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Dragon Quest press event to be held on 7/28 in Japan, livestreamed, "main series"

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year to date

PS4 - 639.352

Wii U - 311.963

we have media create threads. you should check them

That was before Splatoon, early 2015 the PS4 was doubling/trippling the WiiUs pathetic baseline (plus the Playstation Jan/Feb bump). They've been neck and neck otherwise except Batman bump.

By EoY we really have a blank box because a lot of variables have been introduced by Splatoon, and also the growing marketting of SMM. PS4 will still have the higher YTD, probably, but where things end up isn't quite known.


Sales-wise it doesn't really matter if they release DQXI on Wii U or PS4 in Japan. The sales of both platforms are bad and not high enough to sustain DQXI on their own. The most important platform for the title will likely be the PS3 (and Vita if they decide to release it there as well).


wait, square can't release dragon quest xi

i want more hunter x hunter first

please square, don't give togashi another reason not to work on hunter x hunter

he has so many already


What software is going to keep the Wii U selling? You think Splatoon will keep Wii U from where it was for the rest of this year and the next? Fularu pls.

Edit: So you meant, 'come the start of 2016'. Lol I don't think it matters. The PS4 will pass the Wii U in Japan. There is little doubt that 2016 will be the year this happens.

The PS4 is right now 800k behind the WiiU, it's not going to sell 900k units more than the WiiU is in the next 5 months

That's just not going to happen.

EDIT : and let's say the PS4 gains 300k on the WiiU this year (that's wildly optimistic), I'm not really sure it will pass the WiiU total before the third part of 2016, almost 3 years after the PS4 launch.

In short, they're both disasters of epic proportions in Japan.
The PS4 is right now 800k behind the WiiU, it's not going to sell 900k units more than the WiiU is in the next 5 months

That's just not going to happen.

EDIT : and let's say the PS4 gains 300k on the WiiU this year (that's wildly optimistic), I'm not really sure it will pass the WiiU total before the third part of 2016, almost 3 years after the PS4 launch.

In short, they're both disasters of epic proportions in Japan.
No, it's not.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
That was before Splatoon, early 2015 the PS4 was doubling/trippling the WiiUs pathetic baseline (plus the Playstation Jan/Feb bump). They've been neck and neck otherwise except Batman bump.

By EoY we really have a blank box because a lot of variables have been introduced by Splatoon, and also the growing marketting of SMM. PS4 will still have the higher YTD, probably, but where things end up isn't quite known.

Personally, I think the landscape will change dramatically once it hits December onwards with the release of Star Ocean 5 and Dragon Quest Builders this year and loads and loads of JRPGs next year. Does the Wii U have any JRPGs coming out after Xenoblade X?


Personally, I think the landscape will change dramatically once it hits December onwards with the release of Star Ocean 5 and Dragon Quest Builders this year and loads and loads of JRPGs next year. Does the Wii U have any JRPGs coming out after Xenoblade X?
There's Genei Ibunroku #FE coming this winter, and well, thats' about it.


Personally, I think the landscape will change dramatically once it hits December onwards with the release of Star Ocean 5 and Dragon Quest Builders this year and loads and loads of JRPGs next year. Does the Wii U have any JRPGs coming out after Xenoblade X?

Super Mario Maker may be a much bigger deal than Star Ocean 5 and DQB (I firmly believe that this game will mostly sell on Vita compared to the PS4 version, the PS3 one is up in the air though).


Personally, I think the landscape will change dramatically once it hits December onwards with the release of Star Ocean 5 and Dragon Quest Builders this year and loads and loads of JRPGs next year. Does the Wii U have any JRPGs coming out after Xenoblade X?

SO isn't some monolithic/big brand, especially not after SO:IV happened, consumer reception will be tepid at best unless the game explodes off of word of mouth. DQ:Minecraft is Winter 2015, which is code word for (usually) Fed - March 2016. (Also all of the cross-gen releases are going to keep hampering any and all forward momentum in Japan for Gen8.)

You'd have a better discussion talking about things actually scheduled to release in 2015 and with some brand clout: MGSV and P5. Which will be up against whatever the hell Splatoon is doing (and there's no foreseeable end to it doing stuff), SMM, and whatever paper-scraps are left of the WiiU's 2015 line-up. At this point, MGSV is about the only thing coming that will outsell Splatoon, nevermind whatever happens or doesn't happen with SMM.

And let's talk about the "coming games" when they actually have release dates and are, in some foreseeable future, actually coming out.
The PS4 is right now 800k behind the WiiU, it's not going to sell 900k units more than the WiiU is in the next 5 months

That's just not going to happen.

EDIT : and let's say the PS4 gains 300k on the WiiU this year (that's wildly optimistic), I'm not really sure it will pass the WiiU total before the third part of 2016, almost 3 years after the PS4 launch.

In short, they're both disasters of epic proportions in Japan.

PS4 has already sold more this year than WiiU did whole last year (640k vs 620k) and you are saying it's wildly optimistic that it gains 300k to WiiU this year? PS4 is on pace to sell more than PS3 did back in 2008 (as of week 29 2008 PS3 had sold 589k and that was after huge MGSIV boost, for whole 2008 PS3 did around 980k).


year to date

PS4 - 639.352

Wii U - 311.963

the ps4 would need to sell more than double of its current sales for the next five months, while the wii u would need to literally stop selling in order for this to happen. by the end of the year, the difference will optimistically be about 600k (for ytd sales), meaning the wii u's ltd will be around 2.7m and the ps4's will be around 2.2m.


PS4 has already sold more this year than WiiU did whole last year (640k vs 620k) and you are saying it's wildly optimistic that it gains 300k to WiiU this year? PS4 is on pace to sell more than PS3 did back in 2008 (as of week 29 2008 PS3 had sold 589k and that was after huge MGSIV boost, for whole 2008 PS3 did around 980k).

This is hardly relevant. The PS4 isn't going to sell 300k more units than WiiU for the rest of the year over the next 5 months.

Remember the topic here is when will PS4 overtake WiiU. Answer is, not this year and late into the next one


The arguments about platform are basically meaningless when you realize that none of the current gen consoles have even managed to sell as much as the Dreamcast yet (in Japan). It's clear that Horii is bucking the trend of picking the platform with the most sales in order to make the game he wants to make, this time.


The arguments about platform are basically meaningless when you realize that none of the current gen consoles have even managed to sell as much as the Dreamcast yet (in Japan). It's clear that Horii is bucking the trend of picking the platform with the most sales in order to make the game he wants to make, this time.

While I still think the decision to move from 3Ds to PS3/4/V is rather stupid, Horii does whatever he pleases with the games he wants to make. I just fear this will be the least selling DQ (bar 10) since the Famicom days (remakes excluded, obviously)

Also I HOPE all those people coming in and saying "PS4 please" will buy the game instead of championing for their "console of choice".
Man it would be cool if he really did say fuck it just put it on the PS4 despite it's hardware sales in JP.
I think he is doing that but people are wondering whether it's going to be exclusive to PS4, exclusive to Sony platforms or exclusive to HD console only.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
And let's talk about the "coming games" when they actually have release dates and are, in some foreseeable future, actually coming out.

What are the Wii U games coming out next year? Because if we include "Zelda 2016", I should also include Project Setsuna.


Well about a decade ago everyone was expecting PS2 for DQ9 and see what happened :D

I don'T think anyone was ever expecting PS2 for DQ9 but many hoped it would go to PSP (because VISUALS, which for games like DQ was kind of puzzling, outside of DQ6, DQ3r and DQ8, the games have never pushed systems)
While I still think the decision to move from 3Ds to PS3/4/V is rather stupid, Horii does whatever he pleases with the games he wants to make. I just fear this will be the least selling DQ (bar 10) since the Famicom days (remakes excluded, obviously)

Also I HOPE all those people coming in and saying "PS4 please" will buy the game instead of championing for their "console of choice".

Of all the games to have "fear" of regarding sales, you choose a mainline Dragon Quest game..........Really? I bet 1000 rupees that no matter what happens with DQ 11, there will be a DQ 12 after. I know, living life on the edge and all that. :O

I'll be there day 1 when DQ 11 comes to EU, this is coming from someone that buys games every few years at most. For GT, KH, FF and DQ a rental will just not do for me. :p


The arguments about platform are basically meaningless when you realize that none of the current gen consoles have even managed to sell as much as the Dreamcast yet (in Japan). It's clear that Horii is bucking the trend of picking the platform with the most sales in order to make the game he wants to make, this time.

Damn, he gangsta


While I still think the decision to move from 3Ds to PS3/4/V is rather stupid, Horii does whatever he pleases with the games he wants to make. I just fear this will be the least selling DQ (bar 10) since the Famicom days (remakes excluded, obviously)

Also I HOPE all those people coming in and saying "PS4 please" will buy the game instead of championing for their "console of choice".

Oh don't worry, I'll send you the receipt too.


I don'T think anyone was ever expecting PS2 for DQ9 but many hoped it would go to PSP (because VISUALS, which for games like DQ was kind of puzzling, outside of DQ6, DQ3r and DQ8, the games have never pushed systems)

Eh, as I remember that isn't necessary true. Back then DQ3 & 4 graphics were highly appreciated (I'm talking about Japan with my childhood memory). Heck even 1 & 2 graphics weren't considered sub par. Only main entries people said graphics are NOT part of DQ was 5, 7 & 9.


I just can't stand japanese people having all the fun. I want to play god dammit. If it's for playstation, it will come.


Both the PS4 and Wii U are doing bad, but the PS4 will obviously be on the market longer. If DQXI were to come to a Nintendo platform as well it would make more sense for it to happen further down the road.

Of all the games to have "fear" of regarding sales, you choose a mainline Dragon Quest game..........Really? I bet 1000 rupees that no matter what happens with DQ 11, there will be a DQ 12 after. I know, living life on the edge and all that. :O

I'll be there day 1 when DQ 11 comes to EU, this is coming from someone that buys games every few years at most. For GT, KH, FF and DQ a rental will just not do for me. :p
Even though the game will get a sequel decline isn't exactly a good thing, especially if you think it can avoided so some people are obviously going to have issues with that. Horri obviously has a vision for the game though and that takes precedent with him.


While I still think the decision to move from 3Ds to PS3/4/V is rather stupid, Horii does whatever he pleases with the games he wants to make. I just fear this will be the least selling DQ (bar 10) since the Famicom days (remakes excluded, obviously)

Also I HOPE all those people coming in and saying "PS4 please" will buy the game instead of championing for their "console of choice".

Seems weird to worry about sales over the quality of the game.
I just can't stand japanese people having all the fun. I want to play god dammit. If it's for playstation, it will come.
I'm really hoping that if it ends up on Playstation it foes indeed come. I feel like with a good old Sony marketing push, it might just have a better chance for success here in the West anyways.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
While I still think the decision to move from 3Ds to PS3/4/V is rather stupid, Horii does whatever he pleases with the games he wants to make. I just fear this will be the least selling DQ (bar 10) since the Famicom days (remakes excluded, obviously)

Also I HOPE all those people coming in and saying "PS4 please" will buy the game instead of championing for their "console of choice".

Can't believe we're still doing this. And yeah, I'm not a fan of Dragon Quest (at least, VII didn't impress me) but I'll give XI a try if it looks good. I'm a fan of J-RPGs.


If it's on 3DS then they can recoup all costs in Japan alone. If Playstaion is included within platform(s) then yeah they will make the game with localization in mind.


The arguments about platform are basically meaningless when you realize that none of the current gen consoles have even managed to sell as much as the Dreamcast yet (in Japan). It's clear that Horii is bucking the trend of picking the platform with the most sales in order to make the game he wants to make, this time.
Horii is probably jelly at how large of a budget Final Fantasy XV is getting and wants to make a large production, vanity project.



I just looked at the article again and it really was Chinese version.
(Well they helped to create Chinese version of DQH but that was Playstation exclusive so it made more sense).

It'll at the very least localized in Chinese, these guy will take care of it.


SE chanting they'll push DQ brand in Chinese language regions (Mainland China & Taiwan) is the biggest reason I'm guessing Playstation will receive some port of DQ11 at least. Nintendo hardware are nowhere to be seen over there.
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