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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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I really feel like Horizon is going to blow people away. Guerrilla is a crazy talented studio, even if their last IP never really resonated. I just hope they don't give it a terrible name.

i hope they will show gameplaymaterial for that game and not just a simple trailer.


They need to show it as Killzone: Shadow Fall was.
You can say the game was not good and ****, but you got to admit, the presentation was AWESOME+++

Especially at the February 2013 event... That game looked great. Turned out fine, but not mind blowing.


My thoughts on who'll win E3 this year...

I really don't have my hopes up that much from Sony this year. In fact, this might be one of their least interesting E3's in a while. I don't think they have too much software to show...and Morpheus doesn't interest me that much (unless it's something mind blowing).

Microsoft on the other hand, their stuff has caught my interest. Halo 5, the next Gears of War, and various new IP's I can't wait to see. Say what you will about the Xbox One, but the last 2 E3's were pretty damn good IMO.

Nintendo...I'm keeping my hype way down with them to be honest. I believe it's already confirmed that they won't show Zelda, but I have a feeling they're going to talk about amiibo's (which I really don't give a shit about) and other nonsense stuff. If they can provide a release date for Xenoblade X, I'll be happy. I don't really care about Star Fox either...but a new console Metroid on the other hand, that would make things awesome.

My bet is on the third parties who'll provide the best content...I'm hoping they show some awesome stuff here. Square is apparently going to reveal some new stuff and as for EA, I hope they show the next Mass Effect. Fallout 4 looks awesome and hopefully we can get an update on The Division.


My thoughts on who'll win E3 this year...

I really don't have my hopes up that much from Sony this year. In fact, this might be one of their least interesting E3's in a while. I don't think they have too much software to show...and Morpheus doesn't interest me that much (unless it's something mind blowing).

IMO, Sony has the realistic potential to, by a large margin, have the best E3 this year...and maybe one of the best in recent memory.
My thoughts on who'll win E3 this year...

I really don't have my hopes up that much from Sony this year. In fact, this might be one of their least interesting E3's in a while. I don't think they have too much software to show...and Morpheus doesn't interest me that much (unless it's something mind blowing).

actually they have too much software and therefore not every game will make it at this years e3. It will be better than last year, thats a no brainer for me

Guerilla Games with Horizon
Sony Bends new IP
Media Molecules new IP
Quantic Dreams new IP
Polyphoni Digital with GT7
Sony Japan with The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2
Santa Monica with God of War
Level 5 with their exclusive games
Naughty Dog with Uncharted
Insomniac with Ratchet and Clank
Guerilla Cambridge with their Ps4 Project
Street Fighter & Deep Down from Capcom
Sony London with a new project

Why are people so pessimistic about Sony's first party line up? 9 first party/second party studios that have to announce their Ps4 projects

and then we also have all those interesting Indie/AA Games that people are looking forward to

Rime, No Mans Sky, Everybodys gone to the Rapture, Shadow of the Beast, Hunger, Tomorrows Children,


Sony and MS will both have good but not amazing shows I think. Sony will potentially have more surprises - we know what the studios are doing in a general sense, but we don't actually know what any of it is. MS, we basically know the exact titles. Rare will be interesting.

Nintendo I am not getting my hopes up for. There's nothing wrong with Star Fox + Animal Crossing + Paper Mario + Xenoblade of course, but I don't foresee any true megatons.


My thoughts on who'll win E3 this year...

I really don't have my hopes up that much from Sony this year. In fact, this might be one of their least interesting E3's in a while. I don't think they have too much software to show...and Morpheus doesn't interest me that much (unless it's something mind blowing).

Microsoft on the other hand, their stuff has caught my interest. Halo 5, the next Gears of War, and various new IP's I can't wait to see. Say what you will about the Xbox One, but the last 2 E3's were pretty damn good IMO.

I am the opposite, I think Sony has a lot more content under wraps. They seem to be running a tighter ship this year so more surprises for us. People are misinterpreting the sparse commentand what was actually said.

We know about 80% of Microsoft's content and most of those are from last year's E3. They announced games just for the sake of announcing them to appear they have more content. Scalebound, Phantom Dust and Crackdown would have waited until this year to be announced. This year will be all gameplay and more CGI trailers that won't see gameplay for for another year. With 90 minutes that would take up a lot of time.


actually they have too much software and therefore not every game will make it at this years e3. It will be better than last year, thats a no brainer for me

Guerilla Games with Horizon
Sony Bends new IP
Media Molecules new IP
Quantic Dreams new IP
Polyphoni Digital with GT7
Sony Japan with The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2
Santa Monica with God of War
Level 5 with their exclusive games
Naughty Dog with Uncharted
Insomniac with Ratchet and Clank
Guerilla Cambridge with their Ps4 Project
Street Fighter & Deep Down from Capcom
Sony London with a new project

Why are people so pessimistic about Sony's first party line up? 9 first party/second party studios that have to announce their Ps4 projects

and then we also have all those interesting Indie/AA Games that people are looking forward to

Rime, No Mans Sky, Everybodys gone to the Rapture, Shadow of the Beast, Hunger, Tomorrows Children,

Edited some to be more resonable and still looks great.
Hunger was confirmed to be a PS4 only? OMG *-*

Edit: Servbot24, thank you.


Nintendo Predictions:
Star Fox - Mid-tier title that focuses on flight.
Paper Mario - A new game that's not new enough for some people and not enough like PM and TTYD for others.
Metroid (2D) - 2D title similar to Donkey Kong Country Returns
Animal Crossing U - Don't know too much about this series.

  • Super Mystery Dungeon
  • X2/Y2/Z (amiibos will be integrated into this somehow, maybe through starters or legendaries)
  • Pokkén Tournament (Wii U version announcement)
More details on other already announced games (Xenoblade Chronicles X, Yoshi's Woolly World, Mario Maker, SMT x Fire Emblem, etc.)

Section dedicated to amiibo, but more information on them relating to specific games is dispersed throughout. Reggie does not directly address the shortages in North America, but does say that future shipments "will be larger so that more people can experience amiibo" or something. This doesn't come to pass.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess remaster announced
  • Wolf Link and Midna amiibo
  • Skull Kid amiibo
  • Zelda U is not shown, but is mentioned
Smash Bros.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

This is more of a wish list really, but I'd like to see some of it come true at least. Thoughts?


Valves VR to come with orange box 2, containing HL3, L4D3 and Portal 3 - bring it on! (Id be happy with one of them already)
I don't want full on leaks but just something to make it seem like sony's conference won't be really boring. Uncharted 4 was the highlight of PSX, if it's the highlight of E3 again, I'll be really disappointed.

I have 0 hype.
My thoughts on who'll win E3 this year...

I really don't have my hopes up that much from Sony this year. In fact, this might be one of their least interesting E3's in a while. I don't think they have too much software to show...and Morpheus doesn't interest me that much (unless it's something mind blowing).

I believe Sony has a lot they COULD show, probably more than any other company hosting a conference outside of maybe Square Enix.


I really feel like Horizon is going to blow people away. Guerrilla is a crazy talented studio, even if their last IP never really resonated. I just hope they don't give it a terrible name.

They have a former Fallout New Vegas lead designer and writer at the studio now, I'm pretty confident in Guerilla.


Was there any specific conference this guy was gonna leak?

He said that thoy would talk about some confereceS.

And I'm on the same boat as a fellow Gaffer above.

Don't know if I go blind(don't access NEOGAF and see games news) until E3 or just let it get me...

Worthy, in such a time for panic, what should we do?
He said that thoy would talk about some confereceS.

And I'm on the same boat as a fellow Gaffer above.

Don't know if I go blind(don't access NEOGAF and see games news) until E3 or just let it get me...

Worthy, in such a time for panic, what should we do?

I don't think it's possible to avoid all the leaks till E3 time.


I believe Sony has a lot they COULD show, probably more than any other company hosting a conference outside of maybe Square Enix.

Oh they have tons they could show. If they dumped it all out in one E3, they could win easily. The only problem is that they have 4 conferences to attend an announcements to spread out.


My thoughts on who'll win E3 this year...

I really don't have my hopes up that much from Sony this year. In fact, this might be one of their least interesting E3's in a while. I don't think they have too much software to show...and Morpheus doesn't interest me that much (unless it's something mind blowing).

Microsoft on the other hand, their stuff has caught my interest. Halo 5, the next Gears of War, and various new IP's I can't wait to see. Say what you will about the Xbox One, but the last 2 E3's were pretty damn good IMO.

Microsoft conference will be/is a damn predictable - Halo 5, GeOW, Tomb Raider, Scalebound, Forza 6... Probably that's a 50% of their conference.

In the other hand, Sony... I only know what GopherD said.


actually they have too much software and therefore not every game will make it at this years e3. It will be better than last year, thats a no brainer for me

Guerilla Games with Horizon
Sony Bends new IP
Media Molecules new IP
Quantic Dreams new IP
Polyphoni Digital with GT7
Sony Japan with The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2
Santa Monica with God of War
Level 5 with their exclusive games
Naughty Dog with Uncharted
Insomniac with Ratchet and Clank
Guerilla Cambridge with their Ps4 Project
Street Fighter & Deep Down from Capcom
Sony London with a new project

Why are people so pessimistic about Sony's first party line up? 9 first party/second party studios that have to announce their Ps4 projects

and then we also have all those interesting Indie/AA Games that people are looking forward to

Rime, No Mans Sky, Everybodys gone to the Rapture, Shadow of the Beast, Hunger, Tomorrows Children,

I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.

But all in all, I'm hoping they show a lot. I love my PS4, but I also don't want to get my hopes up like everybody does...I believe that's the biggest mistakes some of us make which results in negative pessimistic comments all over the Internet.

A Level 5 RPG would be awesome. Ni No Kuni or Dark Cloud...or maybe a new IP. It seems unlikely for an announcement at E3...I'm used to seeing these announcements at TGS.

And from what I understand, Guerilla Games is working on a new RPG..that does have my attention, but I have yet to see.

And let's be real here... Last Guardian? Really? Cmon...


actually they have too much software and therefore not every game will make it at this years e3. It will be better than last year, thats a no brainer for me

Guerilla Games with Horizon
Sony Bends new IP
Media Molecules new IP
Quantic Dreams new IP
Polyphoni Digital with GT7
Sony Japan with The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2
Santa Monica with God of War
Level 5 with their exclusive games
Naughty Dog with Uncharted
Insomniac with Ratchet and Clank
Guerilla Cambridge with their Ps4 Project
Street Fighter & Deep Down from Capcom
Sony London with a new project

Why are people so pessimistic about Sony's first party line up? 9 first party/second party studios that have to announce their Ps4 projects

and then we also have all those interesting Indie/AA Games that people are looking forward to

Rime, No Mans Sky, Everybodys gone to the Rapture, Shadow of the Beast, Hunger, Tomorrows Children,
Because none of their executives are going on twitter hyping it up. Either that or because there aren't any established mainstream multi-million dollar campaign exclusive confirmed to be at E3 besides Uncharted 4.

I've learned that new IPs and games that are targeting a certain audience doesn't count.

So, Uncharted 4 and multiplats are the only games to look forward to.


I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.

But all in all, I'm hoping they show a lot. I love my PS4, but I also don't want to get my hopes up like everybody does...I believe that's the biggest mistakes some of us make which results in negative pessimistic comments all over the Internet.

A Level 5 RPG would be awesome. Ni No Kuni or Dark Cloud...or maybe a new IP. It seems unlikely for an announcement at E3...I'm used to seeing these announcements at TGS.

And from what I understand, Guerilla Games is working on a new RPG..that does have my attention, but I have yet to see.

And let's be real here... Last Guardian? Really? Cmon...

When did they say that? I thought they said that their holiday 2015 would be sparse not their E3?


I am the opposite, I think Sony has a lot more content under wraps. They seem to be running a tighter ship this year so more surprises for us. People are misinterpreting the sparse commentand what was actually said.

We know about 80% of Microsoft's content and most of those are from last year's E3. They announced games just for the sake of announcing them to appear they have more content. Scalebound, Phantom Dust and Crackdown would have waited until this year to be announced. This year will be all gameplay and more CGI trailers that won't see gameplay for for another year. With 90 minutes that would take up a lot of time.

Sadly, Phantom Dust was cancelled. :(


I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles).

Honest mistake, but, they said about their first party games launching at 2015 and not about their E3 conference.

I've made the same mistake as I read the topic at first.

Again I say, was "belive" ever bellow the NeoGaf logo?
I've noticed it a minute ago x.x


I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.

But all in all, I'm hoping they show a lot. I love my PS4, but I also don't want to get my hopes up like everybody does...I believe that's the biggest mistakes some of us make which results in negative pessimistic comments all over the Internet.

A Level 5 RPG would be awesome. Ni No Kuni or Dark Cloud...or maybe a new IP. It seems unlikely for an announcement at E3...I'm used to seeing these announcements at TGS.

And from what I understand, Guerilla Games is working on a new RPG..that does have my attention, but I have yet to see.

And let's be real here... Last Guardian? Really? Cmon...

House said "the first party line up was a little sparse this year". He didn't mention anything about E3.
I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles).

I must have missed this comment. House said they first party would be sparse in relation to Fall 2015 releases. His comment has no bearing on E3 imo.
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