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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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if i i go out of this thread i have to avoid the internet for a whole week.

GAF < Internet..... and therefore at other sites and forums i will also get spoiled sooner or later.



I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.


Guerilla Games with Horizon
Sony Bends new IP
Media Molecules new IP
Quantic Dreams new IP
Polyphoni Digital with GT7
Sony Japan with The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2
Santa Monica with God of War
Level 5 with their exclusive games
Naughty Dog with Uncharted
Insomniac with Ratchet and Clank
Guerilla Cambridge with their Ps4 Project
Street Fighter & Deep Down from Capcom
Sony London with a new project

Yeah! That's a sparse.
I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.

But all in all, I'm hoping they show a lot. I love my PS4, but I also don't want to get my hopes up like everybody does...I believe that's the biggest mistakes some of us make which results in negative pessimistic comments all over the Internet.

A Level 5 RPG would be awesome. Ni No Kuni or Dark Cloud...or maybe a new IP. It seems unlikely for an announcement at E3...I'm used to seeing these announcements at TGS.

And from what I understand, Guerilla Games is working on a new RPG..that does have my attention, but I have yet to see.

And let's be real here... Last Guardian? Really? Cmon...

Sony did not say E3 would be sparse. That was House talking about first party releases this year. He specifically mentioned E3 as sometikng to get excited about and how 2016 would be the Harvest year.

Games of 2016 will begin getting shown this year. Some we know about, some we don't

I personally think every E3 conference from the big 3 will be strong


When did they say that? I thought they said that their holiday 2015 would be sparse not their E3?

I probably misread...maybe he did say Holiday 2015 and not E3 2015.

However, I still don't have my hopes up. Usually it makes the announcements way more exciting.
not today

Tamaki &#8207;@Doctor_Cupcakes 1 min1 minuto fa Visualizza traduzione
The new podcast will be up this week (sorry but it's super long and takes a while to edit).

Tamaki &#8207;@Doctor_Cupcakes 1 min1 minuto fa Visualizza traduzione
It'll be fun. We talk about a Guitar Hero MMO, a South Park game, there's leaked info on what will be @ E3, lots of surprises.

Tamaki &#8207;@Doctor_Cupcakes 5 sec5 secondi fa Visualizza traduzione
I think there was at least 3 games I leaked there that we haven't talked about before.


I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.

But all in all, I'm hoping they show a lot. I love my PS4, but I also don't want to get my hopes up like everybody does...I believe that's the biggest mistakes some of us make which results in negative pessimistic comments all over the Internet.

A Level 5 RPG would be awesome. Ni No Kuni or Dark Cloud...or maybe a new IP. It seems unlikely for an announcement at E3...I'm used to seeing these announcements at TGS.

And from what I understand, Guerilla Games is working on a new RPG..that does have my attention, but I have yet to see.

And let's be real here... Last Guardian? Really? Cmon...

I cant believe people still taken that ''first party sparse'' quote out of context.


I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.

But all in all, I'm hoping they show a lot. I love my PS4, but I also don't want to get my hopes up like everybody does...I believe that's the biggest mistakes some of us make which results in negative pessimistic comments all over the Internet.

A Level 5 RPG would be awesome. Ni No Kuni or Dark Cloud...or maybe a new IP. It seems unlikely for an announcement at E3...I'm used to seeing these announcements at TGS.

And from what I understand, Guerilla Games is working on a new RPG..that does have my attention, but I have yet to see.

And let's be real here... Last Guardian? Really? Cmon...

They never said that. Andrew House said that first party 2015 output for the rest of the year is sparse. Nothing about that was directed at E3.


I don't but I'll pay just for tomorrow's episode. Lol.

We all want leaks!

Cool. But you pay $1 dollar to be their patron for 1 month. So, it's better then :)

Yup. We all want leaks. But I think we want in a teaser kinda form, to be just some, not all conference, and not the big surprises.

That's what I thought. I could be very wrong.


Cool. But you pay $1 dollar to be their patron for 1 month. So, it's better then :)

Yup. We all want leaks. But I think we want in a teaser kinda form, to be just some, not all conference, and not the big surprises.

That's what I thought. I could be very wrong.
Oh okay. That's cool then might as well pay more.
Tamaki &#8207;@Doctor_Cupcakes 1 min1 minuto fa Visualizza traduzione
It'll be fun. We talk about a Guitar Hero MMO, a South Park game, there's leaked info on what will be @ E3, lots of surprises.

No interest in more shovelware licensed trash after the glory of TSOT. Actually wait this wouldn't be a bad title for TellTale to adapt.



Guerilla Games with Horizon
Sony Bends new IP
Media Molecules new IP
Quantic Dreams new IP
Polyphoni Digital with GT7
Sony Japan with The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2
Santa Monica with God of War
Level 5 with their exclusive games
Naughty Dog with Uncharted
Insomniac with Ratchet and Clank
Guerilla Cambridge with their Ps4 Project
Street Fighter & Deep Down from Capcom
Sony London with a new project

Yeah! That's a sparse.

Is 1/2 of this confirmed?


I'm not pessimistic, just realistic. Especially considering how Sony mentioned how this E3 will be sparse compared to previous years (in terms of first party titles). I'm going with that. If that comment was some type of marketing scheme to bring our hopes down only to shock us all, then props to them. I will be excited.

But all in all, I'm hoping they show a lot. I love my PS4, but I also don't want to get my hopes up like everybody does...I believe that's the biggest mistakes some of us make which results in negative pessimistic comments all over the Internet.

A Level 5 RPG would be awesome. Ni No Kuni or Dark Cloud...or maybe a new IP. It seems unlikely for an announcement at E3...I'm used to seeing these announcements at TGS.

And from what I understand, Guerilla Games is working on a new RPG..that does have my attention, but I have yet to see.

And let's be real here... Last Guardian? Really? Cmon...
They were talking about their game lineup for the year not E3.


Slayer of Combofiends
not today

Tamaki &#8207;@Doctor_Cupcakes 1 min1 minuto fa Visualizza traduzione
The new podcast will be up this week (sorry but it's super long and takes a while to edit).

Tamaki &#8207;@Doctor_Cupcakes 1 min1 minuto fa Visualizza traduzione
It'll be fun. We talk about a Guitar Hero MMO, a South Park game, there's leaked info on what will be @ E3, lots of surprises.

Tamaki &#8207;@Doctor_Cupcakes 5 sec5 secondi fa Visualizza traduzione
I think there was at least 3 games I leaked there that we haven't talked about before.

why hasnt any reps got on this guys case? seriously, why would you go ahead and leak a few things you know just so some person can get fired? i honestly find it stupid to leak stuff before their announcements for the sake of entertainment. keep it to yourself and dont spoil it for others, i want to enjoy E3 without knowing anything.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Aw, we were so close to an almost leak free show.


why hasnt any reps got on this guys case? seriously, why would you go ahead and leak a few things you know just so some person can get fired? i honestly find it stupid to leak stuff before their announcements for the sake of entertainment. keep it to yourself and dont spoil it for others, i want to enjoy E3 without knowing anything.

Maybe he want people to join their podcast and didn't think/care about other jobs/interests.
I am irritated.

On one hand, obviously I am not entitled to any sort of information. I realistically know that I am upset over literally nothing and am giving some guy power over me for no reason.

On the other hand, nobody cares about your podcast. Just type it all out like a normal person so we can actually read it and talk about it. Give me the information. I will explode and die if you don't. GIVE IT TO ME, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR PODCAST.


Junior Member
I honestly think we will see projects from Guerrilla, Bend, Media Molecule, and TLG at E3.

I would not be disappointed if TLG was missing again, but I have this damn weird feeling that it is now time.

Sony's silence regarding E3 is telling, in my opinion.

Quiet confidence, IMO.


If it's just games from E3 judge's event then I wouldn't worry about any megatons being revealed. I expect first party games to remain secret until E3 while third party games are the ones to be leaked as there is really no big reason to keep them out of the spotlight.
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