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Disney Infinity 3.0 |OT| Episode 3: The Playset Awakens


I'd say most of that is a pretty fair assessment. I've yet to play any of the 3.0 play sets so I can't say much about that. But you said Violet couldn't keep up with the adults in the Incredibles playset? She was the most OP character in 1.0, even the debs said so, and in my opinion she was the best character to play that playset as.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Now my understanding is that to play the playsets I will need to get the 1.0 and 2.0 software also right?

Yep. So to play, say, Pirates of the Caribbean (which was in 1.0) you'd need a Disney Infinity 1.0 disc, a Disney Infinity 1.0 character Pirates of the Caribbean character (since characters aren't backwards compatible and have to be from the same franchise to play in playsets), and the Pirates of the Caribbean playset piece (which is really the combo piece that includes Incredibles/Pirates/Monsters Inc, but I digress).


I thought most of the 1.0 play sets were really good. The 2.0 ones were horrible in comparison, though Guardians of the Galaxy was decent. But since they only work in their respective versions, if you only have 3.0 you don't need to worry about them.

And I thought the Cars one was pretty decent. Pirates was probably the best though. Lone Ranger was second.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Yeah. Sadly they don't carry over. But if you place the playsets in 3.0 you'll unlock all their toy content.

Yeah, that's something I forgot to mention that I actually really liked about the 1.0 sets: Exploring netted you toys for use in the ToyBox themed around the playset you were in (usually characters, pets, textures, objects, etc from the playset). The newer playsets let you do the same thing, but they're unlocked through progress/mission completion/etc instead of exploration, and they're only unlocked for purchase (with sparks) rather than being unlocked outright. And if you're running a later version (say 3.0) you can just plop the 1.0 playsets down to unlock all the goodies you could've unlocked playing them.
Reading the replies, I think I'm understanding. One thing, though: So any 3.0 character can be used to play through the story modes of the 3.0 playsets, correct? Darth Maul can be used to play through Twilight or the Inside Out missions when he's available? But characters from 2.0 and 1.0 cannot but are available in the toybox mode(s).

Help me understand toybox mode. Is it just an empty level that you create and/or download from other users? Or are there actually some developer created worlds full of life to give you something to do?


Reading the replies, I think I'm understanding. One thing, though: So any 3.0 character can be used to play through the story modes of the 3.0 playsets, correct? Darth Maul can be used to play through Twilight or the Inside Out missions when he's available? But characters from 2.0 and 1.0 cannot but are available in the toybox mode(s).

Characters can't cross outside franchises when not in the Toy Box. Star Wars characters in Star Wars playsets only. The upcoming Marvel set will be the same way.
Characters can't cross outside franchises when not in the Toy Box. Star Wars characters in Star Wars playsets only. The upcoming Marvel set will be the same way.
Fair enough, thanks.

Upcoming Marvel set, I'm guessing, won't let you use 2.0 Marvel? I'd love to collect past characters but not for toy box only as I haven't really grasped how meaty that is yet.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Characters can't cross outside franchises when not in the Toy Box. Star Wars characters in Star Wars playsets only. The upcoming Marvel set will be the same way.

Additionally, not all characters are available right away. I.e., Darth Maul is playable in the Twilight of the Republic playset, but only after you get his Champmion Coin (which is pretty easy; it's not deeply hidden or anything). Like others have said, it's sort of like the LEGO games - play through it at first with the "real" cast and then unlock playing in the Clone Wars as Luke or fight against Darth Vader as Anakin Skywalker as you go.

Fair enough, thanks.

Upcoming Marvel set, I'm guessing, won't let you use 2.0 Marvel? I'd love to collect past characters but not for toy box only as I haven't really grasped how meaty that is yet.

I don't know if they've announced the exact details yet, but I'd surprised if they didn't let you use the old Marvel heroes. Especially since the only new Marvel 3.0 guys are Ultron and Hulkbuster Ironman (and I guess Black Symbiote Spider-Man but I think he's just a reskin).


Wii U is the only one of the current main consoles were the 3 version can be obtained digitally and the first is (was?) free.


Fair enough, thanks.

Upcoming Marvel set, I'm guessing, won't let you use 2.0 Marvel? I'd love to collect past characters but not for toy box only as I haven't really grasped how meaty that is yet.

Nope. All the Marvel characters will work in the Marvel Battlegrounds playset that's coming out next year.
Additionally, not all characters are available right away. I.e., Darth Maul is playable in the Twilight of the Republic playset, but only after you get his Champmion Coin (which is pretty easy; it's not deeply hidden or anything). Like others have said, it's sort of like the LEGO games - play through it at first with the "real" cast and then unlock playing in the Clone Wars as Luke or fight against Darth Vader as Anakin Skywalker as you go.

I don't know if they've announced the exact details yet, but I'd surprised if they didn't let you use the old Marvel heroes. Especially since the only new Marvel 3.0 guys are Ultron and Hulkbuster Ironman (and I guess Black Symbiote Spider-Man but I think he's just a reskin).

I believe 2.0 marvel characters can be used in the 3.0 marvel playset.

Nope. All the Marvel characters will work in the Marvel Battlegrounds playset that's coming out next year.
You folks are swell, but my wallet doesn't think so. Thanks so much.

Edit: Now if only Maul's teeth weren't so white... Makes his model and figure not so hot imo. The one character I'd considered buying whether I had the game or not. Meh.


I'll say this: None of the playsets are particularly amazing. They're all on the short end of things, they're clunky, and until 3.0 had almost no narrative thrust at all (and even now it's a pretty loose set of affairs). That said, with the right expectations of it being a shallowly fun, colorful way to level up your characters they can be enjoyable. My list (noting that I haven't finished the two newest playsets):

Pretty good:

  • Twilight of the Republic (3.0): Best combat of the series so far, space sections and multiple planets that are small but at least give the game a sense of scope missing in all previous playsets, and more narrative focus than the playsets have ever had. It's the closest we've come to a legit "good" playset so far, I think.
  • Inside Out (3.0): A nice platformer that's aimed at kids. Unlike other more action-oriented playsets, when a character dies you don't need to replace it with a new one - you just respawn at a checkpoint. Super simple and really forgiving, but it's got a cute (if garish) visual style and the collectibles/par times give older players more meat to chew through where raw challenge is lacking.
Thanks again for the great information. I ordered the Inside Out one along with the bundle from BBY (should be arriving today!), and I'm looking forward to checking them out. I think if anything, I'll pick up some of the others mainly for the figures, which look incredibly well made!


Additionally, not all characters are available right away. I.e., Darth Maul is playable in the Twilight of the Republic playset, but only after you get his Champmion Coin (which is pretty easy; it's not deeply hidden or anything). Like others have said, it's sort of like the LEGO games - play through it at first with the "real" cast and then unlock playing in the Clone Wars as Luke or fight against Darth Vader as Anakin Skywalker as you go.

I don't know if they've announced the exact details yet, but I'd surprised if they didn't let you use the old Marvel heroes. Especially since the only new Marvel 3.0 guys are Ultron and Hulkbuster Ironman (and I guess Black Symbiote Spider-Man but I think he's just a reskin).

They have said that the upcoming Marvel set will allow every Infinity Marvel character made


For people just getting into this, Gamestop is still holding the promotion for B2G3 free for DI figures. If you don't mind preowned (most of the figures I got looked like new), you can get 5 figures essentially for about $20. You can also get playset pieces too.

If any of the figures are a little dirty, some 91% alcohol will take those little marks right off.
I'll say this: None of the playsets are particularly amazing. They're all on the short end of things, they're clunky, and until 3.0 had almost no narrative thrust at all (and even now it's a pretty loose set of affairs). That said, with the right expectations of it being a shallowly fun, colorful way to level up your characters they can be enjoyable. My list (noting that I haven't finished the two newest playsets):

Pretty good:

  • Twilight of the Republic (3.0): Best combat of the series so far, space sections and multiple planets that are small but at least give the game a sense of scope missing in all previous playsets, and more narrative focus than the playsets have ever had. It's the closest we've come to a legit "good" playset so far, I think.
  • Inside Out (3.0): A nice platformer that's aimed at kids. Unlike other more action-oriented playsets, when a character dies you don't need to replace it with a new one - you just respawn at a checkpoint. Super simple and really forgiving, but it's got a cute (if garish) visual style and the collectibles/par times give older players more meat to chew through where raw challenge is lacking.


  • Pirates of the Caribbean (1.0): Did you want to play a knockoff Assassin's Creed IV for kids? Because this is a knockoff Assassin's Creed IV for kids. You pilot a boat that can get in sea battles while en route to different islands and solve simple platforming/combat sequences to make progress. It's okay, but it also feels at all times like you could be playing a more developed version of these ideas called Black Flag.
  • Monsters, Inc (1.0): Metal Gear Monsters. It's a stealth game where you sneak up on other monsters, except instead of stabbing them you "scare" them by yelling. And then there's paintball segments where you shoot guys. Again, if Pirates was Black Flag for kids this is Metal Gear Solid for kids. Probably a little too clunky to be enjoyable by adults, but it has its moments.
  • Spider-Man/Avengers (2.0): I put these two together because they both are basically the same game with the same map (one is in upper New York, the other is in lower New York, but you can see the other playset's buildings so it feels arbitrarily limited). They're both PS2-era licensed superhero romps. I dug 'em, because I have a soft spot for that stuff. But I'm under no delusions that they're great, either. It's a step up from the Incredibles in a big way (death matters, for instance), but without the combat gains from 3.0 it's still a bland beat 'em up with next to no narrative push.
  • The Lone Ranger (1.0): The movie sucked, sure, but hijinks in the old west turn out to play okay. It's gun-focused, which means the butts combat of the 1.0 pack isn't as big of a deal. And it's got a more distinct progression system as you make the train go further and further. Not amazing, but not horrible.
  • Toy Story (1.0): This is basically the same thing as the Toy Story game by Avalanche, except set in Buzz Lightyear's universe rather than Woody's wild west setting. It's got a big base building/painting/civilian dressup thing going on. I dug it, but it's also pretty empty/shallow, play wise. If you like doing random chores to unlock a new building to get a bunch of new random chores to get another random unlock, it's cool. It also introduced the shrinking/growing stuff that never made it back to Disney Infinity 2.0/3.0.

Just... no:

  • Cars (1.0): - The driving physics have improved with 3.0 (at least a bit), but before that the driving physics were butts on toast. Nothing underscored this like the Cars playset, which is almost 100% racing (and some light, light Tony Hawk style trick segments). If you have kids that are die-hard fans of the films it might be worth a look, but if you want to race in Disney Infinity I'd wait for the cart expansion pack.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2.0): I love these characters, but this playset is butts. It takes place on Knowhere, but it's really just a jumble of nonsensical scifi hallways (and not in a good way). There's an entire half of the map that's one big platforming puzzle used for all of two or so missions, and the rest is just grey boxes as far as the eye can see. It's bad platforming and escort missions rounded off by turret sections. Pass.
  • Incredibles (1.0): - If you thought the New York City of Spider-Man/Avengers was small, you haven't seen nothin' yet. Half the powers feel useless (Violet and Dash simply can't keep up with their parents/Syndrome, and having Syndrome fight Syndrome feels stupid). Since this is 1.0, the combat sucks. It's basically spamming the triangle/Y button until everything on the screen is dead. This is also before death carried any meaning, so there's not even an obligation to swap out characters when you die. It's poops.

This is kind of surprising to me, because I quite liked the Starter Set play sets from 1.0. I still look back on them fondly.

I've only played the Stater Sets, and this would be my much different ranking:

1. Incredibles
2. Monsters U
3. Twilight of the Republic

4. Pirates of the Caribbean

5. Avengers
I'll say this: None of the playsets are particularly amazing. They're all on the short end of things, they're clunky, and until 3.0 had almost no narrative thrust at all (and even now it's a pretty loose set of affairs). That said, with the right expectations of it being a shallowly fun, colorful way to level up your characters they can be enjoyable. My list (noting that I haven't finished the two newest playsets):

Pretty good:

  • Twilight of the Republic (3.0): Best combat of the series so far, space sections and multiple planets that are small but at least give the game a sense of scope missing in all previous playsets, and more narrative focus than the playsets have ever had. It's the closest we've come to a legit "good" playset so far, I think.
  • Inside Out (3.0): A nice platformer that's aimed at kids. Unlike other more action-oriented playsets, when a character dies you don't need to replace it with a new one - you just respawn at a checkpoint. Super simple and really forgiving, but it's got a cute (if garish) visual style and the collectibles/par times give older players more meat to chew through where raw challenge is lacking.


  • Pirates of the Caribbean (1.0): Did you want to play a knockoff Assassin's Creed IV for kids? Because this is a knockoff Assassin's Creed IV for kids. You pilot a boat that can get in sea battles while en route to different islands and solve simple platforming/combat sequences to make progress. It's okay, but it also feels at all times like you could be playing a more developed version of these ideas called Black Flag.
  • Monsters, Inc (1.0): Metal Gear Monsters. It's a stealth game where you sneak up on other monsters, except instead of stabbing them you "scare" them by yelling. And then there's paintball segments where you shoot guys. Again, if Pirates was Black Flag for kids this is Metal Gear Solid for kids. Probably a little too clunky to be enjoyable by adults, but it has its moments.
  • Spider-Man/Avengers (2.0): I put these two together because they both are basically the same game with the same map (one is in upper New York, the other is in lower New York, but you can see the other playset's buildings so it feels arbitrarily limited). They're both PS2-era licensed superhero romps. I dug 'em, because I have a soft spot for that stuff. But I'm under no delusions that they're great, either. It's a step up from the Incredibles in a big way (death matters, for instance), but without the combat gains from 3.0 it's still a bland beat 'em up with next to no narrative push.
  • The Lone Ranger (1.0): The movie sucked, sure, but hijinks in the old west turn out to play okay. It's gun-focused, which means the butts combat of the 1.0 pack isn't as big of a deal. And it's got a more distinct progression system as you make the train go further and further. Not amazing, but not horrible.
  • Toy Story (1.0): This is basically the same thing as the Toy Story game by Avalanche, except set in Buzz Lightyear's universe rather than Woody's wild west setting. It's got a big base building/painting/civilian dressup thing going on. I dug it, but it's also pretty empty/shallow, play wise. If you like doing random chores to unlock a new building to get a bunch of new random chores to get another random unlock, it's cool. It also introduced the shrinking/growing stuff that never made it back to Disney Infinity 2.0/3.0.

Just... no:

  • Cars (1.0): - The driving physics have improved with 3.0 (at least a bit), but before that the driving physics were butts on toast. Nothing underscored this like the Cars playset, which is almost 100% racing (and some light, light Tony Hawk style trick segments). If you have kids that are die-hard fans of the films it might be worth a look, but if you want to race in Disney Infinity I'd wait for the cart expansion pack.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2.0): I love these characters, but this playset is butts. It takes place on Knowhere, but it's really just a jumble of nonsensical scifi hallways (and not in a good way). There's an entire half of the map that's one big platforming puzzle used for all of two or so missions, and the rest is just grey boxes as far as the eye can see. It's bad platforming and escort missions rounded off by turret sections. Pass.
  • Incredibles (1.0): - If you thought the New York City of Spider-Man/Avengers was small, you haven't seen nothin' yet. Half the powers feel useless (Violet and Dash simply can't keep up with their parents/Syndrome, and having Syndrome fight Syndrome feels stupid). Since this is 1.0, the combat sucks. It's basically spamming the triangle/Y button until everything on the screen is dead. This is also before death carried any meaning, so there's not even an obligation to swap out characters when you die. It's poops.

I liked a lot of the 1.0 play sets. Particularly Monsters Inc, Pirates, and Lone Ranger. Of course I like that material a lot more than Marvel or Star Wars so I'm probably biased. Didn't care for Cars/Toy Story/Incredibles play sets so much. Also didn't really enjoy 2.0 at all.

I'd say if anyone is just now getting into DI buy the 1.0 starter pack along with the Lone Ranger playset if there's any interest in it. If you or your kids are interested in Toy Story, buy the Toy Story 3 video game for PS3/Xbox. It's made by the same people that did DI except it's much better than DI. It runs pretty lousy (so does DI) but it's very fun overall and your kids will love it.

Skip 2.0 completely unless you're a really big fan of Marvel or Guardians and just have to have it.


I cant find 1.0 on Wii U Store in europe.

I'll check on the US store as soon as this freaking update finishes.
Not only is it slow as shit, but I am subjected to this god awful music and sound effects as it downloads which makes it even worse.

Edit: Yep free on US WiiU
I'll check on the US store as soon as this freaking update finishes.
Not only is it slow as shit, but I am subjected to this god awful music and sound effects as it downloads which makes it even worse.

It should be up still. I don't know how 1.0 was on PS3/360/Wii but it wasn't anything great on the Wii U. The toybox took forever to place things because it was all done through the game pad screen so when you press the button to edit it freezes for a second.


Just bought Zeb and Sabine. I told myself I was going to take it slow with picking up new figures, yet here I am...


Ok apparently I was mistaken and power discs are not all power discs and the hex ones are considered different because they do not work.


Junior Member
Additionally, not all characters are available right away. I.e., Darth Maul is playable in the Twilight of the Republic playset, but only after you get his Champmion Coin (which is pretty easy; it's not deeply hidden or anything). Like others have said, it's sort of like the LEGO games - play through it at first with the "real" cast and then unlock playing in the Clone Wars as Luke or fight against Darth Vader as Anakin Skywalker as you go.

I don't know if they've announced the exact details yet, but I'd surprised if they didn't let you use the old Marvel heroes. Especially since the only new Marvel 3.0 guys are Ultron and Hulkbuster Ironman (and I guess Black Symbiote Spider-Man but I think he's just a reskin).
Supposedly we're getting 6 more Marvel figures.


Ok Sorcerer Mickey is just amazing all around. His moves are so much fun.

Edit: Just ordered Merida ,Randall ,Captain Jack Sparrow , Rocket Raccoon and Thor from Gamestop for $22 and change (25 after shipping)


Of the discs:
-Circulars are put under the character, and they give either a bonus, advantage to that character. This usually have a star in them.

-Hexagonals are put separate. What those do vary from colors and floors to customize in the Toy Box, to levels to weapons. Weapons have a toy/ball on them, customization ones have a paint-brush.


Of the discs:
-Circulars are put under the character, and they give either a bonus, asvantage to that character. This usually have a star in them.

-Hexagonals are put separate. What those do vary from colors and floors to customize, to levels to weapons. Weapons have a toy/ball on them, customization ones have a paint-brush.

Apparently the hex ones will not work because I bought two Nightmare Before Christmas ones for the sky and background and they do not work, nor do the ones that came with Aladdin and Jasmine.


Apparently the hex ones will not work because I bought two Nightmare Before Christmas ones for the sky and background and they do not work, nor do the ones that came with Aladdin and Jasmine.

You sure you put them in before you started the game, the base is nitpicky at times.


Arrived intact! Preorder bonus got shipped separately, but that's OK... very excited to finally check this out, and my wife absolutely LOVES the Inside Out figures! :)

I'll say after two days of playing a bit, that I think this is worlds better than 2.0 (never played 1.0). Having quite a bit of fun, and I really enjoy the Takeover mode.


Apparently the hex ones will not work because I bought two Nightmare Before Christmas ones for the sky and background and they do not work, nor do the ones that came with Aladdin and Jasmine.
Make sure to put them in any Toy Box you're creating and not the Toy Box Hub or one you downloaded. Background, floor, etc. will change depending on what you put. I just tried 6 I had from 1.0 and 2.0 and worked (not a fan of them though). Don't know if it's specific to the ones you have.

I'll say after two days of playing a bit, that I think this is worlds better than 2.0 (never played 1.0). Having quite a bit of fun, and I really enjoy the Takeover mode.
Yeah..1.0 was disappointing to me, avoided 2.0 at first but still got it...was underwhelming, but the figures wete still cool.

3.0 is way better not only as a tool to create stuff, bit as a game. Takeover can also rival (finally) the Skylanders games.


Looks like target has 2/10 if anyone's interested best deal I could find

2 for 20. Target also has Sabine

Toys R Us has Buy one get one 50% off. Toys R Us also has Ezra Toys R Us also has Crystal Sully and Crystal Lightning McQueen (But sale is only on 3.0)
Best Buy has buy 3 get 4th free. Best Buy has Mulan Best Buy also has Crystal Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey
Gamestop has buy 2 used, get 3 free. Gamestop has Zeb

Walmart has Kanan


Is anyone far enough along in the Inside Out playset yet to give an estimate on how long it takes to finish all the levels?


2 for 20. Target also has Sabine

Toys R Us has Buy one get one 50% off. Toys R Us also has Ezra Toys R Us also has Crystal Sully and Crystal Lightning McQueen (But sale is only on 3.0)
Best Buy has buy 3 get 4th free. Best Buy has Mulan Best Buy also has Crystal Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey
Gamestop has buy 2 used, get 3 free. Gamestop has Zeb

Walmart has Kanan

Oh Lordy


Never played a Disney Infinity game before. Is there enough here to keep me engaged? Or is it mostly just creation tool stuff?


Never played a Disney Infinity game before. Is there enough here to keep me engaged? Or is it mostly just creation tool stuff?

It depends what you like to do.
There is alot of content, there are tons of managing things to do like farming (literal..buying plots and assigning sidekicks to work it), leveling side-kicks, unlocking things.
There are user made levels as well as dev made levels.
But that being said, if you are hardcore you can probably nail each of the playsets in a matter of a few hours each maybe more if you hike the difficulty (the clone wars, the trilogy, toybox rampage).

So it is hard to say.


2 for 20. Target also has Sabine

Toys R Us has Buy one get one 50% off. Toys R Us also has Ezra Toys R Us also has Crystal Sully and Crystal Lightning McQueen (But sale is only on 3.0)
Best Buy has buy 3 get 4th free. Best Buy has Mulan Best Buy also has Crystal Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey
Gamestop has buy 2 used, get 3 free. Gamestop has Zeb

Walmart has Kanan

Toys R Us B1G50%off is for all Infinity characters, so you can mix. They do charge an extra $1 per figure, though.


For some reason, I've found myself using...Anakin mostly. Like I have nothing against the character, but I got him because he was in the playset. I bought Yoda as my main Star Wars character, but nope...Anakin.


I'll check on the US store as soon as this freaking update finishes.
Not only is it slow as shit, but I am subjected to this god awful music and sound effects as it downloads which makes it even worse.

Edit: Yep free on US WiiU

too bad for me then :(
Thanks for checking!
Game released a day early in Australia. Purchased Sam, Quorra, Olaf, Minnie, Yoda, and Mulan to play with.

I am LOVING Toybox Takeover. It's so fun, and it makes me wish the Speed Racing was released now as well.


Junior Member
My Best Buy pre-order finally came in. I had bought the game Sunday at TrU since my original pre-order was delayed and just took the Best Buy one, turned around and returned that box to TrU. I still wanted the BB one since I'm with Gamers Club Unlocked and saved about $25 off the set. That, and I'm impatient.

But DAMN if that didn't take a good half hour to pick up because they had a hard time finding the Toybox Takeover set that comes with the pre-order.Then, they wanted to charge me $15.99 for the Toybox Takeover despite the fact that it comes with the pre-order for free as a bonus and it even rings up as "pre-order bundle". They finally got a manager and straightened it all out, but it pissed me off that it took a two-day delay and a lot of hassle just for me to get my game.

I gotta say though, after spending several hours with it now, this is easily the best Disney Infinity yet. The melee combat is very satisfactory especially the mid-air juggles and I love slicing an enemy up into the air as Luke Skywalker and juggling him by shooting him several times with my blaster.

Both Star Wars game play similarly as they'll be a regular level followed by a large hub world. Then, after doing several missions in the hub world, you can go off planet into space for some space combat followed by going to another planet. It reminded me a lot of Pirates of the Carribean from the first game where you went from island to island and had a tone of ship combat and it makes the game feel much larger than it is. It's a hell of a lot better than just going around New York getting missions from Shield and basically staying in the same environment forever.

Toybox Takeover is pretty cool too and reminds me a fair bit of Diablo/Skylanders

The Toybox Hub is a great idea as learning to make your own game levels can be greatly overwhelming. This eases you into it by doing different story activities and learning how things work through play itself rather than just throwing you into a map. Plus there's already a ton of solid user created content for me to use my Toybox only figs on and have a great time.

My only complaint is ship flight controls can be very wonky and take awhile to get used to. Especially hitting Triangle/Y to fire your lasers.

Overall though, I'm having a blast with this game and it outdoes the other two by quite a bit.
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