Robert Venditti and Van Jensen run. It is just disgraceful. Venditti has the imagination of a cockroach and I wouldn't trust Van Jensen to write a fifth grade book report. I don't know why John's is letting them still write GL. It must be some weird BDSM fetish because this run can't get any worse.

The worse it gets the better Geoff will be looked at when he returns to the title


I love everything about the Green Arrow solicit: bringing back Dinah, drawing on Grell and O'Neil, that's what I want from GA. I enjoyed the beginning of Percy's current run with the Panopticon stuff, but he lost me when he introduced the werewolf plot. Hopefully this is a return to form for Ollie.
I love everything about the Green Arrow solicit: bringing back Dinah, drawing on Grell and O'Neil, that's what I want from GA. I enjoyed the beginning of Percy's current run with the Panopticon stuff, but he lost me when he introduced the werewolf plot. Hopefully this is a return to form for Ollie.

I wasn't huge on the Panopticon, tbh. Felt really ham-fisted, especially with Superman standing up to police brutality over in Action at that exact time, in a much more interesting way.

Still, will give this a shot.
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