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[Destructoid] Leaked photo of NX controller?

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Wouldn't even be surprised if this was real, Nintendo gonna Nintendo. I'd love to be proven wrong but I fully expect the NX to be a mess.

This Nintendo gonna Nintendo bullshit is so idiotic. They have their own way and sometimes its good, sonetimes its bad but at least they try to do new things and not just as gimmick, no they try to change the whole way you play. That u ecpect the NX to be a mess is nice but what does that have to do with this controller? Maybe its the best piece of hardware your hands have ever feeled but because of "wah, wah stupid gimmick, bla bla" u will never hold it in your own hands.
Gamers should at least try new things before they shit on everything. Same with VR...how many hate it already but never tried it? DOA and shit like that? Gamers always say they want something new but when they get something delivered they are to shy to use it...


theres probably more gamers used to touch screen buttons at this point than ones that like physical buttons.


This thing is super fake btw.


How he dont know where its from? lol

And how does him not being able to get a picture because its not in his office means its fake?

I think its fake but the reasoning to debunk it is just as jank

it could be real. Maybe he just doesn't know.

Haha, I take the complete opposite view

Fake leakers have answers for everything. You catch them when they eventually contradict themselves or lie about something that can be proved

This guy doesn't have all the answers and he's honest about it. English is clearly not his first language so I'm more forgiving over some of the odder phrasings he's put forth
How do you get a dev kit in the mail, get something running on it, get materials, plan to develop etc. without even knowing what you got in/from who?


This Nintendo gonna Nintendo bullshit is so idiotic. They have their own way and sometimes its good, sonetimes its bad but at least they try to do new things and not just as gimmick, no they try to change the whole way you play. That u ecpect the NX to be a mess is nice but what does that have to do with this controller? Maybe its the best piece of hardware your hands have ever feeled but because of "wah, wah stupid gimmick, bla bla" u will never hold it in your own hands.
Gamers should at least try new things before they shit on everything. Same with VR...how many hate it already but never tried it? DOA and shit like that? Gamers always say they want something new but when they get something delivered they are to shy to use it...

majora's mask was something new. and it literally re-used the assets from the previous zelda. on the same console.

something new doesn't mean "new weird shitty input method". a traditional controller works just fine and has managed to provide new, awesome gaming experiences for the last 30+ years


That is certainly unique, very intriguing tech.

Seems like a major risk though, with regards to incorporating a screen into the controller again.

That will probably make it pricey.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
majora's mask was something new. and it literally re-used the assets from the previous zelda. on the same console.

something new doesn't mean "new weird shitty input method". a traditional controller works just fine and has managed to provide new, awesome gaming experiences for the last 30+ years

doesn't the ds at least show that there's still space left for different controllers to be good?


Seems fake.

  • The analog sticks don't even look like they move. There is no space between the ball and the rim. They look like nipples that are stuck on with double sided tape.
  • If you have time to write a note, why not take a proper photo at a good angle?
  • It looks like it would be impossible to hold.
Mostly because I kinda want it to be fake though! Just give me a higher res handheld that I can get projected onto my TV at home please Nintendo ;_;


Seems fake.

  • The analog sticks don't even look like they move. There is no space between the ball and the rim. They look like nipples that are stuck on with double sided tape.
  • If you have time to write a note, why not take a proper photo at a good angle?
  • It looks like it would be impossible to hold.
Mostly because I kinda want it to be fake though! Just give me a higher res handheld that I can get projected onto my TV at home please Nintendo ;_;

I was thinking the same about the note and image quality. "Leaks" always seem to be on the worlds worst camera lol.


Fake fake fake.

Have they ever released a patent that looks exactly like future hardware? I don't think so.

Is rhere a patent that looks exactly like a ds or a wiimote?
This Nintendo gonna Nintendo bullshit is so idiotic. They have their own way and sometimes its good, sonetimes its bad but at least they try to do new things and not just as gimmick, no they try to change the whole way you play. That u ecpect the NX to be a mess is nice but what does that have to do with this controller? Maybe its the best piece of hardware your hands have ever feeled but because of "wah, wah stupid gimmick, bla bla" u will never hold it in your own hands.
Gamers should at least try new things before they shit on everything. Same with VR...how many hate it already but never tried it? DOA and shit like that? Gamers always say they want something new but when they get something delivered they are to shy to use it...
If Nintendo is going to pump out a system with a gimmick and then abandon or barely utilize the gimmick with the majority of their titles like they did this gen I'd rather just get a normal traditional Nintendo system, even if that means sacrificing a few titles that do use the gimmick well like Nintendo Land or SMM.

Honestly the majority of Nintendo games that have stood the test of time since Nintendo started with all this gimmick stuff back with the DS and the Wii are those where the experience would be largely unchanged or still perfectly enjoyable without the gimmick.

I get that Nintendo wants to tap into some demographic that appreciates their "eccentricities", but that audience has been proven to be unreliable and fleeting, while the more loyal audience for the most part really just wants those solid Nintendo experiences which in no way need to be tied to some extraneous method of play.
I just don't get it. Why spend significant spare time creating a fake controller based on a patent for technology, and not design.

Why go through all of this trouble? What do you gain?


doesn't the ds at least show that there's still space left for different controllers to be good?

the bottom screen of the ds never really added much besides convenience

convenience is nice but this nx controller, provided it's real... the tradeoff being the LOSS OF PHYSICAL BUTTONS makes any convenience that the weird ass controller screen provides is nullified. it would be the worst controller of all time, bar none.

the ds and even the wii u gamepad were just traditional controllers with an extra touch screen in the middle. this thing is just fucked.


Why has this thread been allowed to go on? Mods usually shut down rumor threads.

Threads get shutdown when they have zero basis in reality or they get shitted up beyond redemption.

No one short of a developer with Access can confirm or deny what we are looking at and they can't do that due to NDA's as for shitting the thread up that comes naturally over time
I just don't get it. Why spend significant spare time creating a fake controller based on a patent for technology, and not design.

Why go through all of this trouble? What do you gain?

The purpose could be to encourage Nintendo to not follow through with the patent because it looks horrible.
How do you get a dev kit in the mail, get something running on it, get materials, plan to develop etc. without even knowing what you got in/from who?

I think the assumption you are making - that the person leaking is the same person who received or has first-hand knowledge of the devkit in the first place - is wrong

I would assert he's from a Japanese studio, and I would say it's not unreasonable to assume he's merely one of many dozens or even hundreds of employees at said studio.

There are plenty of understandable reasons as to why he wouldn't know all the details - different team, different department, seeing something that was left in the open that shouldn't have been, etc.

You should of course be suspicious, but the reasons you are suspicious are the reasons I believe :)


The wiiu patent looks exactly like the wii u game pad.

That's because it was filed after the general public had been briefed on the product. The patent where this controller prototype was shown was not an NX design patent. It was a patent on a general use case for free from displays in a gaming device.
The purpose could be to encourage Nintendo to not follow through with the patent because it looks horrible.

I honestly don't think Nintendo gives a fuck. They have a vision and have actual access to whatever the NX is. We are basing everything on theories and patents, they actually have the thing. So they have a much more real perspective on what the thing is.

It's not worth judging a technology patent or a fake controller made by some person.


This is more likely the NX handheld, not the NX console controller. If it's real. They had so many problems with the WiiU controller (production costs), they will not do it again.

that's what gets me when it comes to another "controller with a screen" concept of any kind.

Following Wii U? Is that really a wise direction to go down?

the world is not ready for another gimmick-based nintendo console. be safe, keep costs down and go down the traditional route for the next gen, and then come out guns blazing in the gen after that trying to replicate the wii's success.

(even though that's never going to happen)


That's because it was filed after the general public had been briefed on the product. The patent where this controller prototype was shown was not an NX design patent. It was a patent on a general use case for free from displays in a gaming device.
So it's fake then. Thank you.
Every time a new console is announced, a lot of fake photo appears lol
But this one is not credible. I know Nintendo make stupid move sometime but that one is just beyond stupid.


the pic looks TOO CLOSE to the leaked patent to me, which is a glaring sign.

The design of a device is not usually given away by the patent, just its major features to be patented. things like the shape are not that exactly represented in the filed patent.

if it actually does turn out to be that shape i'll be surprised.


So it's fake then. Thank you.

The Wii U Gamepad Patent was actually filed 5 months before the public reveal. It was simply delayed for Publication until August 2011.

That of course brings up its own issues. The "nx controller" patent was filed in June 2015 about a week before E3. The delay of publication was until December.
Could be a million issues from a delayed reveal to simply an idea patent. The patent specifically lays out the shape being elliptical so they have a shape in mind regardless
I like how maybe one or two posters mentioned that the guy on Reddit's story is beyond suspicious.

Like the dude said he got it because he was a game dev.

Then he said he doesn't even know if Nintendo gave it to him and that the logo is covered by black cellophane tape.

He also said he might not be able to post a pic or video because it's not in his office.

And still a large amount of people are just willing to accept it as real.

Are you really that shocked


I think it's fake, but...man, is it weird. If it's fake, why is there cellophane tape on where (I assume) a logo would be? There'd be no reason for it to be there if it was fake. Heck, there's no reason for it to be there at all, but...there it is.

And I seriously doubt NX's actual controller, if it was based off of those patents, would look exactly the same. The patent itself seemed to just talk about the actual concept, and it said actual buttons could be on there if need be even if the actual art didn't show it. And this leak is the same design from the patent...almost. Those shoulder buttons look different. In fact, they actually look like the scrollder buttons people have been talking about.

But why aren't the analog sticks full? That seems odd and pointless.What's exactly am I supposed to be seeing on screen? Are those rocks? What game is this? And why would the button sprites on the right even need to be button sprites, when it looks like the other two aren't button sprites at all? Those sprites could be anything and be symbols for actions in game, but instead we just have a generic B button.

I should also note that it'd be weird that Nintendo would go back to monochromatic buttons when their recent hardware releases like the New 3DS, the special edition Pokemon 2DSes in Japan and the Pokken controller seem to show them going back to colored buttons.

Again, I still think it's fake, but it's a damn strange one.
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