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Degica's Muv-Luv Trilogy Kickstarter (Funded) - New Tiers for Physical Vita Reward


Man, I dropped alternative somewhere in the middle because altough excellent, shit could get very depressive.
Mecha moments were really hype when they happened.


I think this will only happen after they hit the stretch goal for Vita + Android. :p

I really wonder why Android was a choice there vs iOS considering normally game/app revenue is higher on iOS as a platform. Also, VNs lend themselves to tablets and iPad is far more popular then any Andtoid tablet in the West.
Cool if this hits the Vita tier, and they actually release it on Vita as promised, I will definitely buy it. I hate playing VNs on my comp, it's like reading a book on there.
I really wonder why Android was a choice there vs iOS considering normally game/app revenue is higher on iOS as a platform. Also, VNs lend themselves to tablets and iPad is far more popular then any Andtoid tablet in the West.

Apparently the interest in Android comes from the Japanese side. Though I'm not sure why they'd prefer it over IOS even there.


$480,287 so far. Just to give people an idea about how fast this is going for a VN kickstarter, Muv-Luv has achieved in 6 days what took Grisaia 47 ($475,256).


Am I understanding it correctly in that in order to get the Vita version you would have to pledge $150 or more?


They'll have to detail the Vita version whenever they hit the stretch goal. Release schedule, pricing, compatible tiers, the works.


English can eat shit!


I will donate to the $60 tier closer to the end. The only visual novel I've played so far is Cho Dengeki Stryker, but I love Degica so much that I'll throw a few bones their way and try this out.

This isn't some raunchy "almost sex" game is it? I can understand some dating and maybe a little fan service, but I actually want something not focused on being erotic.

I don't know what you are looking for, but it certainly focused on the player wish-fulfillment and the harem element is quite omnipresent through all 3 novels.

It's more like FSN rather than 999/VLR/DR.


Current KS Status
2,963 backers
$486,211 pledged of $250,000 goal
34 days to go

Vita incoming before this week ends.


Someone mentioned the Vita stretch goal would be reached today, I guess that person was right. There is a good chance they'll get their today, or tomorrow at the latest.
The Kickstarter is starting to hit a slump, it's only done about 2k in the last 12 hours despite being close to the next stretch goal. Hopefully it will regain enough momentum to still get to 720k.


The Kickstarter is starting to hit a slump, it's only done about 2k in the last 12 hours despite being close to the next stretch goal. Hopefully it will regain enough momentum to still get the 720k.

Which makes me glad they lowered the Vita stretch goal to 500k.
The only thing I know about Muv-Luv is what I caught in a Youtube compilation vid revolving around anime characters
getting eaten alive
. Why I watched it I do not know.


With the usual pushes toward the end and the money coming through the life of the KS, I'm not too worried about the 720k goal now.


Nice. Hopefully with the news that a Vita version is coming, enough publicity is made (news outlets reporting it) and a bit of momentum is regained. It's not particularly hard to reach the $720,000 stretch goal anymore, it just needs to average $6,642 a day for the rest of the kickstarter to make it and with a good enough final push, it'll easily reach it.
I really wonder why Android was a choice there vs iOS considering normally game/app revenue is higher on iOS as a platform. Also, VNs lend themselves to tablets and iPad is far more popular then any Andtoid tablet in the West.
AFAIK, Apple limits the number of codes you can generate for an app. Hence, distributing the Kickstarter edition of any iOS app practically impossible. Meanwhile, you can simply redistribute the APK for the Android version.
From the latest update:
We’ve also had a number of users express concern with DRM on the physical boxes. We took a look at our current DRM setup and while not intrusive, it doesn't really add anything to the experience so we’ve decided to go DRM free for the physical releases. You’re putting your faith in us with this Kickstarter and we want to pay that back.


Degica for best publisher of 2015.

Between this and shmups, Degica's going to be getting a lot of my money in the next few months. :p

That'd mean they'd lose people wanting to pledge and get a Vita copy. If they're smart, they will announce it before the Kickstarter is over.

We already know the price. You have to pay a minimum of $150. Unless you mean the retail price.


Hope they do it better than Sekai in regards to the Vita version.

If they're going to do physical, they should do what they did for Retro City Rampage / Ar nosurge Plus and do a limited print run.
So the $60 tier is the one that gets me all three titles it looks like.

I don't have $150 to shell out to get that Vita tier anytime soon, so I may just do the $60 one and get the Vita versions later as standard purchases.
They'd be crazy to not offer the Vita for less than the $150 tier. The question is whether or not it will be an add-on or if they'll adjust the existing tiers to give platform options.


Well since I'm going for $150 anyways I guess I'll have the Vita version even if I won't use it. :p

You can always sell it
or give it to someone who'll only play the Vita version, like me!

They'd be crazy to not offer the Vita for less than the $150 tier. The question is whether or not it will be an add-on or if they'll adjust the existing tiers to give platform options.

That's exactly what I mean.
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