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Digital Foundry hands-on Quantum Break (XB1)

The very low res reflections really stick out like a sore thumb.

I have no hope of the PC version having better ones.

Reflections aside, I think the image quality is quite good.
Its a very soft image, but it doesn't look like your usual 720p at all. Very smooth edges etc.

It may sound a little disappointing that this games runs at 720p but so far I haven't any example where this really resulted in some scenes looking bad.
My problems with the game are actually elsewhere.

What stuck out to me the most where the poor animations during gameplay. Bothers me much more than the resolution.


"Technical farce" jesus.
Yeah, as usual, completely ignore full dynamic global illumination for every light source, tons of volumetric lights being in effect every single scene and real time geometry transformation.
ND's engine would not be capable of doing stuff that is QB is doing in its current form. This alone should tell that Your whole comparison is cringe worthy at best.
Just stop posting in tech thread if You really dont get the difference between technologies in this game and others.
Is this a meltdown we're witnessing?


Reflections aside, I think the image quality is quite good.
Its a very soft image, but it doesn't look like your usual 720p at all. Very smooth edges etc.

It may sound a little disappointing that this games runs at 720p but so far I haven't any example where this really resulted in some scenes looking bad.
My problems with the game are actually elsewhere.

What stuck out to me the most where the poor animations during gameplay. Bothers me much more than the resolution.

Yes the IQ is really not all that bad, I mean I did believe the game was 900p-1080p before this article. Many games have a very soft IQ due to temporal AA so it becomes quite difficult to tell resolution.

I'm currently playing Need for Speed 2015 on PC with temporal AA and it really blurs the image to the point when 1080p-900p differences are less striking.


I understand it's their choice how they balanced graphics quality and performance but in my opinion 720p@30fps in 2016 is ridiculous.


The gall of DF to mention Naughty Dog's work next to Remedy, are we really going to compare UC4 to this technical farce that is QB on the XB1????? That second video downplaying all the technical shortcomings of this game is the stuff of legends, not too surprising.......Still, (I guess all the lo fi resolution assets in this game is kinda mitigated by all these dark scenes)......

Coming from the dude wich claimed that the missing road textures in the unpatched PS4 version of Need For Speed was more akin to real life LOL

Get over yourself


The time effects are the only truly impressive thing about QBs visuals (most games have nothing truly impressive) but I feel they are leaning on them like a crutch and it's making the gameplay pace look a bit monotonous. I wish the made a bigger deal out of them to make them feel more special. Right now it just seems like visual noise how often they are going off.
Coming from the dude wich claimed that the missing road textures in the unpatched PS4 version of Need For Speed was more akin to real life LOL

Get over yourself

Lol, I remember that.
His posts are super predictable and hell up every tech thread he's in. It's better just to ignore it.


I'm such a sucker for Remedy games that I would probably play it if it was only available in standard definition.


"Technical farce" jesus.
Yeah, as usual, completely ignore full dynamic global illumination for every light source, tons of volumetric lights being in effect every single scene and real time geometry transformation.
ND's engine would not be capable of doing stuff that is QB is doing in its current form. This alone should tell that Your whole comparison is cringe worthy at best.
Just stop posting in tech thread if You really dont get the difference between technologies in this game and others.
fucking lol
watch this than i dare you to talk about technical stuff when it comes to ND.
they just do whatever that fuck they want

remedy is not even close to ND

anyway this game looks beautiful.

What level of destruction? The only thing that looked quite mind blowing was truck chase and that was precalculated physics, not real-time. Same stuff You see in QB (DMM), Ryse (GeomCache) or Mirrors Edge Catalyst (DICE's solution).

lol this guy is delusional ha ha ha ha


fucking lol
watch this than i dare you to talk about technical stuff when it comes to ND.
they just do whatever that fuck they want

remedy is not even close to ND

anyway this game looks beautiful.
He said the engine, not the studio. Naughty Dog's engine probably doesn't support all the things QB's does (and that works the other way around too) because they are purpose built for different games. It's not about studio talent; both are talented, saying one is better than the other isn't necessarily true.
I feel like the 3rd person camera needs some work.
Not only the missing animation when going into ADS, but also the positioning is off.
Look at this for exampel: https://youtu.be/0woVFPe3C1k?t=18m39s
Jack is in a normal position, the goes ADS and the camera is in a weird position and it looks like Jack is shooting right through the wooden thing there.

Other than that I think this area in particular looks pretty cool, also a lot of destruction, look at the shelves breaking down and stuff.
The time effects are the only truly impressive thing about QBs visuals (most games have nothing truly impressive) but I feel they are leaning on them like a crutch and it's making the gameplay pace look a bit monotonous. I wish the made a bigger deal out of them to make them feel more special. Right now it just seems like visual noise how often they are going off.
I was imagining something like a stairwell in a long, multifloored building that has structural damage. It would be filled with several enemies from top to bottom and there would be parts of the stairwell to grab and climb and what not.

You get spotted and suddenly the entire stairwell twists and turns and inverses due to the time shifting. Now, you have parts of the stairs as cover, you can climb up and jump down on different parts of the stairwell, stuff is floating, it can all end at any moment and go back to normal so you have to find something to latch on to as you're falling, you can use your time powers to maybe rewind a certain part that will take out a certain enemy, etc...

That is just an example but you should see where I am going. Make the time part integrated into the game and have it make encounters dynamic and unpredictable and something you have to adapt to on an almost consistent basis.

I've been beating this level design drum since I posted in here but I see the potential for something great. I'm just not sure how far Remedy took it.


I really like the time lapse key frame animation look of the scene posted earlier in the thread, in the warehouse when it's showing months of time progression. From an artistic perspective, it's impressive. Must have taken a shit load of time to animate.

It's a shame they couldn't get in higher quality shadows, with more liberal draw distances, because it is a tad jarring, but the lighting looks great. I get the feeling this will be a bit of an inconsistent graphical experience, but they're obviously just doing what they can with the hardware afforded to them. Question is whether 720p and the other lower quality assets/shadows etc, were worth the compromise. I guess we'll see. Hard to judge these things based off of highly compressed YouTube videos.


He said the engine, not the studio. Naughty Dog's engine probably doesn't support all the things QB's does (and that works the other way around too) because they are purpose built for different games. It's not about studio talent; both are talented, saying one is better than the other isn't necessarily true.

thats false, everything he said about QB is on uncharted 4. by the way there is no pre-rendered shit in u4. devs already said everything is dynamic. so yeah hes just salt. im not saying nd is better than remedy as game studio. but in technical stuff they put a lot more work than remedy

im 100% sure that ND would never ship a game with these horrible animations like this

, and remedy have been in this genre longer than ND

edit: thats my last post about uncharted or other studio, lets focus in this game


thats false, everything he said about QB is on uncharted 4. by the way there is no pre-rendered shit in u4. devs already said everything is dynamic. so yeah hes just salt. im not saying nd is better than remedy as game studio. but in technical stuff they put a lot more work than remedy

im 100% sure that ND would never ship a game with these horrible animations like this

, and remedy have been in this genre longer than ND

ND is a step ahead Remedy. People who don't recognize are just in denial.


thats false, everything he said about QB is on uncharted 4. by the way there is no pre-rendered shit in u4. devs already said everything is dynamic. so yeah hes just salt. im not saying nd is better than remedy as game studio. but in technical stuff they put a lot more work than remedy

im 100% sure that ND would never ship a game with these horrible animations like this

, and remedy have been in this genre longer than ND

There are good animations. The protagonist and enemies responding to being hit by bullets are great.

If you're talking about the aiming that was probably a gameplay-related choice to make sure aiming down the sights wasn't delayed by making an animation play out first, to make sure the combat remains snappy in what looks to be a fast-paced game. It seems like the lack of a crouched aiming state is why it looks jarring, but crouched aiming might break the gameplay for all we know.


Game looks amazing. Definitely picking this up for the X1 once I'm getting the console sometime in the future.


thats false, everything he said about QB is on uncharted 4. by the way there is no pre-rendered shit in u4. devs already said everything is dynamic. so yeah hes just salt. im not saying nd is better than remedy as game studio. but in technical stuff they put a lot more work than remedy

im 100% sure that ND would never ship a game with these horrible animations like this

, and remedy have been in this genre longer than ND

edit: thats my last post about uncharted or other studio, lets focus in this game

is he shooting the enemy through the wall?


There are good animations. The protagonist and enemies responding to being hit by bullets are great.

If you're talking about the aiming that was probably a gameplay-related choice to make sure aiming down the sights wasn't delayed by making an animation play out first, to make sure the combat remains snappy in what looks to be a fast-paced game. It seems like the lack of a crouched aiming state is why it looks jarring, but crouched aiming might break the gameplay for all we know.


This is actually by design; we transition to aim camera in a few frames so it feels responsive.



so? just because it was designed that way doesnt make it good. Uncharted 4 in multiplayer felt responsive without the janky animations, and he is literally shooting through that pillar.

Im not trying to downtalk the game because I think it will be great and I have it preordered, but lets not just defend the janky stuff.


Guys, please take it easy with the comparisons between ND and Remedy. It's quite clear that the two studios seem to have a cordial relationship in RL. That's a good thing, let's not incite something OK?


so? just because it was designed that way doesnt make it good. Uncharted 4 in multiplayer felt responsive without the janky animations, and he is literally shooting through that pillar.

Im not trying to downtalk the game because I think it will be great and I have it preordered, but lets not just defend the janky stuff.

The hell are you talking about. I never said it was good. I just only confirmed it was a design choice.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
thats false, everything he said about QB is on uncharted 4. by the way there is no pre-rendered shit in u4. devs already said everything is dynamic. so yeah hes just salt. im not saying nd is better than remedy as game studio. but in technical stuff they put a lot more work than remedy

im 100% sure that ND would never ship a game with these horrible animations like this

, and remedy have been in this genre longer than ND

edit: thats my last post about uncharted or other studio, lets focus in this game
Those are pretty bad and that camera is a crime.


The hell are you talking about. I never said it was good. I just confirmed it was a design choice.

you just corroborate what he said.
Im not trying to say what you think, just saying its not a defense of bad animations. It may be by design but its still not well done.


you just corroborate what he said.
Im not trying to say what you think, just saying its not a defense of bad animations. It may be by design but its still not well done.

He says. "If you're talking about the aiming that was probably a gameplay-related choice to make sure aiming down the sights wasn't delayed by making an animation play out first, to make sure the combat remains snappy in what looks to be a fast-paced game"

And i only just confirmed that.


He says. "If you're talking about the aiming that was probably a gameplay-related choice to make sure aiming down the sights wasn't delayed by making an animation play out first, to make sure the combat remains snappy in what looks to be a fast-paced game"

And i only just confirmed that.

Alright man im not trying to say or imply otherwise. I know you just confirmed it was by design, but im still saying its bad design. Nothing to do with how you feel about it.


For sure, but I still think Remedy has talent and QB is technically impressive for its platform.

I agree with you but UC4 is far superior to what QB shown until now, especially on animations, characters details and photography, if people think otherwise, they're in denial.

QB still looks good for the X1 but the game never blow me away anyway...


Why did I know there would be some screen tearing?
Maybe because you know it was being developed by Remedy......

Well the game is about time manipulation..so they decided to take this console generation back ten years.
You guys are too much, yet to some this game is some type of graphical masterpiece, best looking 720p game or game on the platform which is quite laughable and I would have to question anyone's credibility spouting such drek.....

Coming from the dude wich claimed that the missing road textures in the unpatched PS4 version of Need For Speed was more akin to real life LOL

Get over yourself
It looked better to me in the pic comparison, but I did not make a definitive statement about it, there's no need for exaggeration here. It was simply some road textures which was more defined in some remote areas when all was said and done. In any case, I was the first to contact the devs about it and they informed me it would be patched. I don't know why you would bring this up.


Not sure why this game is so hyped, everything looks pretty mediocre (yes, even the graphics).

Indeed, it always looked like a decent game from the start but nothing to get super excited about. Remedy do have a lineage but looking at this totally on it's own... yeah.
There are good animations. The protagonist and enemies responding to being hit by bullets are great.

If you're talking about the aiming that was probably a gameplay-related choice to make sure aiming down the sights wasn't delayed by making an animation play out first, to make sure the combat remains snappy in what looks to be a fast-paced game. It seems like the lack of a crouched aiming state is why it looks jarring, but crouched aiming might break the gameplay for all we know.
I don't have time to search, but I'm pretty sure someone from Remedy said snappy aiming is there by choice. To keep game fast paced and more about gameplay.
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