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Degica's Muv-Luv Trilogy Kickstarter (Funded) - New Tiers for Physical Vita Reward

Played Muv Luv, only finished the first game. Played a couple of hours into the second game and called it quits. Would rather play Alternative than go through Unlimited again. Hope it reaches all its KS goals.

Unlimited is really short compared to Extra and you only need to play it once. If you've made it that far, you might as well keep going.

Edit: Just saw the difference between the $100 and $150 tier and decided to upgrade to that. Probably an insane amount of money for me to be spending at this point, but all that stuff looks so cool!


Unlimited is really short compared to Extra and you only need to play it once. If you've made it that far, you might as well keep going.

Edit: Just saw the difference between the $100 and $150 tier and decided to upgrade to that. Probably an insane amount of money for me to be spending at this point, but all that stuff looks so cool!

This KS has awesome mid-level tiers. I have no interest in body pillows, but the $150 collector tier is chock full of stuff, and I got suckered into one of takemikazuchi's very quickly. I really hope they hit all their stretch goals, it would be great to get more from age.

I'm really more excited about this than I realized when I backed. It's been so long since I last really wanted to play Muv Luv, but the more I think about it the more super pumped I am that this is happening.

Next up, Sengoku Rance! Er...
This KS has awesome mid-level tiers. I have no interest in body pillows, but the $150 collector tier is chock full of stuff, and I got suckered into one of takemikazuchi's very quickly. I really hope they hit all their stretch goals, it would be great to get more from age.

I'm really more excited about this than I realized when I backed. It's been so long since I last really wanted to play Muv Luv, but the more I think about it the more super pumped I am that this is happening.

Next up, Sengoku Rance! Er...

Agreed. The tiers for this are unreal and if money wasn't tight for me I'd happily give more. Nothing has ever captured me as much as Muv Luv has and this is a chance to give a lot of people the opportunity to play it, especially if it hits Vita and Android.

I didn't think I'd ever wanna play it after how empty I felt when I finished it because of how emotionally draining the game got, but I'd be glad to go through it again on Vita, especially Muv Luv Extra to see what details I might have missed out on the first time through.


Alternative is a direct continuation to Unlimited. I'd say playing Unlimited to the end is more important than Extra

Yeah the 150 one looks really really good. Especially if they hit the last couple of stretch goals.

I'm in at $150 I really hope they reach those goals!


For some reason I had missed this:

English can eat shit!

That's not all. The FAQ now has this tidbit:
Important Story Elements vs Distribution Platform Restrictions said:
・We will push for a release as close as possible to the original - our main goal being that we want the new audience to experience the reasons why the fanbase vote Muv-Luv as one of, if not, the best Visual Novel they have ever played.

・With regard to violent content, Muv Luv is relatively tame compared to several games available on Steam, so we will likely get the crucial story elements across.

・We will also have an official patch for the remaining important elements from Muv-Luv. More details will be provided at a later date.

It seems like CHOMP will stay uncensored for this release while the porn is censored unless you patch it.
There's other new information from the FAQs:

Will the PS VITA have Physical Copies?
・We can only send out digital copies after game completion.
・Physical copy of the VITA isn't planned as of yet, but voicing out the need is a huge support.
・We've been receiving many requests, however we should be realistic and see how the VITA game will do first in the west, as mass production of the chips may be costly.
・What we can imagine is, by the time we produce physical copies, we can just charge for the delivery fee to any backers interested in getting one (possibly free for US/Canada, no promises though!).
That sounds like a no.
Will photonflowers and photonmelodies have physical copies?
・When we complete photonflowers and photonmelodies after the main trilogy, we'll distribute the games to the backers (who pledged 150$ minimum or bought them via BackerKit) first digitally.
・There are no plans for physical release as of the moment. We'll keep you updated for any news about it though! :)
It sounds like they'll have an add-on for the photon side stories too.


I'm excited to find out what these will be:

  • Additional brand new CGs
  • Additional OSTs and BGMs
  • Special unlockable content (All Original/New content to be specified)


Up next, Vita and Android!

I just sent them a question regarding Photon Melodies and Photon Flowers being ported to the Vita and Android, let's see if they'll clarify that.


Didn't they say that the clothing sizes were cut based on Japanese standards of size?

"TSF Pilot Jacket Japanese Large Size - Length is 68cm, width is 57cm."

So if this large size in Japan its probably small/medium in EU/Germany?


They still haven't answered on whether or not there will be an option to toggle between English and Japanese text, interestingly. This is a question many people have asked on twitter/kickstarter comments/whatever, I hope it gets addressed.


A lot more of the 800 dollar C level (both models plus choice of one jacket and one pillowcase) have been opened up, and the signed Takemikazuchi model level has been changed to be unlimited.
A lot more of the 800 dollar C level (both models plus choice of one jacket and one pillowcase) have been opened up, and the signed Takemikazuchi model level has been changed to be unlimited.

And there was a noticeable bounce from it. By Wednesday they should have met the next stretch goal.


A lot more of the 800 dollar C level (both models plus choice of one jacket and one pillowcase) have been opened up, and the signed Takemikazuchi model level has been changed to be unlimited.

And someone started going crazy about the change to unlimited. People are somewhat weird.


They might want to announce another stretch goal or two, if they planned accordingly. It's going crazy fast.
ML was on 360/PS3, if they port this to current gen consoles I'd buy the console version. I'm not expecting it though.
The average pledge is over $165, which is well, crazy. This hasn't hit as large of an audience as Clannad (yet anyway), it just somehow has even more generous backers.


The average pledge is over $165, which is well, crazy. This hasn't hit as large of an audience as Clannad (yet anyway), it just somehow has even more generous backers.

Which means that creating more high tiers or opening more spots for the ones sold out might do even better than announcing new stretch goals.
The average pledge is over $165, which is well, crazy. This hasn't hit as large of an audience as Clannad (yet anyway), it just somehow has even more generous backers.

It's probably because you could get a nice boxed physical copy of Clannad with an artbook and soundtrack for $50 whereas the same set of items in this campaign is going for $150. You have to pledge at least $80 just for a physical copy!


It's probably because you could get a nice boxed physical copy of Clannad with an artbook and soundtrack for $50 whereas the same set of items in this campaign is going for $150. You have to pledge at least $80 just for a physical copy!

It's also two games. And one of those games is two games, depending on how you look at it.
It's also two games. And one of those games is two games, depending on how you look at it.
I understand that, though Clannad is two games as well.
I'm not complaining, just offering up a likely possibility as to why the backer average is so high. It's really not too much more expensive than any other niche Japanese game Collector's Edition we might get in NA.


If the Takemikazuchi becomes an add-on I may just drop my pledge and get that as well, depending on the price. I only really pledged 300 for it.


Wow did this seriously jump like 40,000 dollars since last night? That's crazy. I'm really glad for them, but this is a lot more successful than I was expecting. Must be an ok climate for this sort of campaign right now. Also helps that the game is rated so high (the reason I backed for quite a bit).

Be fun to watch it evolve over the coming weeks, see what other stretch goals they have---already exciting that they are updating art, which isn't that common for VNs outside of ports to console as far as I understand, and is maybe a first for a licensed game?

If the Takemikazuchi becomes an add-on I may just drop my pledge and get that as well, depending on the price. I only really pledged 300 for it.

If it becomes a cheaper add-on, maybe they will do something else for around the 300 tier. I wouldn't mind getting it on top of something else, just don't want to drop like 800 for a jacket right now ><


Takemizakuchi isn't worth it, this sexy beast is where it at



Unconfirmed Member
Degica, please make a Vita or Android only tier. I don't like playing VNs on PC. &#128528;


I will donate to the $60 tier closer to the end. The only visual novel I've played so far is Cho Dengeki Stryker, but I love Degica so much that I'll throw a few bones their way and try this out.

This isn't some raunchy "almost sex" game is it? I can understand some dating and maybe a little fan service, but I actually want something not focused on being erotic.
I will donate to the $60 tier closer to the end. The only visual novel I've played so far is Cho Dengeki Stryker, but I love Degica so much that I'll throw a few bones their way and try this out.

This isn't some raunchy "almost sex" game is it? I can understand some dating and maybe a little fan service, but I actually want something not focused on being erotic.

Muv Luv Extra is your typical slice of life visual novel with some ecchi elements and erotic scenes thrown around. Unlimited and especially Alternative (the sequels) are sci-fi action/dramas that are very far way from being erotic, though each game does have a sex scene.


Muv Luv Extra is your typical slice of life visual novel with some ecchi elements and erotic scenes thrown around. Unlimited and especially Alternative (the sequels) are sci-fi action/dramas that are very far way from being erotic, though each game does have a sex scene.

Sounds good.
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