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Dragon Age Inquisition Launch Trailer (hot) and Release Date (October 7th)

Not even close. Just look up some DAO and DA2 combat vids, it will be more or less like that, but with some freedom to play real time and only focus on your character or total pause and play where you micro manage your entire party and tactics.

I won't even bother with the real time combat unless I am forced to do so.


Looks good for what it is, but thank Helm for Pillars of Eternity. Hate that one voice actor though--the one that says,"You might want to watch yourself; it's raining demons." Ugh. SUCH a terrible reading.


shadows of mordor is probably one of them games that is always delayed into the next year due to getting swarmed by big name titles.

Yeah. I know it's LOTR, but based on what's been shown of both, I think they're nuts if they think they can best DAI.


Gold Member
I loved DA:O but skipped DA2 but I'll think I'll give this one a shot. The trailer was pretty damn good.


No bald cap? Lies!
I won't even bother with the real time combat unless I am forced to do so.

I don't see that happening. In both DAO and DA2 I almost exclusively did pause and play the entire time, at the least once at the start of combat to set up some stuff even in common encounters. It's just way more satisfying. DA2 was good and bad because while the camera sucked and encounters were that good, your companions were far more responsive and quick to fulfill your commands so setting up and executing combos was a breeze unlike DAO where you often got screwed by the shuffle and waiting for animations to end.


Tight, tight tight.

I'm actually surprised that it's coming this year. For some reason I just assume that every game is at least two years away from when we first see it.

I believe we first saw Dragon Age: Inquisition about 2 years ago, actually.

Actually, looking it up, the first chatter about it was in 2011, and it was formally announced in 2012. So, yeah, about 2 years.


All the exclusive bonus content for the collectors edition is already putting me off again, but at least does it seem to be only items and mounts and not quests.

Hope to see a new walkthrough some time soon to see if all their promises hold true

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That looks extremely good. Fully expecting massive downgradeton before launch, though.


The character models look as bad as I remember. Otherwise, meh. Dragon Age 2 has killed any interest I have in the series - and that's with counting Origins as one of my favourite games of all time.


That looks extremely good. Fully expecting massive downgradeton before launch, though.

When it comes out in early October? It'll look worse on PS360 for obvious reasons. On PS4/XBO and most certainly PC, it'd take some sort of internal disaster for it to not look like what's in that trailer.
This looks interesting except for the lack of gameplay. I hope it turns out great.

I finished Origins but I have no memory of what it was about. That also reminds me that I never played DA2 and I think I scored a cheap copy for my backlog a while back.


That looks extremely good. Fully expecting massive downgradeton before launch, though.


Look at Leliana's arm here for example:


They seem to have done a lot of asset optimization already.


Chili Con Carnage!
Looks good, I'm cautiously optimistic, they've said most of the right things since DA2, I'm really curious to hear some press impressions once E3 rolls around.


No bald cap? Lies!

Look at Leliana's arm here for example:

They seem to have done a lot of asset optimization already.

Yeah BioWare doesn't seem like they oversell their games, graphically at least. DAO and DA2 delivered as promised. DA2 on PC even offered a Hi-res texture pack. This game looks great, but it's not out of this world amazing so I would be highly surprised if things were stripped down big time, at least for current gen and PC. 360/PS3 might get hit with the ugly stick, but honestly I'm annoyed they're in the mix to begin with, so I don't really care how good or bad they look. They're dead weight and still the single biggest concern I have with this game.


Oh, this is coming out on PS3 too?

In that case, Bioware pls, release a dynamic theme on PSN with that boxart and the dragon magic thing flowing.



I guess I should probably finish DA2...

Is there still no update as to whether or not you can import saves from a different ecosystem? I know they said you can access PS3 saves on your PS4 copy, but what if you wanted to transfer from 360 to PC, or 360 to PS4?


Game looks like it has a ton of potential, but it also sounds like, based on the trailer, that the story might be trying too hard to sound "epic" instead of just being epic. Biowares storytelling though has always been in the politics and characters, it amazes me that their stories never seem to focus more on that.


I never finished Origins. I wish there was a way for me to open my Windows Steam copy on a Mac as I really do not feel like installing Windows just to play it.


Does anyone know if this has online coop....?

Keep hoping that one day I can play a Skyrim / Souls / Dragon type game with a friend online (and not a crap MMO like ESO)....


Does anyone know if this has online coop....?

Keep hoping that one day I can play a Skyrim / Souls / Dragon type game with a friend online (and not a crap MMO like ESO)....

They've talked like they atleast are/were thinking of some kind of multiplayer component, but no one knows if that's actually been implemented or what it is.


Does anyone know if this has online coop....?

Keep hoping that one day I can play a Skyrim / Souls / Dragon type game with a friend online (and not a crap MMO like ESO)....

There was this survey where they were inquiring about peoples MP experiences with other bioware games (ME3) and asked how they liked it. If anything I would expect a horde-ish mode co-op, not just cruising around the world with a friend


This trailer was quite confusing. A lot of fast cutting without conveying a whole lot. Not a great deal of visual consistency, even if the visuals are gorgeous. Also, I get that the end of the video "We are the Inquisition." is mostly meant to convey all the characters to the viewer, but man they could have picked some better dialogue. Or even just modified it slightly to make more sense. "We have entered the Inquisition." "We join the Inquisition." "This is an Inquisition."

Visually nice, but still rather incongruous.


No bald cap? Lies!
I fully expect ME3 style multiplayer horde mode type stuff, castle siege and defend modes but would be incredibly surprised if there was actual co-op in the main game of any kind.


I never finished Origins. I wish there was a way for me to open my Windows Steam copy on a Mac as I really do not feel like installing Windows just to play it.

You'll be able to create a world state when the game launches, so playing it isn't really necessary.


October, 7th? Nice.

I hate when everything's jumbled together in November. This year it seems like we'll be getting a good split between October and November -- a month for the wallet to breathe I suppose.


I fully expect ME3 style multiplayer horde mode type stuff, castle siege and defend modes but would be incredibly surprised if there was actual co-op in the main game of any kind.
When they tried main campaign co-op in Mass Effect 3 they had to cut it due to RAM issues with players walking in separate directions and this runs on 360/PS3 still so I'd be quite surprised as well.


This is crossgen right?

My decisions from DA1 and 2 will have and impact here?

For exemple, DA1 Spoiler:

I had to kill Leliana on my play through


This is crossgen right?

My decisions from DA1 and 2 will have and impact here?

For exemple, DA1 Spoiler:

I had to kill Leliana on my play through

You might not be able to import your save, but you would most certainly be able to make a major choice such as that when using their online save editor Dragon Age Keep and of course it would have an effect.


You might not be able to import your save, but you would most certainly be able to make a major choice such as that when using their online save editor Dragon Age Keep and of course it would have an effect.

That's great! Thanks for the answer friend!


I really dislike the character design. Still, this looks way better than Dragon Age 2. I hope Bioware can deliver a good game this time around.
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