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[Destructoid] Leaked photo of NX controller?

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Of course they are.

Now, investing tons of money in R&D to develop a new iteration of their console simply based on pure speculations that the NX will be powerful, and Nintendo getting back into the raw computing power race after being absent from it for two generations of home consoles, would be quite a dumb move for Sony/Microsoft, from a business standpoint.

Oh yeah, I mostly agree on that as well.
MS/Sony would have other plans if NX was powerful, and would plan their next console instead.
MS' plan is something different that actually follows their internal strategy since many years, Sony's one is a bit too vague/unclear to be sure what 4.5 is meant to be (the 4k gaming rumor is ridiculous, more likely including the VR stuff from the start, 4k output for blurays and other global improvements).

Eolz yes my point exactly and now its Nintendo who will lead again!

Well, it's still way too early to say that (and even if they did, we'd get some stupid arguments to make it not count like some people do with the wii).
At least for Japan and what's left of the handheld market worldwide, it's easy to see who would lead that.


Oh, no doubt they are! :p
But Nintendo seems to have a market (and ambitions) of its own, with little overlap. So even though they're watching, the competition may have little reason for concern (at least so far).


They decided to have a league of their own as soon as they made the Wii an overclocked gamecube with motion controls.

They stood by this stance when making the Wii U still underpowered compared to Sony's and Microsoft's current home consoles.

No way Sony or Microsoft are heavily invested into R&D, and making a generation .5, because of NX rumored to be powerful.
Not if they have already found out nintendos plans plus as i have said in other thread, Sony dropped the bomb with letting Cerny develop ps4 now they need to make a new one because he could not be as blue sky thinking as ken kutaragi and he only thought about getting something out quick . Now that has bit him back.
Nintendo have had nx is planning for years and dont have game developers making their machines unless they have the calibre of miyamoti or iwati.

Time will tell.
Not if they have already found out nintendos plans plus as i have said in other thread, Sony dropped the bomb with letting Cerny develop ps4 now they need to make a new one because he could not be as blue sky thinking as ken kutaragi and he only thought about getting something out quick . Now that has bit him back.
Nintendo have had nx is planning for years and dont have game developers making their machines unless they have the calibre of miyamoti or iwati.

Time will tell.
I'm pretty sure Sony is fine with PS4 numbers, Cerny's job and Kutaragi being far away.
The most surprising thing about this thread is that anyone thinks Sony would be worried about Nintendo. The days of direct competition between the two have long since gone.


No way Sony or Microsoft are heavily invested into R&D, and making a generation .5, because of NX rumored to be powerful.

I am sorry but no I don't think so.

the Only reason MS started with this talk is because they want something that can beat the PS4 graphics wise and still play the current gen xbox games.

Sony saw this move and they don't want their PS4 to be less powerful. ( specially against Microsoft since they are the only direct competitors )

if Sony knows that MS wont be releasing Xbox 1.5, they wouldn't have bothered. nothing to do with Nintendo since this thing will never catch up in sales with the PS4 and Xbox One ( mid generation ) . 2 more years and we would have probably got a PS5 and Xbox Two if MS didn't start thinking of the incremental HW updates.

if Sony was afraid of Nintendo, they would just lower the price of the system to 300$ or 250$.

Sony doesn't really ( or any company for that matter ) will invest in new R&D when you are the leader of the generation and making the maximum profit . they were not afraid of MS during the original Xbox and Nintendo Gamecube. they knew no one would come close. Same thing is happening here really it's not that to figure out..

This time though, Microsoft isn't way far behind Sony and the later knows that too. that's why you are hearing about a PS4.5

which console you think the average user will buy ?a PS4 or an updated Xbox 1.5 that plays all the Xbox one games and more powerful system with enhanced features to the their current games ( example run games @ 60fps)
Not if they have already found out nintendos plans plus as i have said in other thread, Sony dropped the bomb with letting Cerny develop ps4 now they need to make a new one because he could not be as blue sky thinking as ken kutaragi and he only thought about getting something out quick . Now that has bit him back.
Nintendo have had nx is planning for years and dont have game developers making their machines unless they have the calibre of miyamoti or iwati.

Time will tell.

U wot mate? None of the above makes any sense to me whatsoever.
You know what your correct i am a fan of Nintendo as much as i used to be for Sony , I bought ps1;ps2? Ps3. Now ps4! And all the shitty extras like move, eyetoy, steering wheel, so i have a big past with playstation but then i found wii u. Never had nintendo before then .
Had wii u since 2004 and i am a huge gamer, i loved arcades and nintendo reminded me of what made games great! The passion of making fun and accessible experiences. So yes your correct.

Nintendo nx will make sony and microsoft sit up and take notice i am certain of that.

Just think of what potential games are to come out on a unified platform. All the different 1st and 2nd party nintendo developers that have been quiet of late.

So yes i am excited for this reveal.
The most surprising thing about this thread is that anyone thinks Sony would be worried about Nintendo. The days of direct competition between the two have long since gone.

Yeah, as mentioned before there's virtually no overlap between customer bases. If the Wii has proven anything, it's that even a super successful Nintendo console is just as irrelevant to Sony and MS as a poorly selling one is.


The most surprising thing about this thread is that anyone thinks Sony would be worried about Nintendo. The days of direct competition between the two have long since gone.

I would love Nintendo to get back into this with a blast though.
But it's highly unlikely, watch how the NX will trade some of its raw power to allow for yet another gimmick, and in the process completely alienate third party support.

A "classic" console from Nintendo (I mean, similar to Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4), with classic controls (gamecube-like controller), current gen hardware and features (online system, achievements/trophies) and a bit of future proofing (the SCD and cloud based computation shared between users), would be a home run for Nintendo.

The casual gamer market they continued to effortlessly chase all this time, long after it moved to other systems (mainly mobile/tablet gaming), is gone now. Time for Nintendo to get back to the type of consumers who, generations after generations, have continued to support traditionnal gaming, the core-gaming audience.

This is just my opinion though, but I want to see GAF reactions thread being unanimously positive and excited after a new hardware announcement from Nintendo...
Nintendo have not let me down yet with controllers etc that they just drop like sony with move etc.

I know nx wont be bc but i dont want it to be. I want nx to be as ppowerful as they can make it.

Plus i hear it will be able to somehow upgrade.

I look forward to e3


This is just another way to say "fuck you" to the third party support, but I guess that we should have accepted that with Nintendo long long time ago.
Oh, no doubt they are! :p
But Nintendo seems to have a market (and ambitions) of its own, with little overlap. So even though they're watching, the competition may have little reason for concern (at least so far).
They thought that about the Wii and it bit them in the ass big time, Sony called the Wii note a lollipop and everything they were caught with their pants down and I doubt they will allow that to happen again even if people think it's unlikely.
Manoko i agree but i think from what i have been told is that we wont be disappointed and if this is bull i will kick them everywhere when the reveal is done.

Can i ask what do u consider getting back to hardcore gaming?


They thought that about the Wii and it bit them in the ass big time, Sony called the Wii note a lollipop and everything they were caught with their pants down and I doubt they will allow that to happen again even if people think it's unlikely.

The PS3 may not have sold as much units as the Wii, but I'm certain Sony ended up very happy with how it worked out.
The problem Sony had was getting traction with the PS3 due to its extremely high cost, not different market appeal. And in the market side of things, they ended up being right. Both could coexist as they had different appeals.
A "classic" console from Nintendo (I mean, similar to Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4), with classic controls (gamecube-like controller), current gen hardware and features (online system, achievements/trophies) and a bit of future proofing (the SCD and cloud based computation shared between users), would be a home run for Nintendo.

This would be the last thing Nintendo should be doing, honestly. Anyone thinking that yet another samey console would do well when the PS4 alone has that market on lockdown is utterly delusional. Also, we do not need another mid-range PC masquerading as a console. We already have two of those, for God's sake.

I'd rather have Nintendo try new things than perpetuate the stagnation that is the dualshock 'standard'.




I'm sorry.
I was in the realm of thinking this was definetly real but nintendo went nuts when wiiu controller was leaked, cease or decease was sent out almost immediately however if its been done deliberatly then! This would explain why thread is not closed. Or yes it is fake !


I do not like the controller because I hate imprecise touchscreen controls. And the Wii-U shows that a controller can be responsible for the failure of a system.

But the image displayed, could it be the Final Fantasy XV Agnis Philosophy tech demo? The blue shaded stones look exactly the same.



I do not like the controller because I hate imprecise touchscreen controls. And the Wii-U shows that a controller can be responsible for the failure of a system.

But the image displayed, could it be the Final Fantasy XV Agnis Philosophy tech demo? The blue shaded stones look exactly the same.


The image has already been proven to come from this Unreal Engine 4 mobile demo (6 / 7 seconds in)
I was in the realm of thinking this was definetly real but nintendo went nuts when wiiu controller was leaked, cease or decease was sent out almost immediately however if its been done deliberatly then! This would explain why thread is not closed. Or yes it is fake !

I think everyone's concluded it's fake. The waiting for the reveal of the NX is getting harder though. I hope they don't wait until E3.
Candensense fully agree but it also has to be something 3rd parties like. However according to what i have heard and what other priviledged 3rd parties who saw nx last e3 they also approved.


This would be the last thing Nintendo should be doing, honestly. Anyone thinking that yet another samey console would do well when the PS4 alone has that market on lockdown is utterly delusional. Also, we do not need another mid-range PC masquerading as a console. We already have two of those, for God's sake.

I'd rather have Nintendo try new things than perpetuate the stagnation that is the dualshock 'standard'.

Nintendo would do well on that market (well, reasonnably well, considering they were absent from it for two generations) because their first-party is unrivaled.

This is also why I think that Nintendo games would do wonders if they were sold on PS4/Xbox One.


I am sorry but no I don't think so.

the Only reason MS started with this talk is because they want something that can beat the PS4 graphics wise and still play the current gen xbox games.

Sony saw this move and they don't want their PS4 to be less powerful. ( specially against Microsoft since they are the only direct competitors )

if Sony knows that MS wont be releasing Xbox 1.5, they wouldn't have bothered. nothing to do with Nintendo since this thing will never catch up in sales with the PS4 and Xbox One ( mid generation ) . 2 more years and we would have probably got a PS5 and Xbox Two if MS didn't start thinking of the incremental HW updates.

if Sony was afraid of Nintendo, they would just lower the price of the system to 300$ or 250$.

Sony doesn't really ( or any company for that matter ) will invest in new R&D when you are the leader of the generation and making the maximum profit . they were not afraid of MS during the original Xbox and Nintendo Gamecube. they knew no one would come close. Same thing is happening here really it's not that to figure out..

This time though, Microsoft isn't way far behind Sony and the later knows that too. that's why you are hearing about a PS4.5

which console you think the average user will buy ?a PS4 or an updated Xbox 1.5 that plays all the Xbox one games and more powerful system with enhanced features to the their current games ( example run games @ 60fps)

You just misread my post.
We are in agreement.
Nintendo have not let me down yet with controllers etc that they just drop like sony with move etc.

I know nx wont be bc but i dont want it to be. I want nx to be as ppowerful as they can make it.

Plus i hear it will be able to somehow upgrade.

I look forward to e3

The controllers on the Wii were a disaster. Having to buy batteries for them is a huge hidden cost and of course the kids broke the battery cover right away.

I could buy several NX if it's $200, but none if it's expensive and you need to buy adapters, batteries and extra peripherals.

E3 should be interesting.
The PS3 may not have sold as much units as the Wii, but I'm certain Sony ended up very happy with how it worked out.
The problem Sony had was getting traction with the PS3 due to its extremely high cost, not different market appeal. And in the market side of things, they ended up being right. Both could coexist as they had different appeals.
I agree, but they didn't talk like that at first initially it was lol Nintendo how people do now when Nintendo releases something quirky, after it started taking off they changed how they felt about it and the second outlook as you said was correct.


Manoko i agree but i think from what i have been told is that we wont be disappointed and if this is bull i will kick them everywhere when the reveal is done.

Can i ask what do u consider getting back to hardcore gaming?

What you have been told ?
You have believable informed sources ?

Back to hardcore gaming for me would simply be to stop targetting an audience that is non-gamer.
So, no fun-for-a-time but not precise and limiting gimmicks, an architecture in line with its time to allow for third party support, an online service in line with the competition (things like voice chat for example (that are OS-based, not game based), which were absent from games like Splatoon for example, because Nintendo wants to be so inclusive of everyone that they frown upon features that would harm/scare children. By the way, a parental control system would have solved the problem for this).

Among other things.
I do not like the controller because I hate imprecise touchscreen controls. And the Wii-U shows that a controller can be responsible for the failure of a system.

But the image displayed, could it be the Final Fantasy XV Agnis Philosophy tech demo? The blue shaded stones look exactly the same.

I would blame Nintendo's third party support for that, over the controller.

The controller can be ignored but not too many creators are willing to build a special game or special version of a game for one platform and only that platform. When Nintendo built a weaker system, that's exactly what they were asking of publishers and developers. Most of them said "no".


The controllers on the Wii were a disaster. Having to buy batteries for them is a huge hidden cost and of course the kids broke the battery cover right away.

I could buy several NX if it's $200, but none if it's expensive and you need to buy adapters, batteries and extra peripherals.

E3 should be interesting.

Huge hidden cost? A battery charger and a pack of eneloops will cost you around $20.
What you have been told ?
You have believable informed sources ?

Back to hardcore gaming for me would simply be to stop targetting an audience that is non-gamer.
So, no fun-for-a-time but not precise and limiting gimmicks, an architecture in line with its time to allow for third party support, an online service in line with the competition (things like voice chat for example (that are OS-based, not game based), which were absent from games like Splatoon for example, because Nintendo wants to be so inclusive of everyone that they frown upon features that would harm/scare children. By the way, a parental control system would have solved the problem for this).

Among other things.

The harming children thing is what makes me laugh the most. They may have had a point in the gamecube error and looked kind of old fashion for the wii, but in 2016 worrying about children interacting online is ridiculous. Culturally we've already found an answer to that, and it's on the parents. In a world were every 12 year old has a facebook, twitter, instagram, smartphone and whatever the hell else it looks ridiculous to be as conservative as Nintendo is.


What you have been told ?
You have believable informed sources ?

Back to hardcore gaming for me would simply be to stop targetting an audience that is non-gamer.
So, no fun-for-a-time but not precise and limiting gimmicks, an architecture in line with its time to allow for third party support, an online service in line with the competition (things like voice chat for example (that are OS-based, not game based), which were absent from games like Splatoon for example, because Nintendo wants to be so inclusive of everyone that they frown upon features that would harm/scare children. By the way, a parental control system would have solved the problem for this).

Among other things.

xsapeguy2014 has been making sufficiently vague statements about NX from his 'sources' that he cannot know any details on NX, but enough to make claims of being 'new and exciting'. It walks a fine line between needing to get Bish verified for sources and not knowing anything at all. He has been singing this same tune for a month or two now. In summary, nothing is known.


I believe also that Sony doesn't fear Nintendo. It even will do them good if nx succeed.

*You have the whole mobile game industry.
*Ms wil focus more on pc and hololens. Will there be a next xbox? I doubt it.
*And all other upcoming vr companies.

It's a hard business for console and handheld, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to work together. Not like having together one system, but rather to keep their console/handheld alive.
That's a little huge for me but i totally dig it, what about a vita sized one?

sorry for the rushed job and the PS buttons but it's just to get the idea, imo there's no need for touchscreen-only buttons.

Well, I didn't meant for the size, more like the concept. Of course Vita sized would be top notch. I couldn't find a mock up about that though.
With potential haptic feedback touchscreen buttons, isn't there still the problem that once you feel them, it already registered the touch as a button press? I don't see any possibility for the player to locate the button by feel without activating it.


Do people really think Sony is afraid of Nintendo? Pretty sure they're unafraid.

I don't think anyone seriously thinks that. They don't even compete in the same space anymore, and there's no reason to be afraid of a console without third party support regardless of how solid the first party is.
With potential haptic feedback touchscreen buttons, isn't there still the problem that once you feel them, it already registered the touch as a button press? I don't see any possibility for the player to locate the button by feel without activating it.

Good point indeed. This solution sounds so pathetic on every aspects :/
In the end, we're just trying to see if it could work like physical buttons... which already does a better job for far cheaper. This better be a fake.
With potential haptic feedback touchscreen buttons, isn't there still the problem that once you feel them, it already registered the touch as a button press? I don't see any possibility for the player to locate the button by feel without activating it.

you need pressure sensing, latest iphone has it.
The ideal situation without buttons will let you feel where they are, let you apply a certain pressure, then vibrating the screen directly in a waveform that simulates a click.
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