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Dragon's Dogma Online revealed - PS3/PS4/PC, MMO-ish, F2P, 4-player parties


This shouldn't be on PC then, unless they really don't plan to bring it West, cause it won't matter in Japan anyway.

Weird decisions by Sony regarding those Capcom exclusives, unless PC ports sell less on average than I think they do.

I guess the reason why Capcom are releasing a PC version along sides their recent projects (SFV and DDO), despite what seems to be SCE's financial and technical input, is the fact they may be the ones ''fully'' publishing this version while SCE's Third Party Production team publishes the PS version.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Y'all are really gonna have to get over the F2P thing. I hope somebody figures it out but the industry is increasingly moving in this direction. It's like how I had to get over open world games dominating the marketplace.

I just keep hoping somebody figures it out.
If there was a ever thread to show off the double standards around here for certain things, this would be the one.

On topic though, I find it hard to get excited about a Capcom f2p title, but the thought of playing DD with friends makes me moist. I don't know what to do. ;_;

It sucks that they chose to go full blown F2play MMO style online instead of just adding multiplayer to Dragons Dogma


Im not sure why xbox players dont already understand that Japanese companies are more likely to partner with other japanese companies.

This makes absolutely no sense, are you aware of it?

Just look at the relationship between Microsoft and japanese developers/companies during the past generation.


Comments like these, lol. Was Bayonetta 2 a moneyhat? It wouldn't have been made if not for Nintendo.

Bayonetta 2 is the definition of moneyhat. Without Nintendo throwing money at Sega and Platinum we would have never gotten it.

Moneyhat isn't always a bad thing.

Lux R7

i wonder how this "new world" will be.
There is Gransys but we have other lands, maybe Heartstone? Meloire?
And the story..the infinite cicle would break if all the arisens just set up a meeting that is not in the everfall.
We'll see, so excited.
is that the reason? where'd ya get that from? why did re6 perform so poorly on console while performing astonishingly beautifully on pc though

what i'm saying is mt framework is magic you can't fool me

also for everyone freaking out about the capcom eu statement: dragon's dogma online was discovered by folks from an EU trademark registration, cmon ya'll

RE6 ran just fine on x360. And yes that was the reason, MT framework wasn't meant for big open worlds, they basically took MTF2.0 and retooled it to MTF2.X (open world version). This is also why it had streaming issues on the ram starved consoles.

And on the subject of PC versions, MTF is a PC engine. Capcom makes the PC games first, then ports to x360 for near parity and then lastly the port to ps3.
This is why all of the pc versions are so good, they aren't ports. The engine made by dimps for SF4 (which is now being used for DB Xenoverse) follows the same principles because the arcade machine it had to run on was pretty much a just a pc.


Y'all are really gonna have to get over the F2P thing. I hope somebody figures it out but the industry is increasingly moving in this direction. It's like how I had to get over open world games dominating the marketplace.

I just keep hoping somebody figures it out.
I don't think we need to get used to it. Its not the only workable business model. And its not necessarily any guarantee of success, either.

Just like you don't have to worry about every single game becoming open world.


Apparently a few people on Twitter were saying this was originally going to be Xbox exclusive but things changed over the past year.

Xaero Gravity

It sucks that they chose to go full blown F2play MMO style online instead of just adding multiplayer to Dragons Dogma
In all honesty though, I'd actually prefer a remastered DD with online co op where people can just join you as their pawns. I really enjoyed the combat of DD, but it was really hard to enjoy everything else due to the graphics and performance.
Where did I say I've played this game? I was just explaining how these F2P systems *usually* work, since the person I responded to seemed to have this idea that it was done by 'paying to unlock the game'. Like you could pay $60 in microtransactions and suddenly have it be like it would be if it were a normal $60 game. Just doesn't work that way.

I don't want to 'allocate a budget' and have that lingering feeling of how to divvy it out over time and worrying about whether I'm going to go over it or anything. I just want to play a game and not concern myself with that sort of thing. Not to mention that you're usually having microtransactions being pushed at you in-game, constantly reminding you that you're playing a F2P game.

I just hate this sort of thing. I want to buy a product and then sit down and enjoy it without that nasty F2P haze that inevitably lingers over it.

I used to feel like you guys do. I was open-minded, defended its potential and whatnot. Pointed out how it might work ok. But since then, I've grown cold on it. Its not the way I want to play a video game.

Some of the most popular games are both F2P and do the model wonderfully. Dismissing this game based on F2P is up to you but how the F2P model "usually" works isn't really applicable here until we find out how the game's F2P model actually is.

It could be something completely terrible or it could be something wonderful (like League/Dota).

Given that the rest of the details sound absolutely wonderful from a DD fans perspective, I'll wait until more details are out before decrying the game over the "F2P" label.
This makes absolutely no sense, are you aware of it?

Just look at the relationship between Microsoft and japanese developers/companies during the past generation.

Its just business

Exclusives are tailored to the market and how they perceive it will perform.

As fas as Capcom goes the big global AAA stuff went to everything while the more risky stuff relied on partnerships

Dead Rising 3 wss the only outcast from the pattern and even thats easy to explain


That sounds awesome, I'll certainly give it a try with my Dark Souls / GW2 dudes.

(If Capcom do the only remotely sane thing and localize it)


Bayonetta 2 is the definition of moneyhat. Without Nintendo throwing money at Sega and Platinum we would have never gotten it.

Moneyhat isn't always a bad thing.

"Moneyhat" is a fallacious concept in and of itself, given that nothing in this industry (or the world around it) is free. Games are bought and paid for. "Moneyhat" is a played out buzzword for "a game that was funded by a company I dislike".
Y'all are really gonna have to get over the F2P thing. I hope somebody figures it out but the industry is increasingly moving in this direction. It's like how I had to get over open world games dominating the marketplace.

I just keep hoping somebody figures it out.

To be honest this and the whole money hat thing. People will contort themselves into so many weird mental gymnastic positions to try and figure out what is a good money hat and a bad money hat based almost always on fitting preconceived opinions and the reality is we will likely never know the exact details about what business agreements really went down.


ADD New Gen Gamer
Apparently a few people on Twitter were saying this was originally going to be Xbox exclusive but things changed over the past year.

It makes zero sense for the franchise to be xbox only. Dragons dogma isn't even a hit in the west.


Y'all are really gonna have to get over the F2P thing. I hope somebody figures it out but the industry is increasingly moving in this direction. It's like how I had to get over open world games dominating the marketplace.

I just keep hoping somebody figures it out.

Yeah F2P is here to stay pretty much all it take is a few whales to bring in more money than the traditional model. Kind of sad though that they won't use this engine to bring DD:DA to PS4 and pc. I am sure they would recoup the costs of that and we get the original running a lot better as well.


Probably because with TF there was pretty solid info saying it was timed coming to PS4 before MS made the second deal (an actual moneyhat).

I wonder how people would have reacted if SCE moneyhatted the ''full'' exclusivity of Destiny until its release date. (Like way before that big marketing deal/push... when it was still in production.)

p.s. I am still pissed that SCE canned ex-Santa Monica Stig's project, knowing that the PS4 lauched a few months back back then. I just hope they didn't put more into that marketing deal for Destiny than Stig's project. After God Of War III, I would have jumped Day 0 on that game and I am pretty sure it would have been better than what we had with Destiny. Really... what are the chances that Stig's new IP could be worse than Destiny (unless it was to be an FPS... they don't have any experience with FPS)?


Bayonetta 2 is the definition of moneyhat. Without Nintendo throwing money at Sega and Platinum we would have never gotten it.

Moneyhat isn't always a bad thing.

That's not what a moneyhat is. Moneyhatting is paying to keep a game from existing on other consoles. Nintendo paid for Bayo 2 to even exist at all, which is a partnership.


Nah, it can be done.

If you unlock new stuff at the same pace you would on a normal game, then it's fine.

There's just no way to know if they're balancing it "honestly" is what I'm saying, at least for this type of game. There's no unbaised gauge for what's reasonable. I just don't see how once you introduce the ability to skip ahead via payments, you can disassociate this from the balancing equation. It's hard to balance the stats/weapons/experience game completely separate from the pricing when these affect the overall experience significantly. If it was something like a fighting game where you can pay to not have to play the story mode for a character unlock, that's a whole different beast. However, I think it's far more complicated for an online MMO or RPG where leveling up has such a huge impact on the experience.
I wonder how people would have reacted if SCE moneyhatted the ''full'' exclusivity of Destiny until its release date. (Like way before that big marketing deal/push... when it was still in production.)

p.s. I am still pissed that SCE canned ex-Santa Monica Stig's project, knowing that the PS4 lauched a few months back back then. I just hope they didn't put more into that marketing deal for Destiny than Stig's project. After God Of War III, I would have jumped Day 0 on that game and I am pretty sure it would have been better than what we had Destiny. Really... what are the chances that Stig's new IP could be worse than Destiny (unless it was to be an FPS... they don't have any experience with FPS)?

Considering that reports were that the game wasn't coming together of say the chances were high. Everyone always wants to believe that every cancelled game would have been the best thing ever but the reality is that most of the time they were probably canned for a reason.
Online only? F2P? Fuck you Capcom! I would have preferred a remaster version of the original game. So disappointed it's not Dragon's Dogma 2.

I will still play the game regardless..


I did try to put this image in every thread since the name was trademarked as a warning. Capcom basically told us they would do this.


There was a second quote about more console f2p games from the same call.
As long as I get their games on Steam I don't even mind Capcom apparently thinking of continental Europe as "developing countries" :p
I know it's a "get off my lawn" sort of sentiment, but I immediately distrust anything that's F2P. Granted, I've never played DOTA or any of those types of games (which seem to do it better), but my exposure to all F2P games has involved either the energy-based waiting simulators, or the game being gimped in some way, making me constantly say to myself "this part would be easier if I just paid $x for this upgrade." I just hate it. I understand the reasons for launching a game F2P, but very few can design around that in such a way that makes it tolerable to me. I would much rather just pay some amount upfront and not worry about whether my experience would be different if only I would be willing to pay some money. If it's F2P, I do everything I can to NOT pay, which isn't a fun way to play.


I wouldve prefered a dragons dogma 2 that had some online. i will play this because i would be too curious after loving DD so much, but i have abandoned hope and expectation.


Online only? F2P? Fuck you Capcom! I would have preferred a remaster version of the original game. So disappointed it's not Dragon's Dogma 2.

I will still play the game regardless..

I wonder if you can play offline.

Players take on the role of an Awakened in the new land of Lestaria. You’ll be able to adventure with four-player parties (if you prefer to play solo, you can take three AI pawns with you), as well as chat, form parties, and spend free time in town lobbies with up to 100 people.


Apparently a few people on Twitter were saying this was originally going to be Xbox exclusive but things changed over the past year.

Sounds like BS.

DD on PS3 was one of the best selling new console IPs of last gen in Japan iirc. There is no way Capcom wasn't going to put the series on a Playstation platform.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I think i mirror everyone's thoughts that a full fledged dragon's dogma with coop and scalable difficulty would have been perfect.

However, capcom probably looked at sales of the previous game and thought it wasn't worth the tremendous cost to make such a game.


This cool and all not really into Dragons Dogma but....

Wheres my DEEP DOWN AT!? That i'm interested in


I don't think we need to get used to it. Its not the only workable business model. And its not necessarily any guarantee of success, either.

Just like you don't have to worry about every single game becoming open world.

I think the problem is it is a very profitable one, not enough people are wiling to boycott it that it loses too much money, and enough people can get sucked into it and spend a ton of money that it makes a lot of money.

There are other models and I agree with you I'd rather go with them (rather than anything that uses MTs that aren't just for random customization). But I think we're "fighting" a losing war :( :(. I think that's his point. It is very lucrative and there's not enough of us that care enough to make it not lucrative.

That doesn't mean I still don't try to discourage it, but I do think we're fighting a losing battle :(. I mean look at how many people here will defend microtransactions in games (and in games you paid for too!). And this is a forum full of people who care more about games than the general market they are aiming these games to.


This thread has been an emotional roller coaster for me.

Dragon's Dogma! YES

Online! YES

Always Online! Is that a good

F2P! Uh what

Won't be released in the West! Hold on
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