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Digital Foundry Performance Analysis: Fallout 4

Wasn't most of the framerate issues on PS3 for F3 due to some thing about how moved items were logged into some database thing ?

Do we expect the same problem on long term here ?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
0fps? so it basically stops..wow
Btw Xbox One owners don't take this as a negative against the machine, it's just Fallout 4 being very poorly made regardless of platform.


660 Ti runs consistently better than consoles for sure, except for scenarios with Heavy VRAM usage.

But I suspect that for Fallout 4, the CPU is what makes the difference, not the GPU (I wouldn't even be surprised if a GTX 560 Ti would still run it decently enough)

But this is the same engine as FO3 and Skyrim and that ran OK on Xbox 360 which has a far weaker cpu than current consoles. It just seems like Bethesda's usual jank tbh.


Glad to hear that the PC performance is good, have my copy pre-loaded and ready to go.

The X1 version, woof...though I suspect there is some sort of bug that is causing this so hopefully Bethesda says something about it soon.

I totally expect it to be a bug. It isn't really dropping because of the surrounding but pausing as it would need more data and then just continues. But for this game, there is of course many patches to come.




I was still thinking which to buy, PS4 or PC,
but I guess I'll go with they PC version.
But to be sure, I'm going to wait for the analysis of the PC version too.

Because Bethesda seems to be a company that is ok with releasing a game with the performance of the XBO version.
Its hard to trust a company that is ok with releasing a game which hits 0 fps at some points. So I'm a bit worried that the PC version might be another Batman AK.

Just noticed that there was a PC comparison video at the bottom of the article.
PC version it is.
I know two people who decided to go with the PC version after that video.

But yes, lol.
I absolutely decided to go PC after this article.

Their budget gaming PC that they used in the analysis is very similarl (maybe even ever so slightly worse) than my PC --- which is an i5 2500/GTX570/12GB Ram. And they mentioned that PC performance was better with visuals on par or slightly better than consoles.


All those people in the PS4 framerate thread must be really pleased that they were so outraged they cancelled their PS4 version for an XBO copy. Good lord. XD


I'm not seeing the big deal with 0fps. Seems like the Xbox One version is the authentic Fallout experience since Fallout started as a turn-based game.
Just cancelled my X1 preorder. With Tomb Raider coming out as well, I'll go ahead and play that for a bit and see how this all plays out.

I really wanted to get this for the X1, but i'm scared its going to be a repeat of the PS3 and will just get worse over time. If that's the case, then its time to dust off the PS4 for some Fallout.


y'all should be ashamed
Man, I kept telling people not to jump to conclusions in the other thread. A salute to the fallen.

Dudes said the exact opposite a few days ago that the press kits are Xbox one. I changed my preorder on that info. I wish someone who actually knows can verify.

That seals it.

XB1 is the version to get on consoles.

Gonna hope with some luck I can switch my PS4 pipboy to an xb1 version...

If it matters that much to you I guess. Roommate is really excited about the game and wants to play it day 1, we have both consoles so he cancelled PS4 pre-order and is picking up XBO version instead.

Pre-order cancelled, fuck this.

It's not like they're gonna not enjoy the XB1 version (I certainly enjoyed the PS3 version of Skyrim) but yeah, knee-jerk reactions are always a bad idea.


Sometimes I hate owning multiple consoles and a PC. So much nonesense to weigh on both sides when finally making a purchase decision.

Xbox streaming is a nice function for me. Comfy couch to my office without moving hardware. Also mods will come earlier.

Ps4 seems to have the slight edge on performance.

PC seems to scale well at 1080p but sub 60 fps at 1440p with my i5 and gtx 980 isn't something I really want.

I'll probably end up with a ps4 version and PC version without the time to play both...
On top of this, Xbox One is unique in its suffering of a stuttering issue, halting the game experience for up to a second during play. It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps. Each has their blips, but having tested two separate Xbox One and PS4 consoles, the results are always the same across the world at large; we get sizeable stutters on Microsoft's console that aren't present on PS4

I'm sorry, but for me this is a broken game.

This should not be acceptable by any means. I skipped Skyrim on PS3, X1 owners should skip this too until it's fixed.

What a terrible moment to be a gamer.... Black Ops 3 broken, Fallout 4 broken, Star Wars around the corner and Dice took 1 year to fix BF4. This is embarassing.


I wonder how all the people in the other thread that switched their pre-orders from PS4 to xbox one feel now.

That entire thread was just a complete overreaction.
Truly a role reversal from last gen, unreal. 0 Fps just like Skyrim PS3. You can't make this up.

I want to grab this on PS4, but money is tight, I'll wait for a price drop.
I'm curious if a SSHD or SSD will alleviate some of these drops. Sort of like the streaming problems with Trials Fusion on PS4.


I'd be in the dick
I wasn't too critical of the visuals of this game before because Bethesda hasn't ever been a technical powerhouse but that's because I assumed they were focusing on scale and performance. This is much worse than expected.

The Xbox One version is especially baffling. Why did they bother with 1080p for it when it drops to fucking zero?


I wonder how all the people in the other thread that switched their pre-orders from PS4 to xbox one feel now.

That entire thread was just a complete overreaction.

Honestly. It was either people concern trolling or just trolling in general.

I'm amazed people based their decisions off of a few short vids that's served to highlight frame drops in a certain area. Instead of looking at a larger picture.
I wasn't too critical of the visuals of this game before because Bethesda hasn't ever been a technical powerhouse but that's because I assumed they were focusing on scale and performance. This is much worse than expected.

The Xbox One version is especially baffling. Why did they bother with 1080p for it when it drops to fucking zero?

Dropping to 900p wouldn't exactly improve matters in that regard, would it?


Has anyone tried running the X1 build with a USB 3.0 7200rpm(+) or better drive?

I'm as curious as Digital Foundry is when it comes to loading/hitching.

I suppose I'll get to test it tomorrow, lol. I don't have the hardware to see what the framerate is in comparison though.

I will be running it off a USB 3.0 7200rpm drive. The same drive makes a world of difference loading open world games. GTA for example.

The Xbox One version is especially baffling. Why did they bother with 1080p for it when it drops to fucking zero?

This tells me you (and I'm sure there are PLENTY of others), don't understand what the 0fps thing is. :)


I was going to get this tomorrow, now I'll wait until the first couple of patches to see if there any improvements.


The 0fps thing will most likely get fixed.

But why was the PS4 version hitching up at the deathclaw fight while the xbone held a constant 30fps?


I wasn't too critical of the visuals of this game before because Bethesda hasn't ever been a technical powerhouse but that's because I assumed they were focusing on scale and performance. This is much worse than expected.

The Xbox One version is especially baffling. Why did they bother with 1080p for it when it drops to fucking zero?

Because the dropping to zero is more a bug.
Just by watching the vid it's beyond clear that the ps4 version is superior. Glad I didn't let that thread get to me yesterday, people losing their minds over a few pieces of anecdotal evidence.


Sometimes I hate owning multiple consoles and a PC. So much nonesense to weigh on both sides when finally making a purchase decision.

Xbox streaming is a nice function for me. Comfy couch to my office without moving hardware. Also mods will come earlier.

Ps4 seems to have the slight edge on performance.

PC seems to scale well at 1080p but sub 60 fps at 1440p with my i5 and gtx 980 isn't something I really want.

I'll probably end up with a ps4 version and PC version without the time to play both...

Sometimes I fall in the same dilemma aswell.
This is my first disc-based game for XB1, so I will get it, and if turns out being really too bad I'll sell it.

My PC is very outdated though (core i5 2500 + GTX 570), and Bethesda is charging R$230,00 for the game on Steam, when the avarage AAA price is R$100,00 ~ R$130,00, so there's no way I could support the game for Steam in these conditions.

Although, in a future I may upgrade my PC. Until then I may get the PC version in some Steam sale.

Seems like there's only a one significant case of the PS4 being worse than the X1, during battles involving heavy machinery (in this case, a gattling gun), where the X1 holds at 30 FPS throughout most of the scene, and the PS4 drops to 25 FPS throughout most of it. But by and large, it's clear the PS4 version is more stable.

If it wasn't for the serious hiccups in the XB1 version, that seems more like a bug to me (the game literally freezes for a second), I'd say they'r almost on par with each other.


I'm curious if a SSHD or SSD will alleviate some of these drops. Sort of like the streaming problems with Trials Fusion on PS4.

I'm curious as well

just playing CoD over the weekend with all my buddies in the same room was interesting. I would load maps 5-10 seconds before everyone else and was halfway across the map sometimes before others had even loaded in......this is 4 PS4's in the same room 3 on stock HDD and mine the SSD.

SSD could make a huge difference in Fallout 4 on consoles.
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