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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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I guess this opens up some conference time compared to what we were expecting. I think we will see Crackdown do the same thing now (although that might at least get a new trailer at E3). Scalebound gameplay demo at E3 with some of late Spring 2016 mentioned, date at Gamescom with a new trailer (but no demo)?

Well, also depends on the anywhere from 10-49% 3rd party presence, since we know PVZ is there.

And the wildcard called "how long spent on Hololens"
Not sure why so much excitement over quantum break, Alan wake was mediocre at everything except story, and the initial reveal the gameplay looked average.

but thats like your opinion man. i personally loved all aspects of alan wake and while QB didnt blow me away with its first gameplay reveal, i doubt that i am going to be turned off by it.


So is MS going to show its Hololens/Fortaleza during its conference at all? And I hope Sony doesn't take too much time up with Morpheus.


Remedy not showing their game at E3? They must be confident.

Not sure why so much excitement over quantum break, Alan wake was mediocre at everything except story, and the initial reveal the gameplay looked average.

I feel much the same, but it's an exclusive console game, so...

So is MS going to show its Hololens/Fortaleza during its conference at all? And I hope Sony doesn't take too much time up with Morpheus.

Morpheus will take up half Sony's conference easily. It launches in less than a year, so they're going to want to ram it down your throat good and hard... so to speak...
Well, also depends on the anywhere from 10-49% 3rd party presence, since we know PVZ is there.

And the wildcard called "how long spent on Hololens"

Phil Spencer has already said it will be a first party focused show. I don't think "49%" will be anywhere near that.

Hololens will probably get a trailer/teaser for some game they're making, would be foolish to spend so much time on tech thats years off.

I feel much the same, but it's an exclusive console game, so...



Not sure why so much excitement over quantum break, Alan wake was mediocre at everything except story, and the initial reveal the gameplay looked average.

Im starting to question it myself honestly. It really stood out to me during the xbox one reveal. But after halo and quantum break my most anticipated xbox game is crackdown. And thats likely 2017
Phil Spencer has already said it will be a first party focused show. I don't think "49%" will be anywhere near that.

I'm just throwing it the range there since I don't know what his definition of more focused is. 65%? 70%? 80%?

It's definitely between 10%-49% at least for 3rd parties.
Remedy not showing their game at E3? They must be confident.

I feel much the same, but it's an exclusive console game, so...

Morpheus will take up half Sony's conference easily. It launches in less than a year, so they're going to want to ram it down your throat good and hard... so to speak...

True, but seems people tend to criticize Sony's exclusives on the gameplay front constantly even when not warranted ,but Xbox exclusives get's a pass? Maybe it just seems that way but on forums it seems to be prevalent.


They Uncharted franchise will probably continue. When was the last time Sony had a western franchise that sold 21 million units within a generation? Although, I doubt the success of the franchise in anyone's hands other than Naughty Dog. Do you know how many games tried to replicate Nathan Drake to no avail?
Yeah, I mean if that's the plan here - to transfer the franchise to another dev - then they might as well kill it off instead. Killing a main franchise of the platform makes so little sense that I can't even think of any reason they'd want to do it. It's not like ND can't make other games between UC installments - TLoU proved this already - and they might eventually be able to develop two games in parallel. I have some doubts about UC continuing without Nate as well as characters in this game are more important then the rest of the franchise. Who knows though? Maybe UC will be back with a bang with a new cast of characters?

You buy a console, for one game? Never understood this at all, there are tonnes of greats games out and coming for either system.

I generally buy a console for one game, yes. I play a lot of games on a console bought eventually but I don't buy a console to just play games - I have a PC for that. I bought PS2 for GoW. I bought 360 for ME. PS3 for UC1/2. PS4 for UC4. Something like that.
And the wildcard called "how long spent on Hololens"

I'll put my hat on there being nothing more than a brief mention. It's not gaming oriented, it's not close to release, and Spencer knows better than to devote E3 time to anything but games. Maybe another behind-closed-doors tech demo, but nothing more.

I'm far more interested in whether they'll devote any time to Windows 10 and the future of the OS on the Xbox One, but I think we'll get a timeframe at most (Q4 2015), with more detail coming at Gamescom, when they have more to show.

I'm loving these game announcements before E3. Gives us something to quench our thirst a bit.

I'm the opposite, and it's the reason I've stopped lurking on Reddit, and will stop looking here soon. E3 was pretty boring last year because the megaton (Master Chief Collection) and most other Xbox stuff had been leaked. I like surprises.


Morpheus will take up half Sony's conference easily. It launches in less than a year, so they're going to want to ram it down your throat good and hard... so to speak...
That's why I'm a bit worried about Sony's conference. Black Ops 3, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Dark Souls 3, MGS5, Batman Arkham Knight, and the Destiny Expansion will all take up a significant amount of time as well. Plus there's the Uncharted 4 demo, R&C Trailer, and Indie Montage. I'm 100% certain that we'll see at least a teaser for Horizon but that may be it.

People always seriously overhype every Sony conference. I guess we might get Bend's game at the end as well but there's going to be a lot of complaining during the conference when third party games and stuff we already know about eat away most of the time.

But if The Last Guardian is shown everything else will be forgotten. Now even me, somebody who never expects it to be shown, is actually thinking there's a chance of it showing due to comments made by some people on GAF.


I'll put my hat on there being nothing more than a brief mention. It's not gaming oriented, it's not close to release, and Spencer knows better than to devote E3 time to anything but games. Maybe another behind-closed-doors tech demo, but nothing more.

I'm far more interested in whether they'll devote any time to Windows 10 and the future of the OS on the Xbox One, but I think we'll get a timeframe at most (Q4 2015), with more detail coming at Gamescom, when they have more to show.

I'm the opposite, and it's the reason I've stopped lurking on Reddit, and will stop looking here soon. E3 was pretty boring last year because the megaton (Master Chief Collection) and most other Xbox stuff had been leaked. I like surprises.

These aren't leaks though. These are deliberate announcements. The only thing I'm shocked they announced before E3 was Fallout 4. Everything else makes sense though.
I'll put my hat on there being nothing more than a brief mention. It's not gaming oriented, it's not close to release, and Spencer knows better than to devote E3 time to anything but games. Maybe another behind-closed-doors tech demo, but nothing more.

It's already said to be part of the show.
That's why I'm a bit worried about Sony's conference. Black Ops 3, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, MGS5, Batman Arkham Knight, and the Destiny Expansion will all take up a significant amount of time as well. Plus there's the Uncharted 4 demo, R&C Trailer, and Indie Montage. I'm 100% certain that we'll see at least a teaser for Horizon but that may be it.

People always seriously overhype every Sony conference. I guess we might get Bend's game at the end as well but there's going to be a lot of complaining during the conference when third party games and stuff we already know about eat away most of the time.

But if The Last Guardian is shown everything else will be forgotten. Now even me, somebody who never expects it to be shown, is actually thinking there's a chance of it showing due to comments made by some people on GAF.

We know level 5s jrpg is also going to be there.


That's why I'm a bit worried about Sony's conference. Black Ops 3, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Dark Souls 3, MGS5, Batman Arkham Knight, and the Destiny Expansion will all take up a significant amount of time as well. Plus there's the Uncharted 4 demo, R&C Trailer, and Indie Montage. I'm 100% certain that we'll see at least a teaser for Horizon but that may be it.

People always seriously overhype every Sony conference. I guess we might get Bend's game at the end as well but there's going to be a lot of complaining during the conference when third party games and stuff we already know about eat away most of the time.

But if The Last Guardian is shown everything else will be forgotten. Now even me, somebody who never expects it to be shown, is actually thinking there's a chance of it showing due to comments made by some people on GAF.
I doubt AK, Mad Max, and Ass Creed will get a lot of stage time.
I really hope Sony has a strong conference. Too little from their WWS IMO. I haven't see MM, PD, or GG in what seems like forever on stage.
Morpheus will take up half Sony's conference easily. It launches in less than a year, so they're going to want to ram it down your throat good and hard... so to speak...

Half? I'd be fine with a demo or two. But if it took up half the time, combined with 3rd party games, indie sizzle reels, sales talk, footage from known first party games and other things like Powers and PS TV, I can't imagine there'd be much time left for new first party announcements. Which is why so many of us are excited for Sony's conference in the first place.

I really, truly hope you're wrong.
IMO Forza was expected. The DS3 was a surprise but hopefully that's the extent of the leaks. I think this year has been much better in that regard.

So far it has definitely been better than last year, but that's no guarantee that I won't login 4 days before with Microsoft's entire conference leaked in titles across the front page of GAF and Reddit. However unlikely that may be, I'd prefer not to chance it.


I doubt AK, Mad Max, and Ass Creed will get a lot of stage time.

Batman is probably getting a launch trailer, they will show off some Playstation exclusive bullshit for Mad Max and probably a AC gameplay demo on stage, just like they did with Black Flag and Unity. Oh, and maybe a mention of the Arkham Knight Ps4 bundle.
That's why I'm a bit worried about Sony's conference. Black Ops 3, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Dark Souls 3, MGS5, Batman Arkham Knight, and the Destiny Expansion will all take up a significant amount of time as well. Plus there's the Uncharted 4 demo, R&C Trailer, and Indie Montage. I'm 100% certain that we'll see at least a teaser for Horizon but that may be it.

People always seriously overhype every Sony conference. I guess we might get Bend's game at the end as well but there's going to be a lot of complaining during the conference when third party games and stuff we already know about eat away most of the time.

But if The Last Guardian is shown everything else will be forgotten. Now even me, somebody who never expects it to be shown, is actually thinking there's a chance of it showing due to comments made by some people on GAF.

Uncharted 4 footage, Horizon reveal, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne expansion announcement and footage from games like Rime would probably make it my favroite conference of E3 this year. Other reveals would merely be the cherry on top.

Though TLG would be massive.


Im always amazed at how mind numbing simplified everyone makes these conferences.

Microsoft has 90 minutes. All first party games nothing else.
Sony 120+ minutes Uncharted, 3rd party, morpheus

Some of yall cant really believe this nonsense
Re Morpheus I'm happy with half the entire show dedicated to the thing provided it's meaningful content they're covering. If they spend an hour showing us proper games that really sell VR then bring it on. I really believe it is the future of gaming, at least in tangent with traditional gaming. i.e. unlike motion controls I don't see it as a fad and I think it has every bit the potential to capture the public interest as the Wii, if not more, and then keep it.

But an hour of tech demos would be horribad.
MS said their Gamescom should have just as much information and be on the scale of E3. It makes sense to move some 1st party things out of E3 to Gamescom, especially titles like QB that aren't launching this year. Good news for me, that 7 minute gameplay presentation can be spent on something else now.

Remedy not showing their game at E3? They must be confident.

I feel much the same, but it's an exclusive console game, so...

Dude, your trolling isn't even subtle anymore lol
To be fair, Forza 6 was announced in January, the details were new but the games existence isn't so I don't think the leak from that is quite the same as Dark Souls 3

Not the same for most people on here, but I'm a huge racing fan. I play Forza games more than any other, so the content of that leak was pretty colossal.
Im always amazed at how mind numbing simplified everyone makes these conferences.

Microsoft has 90 minutes. All first party games nothing else.
Sony 120+ minutes Uncharted, 3rd party, morpheus

Some of yall cant really believe this nonsense

Seems there is an awfull lot of downplaying sony this gen. It's odd, they have consistently had the most variety and games releasing imo.
Remedy not showing their game at E3? They must be confident.

I feel much the same, but it's an exclusive console game, so...

Morpheus will take up half Sony's conference easily. It launches in less than a year, so they're going to want to ram it down your throat good and hard... so to speak...

No way does it take near that much.
That's why I'm a bit worried about Sony's conference. Black Ops 3, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Dark Souls 3, MGS5, Batman Arkham Knight, and the Destiny Expansion will all take up a significant amount of time as well. Plus there's the Uncharted 4 demo, R&C Trailer, and Indie Montage. I'm 100% certain that we'll see at least a teaser for Horizon but that may be it.

People always seriously overhype every Sony conference. I guess we might get Bend's game at the end as well but there's going to be a lot of complaining during the conference when third party games and stuff we already know about eat away most of the time.

But if The Last Guardian is shown everything else will be forgotten. Now even me, somebody who never expects it to be shown, is actually thinking there's a chance of it showing due to comments made by some people on GAF.

What conference has ever existed that was 100% new stuff?

The Sony conference will showcase their strength in the 3rd party development world, their strength in the indie development world, their strength in the first party development world, etc. Yeah there will be lots of 3rd party software to show off. There will be lots of " indies " to show off. Nothing new there or different. It is a 2 hour show, sit back and relax and enjoy.

The surprises are usually a very small portion of these shows. A couple of big surprises interlaced with new footage of stuff we already knew about.


Morpheus will take up half Sony's conference easily. It launches in less than a year, so they're going to want to ram it down your throat good and hard... so to speak...

It can easily been done with "Look at this game. Amazing, hum? Well. It has Morpheus suport."

Here it is your conference with 30 minutes on Morpheus.


The build up to Sony's conference is always the most entertaining. Because there's so much that could be shown, no one knows what's going to happen. I don't mean to slight the other conferences, but I could predict Microsoft, EA, and Ubisoft's conferences with 60% - 80% accuracy.

At Microsoft's conference we're going to see truckloads of Halo 5, Forza 6, Fable Legends, Scalebound, one of Gears/Crackdown, and Rare's project, with the indie montage and the 3rd party deals sandwiched somewhere in between. Throw in 2 more surprises and there you go.
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