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Dragon Ball Super |OT7| Please wait for Tien to be cool.

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Lol how Stupid, Frieza.

Changing his universe with Goku and Vegeta for U9 that sure is smart

As far as Freeza could tell Goku was about to die from the Energy of Destruction leaving the only real threat he could know of in the Tournament being Vegeta. That + a whole team worth of strong as fighters (atleast he thinks so anyway) on his side it was a bet worth taking more then likely. Cause he probably knows goku isn't going to actually revive him.


No Scrubs
I dunno how smoothly they would transition into cooperation, though. Frost seems like a lot more cunning than Freeza but less outright evil. Like, when he was disgraced after the Tournament he didn't go full space pirate Napoleon like Freeza did, he just like lives like a beggar in disgrace.

Or at least they made it seem that way. So what I'm saying is maybe Freeza will scare the crap out of Frost.

Although I guess that could just work into making Frost a toady.

He couldn't go Space Napoleon because everyone in the universe wants him dead and Vegeta revealed how to go Super Sayian. So he's no longer the apex of that universe. That's not even counting Hit's existence.


Goku would do better leaving the slot blank then bringing Yamcha.

My boy Yamcha gonna teach you all something when he combines his sick baseball skills with his Spirit Ball to create a brand new technique: the Spirit Baseball. Not a single poacher is going to be left alive.

Mory Dunz

Some quick GIFs.




but but if you kill one more person then I'll really get mad!

Reminds me of soft parents who try to "discipline" their kids lol
I want to see Frieza get one shotted by Kale in her Legendary Super Saiyan form, just to show that "Oh shit, this gal's trouble!".

I could actually see Frieza getting KOd early by Jiren as a way of showing that Jiren is the true character to compete with and the the big baddie that was supposed to be on par with Goku fails in comparison to this new character.

Plus, he'd say something about justice. blah blah.
I could actually see Frieza getting KOd early by Jiren as a way of showing that Jiren is the true character to compete with and the the big baddie that was supposed to be on par with Goku fails in comparison to this new character.

Plus, he'd say something about justice. blah blah.

They've spent too much time on Freeza for that. I think he's going to kill a GoD or GoC and become a GoD.

Probably a GoC since they spent that time talking about how they were linked and both would die if one did.


I don't think they'll knock Frieza out early. They seem to be building him up for something involving Beerus. It'd be a bit disappointing.
They've spent too much time on Freeza for that. I think he's going to kill a GoD or GoC and become a GoD.

Probably a GoC since they spent that time talking about how they were linked and both would die if one did.

Freeza takes Beerus' role, and Goku and Vegeta have to defeat him, forcing one of them to take the GoD job.

Vegeta is the obvious candidate, but Goku hates being around his family more, so Goku takes it.

He comes back for the tournament and EoZ and takes Uub to Beerus' planet to train him.

Series ends.

Thanks, Toriyama.


The whole episode was brutal.

Freeza's inclusion is justified.

Yeah, I was already sold on Frieza since last episode, this one just solidified it further. As much as some people wanted to bring Cell back for this, I don't think he would've worked as well for what they're going for right now. Frieza just seems to suit this role of scheming/sleazy party member better.
This is all so perfect! If only Tien had something going for him. I know Roshi does, but his awful lifestyle is just...man.... However 8/10 fighters are legit exciting me! I can't wait for the dialogue between the rest of the team and Freeza now.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
As awesome as the shading/lighting in that episode is I still can't get over the fact that that form looks like a limited edition Amiibo. I know it's supposed to contrast with the colors they had in the Freeza arc but still
So is frieza stronger than goku or not?

No. They're essentially even when Frieza is golden and Goku is in SSB, but all it takes is for Goku to fire up a basic Kaio-Ken x2 multiplier, and given how easy it is for him to do now and doesn't seem to cause any damage to himself, he is suddenly twice as strong as Golden Frieza.

I'm sure KK x10 would still be a problem for Goku in SSB, but given the fact he has shown the ability to kick it up that high, in times of desperation his power is 10x greater than Golden Frieza. So in that sense, it would quickly go from being an even match up to Frieza's power being extremely insignificant compared to Goku.

Frieza at his max = 1x SSB Goku

Goku at his current potential max = 10x Golden Frieezy pops.
Yeah, I was already sold on Frieza since last episode, this one just solidified it further. As much as some people wanted to bring Cell back for this, I don't think he would've worked as well for what they're going for right now. Frieza just seems to suit this role of scheming/sleazy party member better.

Freeza will forever be better than Cell.

L Thammy


- Freeza can poke people so hard he can explode. He's got Hokuto Shinken now.
- Even if the tournament isn't interrupted, we're definitely in for some shenanigans. Reminder that the Gods of Destruction behind the assassination attempt, Sidra and Quietela, are both designed by Toriyama alone. I think they're the only two.
- I feel like I should be more hyped to see Jiren, but I can't be, because I'm too hyped for plot twists now.
- I wasn't all that interested in Freeza being resurrected again, but this episode has totally changed my mind.
- Energy of Destruction is a perfect way of ending Freeza on a high note. I don't know how it happens, but when he dies this time, he's got to be annihilated from existence.
- This is what Resurrection of 'F' should have been.


Is U9 the one with the lame wolf brothers? I dont see why their GOD thought it was a good idea sending some scrubs to deal Goku/Freeza? I know it is to give Freeza some development, still kinda lame from a plot wise.

Any preview or leaks regarding upcoming episodes?

L Thammy

Is U9 the one with the lame wolf brothers? I dont see why their GOD thought it was a good idea sending some scrubs to deal Goku/Freeza? I know it is to give Freeza some development, still kinda lame from a plot wise.

Any preview or leaks regarding upcoming episodes?

Sidra's canonically terrible at his job; Rou even points out in the episode that Freeza's better fit than he is.

Isn't what Frieza did to make them explode the same thing he did to Krillin?

Similar in effect, but that was his telekinesis. This was definitely a physical (ki-enhanced?) move.

Actually, the snaking Death Beams are new variations of Freeza's moves, too? I'd been complaining that Super relied too much on nostalgia instead of showing creativity in their techniques; this episode is very much in line with what I want.


Sidra's canonically terrible at his job; Rou even points out in the episode that Freeza's better fit than he is.
It's been esthabilished tha the Gods of u9 suck at their jobs.

Though i do love Rou saying Frieza is too much even for their shit universe



Lol what a lazy design.

I think Black is still the most powerful ningen. If only the godtuber can bring back Black. Freeza showed that the hakai destruction wave can be manhandle if you are powerful enough.


Is U9 the one with the lame wolf brothers? I dont see why their GOD thought it was a good idea sending some scrubs to deal Goku/Freeza? I know it is to give Freeza some development, still kinda lame from a plot wise.

Any preview or leaks regarding upcoming episodes?

To be fair he thought ahead and gave them the power to erase people. Then again giving it to the guy standing in front of everyone, meaning the first target, probably wasn't the best idea.

L Thammy

Lol what a lazy design.

I think Black is still the most powerful ningen. If only the godtuber can bring back Black. Freeza showed that the hakai destruction wave can be manhandle if you are powerful enough.

That might be a bigger task that it sounds like, though. Maybe I'm misunderstanding or it's a translation thing, but it seemed like Sidra was just granting a tiny bit of destruction power. Considering Beerus blew it away like it's nothing - a feat we've seen before in totally one-sided battles like Recoome on Namek - it doesn't seem like it's all that they're capable of. As in, Sidra might still be able to destroy Golden Freeza with minimum effort.

Mister Wolf

No. They're essentially even when Frieza is golden and Goku is in SSB, but all it takes is for Goku to fire up a basic Kaio-Ken x2 multiplier, and given how easy it is for him to do now and doesn't seem to cause any damage to himself, he is suddenly twice as strong as Golden Frieza.

I'm sure KK x10 would still be a problem for Goku in SSB, but given the fact he has shown the ability to kick it up that high, in times of desperation his power is 10x greater than Golden Frieza. So in that sense, it would quickly go from being an even match up to Frieza's power being extremely insignificant compared to Goku.

Frieza at his max = 1x SSB Goku

Goku at his current potential max = 10x Golden Frieezy pops.

If it was that simple why couldn't Goku take out Hit in the tournament when he powered Kaio-Ken x 10. Was Hit ten times stronger than Goku was in SSB that he could still hold out against it?
Universe 9 fucking sucks.

Its Supreme Kai is an amoral jackass.
Its God of Destruction is a wimp and easily manipulated.
The best three guys they could get were the Trio de Dangers, who all lost - they even used poison and some kind of steroid powerup and the best they could do was tie to an out of shape Gohan who refused Senzu healing when he could have.
We still don't know if they managed to get a full team together.
They have the lowest rating.
Word about their universe being erased immediately spread and caused chaos, and Sidra's response was to just wipe out a city in annoyance.
Their angel actually looked panicked.
Sidra got completely duped by Quitela.
Their top assassins were pushover mooks who immediately spilled the beans.
The two top gods started freaking out and making excuses because Freeza started talking to them.
Freeza gave them a... (sigh) golden opportunity to screw over Universe 7 and gain a ruthless contestant with godlike power and they bickered about it and lost their chance.


Universe 9 fucking sucks.

Its Supreme Kai is an amoral jackass.
Its God of Destruction is a wimp and easily manipulated.
The best three guys they could get were the Trio de Dangers, who all lost - they even used poison and some kind of steroid powerup and the best they could do was tie to an out of shape Gohan who refused Senzu healing when he could have.
We still don't know if they managed to get a full team together.
They have the lowest rating.
Word about their universe being erased immediately spread and caused chaos, and Sidra's response was to just wipe out a city in annoyance.
Their angel actually looked panicked.
Sidra got completely duped by Quitela.
Their top assassins were pushover mooks who immediately spilled the beans.
The two top gods started freaking out and making excuses because Freeza started talking to them.
Freeza gave them a... (sigh) golden opportunity to screw over Universe 7 and gain a ruthless contestant with godlike power and they bickered about it and lost their chance.

Yup, they're going to be the first in the tourny to be eliminated/erased if I was a betting man.
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