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Dragon Quest press event to be held on 7/28 in Japan, livestreamed, "main series"

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So is it likely that this is going to be outsourced since it's going back to being a traditional DQ rather than a MMO? I'd definitely like to see Level 5 use their tech on the series again.


Yeah 4/5 years ago, seems like they give up on the series now though. They didn't localize any of the 3DS games and X is still JP only.

The decision to move DQXI to PS3/4/V was probably made a few years ago (before the PS4 even was out). I see no reason for Nintendo to accept raising the brand awareness here for its rivals to reap the benefits of it. sadly, that meant Nintendo pushing Bravely Default and passing on DQ games.


Yeah 4/5 years ago, seems like they give up on the series now though. They didn't localize any of the 3DS games and X is still JP only.

I don't think we were gonna get DQX regardless of platform.

There's still time for the 3DS games, fingers crossed.


I just looked at the article again and it really was Chinese version.
(Well they helped to create Chinese version of DQH but that was Playstation exclusive so it made more sense).

SE chanting they'll push DQ brand in Chinese language regions (Mainland China & Taiwan) is the biggest reason I'm guessing Playstation will receive some port of DQ11 at least. Nintendo hardware are nowhere to be seen over there.

Nintendo don't give no shit about us Chinese plebs


Nintendo don't give no shit about us Chinese plebs

Yup, that photo showing Horii and the SCE Chinese translation team implies that he shows interest to bringing to series to the Chinese speaking markets.

SCE is the only one doing anything about it and I wouldn't be surprised if that is one factor for the reason why a lot of Japanese third parties are supporting PS consoles.

Mikey Jr.

My hopes.

1. Ps4
2. You can see enemies
3. A grand adventure. It must surpass 8.

That is all. I really hope it's not for 3ds. I can't handle another crappy chibi dq game. Hard to believe the last great dq was 11 years ago.
My hopes.

1. Ps4
2. You can see enemies
3. A grand adventure. It must surpass 8.

That is all. I really hope it's not for 3ds. I can't handle another crappy chibi dq game. Hard to believe the last great dq was 11 years ago.

DQV and VI in West are less than 11 years ago.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
It'll at the very least localized in Chinese, these guy will take care of it.


It's a good time to know Chinese :p
Haven't really bought many of these Chinese releases though. So I wonder about their translation quality.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
My hopes.

1. Ps4
2. You can see enemies
3. A grand adventure. It must surpass 8.

That is all. I really hope it's not for 3ds. I can't handle another crappy chibi dq game. Hard to believe the last great dq was 11 years ago.

It could be on the PS4 and still be chibi though:p

I wonder what would happen if they announce the game just for the PS3 lol

I dunno but it has Taiwan slang though.

I'm ok with Taiwan slang.
I think the only game I played through in Chinese was Lightning Returns.


That is all. I really hope it's not for 3ds. I can't handle another crappy chibi dq game. Hard to believe the last great dq was 11 years ago.

I don't understand comments like these. lol

Like, is VIII the only game in the series some of you care about?

Jay RaR

My hopes.

1. Ps4
2. You can see enemies
3. A grand adventure. It must surpass 8.

That is all. I really hope it's not for 3ds. I can't handle another crappy chibi dq game. Hard to believe the last great dq was 11 years ago.

1. I also hope it's on the PS4 version
so I can play it beautifully on PC.

2. It started with IX and recent remakes included it (VII and VIII) so I believe it's a given.

3. Of course


I don't understand comments like these. lol

Like, is VIII the only game in the series some of you care about?

lol. It's certainly the only one I've played. Which was also only by luck. I remember the game being a demo with something else and trying it out before loving it. Really wish I could remember where the demo came from.


In my mind, DQ is best as an old school JRPG with a good sense of adventure and deep challenge. I don't think DQ needs to have top-notch graphics and really never has. That's why I feel a handheld or mobile could deliver as great a DQ game as an hd console can. Obviously the platform DQ XI is on will impact its presentation, but I don't look for things from DQ that only the PS4 or some other console can deliver.


^ Yeah, exactly. I'm not saying VIII wasn't great because it was, I just find it odd that in a lot of these threads the sentiment seems to be that it's the only game in the series worth a damn.

Some of you should really check out the other titles in the series too, they're really good!

Jay RaR

I feel like VIII would have been preserved much better graphically if it was on the Vita, but no its on a more outdated handheld. The reason of course is Square chasing where the handheld market is (probably Japanese) so the handheld most Japanese gamers would have is the 3DS.

Of course graphics don't mean everything but business also plays a role on recent Dragon Quest games (mainly talking about IX, VII 3DS, and VIII 3DS) not exceeding the power and scale VIII on PS2 had before DQH.
I think we can all be understanding enough to recognize that "all dem gwaphics" isn't the only reason for wanting the game on newer, more powerful hardware. It's certainly a factor, but there are more benefits anyhow.


I feel like VIII would have been preserved much better graphically if it was on the Vita, but no its on a more outdated handheld. The reason of course is Square chasing where the handheld market is (probably Japanese)so the handheld most Japanese gamers would have is the 3DS.

Of course graphics don't mean everything but business also plays a role on recent Dragon Quest games (mainly talking about IX, VII 3DS, and VIII 3DS) not exceeding the power and scale VIII on PS2 had before DQH.

If by "handheld market" you are referring to dedicated gaming handhelds, then if Square Enix were looking at the worldwide market and not just japan, they still would not have put it on the Vita (over the 3DS)


Junior Member
In my mind, DQ is best as an old school JRPG with a good sense of adventure and deep challenge. I don't think DQ needs to have top-notch graphics and really never has. That's why I feel a handheld or mobile could deliver as great a DQ game as an hd console can. Obviously the platform DQ XI is on will impact its presentation, but I don't look for things from DQ that only the PS4 or some other console can deliver.

You could have all good sense of adventure, deep challenge AND good graphics. :)
I have a WiiU and 3ds so would still play the game if it was on a Nintendo platform but my goodness would I love to see DQXI on PS4.

Can't wait for the announcement.
The arguments about platform are basically meaningless when you realize that none of the current gen consoles have even managed to sell as much as the Dreamcast yet (in Japan). It's clear that Horii is bucking the trend of picking the platform with the most sales in order to make the game he wants to make, this time.

Was the other times he making games he didn't want to make?


Was the other times he making games he didn't want to make?
He chose platform based on how many people he could reach. You could argue that's a "want" so it's similar, but clearly in this case, what he wants is different. I think you know what I meant.
He chose platform based on how many people he could reach. You could argue that's a "want" so it's similar, but clearly in this case, what he wants is different. I think you know what I meant.

No, I don't. Wasn't DQVIII already the game he "wanted" to make? Wasn't Horii already ditching the trend of doing the game on the most popular platform with DQX, since both DS and PSP were faring better? Also, which kind of game Horii wants to make that is only possible on some platforms?

I know that DQXI will at least be on PS4 - and this is basically a fact, so I'm not arguing that, but the reason, in my opinion, is far away from "Horii can finally make his dream game!" and closer to "SQEX and Sony have agreements to bring many games on PS platforms with subsequent agreements to promote the game in new markets and such".


How Exciting
Hopefully it'll have the story of v, presentations of viii(but faster, waaaay faster), and the gear customizations of ix and x


Junior Member
If DDXI is announced for PS4, this console gen is ALREADY better than the entirety of last one. Now we just need a new Suikoden, Shadow Hearts and Grandia and I can die happy.


The reasons I expect DQXI on PS3 and PS4 really has little to do with graphics but rather, because Yuji Hori stated that DQXI would not be made for handhelds, but home consoles and be a single player experience, this time around.

Also, correct me if I'm mistaken, but in Japan, hasn't PS3 sold the most of any of the modern HD consoles between 360, PS3, Wii U, PS4 and XBone ?

PS4 is selling like hotcakes everywhere outside of Japan, so that makes it a natural target platform for west. Like others, I also think DQXI will not be a game where graphics are at a level that push PS4, Yet it will likely be a very nice improvement over the last two mainline DQ games on consoles (VIII and X) that were both made (first) on PS2 / Wii level hardware. So I would imagine a PS3 version of DQXI to probably be more ambitious than X on Wii U, which is just an HD upgrade of a Wii game. That said, in the west, PS4 will allow DQXI to look and play its best, with shorter loading times, etc., than PS3.


My hopes.

1. Ps4
2. You can see enemies
3. A grand adventure. It must surpass 8.

That is all. I really hope it's not for 3ds. I can't handle another crappy chibi dq game. Hard to believe the last great dq was 11 years ago.
But every DQ game before VIII was chibi !!!

I don't understand comments like these. lol

Like, is VIII the only game in the series some of you care about?
Ah ah yeah that was my impression too.


No, I don't. Wasn't DQVIII already the game he "wanted" to make? Wasn't Horii already ditching the trend of doing the game on the most popular platform with DQX, since both DS and PSP were faring better? Also, which kind of game Horii wants to make that is only possible on some platforms?

I know that DQXI will at least be on PS4 - and this is basically a fact, so I'm not arguing that, but the reason, in my opinion, is far away from "Horii can finally make his dream game!" and closer to "SQEX and Sony have agreements to bring many games on PS platforms with subsequent agreements to promote the game in new markets and such".

You seem to be projecting what other people in this thread are doing on to me. It's not "Horii can finally make his dream game," it's literally Horii saying that he wants to play this DQ game on a big screen with a controller. Those are quotes. Putting a game on a console is deliberately bucking the most popular platform trend, because consoles are basically the worst place to put a game if you want it to sell these days. But he's doing it anyway, which is a massive break from the series's historical trends. Dragon Quest is not a typical property. It is not completely controlled by Square Enix. Dragon Quest 11 will not be on consoles simply because Square Enix wills it to be. It will be there because Horii wants it to be there too.

Unlike everybody else in this thread who is masturbating about what platform the game will be for based on nothing but sheer fanboyish desire, I literally do not care what platform it is for. I am simply restating what Yuji Horii has said himself several times now. It's not my fault if you haven't been following anything he's said. I'm tired of linking to quotes of him talking about consoles and controllers and how it won't be a smartphone game because people don't read anything, they only care about Dragon Quest as far as what it will do for their platform.

As for DQ10, it's an MMORPG, so DS and PSP don't make sense at all. And DQ8 is completely irrelevant, because it's a 10 year old game that did come out on the most popular platform of the time.
As depressing as it sounds, it's possible this will be the last DQ game from the Horii/Toriyama/Sugiyama trio. So even if it's a vanity project to an extent, I hope they'll go all out.
You seem to be projecting what other people in this thread are doing on to me. It's not "Horii can finally make his dream game," it's literally Horii saying that he wants to play this DQ game on a big screen with a controller. Those are quotes. Putting a game on a console is deliberately bucking the most popular platform trend, because consoles are basically the worst place to put a game if you want it to sell these days. But he's doing it anyway, which is a massive break from the series's historical trends. Dragon Quest is not a typical property. It is not completely controlled by Square Enix. Dragon Quest 11 will not be on consoles simply because Square Enix wills it to be. It will be there because Horii wants it to be there too.

Unlike everybody else in this thread who is masturbating about what platform the game will be for based on nothing but sheer fanboyish desire, I literally do not care what platform it is for. I am simply restating what Yuji Horii has said himself several times now. It's not my fault if you haven't been following anything he's said. I'm tired of linking to quotes of him talking about consoles and controllers and how it won't be a smartphone game because people don't read anything, they only care about Dragon Quest as far as what it will do for their platform.

As for DQ10, it's an MMORPG, so DS and PSP don't make sense at all. And DQ8 is completely irrelevant, because it's a 10 year old game that did come out on the most popular platform of the time.

I guess this is what is kind of annoying. Despite all of the evidence there that this game will be on consoles, a lot of people won't believe it until they see it. There's also a large contingent of people that say it makes no sense from a sales perspective, and sure, it may not mean as many sales as they would have got from a 3DS exclusive release, but as I've said in other Dragon Quest threads, if sales were the only decider in what games go to what platforms, the software landscape would look a lot different now.

Sometimes developers just want the game they want to make. And someone with as much weight with Dragon Quest such as, you know, Horii, can more or less make what he wants to make and I don't see anything wrong with that.

I'm sitting here playing DQVII on my 3DS right now and I'm thinking I'd be perfectly happy and content with XI being a 3DS game. It's my favourite system of the last few years and it'd look and play well. But at the same time, I don't know why people can't be excited about the possibility of a new mainline DQ game on consoles, and happy that Horii is perhaps making the game he wants to make, rather than the game SQEX want him to make? I don't know.


If DDXI is announced for PS4, this console gen is ALREADY better than the entirety of last one. Now we just need a new Suikoden, Shadow Hearts and Grandia and I can die happy.

Both Suikoden and Shadow Hearts could come true according to Verendus. Former wasn't on his wish list, but he mentioned it a few months ago (though before the whole Konami-leaving-console-development fiasco) and letter was on the list (though as one of the possibly uncertain ones which he can't yet vouch for).
Even though Suikoden II is one of my all-time favorite JRPGs I don't care for the series anymore after III, but a new Shadow Hearts would be amazing. Now if there would also be a new Baten Kaitos this gen, then WHEW.
Dragon Quest is not a typical property. It is not completely controlled by Square Enix.

Colour me curious, but is there any reason for this to be so, on top of the fact that Square Enix gives Horii a significant amount of creative freedom with the franchise?


Colour me curious, but is there any reason for this to be so, on top of the fact that Square Enix gives Horii a significant amount of creative freedom with the franchise?

There really isn't much reason beyond that. It's a super popular franchise in Japan, and the continued popularity owes much to the contributions of the key personal leading the franchise - Horii, Toriyama, and Sugiyama. As all of them are still alive and more importantly - still interested in working on the series, it makes little sense for Square Enix executives to rock the boat. This might cease becoming the case if some sort of shake up happened, like with Sakaguchi and the FF movie, but it hasn't happened yet and doesn't look like it will in their lifetimes.


Colour me curious, but is there any reason for this to be so, on top of the fact that Square Enix gives Horii a significant amount of creative freedom with the franchise?

Because he is the creator of DQ and his own company (Armor Project) has exclusive rights on the franchise.
This is hardly relevant. The PS4 isn't going to sell 300k more units than WiiU for the rest of the year over the next 5 months.

Remember the topic here is when will PS4 overtake WiiU. Answer is, not this year and late into the next one

Well I think it might sell still 300k more than WiiU this year (price cut and far more consistent release schedule than WiiU) but I agree of course that it will not overtake WiiU this year so if only that was the point I agree.


Because he is the creator of DQ and his own company (Armor Project) has exclusive rights on the franchise.

I do believe that legally, Square Enix can proceed with making a DQ game without Horii and Armor Project's involvement. But to do that would be to burn a bridge they have no reason to burn.


I do believe that legally, Square Enix can proceed with making a DQ game without Horii and Armor Project's involvement. But to do that would be to burn a bridge they have no reason to burn.

Really? I see. I always believed Hori/Armor Project owned a part of the franchise, not unlike Game Freak and Pokemon.
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