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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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That would be Cambridge if anything.

So much 1st party coming our way...I just want a glimpse

sony plz

I Hope they are making Killzone mercenaries 2, Cambridge seems to have a better grasp on what makes Killzone fun than GG does nowadays. That and I like fighting with the Helghast rather against them which mercenary offered.


Does the Guerilla staff have any experience making an rpg

This is the core team behind Killzone 2 sooo technically no.

But, they did hire the lead writer for Fallout: New Vegas which has been widely recognized for its wonderful writing which is big for an RPG. So that's something. Also, based on hints from Shinobi, it's an action oriented RPG and Guerrilla is more than capable of some intense, thrilling action.


Does the Guerilla staff have any experience making an rpg

Nope. This is uncharted (pardon the pun) territory for them

I have full trust in Guerilla Cambridge to carry the Killzone banner though. Killzone Mercenary holds the throne as the best FPS on handheld of all time.
Those first sections of Killzone SF in the woods and such were some of the most breathtaking visuals this generation still.

Thinking of them making a full on WRPG is exciting from the prospect of the tech alone. And them breaking away from FPS may be just what the team needed. Monotony can kill inspiration and careers for that matter


Junior Member
Those first sections of Killzone SF in the woods and such were some of the most breathtaking visuals this generation still.

Thinking of them making a full on WRPG is exciting from the prospect of the tech alone. And them breaking away from FPS may be just what the team needed. Monotony can kill inspiration

They were my first next gen, holy fuck moment.

Absolutely spectacular looking, and I drool thinking of their engine serving a WRPG.
i just find it dumb that this so called "insider" isnt getting shut up cause he has confidential information

If he's busted he will probably just get kicked out of judges week, which is likely where 95% of this stuff is coming from. Along with " friends ". Judges week isn't a necessity from what I hear so people like him are just hurting that in the end. Devs could just up and forego judges week altogether
For me, Sony's perfect E3 2015 (that's somewhat realistic) would be structured like this:

* Open with the usual snazzy montage sequence
* Shawn Layden on stage to introduce the show. Thanks for continued support. Announces 25 million PS4's sold WW.
*Announce 1TB PS4 at $399. Price drop to $299 for 500GB model.
* Onto the games. Starting with a Battlefront demo on stage. PS4 Star Wars 1TB PS4 announced to launch with Battlefront in November. DLC first on Playstation.
* Batman: Arkham Knight launch trailer. PS4 exclusive DLC and bundle.
* Mad Max Trailer.
* Activision takes the stage and reveals Call of Duty BLOPS III campaign gameplay. Partnering with Sony. DLC is first on Playstation with Beta starting early on PS4.
* Adam Boyes takes the stage to talk about indies. 1 major indie between now and Christmas.
* EGTTR new trailer (July), The Witness trailer (August), Shadow of the Beast trailer (September), Rime trailer (October), The Tomorrow Children trailer (November).
* Sizzle reel with a bunch of new indie games shown.
* Japanese gaming segment introduced by Shuhei Yoshida.
* Capcom is up first with a new trailer for Street Fighter V. Several new characters and stages are shown off. Release date February 2016.
* Next a new trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: TPP
* Trailer for Level 5 PS4 RPG coming in 2016.
* Persona 5 gets a new trailer. Releasing in JP September 2015, NA November 2015, EU early 2016.
* Yoichi Wada takes the stage and introduces 2 trailers. Dragon Quest Heroes (releasing in NA/ EU October 2015) and Star Ocean IV (PS3/PS4 launching in 2016).
* Before he leaves Wada announces FFVII PC port is available today on PSN.
* Onto Morpheus. Shawn Layden returns to the stage and announces that Morpheus will launch in Spring 2016 at $199 and will come with the PS Move and camera as well as a selection of demos (similar to the one's shown at press events).
* A sizzle reel of developers talking up the Morpheus and ideas they have to incorporate it.
* A couple of trailers for new games coming exclusively for Morpheus.
* No Man's Sky has a new trailer with Morpheus support announced. Releases November 2015.
* Closing out the segment with a trailer for Media Molecules new game, built around Move and Morpheus and launching in Spring alongside it.
* Shawn Layden introduces the final section of the show. Sony's 1st / 2nd party exclusives…
* New trailers for Until Dawn (Releasing August 2015) and Tearaway Unfolded (releasing September 2015)
* Ted price introduces a new trailer for the Ratchet and Clank movie, followed by a gameplay trailer for Ratchet and Clank on PS4. Both releasing April 2016.
* Neil Drukmann introduces a gameplay demo for Uncharted 4, after the demo ends a firm release date for March 2016 is given. A trailer for The Uncharted Collection on PS4 follows, releasing November 2015.
* Horizon in-engine trailer, followed by a developer introduction from Guerrilla games and a short gameplay demo. Releasing 2016.
* Shawn Layden takes the stage to thank everyone for attending and introduces the show's final announcement...
* The show closes with a trailer for The Last Guardian. At the end of the trailer it reads 'Coming to PS4 in 2016'.
How much mobile game porting to consoles do you think we will see? I think this may be the E3 where floodgates open. I think console makers will think it is a cheap way to generate buzz while regular gamers wont be that excited.


i just find it dumb that this so called "insider" isnt getting shut up cause he has confidential information

Unless he's signed any NDAs, companies can't do anything to shut him up.

If he's busted he will probably just get kicked out of judges week, which is likely where 95% of this stuff is coming from. Along with " friends ". Judges week isn't a necessity from what I hear so people like him are just hurting that in the end. Devs could just up and forego judges week altogether

I think it will turn out pretty bad for him.
He is using his public identity, and is one of the owners(?) of Unseen64, which needs info from companies directly or people who work at them.
Those companies would just shut the doors for him, wouldn't they?
I haven't noticed anyone talk about RE7 in this thread (besides via that fake list that was going around yesterday). Do you think it's likely that this will show up? Also, do you think it's likely that, following the sales of the HD remaster of REMake, Capcom will incorporate traditional survival horror elements into this sequel?


Nope. This is uncharted (pardon the pun) territory for them

I have full trust in Guerilla Cambridge to carry the Killzone banner though. Killzone Mercenary holds the throne as the best FPS on handheld of all time.

It's not a matter of trust for Cambridge it's a matter of staff for me.


* Shawn Layden takes the stage to thank everyone for attending and introduces the show's final announcement...
* The show closes with a trailer for The Last Guardian. At the end of the trailer it reads 'Coming to PS4 in 2016'.

If TLG gets reintroduced, Shawn Layden doesn't deserve the announcement.

It's Shu's job. Or they bring Jack Tretton back on just for that announcement, haha.


Slayer of Combofiends
Unless he's signed any NDAs, companies can't do anything to shut him up.

My worry is the people who told him. I won't name any instances cause its under wraps but there have been many times people have lost their jobs cause of ungrateful jerks like him.

If he's busted he will probably just get kicked out of judges week, which is likely where 95% of this stuff is coming from. Along with " friends ". Judges week isn't a necessity from what I hear so people like him are just hurting that in the end. Devs could just up and forego judges week altogether

I wish they would so there wouldn't be any leaks.

I think it will turn out pretty bad for him.
He is using his public identity, and is one of the owners(?) of Unseen64, which needs info from companies directly or people who work at them.
Those companies would just shut the doors for him, wouldn't they?

Hope that happens to him, dude seriously does not know the repercussions people can face all for "hype".


Just food for thought real quick. Obviously a reintroduction of TLG would be a huge hype grabbing move, no doubt in my mind. But does anyone really think it could ever live up to the hype it's garnered?


If TLG gets reintroduced, Shawn Layden doesn't deserve the announcement.

It's Shu's job. Or they bring Jack Tretton back on just for that announcement, haha.

I just hope it's a one-last-thing type deal at the very end of the presser. Would be glorious.
Just food for thought real quick. Obviously a reintroduction of TLG would be a huge hype grabbing move, no doubt in my mind. But does anyone really think it could ever live up to the hype it's garnered?

No. No game could.

That said Team Ico have put out two incredible games and so unless there's something seriously wrong (and after all the reworks and resources you'd hope they're getting it right) there's no reason to doubt that TLG will be something of a masterpiece.
Just food for thought real quick. Obviously a reintroduction of TLG would be a huge hype grabbing move, no doubt in my mind. But does anyone really think it could ever live up to the hype it's garnered?

Of course it could

The hype is not from the game itself it is from the person at the helm of it. Ueda has only done a few projects but they were both masterpieces. People are just hyped for his next project


* Onto Morpheus. Shawn Layden returns to the stage and announces that Morpheus will launch in Spring 2016 at $199 and will come with the PS Move and camera as well as a selection of demos (similar to the one's shown at press events).
* A sizzle reel of developers talking up the Morpheus and ideas they have to incorporate it.
* A couple of trailers for new games coming exclusively for Morpheus.
* No Man's Sky has a new trailer with Morpheus support announced. Releases November 2015.

Even though I'd love them to, I don't think that the price of Morpheus will be revealed just yet.

No Man's Sky -- would be a wasted opportunity if this didn't have Morpheus support. Has the potential to be the best game ever if it does haha.

Also, is Morpheus the final title? II remember it was always called "Project Morpheus" but was it finalized somewhere down the line?


My worry is the people who told him. I won't name any instances cause its under wraps but there have been many times people have lost their jobs cause of ungrateful jerks like him.

Hope that happens to him, dude seriously does not know the repercussions people can face all for "hype".

If they're willing to tell outsiders their company secrets, that's the risk they're willing to take. I'm not sure why the blame has to fall completely on him.
Not really sure what bailing out of this thread will do for avoiding leaks.

If it's a substantial enough leak, there will be a rumor thread on the front page of GAF.
No Mans Sky Morpheus is likely going to happen but no way it is a launch thing. This team is under enough pressure simply to get the actual game out . Add in Morpheus support? No way.

Unless Sony is doing that themselves somehow with a whole different team. And that is just not happening either. Eventually though no doubt No Mans Sky could be a flagship VR title as it looks tailor made for it
I hope Microsoft just sticks to first party/exclusives for their show. As many future projects as they teased last year with CGI I want to see something more real from Scalebound and Crackdown. Also want something meaty from RARE. There will also obviously be a good amount of time on Halo and Gears as well as Forza 6.


No way Morpheus is 199. Lowest I can see it is 299.

It needs to cost less than the console(with first price drop) to be accepted, even if it results in loss from hardware sale.

An ps4 accessory with same/higher price than it's console, is hard to sell.


It needs to cost less them the console(with first price drop) to be accepted, even if it resulta in loss from hardware sale.

An ps4 accessory with same/higher price than it's console, is hard to sell.
They better have a good software lineup for morpheus to make the money back. I just want to watch movies on it.
For me, Sony's perfect E3 2015 (that's somewhat realistic) would be structured like this:

* Open with the usual snazzy montage sequence
* Shawn Layden on stage to introduce the show. Thanks for continued support. Announces 25 million PS4's sold WW.
*Announce 1TB PS4 at $399. Price drop to $299 for 500GB model.
* Onto the games. Starting with a Battlefront demo on stage. PS4 Star Wars 1TB PS4 announced to launch with Battlefront in November. DLC first on Playstation.
* Batman: Arkham Knight launch trailer. PS4 exclusive DLC and bundle.
* Mad Max Trailer.
* Activision takes the stage and reveals Call of Duty BLOPS III campaign gameplay. Partnering with Sony. DLC is first on Playstation with Beta starting early on PS4.
* Adam Boyes takes the stage to talk about indies. 1 major indie between now and Christmas.
* EGTTR new trailer (July), The Witness trailer (August), Shadow of the Beast trailer (September), Rime trailer (October), The Tomorrow Children trailer (November).
* Sizzle reel with a bunch of new indie games shown.
* Japanese gaming segment introduced by Shuhei Yoshida.
* Capcom is up first with a new trailer for Street Fighter V. Several new characters and stages are shown off. Release date February 2016.
* Next a new trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: TPP
* Trailer for Level 5 PS4 RPG coming in 2016.
* Persona 5 gets a new trailer. Releasing in JP September 2015, NA November 2015, EU early 2016.
* Yoichi Wada takes the stage and introduces 2 trailers. Dragon Quest Heroes (releasing in NA/ EU October 2015) and Star Ocean IV (PS3/PS4 launching in 2016).
* Before he leaves Wada announces FFVII PC port is available today on PSN.
* Onto Morpheus. Shawn Layden returns to the stage and announces that Morpheus will launch in Spring 2016 at $199 and will come with the PS Move and camera as well as a selection of demos (similar to the one's shown at press events).
* A sizzle reel of developers talking up the Morpheus and ideas they have to incorporate it.
* A couple of trailers for new games coming exclusively for Morpheus.
* No Man's Sky has a new trailer with Morpheus support announced. Releases November 2015.
* Closing out the segment with a trailer for Media Molecules new game, built around Move and Morpheus and launching in Spring alongside it.
* Shawn Layden introduces the final section of the show. Sony's 1st / 2nd party exclusives…
* New trailers for Until Dawn (Releasing August 2015) and Tearaway Unfolded (releasing September 2015)
* Ted price introduces a new trailer for the Ratchet and Clank movie, followed by a gameplay trailer for Ratchet and Clank on PS4. Both releasing April 2016.
* Neil Drukmann introduces a gameplay demo for Uncharted 4, after the demo ends a firm release date for March 2016 is given. A trailer for The Uncharted Collection on PS4 follows, releasing November 2015.
* Horizon in-engine trailer, followed by a developer introduction from Guerrilla games and a short gameplay demo. Releasing 2016.
* Shawn Layden takes the stage to thank everyone for attending and introduces the show's final announcement...
* The show closes with a trailer for The Last Guardian. At the end of the trailer it reads 'Coming to PS4 in 2016'.

That sounds great and all, but I really hope you're wrong about Morpheus. If it costs $199 and comes with a Move controller and the camera, that's a bummer to me because I already have everything for Morpheus but the Morpheus headset itself. I'd really want to see a standalone headset option.
Interesting. Always thought it would work off PC as well for some reason.

I just can't see a first generation VR device being less then $400 or so. Unless Sony is willing to eat a ton of loss from unit sales just to get it into more homes.
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