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[Destructoid] Leaked photo of NX controller?

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Membero Americo
What I meant by that is that he may be french, it may be a specific reference (or not) but people shouldn't link that to Ubi Casablanca. (Don't think it's Ubi Montpellier either for what it's worth)

Oh I just checked for shits and giggles.


The Ubisoft line of thought doesn't make sense to me. Why would they have a team of only 5 people working on this? If it was some smaller indie developer team (but a big name indie studio) I could believe it...
And even then I have my doubts Nintendo would distribute dev kits to such small teams, much less the kind of indie dev that would leak something this way.


The Ubisoft line of thought doesn't make sense to me. Why would they have a team of only 5 people working on this? If it was some smaller indie developer team (but a big name indie studio) I could believe it...
And even then I have my doubts Nintendo would distribute dev kits to such small teams, much less the kind of indie dev that would leak something this way.

R&D teams. Not "real" dev teams.
Hence why only 2-3 studios fit the bill if it was from Ubisoft.


If we're to believe the supposed release timeline for these devices, most dev teams would already be working directly for it, would they not?

Yes and no.
They can have a good idea (or more) of the hardware, just not necessarily advanced prototypes (or any at all) for "gimmicks"/special controllers.
On top of that, the job of R&D teams is to find new/good ideas to use this kind of stuff on top of trying to see what you could do or run on it.

Guy is also not clear, and could also talk of sub-teams (direct colleagues) in a bigger team, but I really doubt it.


This guy also mentions that this is not his office. He could be Moroccan himself and be visiting someone else, either within his own company or outside it.

Would make sense.
Wasn't Ubi Casablanca typically working on handhelds before though? Looks more like a console controller.
Edit: hmmm.
We don't know much about the thing so it's hard to say. But if this thing is streaming from the console and all that, it should have mostly the same tech as the Wii U pad, now with an added odd shaped and no doubt expensive screen in a smaller overall package. So that seems quite a lot more expensive even.
Considering that, maybe the portable system will be like this, and that it will seamlessly connect with the console. The technology sounds intriguing and cool in my opinion, but a mere controller with this tech would likely compromise the system in a similar way to what happened with the Wii U.


If we're to believe the supposed release timeline for these devices, most dev teams would already be working directly for it, would they not?

In a heavily multiplatform studio, most devs probably wouldn't need to work directly with console hardware. If they're smart, any platform specific code is isolated from the rest of the codebase.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He's back.

"The minimum" sounds like he definitely wants people to focus on that. Not sure why he'd comment on the number of people on the team. That would make it easier to find out who he is, right? Or at least the supposed team working on this.

Edit: Plot thickens.


Could be someone else impersonating him, but who knows. Contradictory information, though.

Isn't the image on the controller just from a UE4 demo? How is that from a game they are developing?


Isn't the image on the controller just from a UE4 demo? How is that from a game they are developing?

Yes, the image is from an Unreal demo. The 4Chan comments are definitely fake. The problem is, due to the nature of 4Chan, we have no idea if that was the same person as the original source.


Why the thread about this increasingly and obviously fake photo still going?

Well, some people are discussing the merits of the design itself.

In general, though, there's been no 100%, completely irrefutable evidence that shows it to be fake. We've got pretty solid evidence that it's probably fake, but nothing to really push it over the edge.


Unconfirmed Member
So it's a picture from an old tech demo, AND it's pretty much exactly based on the patent drawing.

That's more than enough for me to assume this is fake. Which is an extremely good thing.


Didn't read all the thread yet, but I have some thoughts flying in my mind about this "leak" (sorry if some of them are already stated):

-It's weird that Nintendo would send a early-looking prototype to third party developers in the same year the thing is supposedly launching. Weirder that the prototype reminds to an old patent (that usually are rough and sketchy). Some would think third parties should have a more advanced version of the controller/handheld: a prototype yes, but not one that looks like the first ever.

-It's also weird that this "leak" happened the same week as the GDC but the leaker tell us a not-so-convincing story that doesn't involve the conference, NDA rooms and such.

-The thing (I can't decide if this would be a Handheld or the controller for the Console) seems like something Nintendo would do and the materials used seems to be nice. If it's a fake, it is a very good one. The reactions are so similar to the ones when they revealed the DS, Wii Remote, Wii U that would lead me to believe this is real, lol.

-If this is indeed the controller for the NX console, some things Kimishima and other Nintendo executives said about NX seems off/lies: like having a completely different concept for NX (this seems Wii U deluxe).

-Also, that would imply other things that worries me: If this is a new GamePad, how many of them will run at the same time? If the console is powerful enough to run more than one, the power of the console won't be used for physics, lights, graphics,... And additional controllers will be expensive to get so few games will utilice them. If the console can run only one controller, they'll make other "classic" controllers or retro-compatibility, and that means more complications for games, gamers and developers. The same problems they apparently are trying to avoid with NX... Doesn't make any sense.

-The concept itself is very interesting and the more I think about the possibilities, the more I like it, but I'm worried about the chances this doesn't have physical buttons (not a fan in iOS games), and all the extra power goes mostly for drawing graphics in two HD screens. In a few years, Miyamoto will be singing the same song as with Star Fox Zero about poor CPU performance. Other problem they're supposedly addressing that they'd be repeating again.

-About the UE4 demo, there is something I don't understand (I'm not an expert :p): the image seems to be cropped from a larger frame, as some gaffer masterly showed us, the image fits perfectly, is just a plane image pasted. But, the controller in the leaked photo is in perspective so I think the image should be a bit deformed in the right area of the screen... a little curved perhaps.

-I like the possibilities of that design (it needs refinements like grips, at least two real buttons, maybe paddles in the back or analog triggers, and real sticks -not circle pad-), but I think this goes so against the "brand new concept" and "move away from Wii U" that it makes sense to be a very elaborated fake (maybe is real -old prototype, discarded concept, handheld-).

-The fact that a few days after nobody can prove/disprove the leak is a big BRAVO to the leaker/creator. But Nintendo must be very upset either way and I hope they decide to show its cards soon or this will get out of control, and they don't need another Nintendoom train before the NX is even unveiled.

(as always, apologies for my poor grammar :p trying to improve everyday)


Neo Member
The worst thing about this isn't the lack of buttons. It's the fact that it looks like a new Wii U controller. Nintendo has stated that they are moving away from the Wii branding with the NX, yet if they release this as part of the new console, the general public will do what they initially did with the Wii U and think that all it is is a new controller for the Wii U.


This is a red herring by Nintendo. The NX won't have a controller with a screen or a handheld with a screen that covers the entire device. The screen will have borders so the buttons can be placed and not be covered by thumbs.


The worst thing about this isn't the lack of buttons. It's the fact that it looks like a new Wii U controller. Nintendo has stated that they are moving away from the Wii branding with the NX, yet if they release this as part of the new console, the general public will do what they initially did with the Wii U and think that all it is is a new controller for the Wii U.

I don't think there will be much confusion so long as the name isn't New Wii U and the console itself isn't a nondescript black box like the Wii U is. I do think it'll have some stigma attached to it though as this thread clearly demonstrates. "Oh great another big controller with a screen in it."


I don't think there will be much confusion so long as the name isn't New Wii U and the console itself isn't a nondescript black box like the Wii U is. I do think it'll have some stigma attached to it though as this thread clearly demonstrates. "Oh great another big controller with a screen in it."

The patent specifically mentioned handheld, so isn't it pretty clear this is the NX handheld if its real? Especially because it runs a mobile tech demo.


Neo Member
I don't think there will be much confusion so long as the name isn't New Wii U and the console itself isn't a nondescript black box like the Wii U is. I do think it'll have some stigma attached to it though as this thread clearly demonstrates. "Oh great another big controller with a screen in it."

I don't think distancing themselves from the literal "Wii" name is enough. It needs to not look like a shiny, white oval-Wii controller.


The patent specifically mentioned handheld, so isn't it pretty clear this is the NX handheld if its real? Especially because it runs a mobile tech demo.

The patent looks like a controller and most people are assuming it as such. Maybe it is the handheld i dunno.

I don't think distancing themselves from the literal "Wii" name is enough. It needs to not look like a shiny, white oval-Wii controller.

I mean playstation and xbox basically have a slight variation of the same controller every gen and I don't see much confusion there, other than from the really casual folks. As long as the marketing message is clear I think it'll be fine. Journalists aren't going to question if NX is related to Wii U like they did with Wii U and Wii.


It's interesting to see that most of the reactions to this design are pretty negative, but they are all assuming it's a home console.

Let's hypothetically believe this is real, but it's actually a handheld system. How would you feel about it?
Yeah, where the confusion with the Wii U came from was the actual branding and Nintendo's immediate failure to not clarify that it's not just a Wii add-on in marketing.

This, on the other hand, would be difficult to immediately mistake as being associated with the Wii or Wii U. To the casual observer, it looks like an oval-shaped smartphone with a couple of sticks on the screen, the actual design looks much more "modern" despite being an obvious prototype. The shape and the fact that there's physical controls embedded in 'holes' in the screen would seem like a rather interesting novelty to most consumers, at least.


Junior Member
It's interesting to see that most of the reactions to this design are pretty negative, but they are all assuming it's a home console.

Let's hypothetically believe this is real, but it's actually a handheld system. How would you feel about it?

The same, no physical buttons and pointless gimmicky screen covered by your thumbs are completely and utterly pointless, it makes no difference whether you're playing it on the move or at home.


It's interesting to see that most of the reactions to this design are pretty negative, but they are all assuming it's a home console.

Let's hypothetically believe this is real, but it's actually a handheld system. How would you feel about it?

It still lacks buttons and a dpad, so still shit, but less of a problem because I'm not likely to buy their next handheld if the library is available on the console.
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