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Dragon Quest press event to be held on 7/28 in Japan, livestreamed, "main series"

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The Amiga Brotherhood
With all the "AAA" projects like FFXV, FFVIIR, KH3 and so on does Square have the resources for another big game like those?

I bet it will be on PS4 but i'm not sure it will be on par with FFXV, unless it will release in 2115, so maybe it's PS4/3/Vita, or 3ds(/wiiu?).
What if this is the Level 5 exclusive PS4 game ?

If so, it doesn't make sense that they were teasing a potential E3 reveal.

Because mainline DQ games, on top of being a very Japan-centric IP ( thus making its first reveal more likely at a Japanese event than a western event ), have in years past, held their own press event, because mothership DQ games are prestigious enough for that.

Unless Level-5 was privy to some initial plan for DQ to be revealed at E3, before being changed back to its traditional reveal platform (dedicated Japanese press event), it wouldn't had been an E3 reveal.

Besides, I'd rather Level-5's game and DQXI be completely different games, so that we get 2 big JPRGs, instead of 1 big JRPG.
Why two ? Do we already know what their PS4 game is?

I know that its not Dragon Quest XI. Still thinking ArtePiazza is a pretty safe bet for this. Not sure what the chances are that Square Enix develops this internally like DQX. The only reason I feel that was done within SQEX was because it was an MMO.


Gold Member
Whatever happens to DQXI, I hope it'll have a gameplay system similiar to DQVII. Spending hours learning all the magic tricks from monsters and mastering each class was fun.

While playing Ni no kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, I kept on thinking that the game, somewhat, looked like a visual prototype of a full-flegded HD DQ game, or what it might've been if realised.

Ghibli Studio's art direction had some vague resemblance to Akira Toriyama's style and astethics.


Really? I see. I always believed Hori/Armor Project owned a part of the franchise, not unlike Game Freak and Pokemon.

How I understand it is that Armor Project and Bird Studio shares copyrights with Square Enix for every game that is created. Sugiyama owns the copyright to the music he composes for the series. They do not appear to own rights to the general franchise itself, unlike how Pokemon is structured. Hence when Square Enix creates non-game merchandising like soft toys or whatever, unless they specifically use the actual artwork done by Toriyama (on posters for example), the copyrights are just to Square Enix.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Level 5 is one of the biggest JP publisher and devs - i dont see them working on other peoples IP anymtime soon, even if its DQ - that ship has sailed. They are working on Yokai Watch 3, Snack World, a new PS4 game etc.


Really looking forward to this reveal. My, probably unrealistic, hopes are for a PS4 game reminiscent of Blue Dragon (360), but obviously a generational leap ahead of that. I adored the visual design of that game.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
With all the "AAA" projects like FFXV, FFVIIR, KH3 and so on does Square have the resources for another big game like those?

I bet it will be on PS4 but i'm not sure it will be on par with FFXV, unless it will release in 2115, so maybe it's PS4/3/Vita, or 3ds(/wiiu?).
Development of a DQ game (as in the coding and programming) is usually handled by a third party developer (level 5 for DQ8 for example) and not SE themselves. SE (or Armor Project to be specific) handles game design and scenario.


With all the "AAA" projects like FFXV, FFVIIR, KH3 and so on does Square have the resources for another big game like those?

I bet it will be on PS4 but i'm not sure it will be on par with FFXV, unless it will release in 2115, so maybe it's PS4/3/Vita, or 3ds(/wiiu?).

Almost every Enix game is made externally.


Very excited about another console Dragon Quest :D It's been too long. I like handhelds but never enjoy playing on them as much as a console, not for RPGs anyway.

And it's nice to see a publisher actually give their developers creative freedom rather than make them chase maximum profits. Square Enix could really redeem themselves this gen.


Well, DQIX was partially internal. DQX is mainly internal except for a ton of outsourcing assistance, being a MMO and all. DQXI will likely have a chunk of internal development, along with a lot of outsourcing too I think. I wouldn't be surprised if the expected multiplatform nature of it means a different studio could be handling various ports too.




With all the "AAA" projects like FFXV, FFVIIR, KH3 and so on does Square have the resources for another big game like those?

I bet it will be on PS4 but i'm not sure it will be on par with FFXV, unless it will release in 2115, so maybe it's PS4/3/Vita, or 3ds(/wiiu?).

DQ XI will be outsorurced.
Verendus teased that being the case on more than one occasion
though it didn't sound like they are dq related?

I'm honestly not sure. But as far as I'm aware the PS4 game they were talking about isn't Dragon Quest XI.

Plus, if it was meant to be revealed at E3, it wouldn't have been Dragon Quest since that's not the kind of place you'd announce a DQ game.

Mikey Jr.

I don't understand comments like these. lol

Like, is VIII the only game in the series some of you care about?

I want to play dq on my 50 inch, 7.1 sound system. I want to play with gorgeous graphics and a dq game not held back at all by constraints. I want to be immersed.

Not hunched over, staring at a 2 inch screen, listening to midi music while my hands cramp.

We've had enough of that shit.
I want to play dq on my 50 inch, 7.1 sound system. I want to play with gorgeous graphics and a dq game not held back at all by constraints. I want to be immersed.

Not hunched over, staring at a 2 inch screen, listening to midi music while my hands cramp.

We've had enough of that shit.

We had chibi DQ games in consoles too

It's kind of the series' thing


I want to play dq on my 50 inch, 7.1 sound system. I want to play with gorgeous graphics and a dq game not held back at all by constraints. I want to be immersed.

Not hunched over, staring at a 2 inch screen, listening to midi music while my hands cramp.

We've had enough of that shit.

Set your expectations low, because if this game is on PS4, it will also be on PS3. You are not going to get a game that stands up to FF15 graphically.

Heck, this is going to be a game featuring art from Toriyama: the game will be beautiful but not a graphical powerhouse.
Im replaying the old Dragon Warriors (Just finished 1 and im in the middle of 2) right now. And oh man are they good. Wich one was the best one before 8?
Im replaying the old Dragon Warriors (Just finished 1 and im in the middle of 2) right now. And oh man are they good. Wich one was the best one before 8?

Five for me. But non of them are bad.


You should play 3 if you play the 1st two games , its the 2nd best in the series for me and its linked to 1 and 2,


Im replaying the old Dragon Warriors (Just finished 1 and im in the middle of 2) right now. And oh man are they good. Wich one was the best one before 8?

I rate them as follows:

DW-III (dat nostalgia) > V/IX > Joker/Terry > VIII > IV, VI, VII.

I've only ever finished the fist three and the monster games, the plot/characters were mediocre for the rest for me so I never finished them and got bored.
5 is the best in the series imo

I'm still trying to track down V and IV on DS. I have VI, which I plan on starting next week, but I can only find the other 2 used, and V especially is really expensive (£35). Might just have to bite the bullet because I could easily buy them all on my phone but I'd rather play on my 3DS.


Ya, I wouldn't recommend skipping any. Try them out at least and even if you hit a wall like I did with my playthroughs, you can always just put it down and move on.
What are the best versions of I, II and III? Never played those.

NES for 1 and 2. Because they are official in english under the name Dragon Warriors. Its a bit awkward with the talk,search menu but you get used to it. 3 would be snes but that isnt official in english if i remember it right.

Okay didnt know that they are on smartphones. Well Smartphone seems to be the better choice then.


I want to play dq on my 50 inch, 7.1 sound system. I want to play with gorgeous graphics and a dq game not held back at all by constraints. I want to be immersed.

Not hunched over, staring at a 2 inch screen, listening to midi music while my hands cramp.

We've had enough of that shit.

Yeah man its fucking 2015. Aint nobody got time for dat low res handhelds.
The iOS versions are stellar. Fantastic versions, probably the best.

NES for 1 and 2. Because they are official in english under the name Dragon Warriors. Its a bit awkward with the talk,search menu but you get used to it. 3 would be snes but that isnt official in english if i remember it right.

Okay didnt know that they are on smartphones. Well Smartphone seems to be the better choice then.

Thanks guys, I didn't know there were IOS versions. Gotta take a look now.
You seem to be projecting what other people in this thread are doing on to me. It's not "Horii can finally make his dream game," it's literally Horii saying that he wants to play this DQ game on a big screen with a controller. Those are quotes. Putting a game on a console is deliberately bucking the most popular platform trend, because consoles are basically the worst place to put a game if you want it to sell these days. But he's doing it anyway, which is a massive break from the series's historical trends. Dragon Quest is not a typical property. It is not completely controlled by Square Enix. Dragon Quest 11 will not be on consoles simply because Square Enix wills it to be. It will be there because Horii wants it to be there too.

Unlike everybody else in this thread who is masturbating about what platform the game will be for based on nothing but sheer fanboyish desire, I literally do not care what platform it is for. I am simply restating what Yuji Horii has said himself several times now. It's not my fault if you haven't been following anything he's said. I'm tired of linking to quotes of him talking about consoles and controllers and how it won't be a smartphone game because people don't read anything, they only care about Dragon Quest as far as what it will do for their platform.

As for DQ10, it's an MMORPG, so DS and PSP don't make sense at all. And DQ8 is completely irrelevant, because it's a 10 year old game that did come out on the most popular platform of the time.

I don't understand your attitude; I haven't said anything about whether you have some preferences or not regarding the platform DQXI will appear on. I haven't even implied anything similar; I just asked why you kept saying what you said: it was an honest and genuin question, because I disagree with that and I would have liked to know what was your reasoning behind that.

I don't think that those statements might indicate anything about Horii's desire of doing what he always wanted to do. Those might well be PR talks, such as those statements during DQH marketing. I don't even see SQEX not having much leverage in deciding where to bring the IP; there were agreements with Nintendo with DQIX and DQX, and even DQVII was strategically brought on PS1 to follow FF.

As for DQVIII, remember that plenty of times software houses have to bet on a platform without knowing the future outcome. SQEX decided to bring FFXV and FFVII on PS4 before the platform was even released - installed base = 0 - so those decision are WAY more complex that "let's put DQ on the most popular platform!. If SQEX is really following this approach and what Horii has to say - for its most successful IP ever - is just a bad company with a bad management. At that point, SQEX had to be on some platform and decided to go full force for PS4, likely because there were some incentives to pursue - as it happened when Square ditched Nintendo for Sony in mid-90s.

That said, DQXI will be PS3/PS4 and I'm not denying that.


Thanks guys, I didn't know there were IOS versions. Gotta take a look now.
I believe dragon quest 1 is only $3 and the price goes up from there. So maybe try the first one on iOS and see how you like it. I've played 1-5 on iOS and I think they're the best way to play them. DS is a great way to play them, but the phone was much more convenient for me.
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