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Destiny |OT33| Hey Luke, What's the Theme for King's Fall? (Unmarked Spoilers)


None of the adept Osiris or harrowed Oryx weapons that have been datamined have elemental. They're all 310 in the database, though. They're both black versions of the weapons.

Do you still need to get to the Lighthouse to get these adept weapons, I know in yesterdays weekly update they said you can get gear drops after winning matches.


Top of page, shoutout to mah Holy Diver Bro's
To be perfectly honest with you, while I'm sure it has a lot of potential good, I'm not certain how we're meant to be using it yet at all. I could use a tutorial.

I imagine it's a way to post what you're doing, and kind of use it as an LFG. You can very easily invite people to voice chats through it. That's the only thing I can think of.


Cross posting from the TTK OT

Are there any gaffers who recently purchased the game and running the old content? I'm looking to buy it next week, but I need some people to play with..

If you're buying TTK, you get an item that will boost one character to level 25, where the TTK content starts
What's everyone up to this morning? Nothing much you say? How about a quick run through the raid? Apparently the quest I had to kill raid stuffs was for ToM, and now I have another quest to kill raid stuffs.

1. Not the leader
Why are the collector's edition shaders class specific?

The Hunter one is beautiful and perfect for any class. It's a deep purple with touches of black. Subtle and refined. I want it for my Defender so bad. There are a lot of purple shaders in the game, but they're all atrocious. Bright Purple, or combined with Teal or garish Yellow or worse, tiger stripes. It sucks the best purple (read: Void) shader in the game is locked to Hunters, for no reason.

No moar spolier tags yay

Oryx is a girl!

True story.

They successfully retconned an explanation for why Wizards aren't called Witches. The Hive are gender fluid!
Second engram was a 310 Graviton Forfeit. Xur, what a guy.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
No moar spolier tags yay

Oryx is a girl!

True story.

Oryx was a girl. The way I understand it was that for the Pre-hive krill species that Oryx (Aurash) and her sisters belonged to, gender/sex was and rank/position were hard-linked, and once Aurash underwent the king morph to become King Auryx, she became male. The same applies to the post-krill Hive, Thralls become Acolytes, and at that point they either become knights (male) or wizards (female).

Edit: lol, just looked at Xur's goods for the week. I don't play hunter and already have immolation fists and heart of praxic fire. I guess its all 3oC all day!
Yeah, Xur is basically useless for anything except 3oC now.

I'm not buying 280 crap and there's no reason to spend 19 coins on one engram when I can buy around 15 3oC instead.

Pretty much. I've been spending all my strange coins each week on 3oC. Buying 280 gear is not appealing at all and 19 coins on an engram that could be 290 isn't a good value proposition to me either.


Sorry for these noob questions!

Where can I find the daily and weekly story missions?

Where is xur?

Daily / weekly can be found when in orbit 'Set Destination' then there are a number or small round icons in the bottom left of the screen.

Xur is in the tower near where the speaker is
On the mission you first land on the dreadnaught and have too take out the cannons, i kinda made a wrong turn and went to the shrine of oryx.
What the fuck is that.. big ass knight and 2 wizards come out.. kicked my ass.


Gross. :(

Eris Morn is the best character. She has some backstory, motives, mystery and intrigue all within her.

Cayde is just comic relief.

Yeah, she is has more depth. Im pretty sure she is infected with the same worm as the hive.


Yo, that daily mission, why can't we learn that spell Eris used to teleport us from Crota's throne room? I don't give a fuck about whether or not using it will taint me with the darkness, that sort of power is just too good to pass up.

Hopefully in later Destiny games we get given the choice to side with the Deep and we get cool powers like that, because the powers of the Sky pale in comparison.


Wait. Who's doing flawless on the 10th again? I mean I know I'm the one who chose that date and Drizzay says he's coming.


I'm glad Polygon called out the subpar King's Fall loot system. Sometimes I wonder if human beings make some of the design decisions in Destiny or if it's an AI designed to waste our playing time.

I'm sorry if that sounded harsh, but that's how I feel about some of the things in this game.


slept with Malkin
was anyone else psyched for those gauntlets from xur?

basically inmost light for sunbreakers

I got them as a drop from draxis farming before the nerf. Have yet to even try them. Hopefully this week I can get a Taikonaut from an engram though, or some 310 infusion fuel.
Yo, that daily mission, why can't we learn that spell Eris used to teleport us from Crota's throne room? I don't give a fuck about whether or not using it will taint me with the darkness, that sort of power is just too good to pass up.

Hopefully in later Destiny games we get given the choice to side with the Deep and we get cool powers like that, because the powers of the Sky pale in comparison.

Nobody wants another Dredgen Yor.


Formerly Gizmowned
So someone suggest over on Reddit that the first heroic weekly you should aim for a certain strike due to the first guaranteed legendary could drop are the Dark Blade helm or something else.

Anyone noticed or tried?


Thus far, King's Fall has been as stingy as VoG for me. Still waiting for the LMG that will never drop!

I got that last night on the warpriest (first drop). I really like it. Its quite easy to get a whole clip of precision headshots


I'm glad Polygon called out the subpar King's Fall loot system. Sometimes I wonder if human beings make some of the design decisions in Destiny or if it's an AI designed to waste our playing time.

I'm sorry if that sounded harsh, but that's how I feel about some of the things in this game.

I read that article and was kind of put off by the writer's whole attitude. I didn't agree with most of it. I think Luke said it best with his comments about getting to 310. "there's no meaningful progression content above 300 for you right now so being 307 or 308 in week 2 doesn't really matter in terms of power (vertical) progression".


So someone suggest over on Reddit that the first heroic weekly you should aim for a certain strike due to the first guaranteed legendary could drop are the Dark Blade helm or something else.

Anyone noticed or tried?

The first does drop a legendary. But I think those specific items are a possible extra drop. I got both a legendary engram + Does not Bow against Taniks and it was on 36.
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