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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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Wait a minute...

Is the Bethesda press conference on at the exact same time as the game of thrones season finale?


Bethesda could announce Fallout 4 for a 2017 release and it would still probably not make me as upset as that finale is going too.

Bethesda can have that hour, GoT can wait.
Hmm, just realized I haven't seen much Walking Dead: Season Three mentioned. I could for sure see that making an appearance at one of the conferences.

Wait a minute...

Is the Bethesda press conference on at the exact same time as the game of thrones season finale?

Aww crap, of course it is. Looks like I'll be watching on HBO Go. Hope I can avoid spoilers for an hour or so :(
Hmm, just realized I haven't seen much Walking Dead: Season Three mentioned. I could for sure see that making an appearance at one of the conferences.

I think it's too early. By the time E3 arrives, GOT would be on their 4th episode, TOTB on their 3rd, then there's possibly a release date announcement for the Minecraft one at MS conference. Then there's the fact that they just announced a new Marvel game in development.
We'll probably get a DLC to tie in between S2 and S3, just like 400 days. Then somewhere around Sep/Oct (Thats when both GOT and TOBTB will most likely end) we will probably get an announcement for S3 or WAU S2.
I think it's too early. By the time E3 arrives, GOT would be on their 4th episodes, TOTB on their 3rd, then there's possibly a release date announcement for the Minecraft one at MS conference. Then there's the fact that they just announced a new Marvel game in development.
We'll probably get a DLC to tie in between S2 and S3, just like 400 days.
Yeah, that actually makes a bit more sense.

Regardless, I'm a bit concerned about Telltale spreading themselves too thin...unless they've had some huge employee growth recently that I haven't heard.



-Bethesda announces Fallout 4 set in Boston. Obsidian/Black Isle fans are not impressed

-Bethesda announces a smaller Fallout game developed by Obsidian and led by Tim Cain and Chris Avellone. Isometric and turn based, a certain segment of fans declare it the true fallout.

-Paradox, impressed with Pillars of Eternity, announces another game with Obsidian. Fuck You: Suck My Dick: Josh Sawyer's Personal Dream RPG Experience (working title) is shown briefly.

-Bioware, annoyed by the comments of how they sold out to the consoles and don't have another classic game in them, show off a new Star Wars game. Designed by David Gaider and written by Drew Karpyshyn, its an isometric game with Jedi vs Sith duels like the BG2 mage duels.

-Mass Effect 4 is shown. It'll be a Mass Effect game alright. The war between this game and the Star Wars game rages on the BSN and threatens to tear it apart.

-Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is shown off with actual gameplay. For some reason I get hopeful that it will match the first game setting myself up for disappointment somewhat like half these predictions.

-The Guerilla Games RPG is finally shown. Which is honestly a complete wild card for me. On the one hand, style over substance is somewhat GG's signature. On the other hand, they seem to have been building up some RPG talent recently.

-Sony reveals some JRPG. I halfheartedly moan about how its not turn based then forget about it. On the off chance it is turn based, I halfheartedly post about how it won't match Persona 5 and then forget about it.

-Larian's next game is revealed and Divinity: Original Sin finally gets controller support and console ports.

Adventure games:

-Hopefully Sony has more of the Lucasarts game rescued.

-Maybe some of the kickstarter/indie adventure games appear in the Big 3's montages.

-I remember Obduction exists around this time and wonder what's been going on with it.


-A Mario game.

-A bunch of them in the Big 3's indie montages. I even check out a few of them.


-A new XCOM game. This time with full modding tools, procedural maps, and a few ideas migrated from The Long War and Xenonauts.

-A Paradox grand strategy game. I once again vow to try the genre out which marks another promise I'll fail to keep.


-New Nintendo hardware details. I haven't really kept up on it since I don't even have a Wii U yet but maybe their new partnership with that mobile company lets them enter the technology race again. They have a montage of third parties saying its great and nothing is ever heard about that again

-New 2D Metroid. It fails to impress because of the indie explosion of metroidvania games.

-NeoGAF completely holds together for the first time in E3 history. There's some slowdown but no 500 or Guru Meditations in sight.
Rösti;162228139 said:
I'll make a general bingo template plus one for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony. Been trying to find a vector version of the new E3 logo for quality/scaling reasons, but I haven't found any so far. We are still more than a month away from E3 2015 though, so a thread is perhaps a bit early, especially if the bingo should feature a prize of some sort.

Roger that. Thanks!

I'll start working on my lists in the mean time. Trying to get a group of friends to play too. Just for fun.


Junior Member

-Bethesda announces Fallout 4 set in Boston. Obsidian/Black Isle fans are not impressed

-Bethesda announces a smaller Fallout game developed by Obsidian and led by Tim Cain and Chris Avellone. Isometric and turn based, a certain segment of fans declare it the true fallout.

-Paradox, impressed with Pillars of Eternity, announces another game with Obsidian. Fuck You: Suck My Dick: Josh Sawyer's Personal Dream RPG Experience (working title) is shown briefly.

-Bioware, annoyed by the comments of how they sold out to the consoles and don't have another classic game in them, show off a new Star Wars game. Designed by David Gaider and written by Drew Karpyshyn, its an isometric game with Jedi vs Sith duels like the BG2 mage duels.

-Mass Effect 4 is shown. It'll be a Mass Effect game alright. The war between this game and the Star Wars game rages on the BSN and threatens to tear it apart.

-Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is shown off with actual gameplay. For some reason I get hopeful that it will match the first game setting myself up for disappointment somewhat like half these predictions.

-The Guerilla Games RPG is finally shown. Which is honestly a complete wild card for me. On the one hand, style over substance is somewhat GG's signature. On the other hand, they seem to have been building up some RPG talent recently.

-Sony reveals some JRPG. I halfheartedly moan about how its not turn based then forget about it. On the off chance it is turn based, I halfheartedly post about how it won't match Persona 5 and then forget about it.

-Larian's next game is revealed and Divinity: Original Sin finally gets controller support and console ports.

Adventure games:

-Hopefully Sony has more of the Lucasarts game rescued.

-Maybe some of the kickstarter/indie adventure games appear in the Big 3's montages.

-I remember Obduction exists around this time and wonder what's been going on with it.


-A Mario game.

-A bunch of them in the Big 3's indie montages. I even check out a few of them.


-A new XCOM game. This time with full modding tools, procedural maps, and a few ideas migrated from The Long War and Xenonauts.

-A Paradox grand strategy game. I once again vow to try the genre out which marks another promise I'll fail to keep.


-New Nintendo hardware details. I haven't really kept up on it since I don't even have a Wii U yet but maybe their new partnership with that mobile company lets them enter the technology race again. They have a montage of third parties saying its great and nothing is ever heard about that again

-New 2D Metroid. It fails to impress because of the indie explosion of metroidvania games.

-NeoGAF completely holds together for the first time in E3 history. There's some slowdown but no 500 or Guru Meditations in sight.

Ooohhh, I like this Bioware prediction.


The Dean makes various appearances as Tingle, Captain Falcon, Bayonetta and others.
Reggie plays some cool new student who joins the group.

Chevy Chase walks in wearing a Bowser costume, brings a flamethrower that intermittently goes off without provocation that very well threatens the safety of everyone in the study room. Darkest timeline threatens to takeover until Reggie announces
The Last Guardian



Are people actually expecting a new 3D Mario game? With NX a year or two out, why not save that for the launch of NX?
Are people actually expecting a new 3D Mario game? With NX a year or two out, why not save that for the launch of NX?

Yeah for sure. Not to mention the 3D Mario studio went and made Captain Toad (and I believe the NES Remix games?). The next 3D Mario can wait another couple years and be a launch title.


I thought Zelda wasnt going to be at E3?
Other than that, also the annual "Last guardian" hope, ha ha.
Also hoping for a Metroid announcement...please...

I fully expect Kingdom Hearts 3 to be there, especially that Square has mentioned that 2015 will be the year they show more of it.

Hoping so too, it was said KH3 would definitely be at D23 expo at least, though hoping E3 too. It does feel around the time we see more, been around 3 years since it was announced, KH games usually seem to take 3/4 years, could even release next year, though I suppose in combination of it apparently being "announced early" and the expected jump in visuals and the delay switching to UE4, may be longer.

If not KH3, I think we may see a KH3D remaster announcement, perhaps a long with a KH collection for PS4/X1? (Would love for Vita too, but unlikely :( )


Junior Member
Since GopherD (alleged Sony employee) has been teasing Playstation moneyhats at E3, I wonder what those could be?

As in plural, so there must be more than one.


Are people actually expecting a new 3D Mario game? With NX a year or two out, why not save that for the launch of NX?

Depends on how "new" we are talking..

A Super Mario 3D Land 2 or 3D World 2 really wouldn't be that hard to get out quickly (look how fast they managed to get Captain Toad out using the 3D World engine). Even Mario Galaxy 3 wouldn't be that much of an ask considering the assets/engines already created.
Since GopherD (alleged Sony employee) has been teasing Playstation moneyhats at E3, I wonder what those could be?

As in plural, so there must be more than one.

I took it to mean DLC first, marketing rights ECT rather than timed exclusive game deals. I guess we won't know until E3 but I find it unlikely that Sony or MS would have any exclusive 3rd party deals. Especially after the backlash that was TR.
Quite late to announce a pokemon game if its coming this year. I think we could see a trailer for X-2/Y-2, but early 2016 release.

In fairness, ORAS hadn't been announced this time last year.

I'm not particularly expecting a Pokémon game this year, what with the 20th Anniversary in February next year. I'd bet on them showing off a new Red and Blue remake for 3DS to celebrate it.

They definitely need some first party 3DS announcements, because that's one dry-looking schedule they've got coming up.

Are people actually expecting a new 3D Mario game? With NX a year or two out, why not save that for the launch of NX?

That's a dangerous thread to be pulling, honestly. If you follow the logic of that, Nintendo will have nothing to announce for the Wii U at all going forward- why not save it for the NX?

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it was right, by any means, but it points to the possibility of a very underwhelming E3 for them.


Backlash against SFV was practically non-existent compared to the TR backlash.

And SFV isn't timed like TR lol.

I still don't understand why more people aren't livid at it. I maintain my adamant objection regardless of the excuses of Capcom funding issues and cross platform play. Moneyhatting new titles in historically multi platform franchises should be condemned.

Luckily I don't see Sony doing this much outside of the occasional Japanese developed title like Star Ocean which would see little to no sales on competing platforms. But I still despise that this is what the industry is turning into.
Backlash against SFV was practically non-existent compared to the TR backlash.

And SFV isn't timed like TR lol.

Yes because that has a simultaneous PC release and it was stated that Sony was co-funding game development.

Tomb Raider was a straight up money hat - hence the backlash. It's supposedly already in development for PC/PS4 to the point insiders are saying to expect a 4-6 month window between launches.

I guess if Sony or MS wants to fund game development on a 3rd party franchise then that could happen but it certainly won't be for big titles like Mass Effect or Fallout.


If Fallout 4 is timed exclusive, I dont know if Gaf can survive it.

There is no way. It's way too big of a title to be money hatted by MS and as I mentioned above Sony third part game exclusivity deals have historically been limited to Japanese developed titles even if they could afford it. I could see timed exclusivity on DLC as possible but game exclusivity is just not feasible at all.
I am sort of expecting someone to moneyhat Mirrors Edge. I get the feeling EA is a bit afraid of funding that game.

Backlash against SFV was practically non-existent compared to the TR backlash.

And SFV isn't timed like TR lol.

The difference was you couldn't pre order SFV on Xbox One for 3 months.

It would be like if at E3 Sony came out and said Deus Ex Mankind Divided or Battlefront was now PS4 and PS3 exclusive. People would be pissed.
Backlash against SFV was practically non-existent compared to the TR backlash.

And SFV isn't timed like TR lol.

Thats because for SFV everything was clear and up front and the reasoning was sound and legitimate and made sense.

The TR deal was shady as hell by being announced early, assumed by everyone as multiplat, then 3 months later exclusive out of nowhere, then it was worded as if it was full exclusive, then they wouldn't comment at all about the terms of the exclusivity or their involvement, etc.


Backlash against SFV was practically non-existent compared to the TR backlash.

And SFV isn't timed like TR lol.

Yeah, there were a few factors for that.

For TR was initially unveiled without any mention of exclusivity, sites even started taking preorders for ps4 and pc. Then all of a sudden, it's exclusive now (timed I know)? Totally seemed like MS did some late moneyhatting to keep a game, that was being made regardless of whether MS pitched in or not, from coming out on another platform for some time.

SF V, first time it was unveiled, clear message, that it was for ps4 and pc. Based off comments over the years, it was clear that capcom was iffy about funding it themselves, were even possibly looking into a F2P model, and Sony stepped in for it. (Being available for PC also, w/ cross platform play definitely helped prevent much backlash as well)

I still don't understand why more people aren't livid at it[]. I maintain my adamant objection regardless of the excuses of Capcom funding issues and cross platform play. Moneyhatting new titles in historically multi platform franchises should be condemned.

I'd rather have someone fund a new title in a previously existing franchise I love and have it exclusive to their platform, than have no new title come out at all (or it be turned into a free 2 play, microstransaction riddled game)
I am sort of expecting someone to moneyhat Mirrors Edge. I get the feeling EA is a bit afraid of funding that game.

The difference was you couldn't pre order SFV on Xbox One for 3 months.

It would be like if at E3 Sony came out and said Deus Ex Mankind Divided or Battlefront was now PS4 and PS3 exclusive. People would be pissed.
Didn't Sony try to get a exclusive deal for MGSV, but Kojima was against it?
Thought I've heard it here on GAF.
Now imagine, with Kojima gone + Konami not interested in the console biz anymore, ....Konami finally agrees to make it exclusive. Tears will be shed :p
Yes because that has a simultaneous PC release and it was stated that Sony was co-funding game development.

Which was my point. Sony 'managed' the messaging of SFV the best it could.

They outright said it wasn't timed, it's coming to PC but not another console, they're co-funding, they're sponsoring Capcom Cup price money, they're funding the port of Ultra SF4, etc.

Now, how true some of the implied factors, such in terms of whether or not SFV would exist as a game without Sony's help, etc, doesn't really matter by that point. It was on-point, concise, and basically took the brunt of the backlash at one go, and dealt with it there and then.

Unlike TR, which was a mess messaging-wise. Not only they tried to imply it wasn't timed at the initial reveal, the way the Crystal blog post wrote it up basically downright implied exclusivity, and indirectly spit on the other consoles fanbase by saying "b-b-b-but we have the old game and Temple of Osiris, PS4 owners!"

MS/SE basically had to talk about 'duration' on like 5 different occasions, and every occasion had them being forced to use very blatant "it's timed exclusive, but we won't tell you that! Instead, have references to Dead Rising 3 and Ryse instead!" PR language that makes adds to the confusion, which was very clearly their intention.


I hope so much that these "hats" mentioned by GopherD aren't for things like more marketing rights or even time-exclusive bulls**t. They should fund new games that wouldn't exist otherwise and don't waste it for stuff that would be on PS4 anyways.


Junior Member
There will be tears and gnashing of teeth.
GAF will both love and hate EA.
Ubisoft will continue to Ubisoft us all.
Sony has several nice montages. And hats.
MS realises that runner up medals don't please investors. Or publishers.
There will be more colours than brown, blue or orange.

That's the post in which he mentioned tears.
I hope so much that these "hats" mentioned by GopherD aren't for things like more marketing rights or even time-exclusive bulls**t. They should fund new games that wouldn't exist otherwise and don't waste it for stuff that would be on PS4 anyways.

Perhaps they set up a new studio for Kojima and his team under the Sony umbrella.

Although is that a money hat?
That wouldn't be a moneyhat.

Yeah it's not really is it. Just good business.

I still maintain any money-hatting would pertain to exclusive content and marketing rights.

Although there is maybe a small chance Capcom teams up with Sony again for an exclusive DMC5 announcement. Would be weird though after releasing DMC4 and DmC remasters for XB1 and PC.
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