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DF Face-Off: Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Xbox One trumps PS4

What's with the twitter title, Eurogamer, huh?

"Xbox One pulls ahead of PlayStation 4 in the Resident Evil Revelations 2 Face-Off:"
instead of
"Xbox One surprisingly pulls ahead of PlayStation 4 in the Resident Evil Revelations 2 Face-Off:"

If this is not hard proof that Microsoft (probably Phil himself) secretly funds all of Eurogamer's and, by extension, DF's ventures, I don't know what is.

I don't get why everyone is insinuating this?

The fact that not only did xb1 win but that it spanked the ps4 is pretty newsworthy and warrants an such a title.

Why is everyone getting so salty?

When a hockey team loses 20 straight games and they finally win one you bet your ass there is going to be some type of "They FINALLy Won!!!" title


Crossposting from the OT and playing on the PS4 version:

I've played through Claire's side about a dozen times now and never noticed any drops, stuttering, or hitching at all. I feel like I'm playing a different game than the one in the DF video.

With Barry though you can feel the drops in some of the outdoors areas. I guess his flashlight can make it worse too in the forest. Hopefully just needs an optimization patch to fix something and hopefully that won't take long. It really hasn't impacted the game at all for me so far, since the areas with Barry it happens the worst in are super brief. It's an area you'll spend last than a minute in while playing - there's even a medal for running through it in under 40 seconds.
Those crushed blacks on XB1 are awful.

Why hasn't MS fixed it yet, is it a design choice?

MS can't fix it. It's their gamma curve for XB1 and developers need to adjust. Most do, but a few get through. If MS fixed it at a system level, most of their games would suddenly look terrible.


I don't get why everyone is insinuating this?

The fact that not only did xb1 win but that it spanked the ps4 is pretty newsworthy and warrants an such a title.

Why is everyone getting so salty?

When a hockey team loses 20 straight games and they finally win one you bet your ass there is going to be some type of "They FINALLy Won!!!" title

yeah.. but isn´t that just local newspapers or supporters that would report that win?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I heard the situation as of now is it is up to the developer. I heard Insomniac patched SO accordingly.
It's also different when the XO is set to output in limited RGB. Depending on how the developer designs the engine the full RGB option can actually result in crushed blacks. Capcom is clearly using REC.709 here and the conversion when using full RGB isn't working right. I tried to correct for it using the in game gamma but it just washes things out. It should look better on a display set to limited with XO set to limited as well.

That's the issue.


Crossposting from the OT:

I've played through Claire's side about a dozen times now and never noticed any drops, stuttering, or hitching at all. I feel like I'm playing a different game than the one in the DF video.

With Barry though you can feel the drops in some of the outdoors areas. I guess his flashlight can make it worse too in the forest. Hopefully just needs an optimization patch to fix something and hopefully that won't take long. It really hasn't impacted the game at all for me so far, since the areas with Barry it happens the worst in are super brief. It's an area you'll spend last than a minute in while playing - there's even a medal for running through it in under 40 seconds.

Well, "I didn't notice it" isn't a strong point when you have actual data. But yes, in the df video it is especially outdoor scenes where the PS4 struggles to maintain any stable framerate.



They should crush Xbone's blacks a little further, then the game would be all black and could probably run at 600fps.

Anyone genuinely suggesting that this performance is because the XB1 has "closed the gap", needs to bear in mind that The Order runs better than this clip does, while looking 1000x better.

My PC is running it flawlessly downsampled from 4k with every option maxed, just the occasional hitch while loading. Seems Capcom half-assed the PS4 version, so don't give them your money if that was the version you were planning on getting, they clearly don't care about you.
It's also different when the XO is set to output in limited RGB. Depending on how the developer designs the engine the full RGB option can actually result in crushed blacks. Capcom is clearly using REC.709 here and the conversion when using full RGB isn't working right. I tried to correct for it using the in game gamma but it just washes things out. It should look better on a display set to limited with XO set to limited as well.

That's the issue.

Oh... so it works fine in limited? Can you recapture some footage using that?

EDIT: Seems like the issue with Sunset Overdrive. Pretty much, don't use the full range setting if you don't have it... which sucks since screenshots will be washed out when sharing to twitch and one drive.
yeah.. but isn´t that just local newspapers or supporters that would report that win?

Yeah good point. However my point still stands... The fact that the XB1 actually beat out the PS4 in a DF face off is pretty newsworthy and I think warrants such a title.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh... so it works fine in limited? Can you recapture some footage using that?
No I can't. It's not an option with the capture hardware. It's not usually an issue these days if developers correct for it but some games have problems with full RGB.

It should be noted that the XO OS even has this issue - if you view the test patterns in limited mode on a limited display you can see all levels. If you switch to full on the system and the display, however, you actually lose information on the top and bottom. It still looks 'correct' in most cases but blacks are crushed and whites are clipped.

Yeah good point. However my point still stands... The fact that the XB1 actually beat out the PS4 in a DF face off is pretty newsworthy and I think warrants such a title.
Exactly. It's a rare situation for XO to come out on top like this. Very rare. Even the ACU situation wasn't THIS crazy. The porting team at Capcom really screwed up, if you ask me.


I really have the impression that some people have some serious superiority complex deeply connected with their choice of console and fell personally treated bad and unfairly if another console ever has a better version of a game or whenever there is something negative said about their console of choice. A huge deal of that rage is unloaded on Digital Foundry, for whatever reason.

Lol @Santa smashing the console with a hammer above, where is this from?

I think DF gets a lot of focus because a tech analysis is seen as more objective - i.e. if PS4 has higher resolution then it definitely must be the better console (and vice versa). This makes it attractive for those with agendas (same thing happened last gen too).

I do wish sometimes DF would be really strict about their approach as it would really minimize such stuff but at the same time expecting complete consistency seems too extreme as well.

I'll add that what puzzles me is that in many cases differences will be more about the code than the hardware anyway. Everyone always jumps on everything as proof of this or that about the consoles (PS4 can't do AF or whatever) instead of realizing the results illustrate more about the code and which versions of code may be superior either from better optimization or better porting or whatever.

I'll admit I've been drawn in myself on occasion respond to flat out foolish interpretations of such stuff but I'm avoiding it like the plague now. You're always talking to people with bias and investments that aren't interested to hear anything outside their set agenda.


So it's either framerate issues, overwhelming darkness in already dark environments, or no local coop.

Looks like Capcom decided to fuck all 3 platforms in different ways. Got a refund for Episode 1 on PSN this morning with the intent of buying the Season Pass, but think I'll pass on the entire thing for now.


Man, that's pretty crazy! Apparently a different team tackled the PS4 version (from DF's wording in the article at least)? That could explain the discrepancies.


It always amuses me that people from site A accuse DF of having an X1 bias, while people from site B accuse DF of having a PS4 bias discussing exactly the same article.

When doing comparisons you can't win, really. Fanboys will be fanboys.
Pretty sensationalist article title. Do they normally do the reverse when the PS4 version is better than the Xbone?
I know the answer to that.

Also, not a lot of gameplay and overall game impressions padding this article. Guess that's only important when the XB1 version comes up short.

Again, something which stuck out to me. There's no need for spin when the Xbone version performs better.

Anyway, embarrassing effort on Capcom's part, and they'd better patch it to get it up to or near 60 otherwise there's no way I'm ever buying this half-arsed mess. I was curious about the Vita version too, but if they're putting out the PS4 version like this I imagine the Vita version will run at a low resolution in the struggling in the late teens or early 20s.


Yeah good point. However my point still stands... The fact that the XB1 actually beat out the PS4 in a DF face off is pretty newsworthy and I think warrants such a title.

It is less XB1 winning and more the Dev failing. To be honest if it was me I would be calling out the dev and be asking WTF did you do? How could you possibly make the PS4 version perform so badly? It is like having a Nissan GTR Nismo and losing to a stock GTR in a race, it should not be possible unless the driver fucks up.


It's also different when the XO is set to output in limited RGB. Depending on how the developer designs the engine the full RGB option can actually result in crushed blacks. Capcom is clearly using REC.709 here and the conversion when using full RGB isn't working right. I tried to correct for it using the in game gamma but it just washes things out. It should look better on a display set to limited with XO set to limited as well.

That's the issue.

Thanks for the explanation!
That black crush would make me so angry.

Can someone take a screenshot of both?

Yeah, it's bad in CoD. Gotta kick the brightness a full bar up from default to have a decent experience playing a game. That's the best I could do without washing out the image too much. Sleeping Dogs is a problem too. Brightness to 72 helps for that one.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yes, but i figured both got payed to do a similar job.
I can only imagine that the engine was already well optimized for direct-x and made porting to Xbox One a lot easier. I can't see any other explanation.

I mean, this game is GPU limited and the PS4 GPU is faster. It's clearly the fault of un-optimized code.


Formerly Gizmowned

Very odd, still can't decide to buy it or not. I mean £10 for the whole series seems a no brainer.
I seriously can't tell if some people are being serious in this thread. Good grief...

I'm serious. PS4 is so fucking expensive in my country (Brazil), and that to play a game with shitty performance?

20~ FPS for long periods of time in a game that's supposed to be 60 is unacceptable.


I can only imagine that the engine was already well optimized for direct-x and made porting to Xbox One a lot easier. I can't see any other explanation.

I mean, this game is GPU limited and the PS4 GPU is faster. It's clearly the fault of un-optimized code.
How do you know?

(Just to clarify, I'm in no way suggesting this factor 2 difference is caused by a CPU hardware difference. I'm just curious -- I could e.g. imagine a straightforward port of a DirectX version ending up CPU limited on PS4, not because of the hardware but because of how its API is used)


Yeah, it's bad in CoD. Gotta kick the brightness a full bar up from default to have a decent experience playing a game. That's the best I could do without washing out the image too much. Sleeping Dogs is a problem too. Brightness to 72 helps for that one.

It is the one game that when I get a PS4, I will play it on that instead. Probably with a ChronusMax or something haha


So, MisterXMedia was right all along? Damn, I was gonna get a PS4 at the end of this year, but screw it, Capcom has shown me how much more powerful the XBox One is.
Sarcasm, in case anyone couldn't tell. I'm not trying to flame bait BTW.

But seriously, what the cock, Capcom? How the hell did they release the PS4 version in this state? Not to mention the PS4's install base is substantially larger than the XBox One's.


I can only imagine that the engine was already well optimized for direct-x and made porting to Xbox One a lot easier. I can't see any other explanation.

I mean, this game is GPU limited and the PS4 GPU is faster. It's clearly the fault of un-optimized code.

If that is the case shouldn't the caption be "Capcom messes up PS4 version" instead of "Xbox One trumps PS4 in Capcom's new sequel."?


All the salt and theories about gameplay speech....
They speak brief of the game... but it a low budget episodic game with only one chapter out so the chapter is in accordance and not good toward it.
And it's a face off not a game analysis

Revelations 2 consists of four main episodes and a pair of bonus chapters but as of this writing, we're limited to analysis of the first episode. This takes place in and around a prison and the surrounding forest, giving us a good idea of how the engine performs in different circumstances. It's not a particularly attractive game but it works well enough given the scope - the original release was designed as a handheld title but with no such limitations this time around, we're a bit disappointed at how simplistic the level design is. Indeed, in many ways, this still feels like a beefed up 3DS title.

game is eliminated in my case because local co-op got cut in pc version.


I'm not gonna lie, I did laugh a little when i read the title.

.....and all the people taking that Xbone is more powerful afterall comment being taken seriously with all the 'oh yeh it's one game and they obviously did a shit job' responses.


I'm serious. PS4 is so fucking expensive in my country (Brazil), and that to play a game with shitty performance?

20~ FPS for long periods of time in a game that's supposed to be 60 is unacceptable.

So even thought he PS4 versions of games are superior for almost every multi-plat, you regret buying it because an episode of an episodic game, for some odd reason, runs poorly on it?


If that is the case shouldn't the caption be "Capcom messes up PS4 version" instead of "Xbox One trumps PS4 in Capcom's new sequel."?

They're both true statements. The PS4 version got trumped by the XB1 version because it seems that the PS4 version was very poorly done.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
How do you know?

(Just to clarify, I'm in no way suggesting this factor 2 difference is caused by a CPU hardware difference. I'm just curious -- I could e.g. imagine a straightforward port of a DirectX version ending up CPU limited on PS4, not because of the hardware but because of how its API is used)
Well, I'm guessing based on the PC version and my experience using the same CPU with different GPUs. CPU usage is also rather minimal during gameplay, I've found.

What you're saying about the API makes sense, however.
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