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Destiny 2 Clan Recruitment and Info Thread


PS4 and potential PC player here looking for clan. :)

Also, I've just hit level 3 and I'm looking for someone to play the campaign with. My friend wouldn't wait for me and decided to play solo.
I too would like to join up with a clan. I'm a PS4 player in Chicago (CDT), usually around for late night sessions.
All regions, both PS4 and PC platforms, non stop speed, violence, and wiping. Come come come
Feel free to join. We have a good mix of both platforms going. Once in game clan list works it'll be easier to group up for stuff.


Just sent a request to DGAF Xbox (like everyone else on this page apparently!!)

gt: D Money Skillns

Hopefully see you all out there!


Junior Member
Hi the default DestinyGAF Xbox clan is open, just please post your gamertag here so we know to accept you.

Also a message to anyone/everyone requesting to join a clan...PLEASE post here so that we know your gamertag and can quickly accept.

Double also - quote the OP to get the invite link for the discord chat/app. It's open to everyone and is the best place for cross platform chat and banter.

Just requested to join DestinyGAF Xbox. GT: Lucifonz.

See you guys in game :D

Progenitor is looking for more players on Xbox One. We're a laid back clan that's been around since the early days of Destiny and cleared pretty much everything D1 had to offer. We'll be focusing primarily on PvE but we'll take players of all kinds. With the benefits of being in a clan in D2 being so prominent, were looking for anyone that can hold their own in the Destiny, is generally a decent person and wants to play D2 for an extended period of time.

Click the image above to join. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. See you all in-game!

Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Joined. Name is BurnzBrothers.

I need ppl to play with 😣
Anyone still recruiting? I'm on Ps4 for now (pSN: PhoenixAsure) PVE focus though the occasional crucible doesn't hurt (no mic on ps4 but i do have discord)



Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Also, please post here so I know who is joining.

Cornbread's memory is faulty. That said, get back to the clan.

How are people still signing up? It shows that it is full.

Clans for a Finn, ps4-player?

Anyone still recruiting? I'm on Ps4 for now (pSN: PhoenixAsure) PVE focus though the occasional crucible doesn't hurt (no mic on ps4 but i do have discord)

Look up. Knight and Pandora are good peeps for dealibg with my inept warlock jumps, lol.


Just requested to join DestinyGAF Xbox. GT: Lucifonz.

See you guys in game :D

Polite request sent to join DestinyGAF Xbox.

Hope other EU players are joining too :)

GT: WithoutAClue

I would be very happy to join DestinyGAF Xbox and have sent a request. GT: rh1ne


Up to 86 now, spots are getting taken up fast. If you have requested to join and haven't been accepted yet please PM me here and let me know your Bungie/XBL name so I can accept you.
Right now I have 10 people pending and I don't know who they are.



Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Also, please post here so I know who is joining.

Just sent a request to join. Haven't been posting in the Destiny forums here much, but I've been following very closely and am pumped to get playing tonight.

EDIT: Oh, PSN is casselld. Ooops!


Good looking out. Besides, I loved watching you try to jump. There were times I had to mute my mic so you wouldn't hear me laughing too much.


Not my fault, lol. I'm going to second a titan this tine, lol.

Anywho, hopefully more peeps fill up your roster with GAF Gold and NeoGAF full...



Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Also, please post here so I know who is joining.

Tried to apply for DGAF, but got a message that the clan is full :(

Right above ya is a good choice

Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Also, please post here so I know who is joining.

Cornbread's memory is faulty. That said, get back to the clan.

Sent a request to join!


Neo Member

Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Also, please post here so I know who is joining.

Cornbread's memory is faulty. That said, get back to the clan.

Sent a Request



Thanks for approving me for DESTINYGAF PC || US 2. Got the digital deluxe pre-ordered and will be playing tons. Most of my friends got in on Xbox so It'll be nice to have some fire support!

Up to 86 now, spots are getting taken up fast. If you have requested to join and haven't been accepted yet please PM me here and let me know your Bungie/XBL name so I can accept you.
Right now I have 10 people pending and I don't know who they are.

Can you approve me, please? Tag is backflip10019. Thank you!!

Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Also, please post here so I know who is joining.

Cornbread's memory is faulty. That said, get back to the clan.

Sent a req. PSN is Dr_PoopMonster

Hey guys, I have a PS4 clan set up and we have plenty of room. Anyone is welcome.
It's mostly US gaf, but our founder is a EU guy, so we are pretty flexible with meeting times. We pretty much do everything, but PvE is the main focus. I mainly set up raids and will usually post them up on the DGaf OT. While PvE is the main focus, we do enjoy our share of PvP. Mainly events like Iron Banner and Trials.

Just click the image to join.

Also, please post here so I know who is joining.

Cornbread's memory is faulty. That said, get back to the clan.

I just sent a request to join. PSN: CrowdChant

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