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Dragon Age Inquisition Launch Trailer (hot) and Release Date (October 7th)


Compared to:



I loved both games in their own way, especially Origins. But Inquisition just looks better in every way to me.

Exactly how I feel. For me, it's BioWare's game to lose.


That was a great trailer. This game is looking very strong.

And there is Varric Hate? GTFO. If they should take anything from Dragon Age 2, it's him.


The Deluxe Edition doesn't look that great. You get a couple of mounts and a throne? At least they are not doing exclusive characters again...

Discover the ultimate Dragon Age: Inquisition experience with the Deluxe Edition, Only at GAME, which includes:
  • Skyhold Throne: Every ruler should sit in a place of high honor, but as the Inquisitor you will have the greatest of all, fashioned from an ancient dragon skull.
  • Red Hart Halla: Traverse the perilous, living world atop this great-horned beast.
  • Bog Unicorn: Once belonging to an evil marauder, this unique mount has returned to inspire fear into those who would oppose you.
  • Bring the world of Thedas wherever you go with the digital soundtrack
  • Bonus digital content: to be announced!

The Deluxe Edition also includes the mighty Flames of the Inquisition gear!
  • Multi-class Weapons: Smite your enemies with the Flames of the Inquisition weapons arsenal. Whether staff or daggers, greatsword or war hammer, these weapons will make short work of your foes.
  • Inquisitor Armor: Protect yourself against the onslaught of enemy attacks by suiting up in the Flames of the Inquisition Armor.
  • Armored Mount: Flames of the Inquisition gear also includes a valiant steed, complete with its own set of Inquisition Armor forged from the flames of battle.

I only saw the retail version at Game so far, but it is also available at Origin.com.


This game looks great, I hope it performs well on the PS4/Xbox One. Want to see it play smooth! Kind of disappointed it won't have an earlier release. Once again we have a stacked fall/winter release schedule for games.


Gold Member
Not too thrilled about Varric being back, I really didn't care for him and I'd like this game to distance itself from 2 as much as possible. Besides that though it looks great, can't wait to play it!

Van Owen

Is the console version 1080p 30fps? Seems reasonable for PS4 at least if BF4 was 900p with a 60fps target.

But I'll probably go PC anyway.


Is the console version 1080p 30fps? Seems reasonable for PS4 at least if BF4 was 900p with a 60fps target.

But I'll probably go PC anyway.

I'd ask which console, as there are 4 different versions, but I don't believe we have any stats about performance yet.
Searched the thread but couldn't find, so sorry if this is known for ages now.

Do we know for sure if this will have microtransactions or not?
Can't even imagine how they can put that on this game, but judging by the Deluxe Edition bonuses I have my doubts.


I'd ask which console, as there are 4 different versions, but I don't believe we have any stats about performance yet.

I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't like 1080p/30fps (though maybe less on Xbox One res wise) on PS4/XB1, and then 720p/30fps (or, given Frostbite, missing some lines) on PS3/360.


Uhm, I didn't hear anything special that could be considered bad writing in this trailer, the raining demons quote from Varric is supposed to be hokey, but Cassandra's voice acting is kinda weird.

Anyway, I really really like the environments being shown.


combat looks well refined compared to the mess DA2 was.....I still like the first one the best so far, but all those 3rd person angles with a slower more weighty feel makes me want to try a demo so bad!


There will be multiple, different types of dragons with different breath attacks, elemental attacks...some dragons are more armored than others,” Lee said. “That difference in elements, armor types, and properties of the dragon definitely inform how you approach them from a combat perspective. The team synergy, the party synergy, the difference in abilities in combat can strengthen your ability to fight this thing.

Sounds fantastic.
As for your Grey Warden from DAO, there is a high probability they will appear in the game for some major secondary quest line, if they survived the events of DAO that is.

How would they even go about doing this considering nothing can transfer cross-gen/platform? Unless they have a character creation system in that HTML 5 thing where we'll make our choices. Or his/her face is hidden.

Hooded chick seems pretty hot so I guess she'll be my waifu.

Like others mentioned that's Leliana. Since she's a major npc she might end up being a love interest, but it'd be weird to think that the woman who in one of my playthroughs was all over the warden would now be with this guy. Maybe if you hooked up with her in DAO she refuses to be with you? I don't approve of NTR.

First thing I thought of too when I saw that picture.

So, clearly your character is jesus/savior, but I wonder if any other parallels could be drawn given the other's positions relative to TLS painting?

Left side:

Cassandra / John the Baptist
Solas / Judas
Cole / Peter
Varric / Andrew
Vivienne / James ('the Lesser')
Cullen / Bartholomew

Right side:

Iron Bull / Thomas
Mage / James ('the Greater')
Leliana / Philip
Sera / Matthew
Some Lady / Thaddeus
Grey Warden-looking guy / Simon
Yeah they made it a bit too obvious with the long table and characters side by side, plus your character in the middle.

I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't like 1080p/30fps (though maybe less on Xbox One res wise) on PS4/XB1, and then 720p/30fps (or, given Frostbite, missing some lines) on PS3/360.

Assuming the XBO version isn't 900p that is.
Thank god it comes a month before my child is born so I can actually play it. Looks better than I thought it would, I can't wait..

Varric's one liner was cringe worthy. Never liked varric... Now that I think about it I didn't like many characters from DA2. They turned Isabel instead a slut, Merrill was ok, but varric and the emo elf sex slave final fantasy character I never used.


No bald cap? Lies!
How would they even go about doing this considering nothing can transfer cross-gen/platform? Unless they have a character creation system in that HTML 5 thing where we'll make our choices. Or his/her face is hidden.

Yes. They've hinted at a possible character creator for your Warden and Hawke, but it's all still in the works so who knows. But if they don't then the likelihood of seeing either in DAI goes down dramatically in my book given that David Gaider has set a rather high bar for including those types of events and quests basically saying if they can't do it right they won't do it at all.


I hope so. DAO came out in 2009.

Yes, I was there on day one and it remains a fantastic game. While posting screens to show the leap in visuals from the previous two, I said I think the game in general looks better in every way. It looks better than both combined to me in every area.


Uhm, I didn't hear anything special that could be considered bad writing in this trailer, the raining demons quote from Varric is supposed to be hokey, but Cassandra's voice acting is kinda weird.

Anyway, I really really like the environments being shown.

I mean, at this point if you don't like the writing in BioWare games they're not going to win you over/try to since they're getting plenty of positive feedback from the fanbase.

Have they shown off the character creator yet?

I don't believe so . I must say , I like the male voice in this trailer.

That would fit well together with the rumored ME3 style of multiplayer. Fight a bunch of monsters each wave with a couple of dragons as bosses mixed between. That would also be a great way to show the game off at E3.

Oh yeah, I didn't think of that! Going big with that at E3 sounds like their plan.

So basically, you're Jesus?

Am I the only one seeing that allusion?

Nah , someone told me that earlier. It is The Last Supper. There's even thirteen people.
Yes. They've hinted at a possible character creator for your Warden and Hawke, but it's all still in the works so who knows. But if they don't then the likelihood of seeing either in DAI goes down dramatically in my book given that David Gaider has set a rather high bar for including those types of events and quests basically saying if they can't do it right they won't do it at all.

I'd be all for it. It'd be great to have a mission where Varric sees Hawke and they go out to drink and chat up on old times like the good buddies they were in my game. As to the Warden it's been a while so I don't really remember much about how I made him, but I'll just make him look not like the skinny elf version of Ahnuhld. God that looked horrible.

I wouldn't be entirely against the three leads of the three games meeting up for drinks and waking up with no recollection as to what happened the night before and three darkspawn in the bed.

The Dragonover.
This seems to be regular game mode given Solus' hand is clipping through a rock, which I'd say generally looks like it runs the same shaders/detail (with, you know, LOD taken into account):

pretty good for a cross gen game, wonder what version they are taking these screens from. PC?
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