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Digitimes Rumor: Nintendo to ship 10-12m NX units in 2016, mass production in Q2


If Nintendo thinks the demand can outstrip supply/parts they're either crazy or have a damn good plan on how to market it.
When something is mass produced like this I get this internal fear it's going to be some shitty $199 Ouya that plays mobile games and Nintendo games and just above the Wii U in specs.


A hybrid would be like the Wii U Gamepad with the console integrated in the handheld. Which would be plain stupid.

I still miss the Game Gear. Best console in a handheld, ever.


I'm really eager to see what they deliver. I just hope the handheld screen will be more like the Vita's one.


I still miss the Game Gear. Best console in a handheld, ever.

I'm really eager to see what they deliver. I just hope the handheld screen will be more like the Vita's one.
Hahaha, I had one, too. Felt like I was the only one in Germany, nobody even knew it. Loved the hell out of it. Only good games I had were Wonderboy and Sonic, though.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Average consumer doesn't watch the Directs nor do they know what they are.

Having a presentation at E3 will draw more media attention and exposure then by not actually being physically available to show off your product.

As others have said, an E3 presentation isn't watched by average consumers, either.

Also, LOL at "not being physically available to show off your product." Nintendo has attended every E3 since they've done Digital Events. They're still at the show with their products. Just no stage presentations.


There are tablets under $100 that display and output 720p and greater, but yes the goal is to have both console part and handheld part with their own independent processing. And know I don't see them making seamless at least in a sudden get up and go scenario. It could use current streaming connectivity methods for local play but it would have to switch internal game and processing if you suddenly swap to running off the handheld only. Would have to be a quick save type feature with an interruption or loading of the game. That does not though make either or useless. It can open up new functionality in gaming that have been tried in the past in half ass attempts but is now possible today with better tech. The console portion can be used for storage, media streaming and improved graphics on games that are developed for it. It would allow for local multiplayer gaming if your buddies brought their NX handhelds over and they would have their data stored on their devices. There is a lot of possibility there and stuff people haven't even thought of yet.

This is definitely going to be a case where people are poo-pooing all over the idea (like psp/vita remote play) until Nintendo officially unveils it then all of a sudden it will the greatest thing ever.

None of that has anything to do with a "dock", though. I am fine with doing a handheld->console handoff. But there are simply no good reasons to make the handheld physically dock into another device. You cannot give a "graphics boost" to the handheld via a dock connector, so the "dock" would require beefier hardware.

Also it doesn't matter if tablets under $100 can display at 720p or greater. Run a graphically-intensive game on them for 6 hours and see how well that battery life or performance keep up. And nevermind the vastly different physical characteristics: tablets can get better battery life than phones because their increased screen size lets them put a larger battery in. A smaller, ergonomic handheld unit does not have that luxury.
There are tablets under $100 that display and output 720p and greater, but yes the goal is to have both console part and handheld part with their own independent processing. And know I don't see them making seamless at least in a sudden get up and go scenario. It could use current streaming connectivity methods for local play but it would have to switch internal game and processing if you suddenly swap to running off the handheld only. Would have to be a quick save type feature with an interruption or loading of the game. That does not though make either or useless. It can open up new functionality in gaming that have been tried in the past in half ass attempts but is now possible today with better tech. The console portion can be used for storage, media streaming and improved graphics on games that are developed for it. It would allow for local multiplayer gaming if your buddies brought their NX handhelds over and they would have their data stored on their devices. There is a lot of possibility there and stuff people haven't even thought of yet.

This is definitely going to be a case where people are poo-pooing all over the idea (like psp/vita remote play) until Nintendo officially unveils it then all of a sudden it will the greatest thing ever.

What you are describing is not the same as the hybrid console people are clamoring for. The people championing a hybrid console seem to want a single device that can play games on the go and then also hook up to a TV and display the same games uprezzed. What you're suggesting is different, and something I DO expect to happen. Connectivity between two or more devices would be a great way to encourage people to buy multiple SKUs, especially if they can be used as controllers.

Today I'm utterly pessimistic. If Nintendo'll release both Nx home and Nx portable together surely they will do with only Nx portable software line-up. And this is best scenario I can foresee. It is impossible for Nintendo do feed both platforms. Nx home have to live heavily relaying on Wii U re-releases and crossplay of Nx portable. Hell, I think slow Nintendo will struggle to respect mobile Android/iOs DeNa 5 releases in 2016, let alone a modern home console. Forget about QOL thing. Wii U showed well to be a risky gamble, Smash Brothers U and Xenoblade Cross and FE# were huge risky investments, what hand will greenlit it again? Let's go all in with Nx portable.

It sounds like you are concerned Nintendo won't be able to support a home console because their development resources will be spread too thinly. Is that correct? Because if so, I don't see why you would be concerned about this if you've been following NX news. The varying form factors will likely share their library to some degree. If Nintendo can combine their handheld and console development efforts into one library, droughts should theoretically not be an issue.


It begins.
Expecting Xbox One power for console, Wii U for portable. Shared library.

Wii U for portable is perfect. XBO power for the Nintendo NX? You do realize that MS is getting destroyed this generation (and its not even close), multiplatform games run the worst on their console, they cannot run even close to 1080p (just from a technical perspective) and has pretty much failure written all over it.

Why should Nintendo base their decisions on anything that Microsoft has done this generation?


I'm guessing this is just for the handheld launch and that the device itself will be the logical successor to 3DS, i.e. clamshell design and all that because it's a winning formula. The branding will be different though, they're gonna introduce a new image and get rid of the associations to DS/Wii.


I would be more confident if Nintendo was less confident. The NX has to change a lot of things have a chance,
I'm already sensing that there's going to be alot of heartbreak next year.

It's going to be a low power console, a separate low power handheld, and they're both going to be based around a unique user interface/input device once again.

Prepare yourselves.


I'm already sensing that there's going to be alot of heartbreak next year.

It's going to be a low power console, a separate low power handheld, and they're both going to be based around a unique user interface/input device once again.

Prepare yourselves.


I'm not being super optimistic either, but I do not believe anywhere in my heart this will be true unless they specifically want it to undercut all current gen consoles out now. If not it'll be powerful enough.


Seems reasonable for handheld units.

I think these numbers are for all the SKUs (or at least the 20m forecasted - if true - by Nintendo).

I'm already sensing that there's going to be alot of heartbreak next year.

It's going to be a low power console, a separate low power handheld, and they're both going to be based around a unique user interface/input device once again.

Prepare yourselves.

Have you seen this? https://www.linkedin.com/in/sivanandh-ramadass-5b036425
* PD SOC/Timing Lead responsible for ultra high end APU for Game Console.

Don't know if it's true, but i read this is supposed to be the lead designer of NX (the link was posted in that thread before it was closed). Any thoughts?

Anyway, i remember you were a bit more positive about this :p


I'm worried too. At the same time it's basic knowledge that a low power console will, again, remove them from having third party support. Which was basically the beginning of the end for the Wii U. Only an idiot would greenlight a console that follows the same errors.

But yeah you never know. I don't see it outpowering any current consoles significantly, that's for sure.


I would be more confident if Nintendo was less confident. The NX has to change a lot of things have a chance,

Looking back on it, I don't think they were really confident in Wii U. They were confident in 3DS but they made some calls that didn't work out for them (Price, the Nvidia chipset thing that didn't work out, etc.)



PS4 has an high end APU too ;)

Its APU isn't high-end, unless its a sub-categorical high-end such as "high end of middle-tier APUs". :p

That said, jokes aside (except for the real 4 SLI Titan Xs! Believe!), I wouldn't be surprised if the NX home console had a cheap variant and a high-end variant (or if the overall package were circa-Jaguar APU but with considerably higher FLOPS efficiency). If their software is built to be scalable, than adding a third option isn't exactly hard so long as the assets are designed from the top down (which they tend to be).

I just want my scrollable shoulder buttons!

I'm not being super optimistic either, but I do not believe anywhere in my heart this will be true unless they specifically want it to undercut all current gen consoles out now. If not it'll be powerful enough.

There's no way they release it over $300 and they need to leave room for the gimmick. They also probably won't be able to afford the losses Sony/MS took at the start of the generation, since they presumably won't have a subscription service working as a subsidy.

If they using are cutting-edge tech like 14nm process technology, it will be even lower performance, because they'll be paying a premium over current gen for each transistor.

Have you seen this? https://www.linkedin.com/in/sivanandh-ramadass-5b036425

I read this is the lead designer of NX (it was posted in that thread before it was closed). Any thoughts?

Anyway, i remember you were a bit more positive about this :p

Wii U was a very high end device relatively speaking as far as home electronics go. Takeda viewed the Wii as a "high performance low power" device. So I don't think we can use that description to make any kind of prediction on FLOPs or anything.

I'm positive that it's going to be a fun machine, but after doing a little more research, I've brought my spec expectations down a bit. :)


Wii U was a very high end device relatively speaking as far as home electronics go. Takeda viewed the Wii as a "high performance low power" device. So I don't think we can use that description to make any kind of prediction on FLOPs or anything.

I'm positive that it's going to be a fun machine, but after doing a little more research, I've brought my spec expectations down a bit. :)

Yes, but the WiiU was albatrossed by cutting edge streaming tech and a huge screen. :p

So if we're using the WiiU price::baseline specs ratio comparison, we should probably shift performance ratios away from the WiiU as I doubt we're going to be getting another 150$ additional piece of hardware/streaming technology. Also the Miracast derivative is co-researched/developed by Broadcom/Nintendo, so they'll likely keep that in their pocket and potentially use it again (for cheaper).
I'm already sensing that there's going to be alot of heartbreak next year.

It's going to be a low power console, a separate low power handheld, and they're both going to be based around a unique user interface/input device once again.

Prepare yourselves.

I can honestly see it going either way. I know that Kimishima wasn't in charge when the main direction of this console wasn't decided, but I do know that he didn't like the Wii U because of it being too closely associated with the Wii. Maybe he understands the importance of creating a piece of hardware that is competitive as far as specs go.

I also think that the "gimmick" of this console will be in its ecosystem and less on the controller. If they haven't figured out yet that gimmicky inputs (at the expense of power or ability to play traditionally) only work short term yet, then they deserve to fail.


I'm already sensing that there's going to be alot of heartbreak next year.

It's going to be a low power console, a separate low power handheld, and they're both going to be based around a unique user interface/input device once again.

Prepare yourselves.

Sadly I too think NX wont be anything we expect, we all want a hybrid portable super powerful console...
we won't get that


I can honestly see it going either way. I know that Kimishima wasn't in charge when the main direction of this console wasn't decided, but I do know that he didn't like the Wii U because of it being too closely associated with the Wii. Maybe he understands the importance of creating a piece of hardware that is competitive as far as specs go.

I also think that the "gimmick" of this console will be in its ecosystem and less on the controller. If they haven't figured out yet that gimmicky inputs (at the expense of power or ability to play traditionally) only work short term yet, then they deserve to fail.

the decision of what the nx is was made long before kimishima could do anything about it. even now the power of the president is far more diluted than the yamauchi/iwata days.
the decision of what the nx is was made long before kimishima could do anything about it. even now the power of the president is far more diluted than the yamauchi/iwata days.

I agree completely, but he still has plenty of time/power to influence things to a certain degree I imagine. He won't be upending the table and starting from scratch or completely veering course by any means, but he could say "This needs to have more power if we want to be competitive."

We barely know anything about this guy (or what the NX is going to be like), though, so who knows.


Junior Member
Just for the sake of speculation, does anyone have any potential ideas on how an ARM console can keep up with the PS4 & the Xbox One (or at least be within a reasonable distance to them)?

lo zaffo

Nintendo can play form-factor SKUs whenever they want as long as they but play same Nx portable line-up. Think of Nx portable like the GBA and other form-factor SKUs like a GameCube sans optical disc drive plus GameBoyAdvance player attached on the base of it. I know Nintendo was forced into this position in order to have CapCom and Level-5 camping Nintendo3Ds pastures, but they are already defacto a single platform company. Just a couple of partnership title per generation can be developped without portable resources in the core, this turn was the case of Xenoblade Cross and FE#, plus Aounuma team that fiercely took apart Zelda console from Zelda portable, against itself, against the market, against living in the confort zone, against profitability.


Junior Member
I'm already sensing that there's going to be alot of heartbreak next year.

It's going to be a low power console, a separate low power handheld, and they're both going to be based around a unique user interface/input device once again.

Prepare yourselves.

I'll be surprised (but happy) if you're not correct.


This I can buy to an extent. It would make sense. I'm still confident they'll drop both this year.

If the two systems share mostly the same software library (think Smash 4, same base content on both systems) then it makes no sense to drop both close to each other. Most people would only buy one, not both. But if you introduce it say 1 full year after, then the possibility for double dippers increases plus you get prolonged NX hype, akin to the current DLC model.
I always predicted a 2016 release, WiiU is a dead horse and must be replaced, the sooner, the better. But 12 million units shipped, that's ambitious. Very ambitious. Most likely too ambitious.

Davey Cakes

Nintendo's mobile presence alone is like an entirely new marketing initituative for their future products, including NX. They're probably trying to build new audiences and THAT is just one method of exposure.

If these shipped numbers end up being accurate, it would prove that Nintendo has some confidence in their new direction. They believe they can bring people into this new ecosystem and convince them to buy an NX handheld or console on top of what's offered on mobile. That's certainly refreshing to see.
No matter what happens 2016 is going to be a exciting gaming year for all the games that are coming out and the new console speculations and hype.

I'll probably pick up the handheld. Had every one since the Game Boy and haven't been disappointed by any of them. Dream launch would be Animal Crossing NX along with a new Mario. Console I don't know, I have a PS4. Depends on the software I guess and knowing Nintendo and consoles its probably better to wait a year or two.

Ah 2016 is going to be so exciting. :)


Junior Member
I always predicted a 2016 release, WiiU is a dead horse and must be replaced, the sooner, the better. But 12 million units shipped, that's ambitious. Very ambitious. Most likely too ambitious.
Not if it's counting all NX form factors, console & handheld(s).


It would be nice to know what Nintendo planned in order to expect those numbers, what kind of console do you think "could" do that? a PS4&XONE competitor? a VR thing? a Virtual Boy 2? a "Super" WiiU?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Yes, but there's no optical drive to ship or service, one production line for all games. One physical medium selling to two installed bases with enough gameplay differences to warrant purchasing both form factors solves many of Nintendo's current problems. Even third-party console support would be enhanced due to spillover from titles aimed primarily at the handheld.

This is a valid point. The only issue I can still see is that the largest games in file size would be pricier than what Nintendo is used to. This next year will be 15 years since Nintendo's supply chain switched to printing on Panasonic-developed discs for their home consoles. Japan even got a special GameCube as part of the partnership, the Panasonic Q.

Though pretty much everything has changed, there is still a cost difference which you have acknowledged. Maybe the lack of an optical drive cuts that back quite a bit. The Wii U's optical drive was quite large (but also a really sturdy-looking Panasonic design.)

The fact that Macronix is called out here looks a lot like Nintendo is going to bite the bullet like you said IF this hybrid shares media and most-to-all games.

Solid state media (and Nintendo always used high grade ROM chips) is superior so I'd be happy, but I don't know how the largest games are going to fit. I don't want a company like Monolith Soft compromising their vision and I'm worried about thirds, they won't want to pay any more for the physical media, obviously. I was fine with discs, but I'm okay with any non-digital solution.


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