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Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton a bigot at campaign rally in Jackson, Mississippi

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Trump calls Clinton ‘bigot’ who only wants votes
JACKSON, MS (WCMH)–Donald Trump is declaring that Hillary Clinton “is a bigot” in his latest outreach to minority voters.

The Republican presidential nominee drew loud cheers from a crowd in Jackson, Mississippi, on Wednesday when he declared that Democrats have taken minorities’ support for granted.

He said of his Democratic opponent, “Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future.”

Trump also gave a vague preview of his new immigration policy, which is slated to be unveiled next week. He said any immigration policy he supports must pass three tests: It should improve the wages, safety and quality of life for U.S. citizens.

He offered no specifics.

He invited Nigel Farage, an architect of Britain’s successful “Brexit” campaign, to join him on stage at a rally Wednesday night in Jackson, Mississippi.

Farage is outgoing head of the United Kingdom Independence Party. He said “anything is possible” if enough people band together, and predicted that Trump’s presidential campaign would “smash the establishment.”

Farage noted that his movement was an underdog in public opinion polls but triumphed in Britain’s June 23 referendum. He predicted that Trump, who supported Britain’s departure from the European Union, would stage a comeback and win in November.

Trump called Farage’s appearance an honor and said, “The nation’s working people will take control again.”


Woman's reaction in the back
Coming from the man who's having a rally in Mississippi (that he has no chance of losing) with his brother in white nationalism
he declared that Democrats have taken minorities’ support for granted.

He said of his Democratic opponent, “Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future.”

Says the man who told Black voters "What have you got to lose?" in regards to voting for him instead of making any actual policy announcements on how he would improve their lives


I don't know if this is something to really be bothered by. I mean, Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement, has said the exact same thing to Bloomberg.

Has Hillary Clinton done or said anything as a presidential candidate that’s surprised you?

Early on, she would say, “Yes, black lives matter,” but she wouldn’t acknowledge her role in processes that fundamentally showed black lives did not matter. She says that she is for economic justice, but she doesn’t support $15 an hour as the minimum wage.

After Bill Clinton told black protesters, “You are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter,” you wrote, “My back is tired of being the path to the White House.”

I was angry about that for about a month—seriously, like every single day. It’s reprehensible for him to defend the impacts his policies have had on our communities. The Clintons use black people for votes, but then don’t do anything for black communities after they’re elected. They use us for photo ops.


Accusing your opponent of being a bigot - while standing among an audience that's probably over 99% white.

Projection, thy name is Trump.
This talking point is straight out of the alt-righters and Trump whorshippers on reddit/twitter/whatever. And it is where he gets his talking points from.
“Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future.”

At least she sees them worthy of votes. Unlike, you know, the republican party that wants to take even that away from minorities.


Obviously no minority is going to believe this, they will laugh, as they should.

But once again, this was just a message for "Independents" and diet racists. He is just preaching to the choir. Literally, I mean look at his audience.


So at this point can we just conclude that anything Trump says about Hillary is probably projection and is something he's guilty of himself?


He's in Jackson Mississippi and that crowd is still basically all white.

He's not talking to minorities with these words, but people who don't want to vote for Trump because they feel he's too racist.


Also that reaction from the lady is wonderful. I mean, they still keep co ming back so they must be getting something out of it but at least some of these people can still be shocked by Trump.
I don't know if this is something to really be bothered by. I mean, Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement, has said the exact same thing to Bloomberg.
While Democrats havent been perfect, in general, they clearly have been the ones on the right side of civil rights history since the 1960s.

Progress attempted by democratic leaders mostly have been resisted at every opportunity by the GOP and the fact that at its core, the US is just a deeply racist country.


It's funny because Trump and co. realize the email thing is a lost cause(even though they won't stop bringing it up quite yet) and that Benghazi is dead and buried so now the time has come to question her health/ability to open pickle jars and say she's racist and a bigot. Pretty dang sad, I thought Trump had a ton of ammo on Hillary and that she'd be sorry when he got started on her.
I don't know if this is something to really be bothered by. I mean, Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement, has said the exact same thing to Bloomberg.

I'm going to guess that he was in a coma from '92-2000 because those years were damn good to most black folks, economically at least. Their drug war policy put a lot of black men and women in prison needlessly but they both seem to realize now that was a mistake.


I don't know if this is something to really be bothered by. I mean, Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement, has said the exact same thing to Bloomberg.
And? Does she have an unimpeachable perspective? Not really.

Clinton and her husband weren't responsible for the mass incarceration of blacks through the 1994 Crime Bill (which was only federal in scope, and followed behind state efforts to combat a very real crime wave) and the distinction between Garza's insistence for "$15 an hour" compared to, say, Clinton's proposal of "$12 an hour with some upward adjustment for high cost of living locales" is completely arbitrary.


Also that reaction from the lady is wonderful. I mean, they still keep co ming back so they must be getting something out of it but at least some of these people can still be shocked by Trump.

Shes like what I have done coming to this thing??!

"The nation’s working people will take control again.”

He already established that he doesn't believe most black people are employed, so this is on the nose racist even for him
As we learned when Trump called for a gun enthusiast to "do something" about Hillary and her justice choices, those reactions are merely a quick splash of overwhelming cognitive dissonance temporarily scrambling his supporters' circuits. By tomorrow morning that woman will have it all settled again and she'll be totally comfortable giving an interview in support of Trump.


So at this point can we just conclude that anything Trump says about Hillary is probably projection and is something he's guilty of himself?

I came to that conclusion when he was accusing Clinton of having ties with Russian interests.


listen to the mad man
Can't you see it
Can't you feel it
It's all in the air
I can't stand the pressure much longer
Somebody say a prayer

Alabama's gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi, goddamn.
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