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Democratic Primary Debate V

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The body language is interesting here. During Sanders answer you could see Clinton looking and listening to him as he spoke. He can barely look at her and keeps looking like he wants to interrupt her.
Welp, Obama is a progressive (who Bernie has some disagreements with) and Hillary being a moderate is not a problem in Bernie's eyes either. Good on him for at acknowledging how good a job the democratic party has done since the 08 recession.


Hillary has been pretty liberal over her political career. I don't get these attacks.
If someone were to go back in time and tell me in the 90s that Hillary would be attacked in this manner, I would've laaaaaaughed with incredulity. It's still remarkable to see.
How is Obama a progressive and Clinton isn't? It's worth noting she had a more liberal voting record than him in the senate.

Sanders is sticking to the exact same talking points he always uses. It doesn't work in a debate against a good debater.


Yeah she flubbed, but her debate one on one is strong and unfortunately for Bernie, she is probably better than him. He has to be on his A game against Hillary.


No Scrubs
Welp, Obama is a progressive and Hillary being a moderate is not a problem in Bernie's eyes either. Good on him for at acknowledging how good a job the democratic party has done since the 08 recession.

Except that Hillary's more liberal than Obama. This was true back in 2008 as well.

Bernie, what does fundraising have to do with the question? Did I miss something?

"self proclaimed gate keepers of progressivism"
Fuck off, he was answering a question he accurately labeled you a moderate.

Yes, the Senator with the 11th most liberal voting record during her time in office is totally not a progressive.


How is Obama a progressive and Clinton isn't? It's worth noting she had a more liberal voting record than him in the senate.

Sanders is sticking to the exact same talking points he always uses. It doesn't work in a debate against a good debater.

Hillary is more of a hawk. But yeah you're right.
Hillary: “I know a lot of hard-fighting progressives in the Democratic Party” - no, you don’t, because there certainly aren’t “a lot”


Would you accept Hillary's reasons for voting for the Iraq war then?

No. If waiting for the discovery of WMD while the threat of invasion dangled overhead, it's just wrong.

CNN also called her claims false in the fact check on it. Cant find the link I had earlier though...


sanders could go at hillary like a pitbull to a postmans throat, but he never seems to use that cutting edge or respond well spontaneously. I feel like he does not improv well.


Sanders is getting a bit unstuck here in trying to frame Clinton as not a progressive but Obama and many of the Democrats as progressives.


Hillary's face lol

You can see it on her face

"why the fuck are we talking about sanders' history this is fucking bullshit i should be president already grrrrrrr"
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