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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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Me too just for the hyperbolic responses over an 8 minute segment of a 2 hour conference


Junior Member
Me too just for the hyperbolic responses over an 8 minute segment of a 2 hour conference

The Powers segment this year will just be Andy, Mark, Shuhei, Shawn, Jim, and Adam spraying each other continuously with champagne while Kaz is hoisted above the ceiling dropping sparkle dust on the audience.

It will be beautiful.
Best to worst:


That seems pretty accurate especially if Bethesda announces Fallout 4, ESO stuff, Dishonored 2. EA has Battlefront , Mirrors Edge, Mass Effect 4 + Trilogy? which will be big and last year Microsoft's conference blew Sony's out of the picture imo.


Now I'm just going to be disappointed when this doesn't happen

Shadowwarrior404 better be funding costumes and cast or I will BE SO SAD.


Gillian Jacobs as (ZS)Samus
Alison Brie as Zelda
Joel McHale as Mario
Danny Pudi as Luigi
Donald Glover glorious cameo as Link, various puns about being Green and names with L with Luigi


Unconfirmed Member
Probably too early to ask, but is anyone putting together an E3 Bingo thread? Or is that just absorbed by the E3 OT now?
I'll make a general bingo template plus one for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony. Been trying to find a vector version of the new E3 logo for quality/scaling reasons, but I haven't found any so far. We are still more than a month away from E3 2015 though, so a thread is perhaps a bit early, especially if the bingo should feature a prize of some sort.


I want Sony to make a statement at E3 with their 1st Party developers.

I am pretty confident we'll see third / second party exclusives, but there is nothing like a "home town" developer showing off something fresh.

The PS3 era saw the creation of critically acclaimed new IP. People forget Sony forged together InFamous, Little Big Planet, Uncharted and Resistance within the first few years. It was quite an exciting time because it felt like the internal Sony teams could do no wrong.

The PS4 feels like we've gotten off on the wrong foot seeing as how Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Drive Club, and InFamous Second Son are more or less luke warm.

I want to see that spark shine on again from the 1st Party Teams. E3 is the best time to do it :).
Sucker Punch, Media Molecule, and Insomniac were all independent at the times Infamous, LittleBigPlanet, and Resistance all released. And Insomniac is still independent as everyone knows.

Not that there's anything wrong with working with independent developers, your argument for in-house exclusives kind of falls apart with these facts.

I mean no offense, either. Just pointing it out! :)

I do agree with your overall point that Sony needs to show those in-house games already!
Is Dice L.A or Dice Sweden making Battlefield 5? Dice Sweden currently has Battlefront and Mirrors Edge and I don't see how it's possible for Dice Sweden to make the game for fall of 2016.
Is Dice L.A or Dice Sweden making Battlefield 5? Dice Sweden currently has Battlefront and Mirrors Edge and I don't see how it's possible for Dice Sweden to make the game for fall of 2016.

I think DICE is becoming a bit like EA's own internal Ubisoft.

It doesnt really matter since all sides of the company touch every game they work on these days. They are all DICE games.


At most I can see them having a Battlefield 5 teaser but very very unlikely. They'll probably tease something early next year with a full reveal at E3 2016.

Anyway, can't wait for the E3 2015 gif thread. It's going to be marvelous.
I'd take eight minutes of Powers over twenty plus minutes of VR. Just saying.

Really am not looking forward to the inevitable Morpheus demonstration headed our way.


Shadowwarrior404 better be funding costumes and cast or I will BE SO SAD.


Gillian Jacobs as (ZS)Samus
Alison Brie as Zelda
Joel McHale as Mario
Danny Pudi as Luigi
Donald Glover glorious cameo as Link, various puns about being Green and names with L with Luigi

The Dean makes various appearances as Tingle, Captain Falcon, Bayonetta and others.
Reggie plays some cool new student who joins the group.


Dishonored HD Unlikely
Dishonored 2 Yup
Fallout HD Collection Unlikely
Fallout 4 tease Yup, maybe not just tease but full-blown reveal
Doom yup
Skyrim HD Maybe
Elder Scrolls Online Yup
Battlecry Yup

Starwars Battlefront Yup
Battlefield update Don't know, but probably not
Need for Speed Yup
Mass Effect 4 Maybe
Sports, all of em, new tech, much wow Yup
Origin for consoles I don't think so
"We get gamers" Okay :p
New tease for a couple of games from their remaining studios before they die and their work that may never release. Nope

The Division Yup
Singing and Dancing Just Dancing ;)
Aisha Tyler Yup
Rainbow Six Yup
New AAA IP Maybe
Assassins Creed Yup
Beyond Good and Evil update/new tease Plausible and likely

Mobile Maybe
Wii U
new SKUs
Zelda Hype Nope
Barrel Rolls Yup
Metroid love in some form that will still probably disappoint us
New full Mario Game. Not Galaxy Yup
Pokemon Likely

Halo Yup
Halo Yup
Tomb Raider Yup
Forza Yup
Halo Yup
Halo Movie update Movie? I think you mean the 2015 TV series with Steven Spielberg as executive producer. Yeah we'll definitely hear more about that. :)
Rare new IP Maybe, maybe a Rare IP revival
Exclusive* 3rd party stuff Maybe, but they seem to be wanting to focus on first-party this E3. Doesn't rule out some exclusive 3rd party stuff of course, where's the other asterisk by the way
We Heart Indies too Yup
Gears tease Yup
Platinum Games game Yup, it's called Scalebound
Gears HD (opens show instead of Call of Duty) Yup, or Halo 5 opens show
Call of Duty Possibly
One piece of outcry, most likely from miscommunication
Free Game available now
Price drop... officially...
Battletoads? Maybe

Square Enix
Updates on Final Fantasy XV Yup, small trailer
Kingdom Hearts 3 Maybe
Kingdom Hearts 2 & 3 fourths over 27 days HD Mega Collection (Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 for Xbox One and PS4, PC too maybe?) Maybe
Final Fantasy XII HD Possibly
Dragon Quests stuff that will troll my emotions Possibly
Something New
Deus Ex Yup
Tomb Raider coming to PS4 next year No, even if it comes to PS4 next year, they won't be able to say that

Overwatch New gameplay characters and a new game mode. Yup
New Diablo 3 add-on Maybe
Public gameplay unveiling of Cliffy's project Yup
Possible to see unreal tournament on this stage too
Overall awkward presentation with nothing super worthwhile
AMD showcasing off new cards Yup
Square talking about Deus Ex and Announces Tomb Raider for PC Not sure about Tomb Raider, depends on contract with MS. But definitely their other games

Decides to do a press conference cause why not
Call of Duty
Diablo new stuff
Guitar Hero Live
Terrible host
awkward on stage gameplay and audience interaction
new IP

stealth announces a press conference
Steam OS
Steam Machines
New games!
is actually just at Valve HQ
journalist broke in
arrested by cops
put in psych ward because mumbling incoherently
must have seen something mind blowing
guy couldn't handle it

has a stream on youtube but they fired the guy who was supposed to start it.
turns out they also forgot to make anymore games so for 60 minutes people are treated to a loop of PES the konami logo and an old Metal Gear Solid V trailer

Uncharted 4 Yup
Ratchet and Clank Yup
Square Enix showcase Don't think so, they have their own media briefing
Horizon Tease Likely
Adam Boyes dropping the mic
Indie showcase to 1812 Overture
Wearing shirt with photo of Phil Spencer wearing a shirt with a Playstation logo on it
Also i fully suspect the actual E3 notes to leak online direct from playstation but everyone will just think they're fake. ? Why?
Adam Boyes will do most of the show, because third parties are the best parties, amiright?
Deus Ex Don't think so
Battlefront with exclusive beta Battlefront yes, exclusive beta maybe
Arkham Knight Yup
Destiny: Comet Yup
Guitar Hero/Rock Band Unlikely
Blizzard bring Hearthstone to Vita plus Beta Access to Overwatch Would be neat, but I it's unlikely I think
Gearbox talks Battleborn Maybe
Mad Max Yup
Did we say movies?
Ratchet Movie trailer. launching in theatres and on Playstation Plus this fall alongside the new game Yup, but it won't be on PS+. The film might launch this summer I think. I think either August or November
Last of Us movie casting update Possibly
Uncharted Movie Possibly casting and director announcement
Playstation Vue rolling out to more cities soon. new apps coming soon. Yup
Insert Chart Yup
Did we say charts? Yup
Sales charts o yeah Yup
PS4 making Bank. Price drop? nah new SKU Maybe
Vita?... Sizzle reel trailer and maybe Gravity Rush 2
Morpheus Price announcement and No Mans Sky support Yup, No Man's SkY on Morpheus is possible as well
+2 new IP announcements Not sure
1 last thing type announcement for Not the Last Guardian Yup
New firmware preview for PS4 v3.0 Nope

In my humble opinion. Also don't call PS4/XB1 ports of existing games on PC/PS3/X360 "HD", they are already in HD. ;)

I want Sony to make a statement at E3 with their 1st Party developers.

I am pretty confident we'll see third / second party exclusives, but there is nothing like a "home town" developer showing off something fresh.

The PS3 era saw the creation of critically acclaimed new IP. People forget Sony forged together InFamous, Little Big Planet, Uncharted and Resistance within the first few years. It was quite an exciting time because it felt like the internal Sony teams could do no wrong.

The PS4 feels like we've gotten off on the wrong foot seeing as how Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Drive Club, and InFamous Second Son are more or less luke warm.

I want to see that spark shine on again from the 1st Party Teams. E3 is the best time to do it :).

Yeah, but development cycles is different for each studio.

I've already said this, but all of their studios delivered games in 2014, 2013, 2012. It isn't like they idle or something.

Their first-party output on PS3 was definitely amazing though. And on PS Vita it's been amazing as well. :)
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