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Digital Foundry Performance Analysis: Fallout 4


Gold Member
Has anyone tried running the X1 build with a USB 3.0 7200rpm(+) or better drive?

I'm as curious as Digital Foundry is when it comes to loading/hitching.

I suppose I'll get to test it tomorrow, lol. I don't have the hardware to see what the framerate is in comparison though.

This tells me you (and I'm sure there are PLENTY of others), don't understand what the 0fps thing is. :)

True. I am curious if it would be better on the hybrid drive XB1 model? Or people with external SSD's?

Yeah the loading thing has happened in other games, I mentioned Halo Reach before, it did a similar thing. Halo 5 still does it sometimes when it loads although obviously not to this extent, but DF even brought it up as a common thing in the series.
Kinda frustrating that they would advertise the inferior version with free BC and early mod support.

I switched my preorder to PS4
Man, I kept telling people not to jump to conclusions in the other thread. A salute to the fallen.

It's not like they're gonna not enjoy the XB1 version (I certainly enjoyed the PS3 version of Skyrim) but yeah, knee-jerk reactions are always a bad idea.

It's weird. Bethesda has been sending the PS4 version despite the marketing deal. It should be assumed that the PS4 version has a better performance.


Well $400 isn't quite a hyperbolic enough price for me to use in my shitposts.

On a related note, can it run Crysis?

If you're trying to make a point I'm not sure what it is... I just asked about the variance in minimum requirements.

Is self admitted shitposting even allowed on Gaf? Mods? Mods? Bueller?


The 0fps thing will most likely get fixed.

But why was the PS4 version hitching up at the deathclaw fight while the xbone held a constant 30fps?



But this is the same engine as FO3 and Skyrim and that ran OK on Xbox 360 which has a far weaker cpu than current consoles. It just seems like Bethesda's usual jank tbh.

Same engine does not mean that the scale of CPU usage has not been increased. Also, same "base" engine does not mean that there were zero additional feature added to the engine (Pete Hines confirmed for instance that they added PBR Rendering, which already open a completely different world on the GPU usage).

The Xbox One issues are really puzzling though, the "chugs" are too massive to be linked to raw performance only, so either this is something fixable through patches and there is something seriously fuxked up in their Xbox One code or there is black magic at work.

Went for PS4 either way (despite having a PC that would run it at least on par with it, but not drastically more), just willing to use my current living room setup for this game, might go for a PC double-dip much later though, when modd community would have done their marvel and I would have invested in a new Rig.


At least it plays good without framedrops. Like darkx10 said, Konami made the better choice.

This is a reductive attitude too. There is a perfect medium between the two. One doesn't need to have a complete wasteland devoid of life, nor do you need to populate your world with large amounts of movable trash everywhere.
If you're trying to make a point I'm not sure what it is... I just asked about the variance in minimum requirements.

Is self admitted shitposting even allowed on Gaf? Mods? Mods? Bueller?
You're trying to get me in trouble for being sarcastic? In this of all threads?


Just by watching the vid it's beyond clear that the ps4 version is superior. Glad I didn't let that thread get to me yesterday, people losing their minds over a few pieces of anecdotal evidence.
Those hipccups in the XB1 still only reported by DF. So that is the anectodal evidence. Poor framerates on interior buildings is present in more than one video out there, and not in the DF analysis.


Uh is zero fps even possible?

New frames passed in a sample size of the last second: 0

If their sample size is lower than a second it's even easier.

You're trying to get me in trouble for being sarcastic? In this of all threads?

I was trying to understand your point in being sarcastic, make a Ferris Bueller reference, and have some poor pointless sarcasm/shitposting removed all in one.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
What's so explosive about that comment? I thought people expected this? Although, I haven't read through that ridiculous 60 pager about framerate dips indoors.

Boy that thread was ridiculous. Between the child molestation analogies and the accusation of MS and Bethesda being in collusion all contingent on whether XO ran better than PS4 -- I wasn't sure where any of the information was coming from or based on to support half of the claims made in that thread.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Those hipccups in the XB1 still only reported by DF. So that is the anectodal evidence. Poor framerates on interior buildings is present in more than one video out there, and not in the DF analysis.

Yes, trust the random videos with no frame rate analysis on them. Aren't you a paid MS employee? Should you not refrain from shilling?
Tbh, in here just sounds so dreadful. I'm sorry but I'm not buying this game day one until it's fixed. Bethesda shouldn't get away with this irregardless of great gameplay. The game is fucking broken and a technical embarrassment. Ubisoft did not get off this with Unity so neither should them, especially after 7 years


Those hipccups in the XB1 still only reported by DF. So that is the anectodal evidence. Poor framerates on interior buildings is present in more than one video out there, and not in the DF analysis.
DF analyzed on two consoles for each version and reported on common hiccups. Pretty damning stuff.


wanna know what the specs on that budget pc are

cause i3 and 750ti is p low...but is that a 4gb 750ti? or 2gb?



The XB1 version also goes as low as 0 fps, even worse than dips to 1fps in Assassins Creed Syndicate on that platform. Of course DF never shows those dips.

Another big game with framerate issues, did the person who spoke of big games with framerate only speak of one or several. Between COD, Syndicate and Fallout4, all these games look like they deserved more time in the oven, how ironic on easier to develop (PC like platforms). So many issues with games, loadtimes, framerates, textures, Af, effects. There always seem to be an issue even with the most basic of remasters, this gen has been truly terrible in that regard.


0 fps? been there done that on Skyrim with my PS3, come on Bugthesda do something original. How about making consoles explode releasing a nice mushroom cloud? hey just an idea, u can do it.
I was trying to understand your point in being sarcastic, make a Ferris Bueller reference, and have some poor pointless sarcasm/shitposting removed all in one.
I guess ultimately my point was $400 =/= $300. Why you felt the need to bring it up 5 pages later to backseat mod is the real point now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Sometimes I fall in the same dilemma aswell.
This is my first disc-based game for XB1, so I will get it, and if turns out being really too bad I'll sell it.

My PC is very outdated though (core i5 2500 + GTX 570), and Bethesda is charging R$230,00 for the game on Steam, when the avarage AAA price is R$100,00 ~ R$130,00, so there's no way I could support the game for Steam in these conditions.

Although, in a future I may upgrade my PC. Until then I may get the PC version in some Steam sale.

If it wasn't for the serious hiccups in the XB1 version, that seems more like a bug to me (the game literally freezes for a second), I'd say they'r almost on par with each other.

That's pretty much my rig, based on what I've seen it your best bet. But dat steam price...


never left the stone age
And yet the PC will come out ahead in the end. i3/750 combo probably beats out the PS4 version.

Isn't that i3 a dualcore CPU? So basically they've done next to nothing to ensure Gamebr--sorry, Creation Engine utilizes multiple cores efficiently?

Edit: Wait, nevermind. It was the same with Witcher 3 where their low budget PC beat the consoles as well and Witcher 3 loves itself some CPU cores. I guess it just speaks towards how utterly weak the CPUs in the current gen consoles are.


er.. poor wording of my part. I mean, nobody talked about those hiccups until DF, and some people said they are not experiencing those frequent hiccups in their playtime.

Meanwhile there's plenty of videos showing the poor framerate inside buldings. Which is tottaly absent in the DF video.

The XB1 version also goes as low as 0 fps, even worse than dips to 1fps in Assassins Creed Syndicate on that platform. Of course DF never shows those dips.

Another big game with framerate issues, did the person who spoke of big games with framerate only speak of one or several. Between COD, Syndicate and Fallout4, all these games look like they deserved more time in the oven, how ironic on easier to develop (PC like platforms). So many issues with games, loadtimes, framerates, textures, Af, effects. There always seem to be an issue even with the most basic of remasters, this gen has been truly terrible in that regard.

I am certain they will fix this. I could be very wrong on this....but in the gif on the previous page, that reminds me of what i had in Fallout 3 on 360 after the 100 hour mark. it would start to lock up for 1 second or so and then go smooth again.


I guess ultimately my point was $400 =/= $300. Why you felt the need to bring it up 5 pages later to backseat mod is the real point now.

And when did I say anything about $300? When did anyone? I just asked if the minimum spec was the 550TI or 7870, since both are listed and very different.

So you get to decide what "the point" is I guess? Not your trolling, but me not bringing it up instantly a few pages ago with minutes between pages, as if I had nothing else to do?
er.. poor wording of my part. I mean, nobody talked about those hiccups until DF, and some people said they are not experiencing those frequent hiccups in their playtime.

Meanwhile there's plenty of videos showing the poor framerate inside buldings. Which is tottaly absent in the DF video.

Yep. Well, I must be very sensitive to frame drops then. My fault.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

The XB1 version also goes as low as 0 fps, even worse than dips to 1fps in Assassins Creed Syndicate on that platform. Of course DF never shows those dips.
Never shows what dips? The Fallout 4 "0 fps" screen is obviously showing just that. Are you talking about Assassin's Creed Unity now?

I know what you're talking about in ACU and I believe all of those issues have been fixed. It was NOT an Xbox One problem either. I encountered those massive "1 fps" issues on my PC playing ACU as well initially. It appeared in areas with certain materials (stain glass in particular). Nasty bug, but it was eliminated quickly.

Ok, I read that as Unity. Too much staring at the screen.


Ahahahaahahahaha @ all those drama-queens who wanted to switch from PS4 to Xbox One in yesterdays "Framerate PS4" thread. I hope rationality will return in all Fallout 4 threads, because things were heading into a ludicrous direction even by GAF AAA-thread standards.

I have played the game for 12 hours now - I'm loving it to death and I'm not the biggest RPG and Bethesda fan. I think it tops Witcher 3 because the gameplay and RPG portion of the game is much for satisfying for me.
Ahahahaahahahaha @ all those drama-queens who wanted to switch from PS4 to Xbox One in yesterdays "Framerate PS4" thread. I hope rationality will return in all Fallout 4 threads, because things were heading into a ludicrous direction even by GAF AAA-thread standards.

I have played the game for 12 hours now - I'm loving it to death and I'm not the biggest RPG and Bethesda fan. I think it tops Witcher 3 because the gameplay and RPG portion of the game is much for satisfying for me.

There were a lot of people claiming that the XB1 version is pretty bad too, but most of those posts got ignored.
Oh guys....what about one of the biggest annoyances when it comes to game bugs EVER?

Have they had the game freeze on them any time? Boy this destroyed my New Vegas fun.
And when did I say anything about $300? When did anyone? I just asked if the minimum spec was the 550TI or 7870, since both are listed and very different.

So you get to decide what "the point" is I guess? Not your trolling, but me not bringing it up instantly a few pages ago with minutes between pages, as if I had nothing else to do?
People threw around the $300 PC beats console performance, shall I get you a direct reference?

Someone replied with a $400 PC that may not have even included input devices. That's what I replied to.
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