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Destiny |OT15| What Cheese May Come


Hey all - trying to form a group for tonight. Would like a laid back casual group. Would love to go out around 8 or 8:30 EST ideally.

Only thing is I'd like to run the sword. I'm a 32 Titan but didn't get it done on my first try last week - had a few wipes as I was getting used to it (mostly escaping) and I sensed at least some members of the team wanting to get it done so I let someone else handle it, but I'd really like to try killing him. So some patience would be appreciated. Shouldn't be too bad and I've got some pointers, but wanted to be upfront.

Let me know if you want in. Depending on response now, might report closer to 8, but let me know if interested.

1. Schwagger15 (spyder_ur) - 32 Titan
2. Dazzler (DazzlerIE) - 31 Titan
3. Coconut (KrugerrandMan) 31 hunter

Seeing if there are any other takers - otherwise will fill it out later tonight.


Sounds good, haven't heard from many others (most groups form up very quickly) so I will save you a spot and grab others closer to gametime tonight.

perfect, just invite me when it's a go. I'll be on for about three hours from 7.30 EST onwards, but I'll have to bail at 10.30
I've been spending a lot of time leveling my alts, and with the Fatebringer I got a couple of weeks ago. I'm currently lvl 31/30/29. With passing some weapons around, I think this might be my first week of doing nightfall x3. I sure do wish there was an easier way of trading between alts than going to the damned tower every time though.


I'm not a fan of charge weapons of any kind including the ones in Halo. Just never liked them but yea, way too fucking OP. The only guns that piss me off.

I also personally despise fusion rifles. They take zero skill to use in PvP if you have a super fast charge on it...

...having said that, my normal PvP group has loads of fun using No Land Beyond/Light of the Abyss combo.

They key is only go for the first NLB shot, if you miss or don't get a headshot, swap to LotA. It's hilarious to see a six man fireteam popping the first shot and then see a wave of fusion blasts hit an enemy.
They know that people would complain if there wasn't at least one piece of light 36 gear but they don't want to invalidate too many pieces of Raid gear just yet.

I don't like to rely on drops, I like to buy my shit, I'm more pro-customization than pro-chance

E92 M3

XCOM: Enemy Within is 10 dollars on LIVE - I've wanted that game for so long. Perfect price, but when will I play it with Destiny in my schedule???


Numbers people, excluding bounties and buffs how many IB matches would it take to reach the required rank to buy Gauntlets?

It's 2400 rep points to level in IB if you did one bounty every match it would take about one hundred matches or so to level it up right it's level four for iron banner right?

Seeing if there are any other takers - otherwise will fill it out later tonight.

I can get into it PSN KrugerrandMan 31 hunter.
Numbers people, excluding bounties and buffs how many IB matches would it take to reach the required rank to buy Gauntlets?

A shit ton. Always use the buff, if you're going to grind it a bunch, wait till the weekend when the buff is massive. I'm trying to get to 2 or 3 before the weekend, then I'm going to play it exclusively until rank 5. I absolutely need that hand cannon.
I have over 100 Motes. I'm gonna buy that IB rocket launcher than re-roll that thing until I am satisfied, either Tripod or Horseshoes and I will not give up until I get Field Scout




Not sure what to do with these. The base stats of the RH are superior, but I prefer the perks of the TDYD.

RH: Performance Bonus, Feeding Frenzy, Perfect Balance vs Send It
TDYD: Return to Sender, Third Eye, Armor-Piercing Rounds vs Field Scout

And then there's also Timur's Lash, which I don't have yet. Decisions, decisions.
Hey does anyone want to do a quick run through of daily/weekly/nightfall with me?

Just a warning I am only a 29 warlock so you might be carrying me through nightfall a little
Is it realistic in one week to try to get to IB Rank 5 to buy the Hand Cannon?

Also, is the HC any good?
Yes, it's doable. the best is to load up will bounties and hope that clear as many as possible daily. The easy ones for sure can be cleared daily.

If you got Suros Regime, then that is your best bet to get Headshots with an Auto rifle.

A stable Machine Gun is always preferred for the MG bounty

Stability Stability Stability


Think I'll switch back to Suros just to kill every HC/FR guy I see in PVP this week. It's time to bring the king back.


Dear DestinyGAF, don't make me do the Weekly Heroic solo again, it was so boring hiding and taking pot shots at everything until I finished </3
Got 3 for Iron Banner right now, anyone else want to join up?

Drdrizzay101: "No worries" Cool as a cucumber I bet even if we were doing a flawless.

lol great post Colonel, I usually stay pretty cool... outside of Crucible where I tend to rage pretty hard. I need to start muting my mic so I can really rage out from time to time and get it out of my system.


Had fun with Destiny today so I decided to play VoG for fun. Picked up the Fatebringer. I heard about it, saw it, but thought that besides when there is Arc Burn my other Handcannon was better/good enough.

Holy shit this is like having infinite Golden Gun ammo.

Atm it does 50% LESS damage than my 331 Handcannon, but tbh I think my other one is no longer needed in any situation.


Not sure what to do with these. The base stats of the RH are superior, but I prefer the perks of the TDYD.

RH: Performance Bonus, Feeding Frenzy, Perfect Balance vs Send It
TDYD: Return to Sender, Third Eye, Armor-Piercing Rounds vs Field Scout

And then there's also Timur's Lash, which I don't have yet. Decisions, decisions.

That Red Hand would be my choice.

Higher impact , Feeding Frenzy and Send It.

Third Eye is cool, but I prefer reloading vs. seeing the radar while ADS. Red Hand will be able to one shot level 32 enemies which makes a world of difference.
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