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Dragon Age Inquisition Launch Trailer (hot) and Release Date (October 7th)

Yeah they made it a bit too obvious with the long table and characters side by side, plus your character in the middle.

If any of those parallels, your savior-character aside, turn out to be true or close e.g. Solas selling you out, Cassandra as martyr, Iron Bull the doubter, etc... I'm going to be upset that they posted that picture. It'd be way too on the nose.


I can't wait to see Mass Effect running on Frostbite. Holy shit.

Somehow I'm not sold on Frostbite being able to produce the cold color-scheme that Mass Effect usually has. But at this rate I'd be shocked if ME4 is cross-gen, so at least it's gonna be great to see Mass Effect with next-gen graphics.


I have never noticed this before, but the way the shoes are drawn, it looks like Jesus is sporting a huge, dangly sack.
Didn't find anything impressive about the gameplay in that gameplay trailer. Never played the games, so I'm not hooked but was that gameplay demo a while back impressive or are people more interested in the story and graphics? Is this an action RPG or does it have that pseudo turn based pausing in there too?


Well according to the polygon article when you are the sole survivor after the fade barrage at your base, they think you are 'chosen' by the maker.

Which will probably end up being wrong or even the opposite as a plot twist in the game.
Is the website also new? It is pretty well done. There is a timeline and a map that covers the events of the previous games and first infos on the character classes. Looks like there are again three specializations for each class. There is one for each revealed so far, but they already have icons for the other ones.

If you look at the image files you can see the names of the other specializations.

Templar and Reaver for Warrior

Necromancer and Rift Mage for Mage

Assassin and Tempest for Rogue


So... I never played DA. Can I expect a somewhat gamestyle similar to Dark Souls, or is totally different?
I know the first DA was more of an RPG but I think they changed the gameplay a lot in DA2, although it ended up sucking?

First game was a slower, more tactical RPG where real time battles were paused to issue out commands on the fly. Second game sped this up the gameplay because many found the pace of the first's gameplay quite boring. Primary issue with the second game's gameplay was the encounter design. It was badly designed for tactical approaches and sort of nulled that aspect of the gameplay.


So... I never played DA. Can I expect a somewhat gamestyle similar to Dark Souls, or is totally different?
I know the first DA was more of an RPG but I think they changed the gameplay a lot in DA2, although it ended up sucking?

All three games have pretty disparate gameplay systems, so it's hard to say exactly how this will work, but it seems notably more like an action game than either of the previous two.


No bald cap? Lies!
So... I never played DA. Can I expect a somewhat gamestyle similar to Dark Souls, or is totally different?
I know the first DA was more of an RPG but I think they changed the gameplay a lot in DA2, although it ended up sucking?

Not even close. Just look up some DAO and DA2 combat vids, it will be more or less like that, but with some freedom to play real time and only focus on your character or total pause and play where you micro manage your entire party and tactics.
So... I never played DA. Can I expect a somewhat gamestyle similar to Dark Souls, or is totally different?
I know the first DA was more of an RPG but I think they changed the gameplay a lot in DA2, although it ended up sucking?

DA1 was KOTOR styled if you ever played that. Or think Mass Effect 1 as well, but it's closer to KOTOR.

DA2 was a combination between the KOTOR style and a button mashy action game, but for me it did indeed make the combat fun.

As to whether it's similar to Dark Souls.... not unless we're talking on the basic surface. Dark Souls is all about dodging and timing and learning the patterns of enemies, being patient. These games, especially DA2, tend to be more traditional action games only with tactics based around pausing the screen and giving orders. Not to mention switching characters.

It's fun, but not very similar.
No HK-47 for murderous sociopath? :(

They couldn't be bothered to do actual research for their mock piece. For "the bitch", none of them actually have the biggest boobs. For one of the most stringent and accurate archetypes in the bunch, they have a completely made up description for it.

Playing as a leader and using your inquisition for side stuff sounds interesting.

I was trying to visualize what it would mean in gameplay terms to lead the inquisition, and asked him if being in control meant that you could choose to tackle a quest yourself or instead send a group of agents to take care of it for you.

"You're still the tip of the spear," he said. "You're the one doing the dangerous things. It's more about using the power of the inquisition to do things that are beyond the capability of a single person. So, for example, you might find a place where a bridge is broken and then you can actually use the inquisition to do an operation to repair that bridge. Or, for the critical path, you need to have a meeting with the Templars. They don't want to talk to you, so you're gonna use your agents to gather up the support of local nobility to essentially increase the weight of your presence, because now it's not just you, a ragtag party of guys. It's you and powerful nobles. It becomes much more difficult to ignore you. So that's really what you use your inquisition for more. It's about that next level of ability. You're still the one going and doing most of the fighting. You're using them more as the force that comes in behind you to hold the territory, to clean up, and give you that extra bit of oomph when you need it."

A quote about the gameplay:
I asked how the relationship between the inquisitor and the agents manifests itself in combat--if you control the inquisitor solely or if there are party mechanics similar to what we've seen in earlier Dragon Age games.

"You do have a four-person party, same as in previous Dragon Age games. We're bringing the tactical camera back that we had in Dragon Age: Origins but didn't have in Dragon Age 2. That will be available on all the platforms including the consoles, which we didn't actually have before. You can take control of someone, give them an order to move behind cover--so it's really just bringing a lot of that thinking into combat. Every combat of note is designed to be a little puzzle, a little thing that you have to figure out how you're gonna approach it. And there's lots of ways to approach it. We want you to have to think about what you're doing, consider what actions you can take, and then have the power and the control necessary to be able to take that action."

Open world:
I asked how the designers are going to be able to maintain a strong narrative structure while also giving players an unprecedented amount of freedom for a BioWare game.

"This is where the inquisition is a great device for us to use," he said. "When you're in the more open-world parts of the game, you're increasing the renown of the inquisition. You're gathering agents. You're encountering small quests that are more traditional to what we do, but your freedom's really high. When you're reaching the point where your inquisition is strong enough to unlock--essentially what you're doing is then the inquisition itself is able to bring you towards the next part of the critical path. The reason why I think this is so powerful is it allows us to have a strong narrative spine in the core of the game. You can explore, you can gather materials and do crafting, and explore the regions and find this lore, but when you're prepared to progress on the critical path, that critical path is there, provided your inquisition is strong enough to progress. So this is where things like, you're using your inquisition to break down the door of a castle so you can storm in and advance the critical path. And that's where you'll see--in those sections, the game will feel much more like a traditional Dragon Age or BioWare type of game. In the open-world sections, storytelling is still there, but it does take a backseat to the exploration, to the wonder, to the freedom that we give to the player."
Tight, tight tight.

I'm actually surprised that it's coming this year. For some reason I just assume that every game is at least two years away from when we first see it.


£64.99 for the deluxe from game and its there exclusive as well for ps4 and xbone!!

Yup, this extra tax we have to pay for next gen games is ridiculous and even then it's not truly next gen since it's on PS3 and X360 too.


Once they are done wtih Dragon Age they will move back to Jade Empire, right? Right?

The last time they were asked Aaryn Flynn implied they were pretty near capacity so if it came back it would probably be in a new form like tablets, so I wouldn't hold my breath.


So basically, you're Jesus?

Am I the only one seeing that allusion?

BioWare loves them some jesus, did you forget about Space Jesus Shepard? (
12 companions, brought back to life by "Lazarus" project, dies for everyone's to save them from the "original sin" of the Reapers


I'd be in the dick
The last time they were asked Aaryn Flynn implied they were pretty near capacity so if it came back it would probably be in a new form like tablets, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

They're working on this, Mass Effect, and a new IP still, right?

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Okay, thanks everyone who replied to me re: data transfer.

I'll have to brush up on what decisions I had made in the past then.
I was kind of hoping the 'gray warden' character in your party would be pulled from my DAO file, but oh well. I'll play along, no foul, the game looks too promising to get mad.


Kinda torn between whether I'd be more into a more action-oriented system or a more tactical system. But goddamn, that environment art is too tasty, so I guess I have to get it either way.

Demon Ice

They couldn't be bothered to do actual research for their mock piece. For "the bitch", none of them actually have the biggest boobs. For one of the most stringent and accurate archetypes in the bunch, they have a completely made up description for it.

Well if we're nitpicking details then Jolee from KOTOR also doesn't die, and he provides plenty of opinion.

Who cares, the pic was humorous regardless.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
shadows of mordor is probably one of them games that is always delayed into the next year due to getting swarmed by big name titles.
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