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DRIVECLUB |OT2| You Can't Rush Evolution

It's fun to contribute to a small club. Feels personal and the impact you have is tangible
This is very true.

I'm also in the GAF club for Horizon, but that's a gazillion players - and while that provides its own level of awesomeness, and comradery without restrictions, you're pretty much anonymous unless you're at the very top of the leaderboard. I see plenty of GAF names when the game offers me rivals, but I don't recognize 99% of them.

Definite strengths to both approaches, though I do think DriveClub could benefit from extending the player count a bit - like, maybe to 10, just to make it easier to get six drivers in the same club on at the same time for club vs. club action. Having some space for alternates wouldn't hurt.
Speaking of small clubs, Psygnosis just went live last night. We are 2 strong, currently at lvl 2 (both of us are lvl 26 in the campaign). Any clean drivers are welcome. Shoot me a PM if interested.


Boo. What's this accolade? Tour mode or just reg time trial?
The accolade is the Ferrari's Owner one (other car brands are also quite rewarding).
You just have to drive some mileage with a Ferrari car to maximize at level 5, and here come your fame points.
Faster and simpler way to do so is to race some laps on a time trial circuit.

That's basically how I've maximized these accolades for Alfa Romeo, Lotus and Spyker cars.


Fuck, I still don't get it.
Please somebody enlighten me, I want to chuckle too!


Just finished that RUFRiders trail and wanted to look what the best time is now that leaderboard work sometimes.
It´s 50:something when the whole thing goes over 3 minutes. That´s just great.
The multiplayer still seems odd. It takes too long to lobby synch and many times I was booted out. However, i was able to get a race in which is progress.


Neo Member
You're welcome to join ours (as is anyone else here). We have a club mainly just for unlocking cars as well. PSN ID is BlackSunshine007

It seems as if PSN is acting up on me right now -- when trying to message you my connection always times out.

Thanks for your offer. Can you send an invite to Theobromin, please?


Looks like PSN is gone... Or is just me?

There seems to be a major update going on, including for their web-store. Log-ins are working for me, but actual purchasing seems to be offline. I also can't access/change account settings. I'm in the Northeast US.

Edit: Scratch that. 100% down for me.


As much fun as I think the single player racing portion of the game is I really wish I wouldn't have purchased digital. I'd really like to get a refund.

I'm patient but this online fuckup is beyond ridiculous at this point.


I actually got my first Face Off before PSN went down. I was so confused at what was even going on that i totally failed but that didn´t matter. Not that it was the best kind of challange, drift challange in the ruf time trail.
The game crashed 2 times so far after the latest 1.04 patch installed. Evolution Studios, I love DC but I'm starting to get nervous here.

Just what the hell happened over there? :(


I've had the game since launch (haven't gotten very far, probably play like 30 minutes to an hour and I only play a couple of times a week) and I have yet to do anything at all with the club system due to the server issues. Does anyone have any sort of quickstart tips as to how to handle the "social" aspect of the game?


Still no consistent connection here. They must be completely rewriting the entire net code and online, that's the only explanation. These "patches" they are feeding us are probably just to keep the masses quiet whilst they work on the real problem. It's just mental that this has gone on for so long now!


I've had the game since launch (haven't gotten very far, probably play like 30 minutes to an hour and I only play a couple of times a week) and I have yet to do anything at all with the club system due to the server issues. Does anyone have any sort of quickstart tips as to how to handle the "social" aspect of the game?

1. Join a club or create a club and get someone to join it
2. Complete the Tour
3. Go play multiplayer with your club


@AskPlayStation said:
Ask PlayStation ‏ 10m10 minutes ago

We're aware some of you are unable to connect to the PSN. Thanks for your patience as we investigate

Just saw this on twitter


The game really needed more time in the oven. Also silly they didn't launch with the touted rain and wet weather effects.


New Update from EVO:

EVO said:
7 mins ·

We have a few new updates for you today as we work toward getting everyone connected and racing together in ‪#‎DRIVECLUB‬:

1) The latest game update (1.04) is now available to download worldwide and you will need to install it in order to play online. Your PS4 will prompt you to download the update from PSN as soon as you fire up the game.

2) More servers and new upgrades are still coming online hour-by-hour, so we expect improvements to server connectivity and reliability for everyone. We will be bringing Face-offs back into play soon.

3) Essential diagnostics are still running periodically (for the next 12 hours) to help us continue to improve server performance. This may disrupt online play for you when you get connected.

We are still also working hard to get the PS Plus Edition of DRIVECLUB out as soon as possible and hope to update you on this soon.


Finally managed to get under 1.16 on the Venom time trial.

This game feels so much more awesome now with the update from yesterday. All those ghosts and the face offs make everything just more intense. I was just driving with a Ruf on a random time trial and stuck to it for half an hour just to beat one ghost after the other.
Crazy! It's pretty scary in dashboard/cockpit view.

Spinning out after a bad turn in cockpit view is one of the coolest things in this game. I showed the game to a friend last night, trying to be all cool, going fast and I messed up a turn causing me to spin around about 3 times before getting back on the track. That sold him on the game, weirdly enough.


I'm starting to find it hard to belive that the problems are caused by too many players being on the servers. A week and a half of server problems and there's still enough people who want to play online to jam up the servers? You'd think after this long most would have given up on trying to connect to multiplayer. Maybe the online code is just shitty, and if that's the case, it's unacceptable.


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