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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


honestly that's my only real gripe right now. though it's just because im not used to it i think. there is a lot of ammo you just have to do a lot of running around to get to it.

You can upgrade your ammo in the game, also a *certain* weapon when used makes enemies drop tons of ammo. A few levels in and you won't notice.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
You can upgrade your ammo in the game, also a *certain* weapon when used makes enemies drop tons of ammo. A few levels in and you won't notice.

ah that's right, and i even got that weapon, and i keep forgetting to use it. fuck lol
Have you tried double jumping over them?

Don't have it yet.

Can someone describe the movement actions? Trying not to watch too much footage.

Run. Walk. Jump. Jump again. Mantle.


Kinda not liking the really low ammo capacity on the weapons

Spend argent energy on increasing capacity if that's what you want. So long as you can put that extra ammo towards efficiently killing everything in your way, it shouldn't be an issue.
Even though I can't get the percentage off on Steam (compared to GMG) and can't get the extra game, at least I can get a refund on Steam if things go tits up.
Wow it's so bad that they disabled ratings and comments

Yeah I just noticed the same thing and I chuckled. At this point they should just take the video down and apologize to Grandma for wasting her time.

Just about all the comments were about how obviously terrible the player is. Polygon couldn't take the heat I guess.
Here's the overlay option on PC:


Is there an announcer forthe multiplayer matches? Still didnt try it (dunno if its open yet), but am Igoing to hear quad damage in an awesome voice on pickup?
Is there an announcer forthe multiplayer matches? Still didnt try it (dunno if its open yet), but am Igoing to hear quad damage in an awesome voice on pickup?

There is, though it's kind of a weird, high pitched, tinny voiceover. Not the best IMO. Note: based on the beta. Haven't played the final game yet.
10 hours to decide. The MP season pass with maps/weapons/etc is pushing me towards a no unfortunately. I'm also just not sure because the only videos that made me think it's fun is the GTX video only because of the perma speed rune upgrade only avail in SP.


10 hours to decide. The MP season pass with maps/weapons/etc is pushing me towards a no unfortunately. I'm also just not sure because the only videos that made me think it's fun is the GTX video only because of the perma speed rune upgrade only avail in SP.

My guess is, MP dies till season pass arrives, at least on PC, with free (and superior) UT4 and all...
But it seems like SP is not half bad, so I think I did right picking it up.


How does the game speed feel with a controller? Obviously it's worse than m/kb but I hope not too big of a detriment to play on PS4.


Ugh have university all day and then work afterwards. Waiting to pick it up after work is going to be torture. CE come at me.
The game's sense of humor in a nutshell:

Robot Doctor: You need to remove that filter REEEEEEEALLY carefully.

DOOM Marine: *Promptly kicks the living shit out of it*

Robot Doctor: Dude... (-_-)


Anyone preorder this from Amazon? "2 day" prime shipping is showing it as showing up on May 17.

Not a big deal for me personally, as I'm getting in digitally on PC, but ordered a copy for my brother because I have Prime and he doesn't and that seems like an absurdly slow mailing time. But then again most of my preorders I've done there have been Tuesday games so maybe the Friday release throws a wrench in the plans.
Holy shit is this game awesome. Never expected it but the hype got to me.

Killing and slaughtering stuff left and right while guitar riffs are blasting through your speakers never felt so good.

Looks incredible on PC too (3440x1440 ultrawide).

What a pleasant surprise!


Un Rama
The Gauss canon is mental in this. When you get the siege perk where it locks you in place and charges I managed to kill a Baron of Hell in one head shot.


Any impressions of this game with a Steam controller? Doom 3 is fantastic with it.

One of the Valve guys popped into the Steam Controller thread "to set expectations". Basically it will allow simultaneous mouse and gamepad controls, but for now the game's tool tips / icons will keep switching between mouse & keyboard / gamepad. They'll be working with id to fix it post launch with a patch.

All in all not bad really, considering previous games haven't been able support simultaneous mouse and pad.


Waaaaah, what the hell!! Doom EU unlock is not on DST!! Damn thing is gonna unlock at 1 AM, what the fudge. Ugh.


Unconfirmed Member
This guys very entertaining to watch, on PC and on Nightmare difficulty. He likes to scour for the secrets too.


I will say though be wary if you like to remain completely unspoilt as he's currently in the latter half of the game but the gunfights have been fun to watch and he's a great player.


The music is terrible.

Not sure about how the rest of the game will go, but it seems like the game may be using a bit of a dynamic score. There is one bit that has different kind of music to what we've seen, and then a brief entry from some metal guitar playing, which I assume might be dynamic based on how fast your are killing things (which reminds me of the original Doom dude smiling when you go on a bit of a rampage). Here's the section - https://youtu.be/anrvBD4aTGY?t=5m2s


Trading in Nathan Drake Collection and Dishonored today for some sweet, sweet Doom on my Xbox One which, given the time i'm putting into U4 and DS3 still - the Xbox needs some love...

Very exciting week!


Played for about 40 minutes earlier, the game feels so much better with the unlocked framerate. Even though I only got to around 85 for the most part with my 970 it still felt much better than the locked beta.

All the encounters I've had so far have been pretty fun, game is fast and quite punishing on whatever difficulty is the highest available on the first playthrough.

A little webm I made for funsies.

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