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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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I can think of nothing more boring than exclusive marketing rights and timed DLC. Don't waste our time with that bullshit.


I can think of nothing more boring than exclusive marketing rights and timed DLC. Don't waste our time with that bullshit.

Yeah I don't know why they announce this stuff on stage. Why does the audience care? What are they supposed to say, "Yayy, thank you for fucking over all of my friends who have a different console, while providing no true benefit to your core audience"?


Exactly. I think fans would appreciate if they put that effort and money into something else, exciting first party content etc.


Yeah I don't know why they announce this stuff on stage. Why does the audience care? What are they supposed to say, "Yayy, thank you for fucking over all of my friends who have a different console, while providing no true benefit to your core audience"?

Yes. That's how marketing works. They want people to lean towards the version with the "extra" content.


Yes. That's how marketing works. They want people to lean towards the version with the "extra" content.

Are there really that many people who don't know which console to get, so they tune into E3 to find out which console gets an exclusive AssCreed fetch quest and let that govern their decision? Maybe there are, I don't know. Seems weird though. I would think that an entirely new game would hold more sway.


Junior Member
Are there really that many people who don't know which console to get, so they tune into E3 to find out which console gets an exclusive AssCreed fetch quest and let that govern their decision? Maybe there are, I don't know. Seems weird though. I would think that an entirely new game would hold more sway.

Shenmue 3, Crash, and TLG will fill that category.

Marketing deals for Battlefront, Black Ops 3, Mad Max, Destiny Comet, Fallout 4 and Mad Max will suffice in that department.

All will be well.
Why does the audience care?

Unfortunately, it's because the audience (may not necessarily care), but are moved enough to lean towards that platform that we're seeing marketing deals continue to exist, and instead being stretched out more and more, with deals now including nonsensical bullshit like exclusive pre-load.

Marketing deals & multiplayer paywalls are winners that should never have happened, but they won.


I have a feeling Sony has probably nabbed a timed exclusive deal on the DLC for Fallout 4, akin to what Microsoft had with Fallout 3's DLC (6 months IIRC).

I honestly hope Bethesda is done with timed-deals. The shit going on with Dragon Age is so pointless, ugh.


Are there really that many people who don't know which console to get, so they tune into E3 to find out which console gets an exclusive AssCreed fetch quest and let that govern their decision? Maybe there are, I don't know. Seems weird though. I would think that an entirely new game would hold more sway.

Yes. People tune into E3 for this exact reason.

E3 conferences exist to market products to the millions watching, which is why I find it funny when people here predict that Sony won't show off a product, such as their VR headset on stage.

Anyway, it's not like one marketing/DLC deal being made prevents a game from being greenlit or funded.
I'm so excited to see Bend's alleged VR horror game. The concept art looked wild and VR is a medium that would really elevate interactive horror experiences to the next level.

I'll likely never get a Morpheus but the concept is still exciting and I look forward to seeing what it can do for the genre.


Here is what I expect:
No co-marketing deals other than the division also no money hating of third party games. Just think this is true based on the "insiders" and from Spencer's tweets. Also every year we hear about a Microsoft buying a big game at E3 and it never happens. Tomb raider happened at gamescon
Gears 1 and in engine clip of 4 will be shown
Halo 5 blow out
Tomb raider gameplay
New strategy game
Rare's game
Battle toads
Crackdown concept demo
Scale bound
Montana 16 without nfl deal
Ends with the division game play and release date this Sep
Forza 6, Below will be shown before E3 through ign first or some other game site
Quantum break and phantom dust will be announced to be shown at gamescon

Opens with ratchet and clank
Battlefront with exclusive content
Destiny's real expansion announcement and exclusive content
Black Ops 3 with exclusive content
Assassin' Creed victory clip
Indy showcase
Money hat for ME2
Titan fall launching first on ps4
All the JRPGs
Dragon dogma online clip
Street fighter V demo
Resident evil 7 tease
GG's new ip
Ends with uncharted 4 and collection
Sony will save most of its first party reveales for their other shows since they will have all the co marketing deals this fall


Yeah I don't know why they announce this stuff on stage. Why does the audience care? What are they supposed to say, "Yayy, thank you for fucking over all of my friends who have a different console, while providing no true benefit to your core audience"?

I agree, I always find it silly.
Opens with ratchet and clank (they will open the show with a Montage)
Battlefront with exclusive content (Yes)
Destiny's real expansion announcement and exclusive content (Yes)
Black Ops 3 with exclusive content (Yes)
Assassin' Creed victory clip (No that will be in MS Show like Unity)
Indy showcase
Money hat for ME2
Titan fall launching first on ps4 ( i dont think this game will have any form of exclusivity)
All the JRPGs
Dragon dogma online clip (No, its an Japan Only Game for now)
Street fighter V demo (Yes - Some new Characters announced)
Resident evil 7 tease
GG's new ip (thats the most certain one, by this point, i guess)
Ends with uncharted 4 and collection (Hm...Yes i guess so)
Sony will save most of its first party reveales for their other shows since they will have all the co marketing deals this fall

Black Bolded
Opens with ratchet and clank
Battlefront with exclusive content
Destiny's real expansion announcement and exclusive content
Black Ops 3 with exclusive content
Assassin' Creed victory clip
Indy showcase
Money hat for ME2
Titan fall launching first on ps4
All the JRPGs
Dragon dogma online clip
Street fighter V demo
Resident evil 7 tease
GG's new ip
Ends with uncharted 4 and collection
Sony will save most of its first party reveales for their other shows since they will have all the co marketing deals this fall

What is ME2? Mass Effect?


I'm honestly really interested to see what sony picks for music for their games montage that opens the show. every year i seem to really like the song they pick and that i've never heard it before. i mean they own music, why not show that off too.
Shenmue 3, Crash, and TLG will fill that category.

Marketing deals for Battlefront, Black Ops 3, Mad Max, Destiny Comet, Fallout 4 and Mad Max will suffice in that department.

All will be well.
Your hopes are a little too big IMO.

I'd love a 30 minute jRPG segment from Sony:
FFXV trailer with release date, KH3 we're still making this trailer, Star Ocean 5 blownout with possible release date, Dragon Quest Heroes, new SE jRPG, Disgea 5, Level 5 jRPG and close it off with Verendus' Studio Japan hinted jRPG.

I hope they don't take longer than 45 minutes with 3rd party timed/DLC bullshit, but I suspect this might be half the show.

A 5 minute indie highlight reel with 4-5 of the bigger ones like Rime and TTC getting their own few minute demos.

My two most anticipated games I want to see in any of these shows is GG's new WRPG and Sony Japan's supposed massive scale JRPG IP
please be Legend of Dragoon reboot
. I'm skipping the U4 trailer so I don't get spoiled, though I suspect I'll get partly spoiled via gifs until release.

I don't see how Sony's will be anywhere under 2 hours with all the content they will put out, unless they focus on just 3rd party, have only 5 minute segment for indies and spend the rest of the time talking about charts, gloating, Morpheus and one big AAA unveiled along with Ratchet & Clank.
Ah. I could see Mirror's Edge 2 being a digital only game. However, with all the rumors of all the big games (Battlefront, MGS V, Destiny, CoD, etc.) having exclusive marketing deals for the PS4, I don't see how a game like that would be on Sony's radar.

I also don't think we're going to see TitanFall 2 and, if you do, I doubt it will be exclusive to either platform, timed or otherwise.


As in "Heathcliff"

Countdown Archive
45 days - Nintendo Vs. Capcom
44 days - Battletoads

Disclaimer: I'm not sure if countdown images/gifs are welcome here. if majority or moderators have problems with my countdown. Please let me know so I would stop posting it here.
Ah. I could see Mirror's Edge 2 being a digital only game. However, with all the rumors of all the big games (Battlefront, MGS V, Destiny, CoD, etc.) having exclusive marketing deals for the PS4, I don't see how a game like that would be on Sony's radar.

I also don't think we're going to see TitanFall 2 and, if you do, I doubt it will be exclusive to either platform, timed or otherwise.

Titanfall 2 has already been announced and confirmed as coming to PS4/XB1/PC


I honestly doubt that.
You're probably right but I would rather it go small budget, dice would have a better chance of making it true to it predecessor that way I think with a bigger budget they would have to make more mainstream. I am talking about the digital only part
i never heard about that...Since the Watch Dogs Franchise has a co-marketing deal with Sony, i don't think they will go back with Assassins Creed

Just because the first WD has a co-marketing deal doesn't mean the next WD will. This isn't like Destiny where Sony has said outright there they've got a long term deal with that franchise.


Just because the first WD has a co-marketing deal doesn't mean the next WD will. This isn't like Destiny where Sony has said outright there they've got a long term deal with that franchise.

True, but I'd be surprised if they didn't do the same with WD2 after the success of the first game.


Backlash against SFV was practically non-existent compared to the TR backlash.

And SFV isn't timed like TR lol.

It all down to the userbase size. Microsoft got away with it because nearly everyone had an Xbox. The PS3 backlash was smaller and didn't make much of an impact. TR is a good example of this. I didn't expect such a big blow back when it was made timed exclusive.

This generation a good portion have moved to PS4 and now feel the impact of such deals Microsoft made.

Sony clearing things up with SFV helped as well.

If there are any money-hatting on Microsoft side the developers need to be good with the PR.
I'm fully expecting a redesigned console from Microsoft to release this fall. Release a smaller console at the permanent price of $350, have a Halo 5 LE console bundle come out as well. The big thing they have to go for is to integrate the Kinect microphone into the system for use without the need of a separate Kinect unit. Tie that in with finally enabling HDMI-CEC so that the IR blaster isn't so necessary for spoken commands to control the console and AV setup. Sony is just going to continue gaining ground given the rate Microsoft has lost public opinion and mindshare. In my mind Microsoft has already done everything necessary to adjust their image beside their parity clause that continues to be nebulous and a strange caviet developers aren't thrilled about. So to turn the tide they need to complete their brand reimage and make a smaller, sleeker box that has a lower MSRP.

Sony doesn't have to really do much to keep dominating unless Microsoft pulls some crazy magic. Globally they have the market cornered and AI would be seriously surprised if a terrible E3 showing this year had an effect on their success. They have the developer support for AAA and indies and they have the console sell in to keep that content flowing liberally. Microsoft should be bending over backward to get indies onto their platform, the dry spells of previous generations have become far easier to bare on the PS4 because of the indie stop gap that has been introduced. At this point Microsoft needs every developer on their console more than the developer needs their ecosystem. I'm not saying that Microsoft is doomed, or anything silly like that either. Their console is selling better than the 360 comparing LTD, but that will be changing if they don't make some changes.

On the Nintendo front, who knows. They will show some things I guess? I don't even know if they are holding a conference or another Direct with treehouse streams this year. I use my Wii U as a Mario, Metriod, Zelda machine for the most part...now if only they brought a Metroid for me to get the full use out of the console...

Third parties are going to be my biggest excitement this year. Bethesda hopefully has some serious big hitters to show, as have been mentioned a bunch already: Doom, Dishonored, Fallout, something TES, heck maybe something Quake even. I'm also super hopeful that Square brings the heat with their conference. I want some throwback games coming back from the dead. Give me a new FF Tactics game in the vein of the original on the Vita or X1/PS4. Bring back some of your corpse franchises from the PSX era and give gamers what we've been begging you for since Lightning ruined most of our hearts.

tl;dr- E3 could be awesome, but even if it isn't on a super high level like it in all accounts should be every year, it will be fun to watch the Internet be mad about trivial garbage anyhow.
Just because the first WD has a co-marketing deal doesn't mean the next WD will. This isn't like Destiny where Sony has said outright there they've got a long term deal with that franchise.

yeah youre right on that. But after the success with WD, i think Sony will stick to that franchise
Also why should AC quit that marketing deal with sony (after all those year) - only to come back one year later?
There's been talk* about Sony having a deal with pretty much every franchise.

*nobodies on forums talking back and forth to each other based on anecdotal musings.

Well, it's new to say the least.

The past two years of every game being exclusive to XB1 was fun, but obviously we need something fresh.


Yeah it's not really is it. Just good business.

I still maintain any money-hatting would pertain to exclusive content and marketing rights.

Although there is maybe a small chance Capcom teams up with Sony again for an exclusive DMC5 announcement. Would be weird though after releasing DMC4 and DmC remasters for XB1 and PC.

Before PSX, I was adamant that if Sony ever got a deal for a console exclusive with Capcom, at the very best they could maybe land DMC5, Street Fighter was way out of reach. Really surprised me. Just like DMC4 and DmC, Street Fighter IV and its iterations released on multiple platforms, so honestly, after that street fighter v business, I'd say anything's possible.


The money hat thing still bothers me, the best case scenario in my opinion would be if they took a third party new IP and made that a full on PS4 exclusive, ideally something that releases this holiday season (Sony must have noticed the talk about them "havin no gamez this year" as well).
Established multiplat IP would just be dickish to already existing fans on other platforms.
Timed exclusives are meh, as are timed exclusive DLCs or marketing rights.

With them expecting PS4 sales to rise in the fiscal year they must have something and I sure as hell hope that it's not just marketing and timed DLC for every third party game on the planet (even though it's hard to deny the effect that something like that has).


Grimløck;162338491 said:
please don't saturate the sony stage with 3rd-party stuff. i want to know what's unique to your platform.
It's going to be mostly third-party, unfortunately. They're what's pushing these consoles right now.

Gamescom, TGS, and PSX are going to be geared more towards the hardcore fanbase.


With them expecting PS4 sales to rise in the fiscal year they must have something and I sure as hell hope that it's not just marketing and timed DLC for every third party game on the planet (even though it's hard to deny the effect that something like that has).

Not only do they expect the sales to rise but they said that even with that increase they were being modest.

So the chances of a price drop are good since that is the one thing that would make such an increase in sales very possible.


Yes but they can't develop a blockbuster title in the few months between Uncharted being delayed and the holidays.

Which is why I'm saying that they could take a third party game that's already in development for this holiday season and make it exclusive, I realize that it's unlikely that there's a new IP coming from a big third party studio this holiday season that's not yet been announced, since the big western publishers like to especially give their new IPs over a year between announcement and release, but who knows.

I'd say that E3 is pretty much the place where Sony is going to show the world how they plan to sell 1.2 million more PS4s this year than last year, if they expect to do that with nothing but marketing and DLC deals and a price cut then that's pretty boring.

I wanna see some of that aggressive investing in PS in 2015 that was talked about during their investors call this year at E3.


Not only do they expect the sales to rise but they said that even with that increase they were being modest.

So the chances of a price drop are good since that is the one thing that would make such an increase in sales very possible.

Price drop is likely but not really riveting news for a person that already owns a PS4. Lol


Price drop is likely but not really riveting news for a person that already owns a PS4. Lol

It is for those who don't.

like yours truly hehe

Don't think there is any game they could announce that could cause such a bump this year.
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