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EA announces Subscription Service for Xbox One ($5/month or $30/year, get game vault)

Actually you don´t need to as Euro prices are € 23,99 vs. $ 29,99 :)

But I would be interested in if you purchase the EU Version for € 23,99 and then switch to the US if I then get my -10% on the 60 USD games.

Yes you do. I bought the US sub for $30 and switched back to the Australian store and the 10% discount was also applied.


Looks like Gamestop is in panic mode over this. As they should be, their stock dropped 6%. It sounds likely that they are going to downplay the Xbox One and focus on the PS4. It makes since from a business standpoint. PS4 sells more consoles and games, and the competition has an exclusive program that eats your profit margins.

I wonder how this will play out.

Unless MS and EA signed a contract on this, if it gets popular, I doubt EA won't bring this over to Playstation. Then what? That outcome just seems really silly.


If this is a joint EA and MS thing, I wonder what the chances are of MS putting other games on there? Other Publishers might not like the idea and they would have to work out how to get paid but putting older titles on there to play could be interesting.
Interesting idea - obviously they are trying to incentivise people to buy digital.
(no relevance to me as I am unlikely to ever own an xbone)
I'm guessing this is already pretty popular.

Of my 200 friends Battlefield 4 is already the most popular of the last 10 days (outside of the Destiny beta but that's already over). It wasn't even in the top 4 or 5 last time I checked and FIFA is number 4.

Tall Paul

Well I've bitten at £19.99 didn't get BF or FIFA when they were out so I'm happy with them for the price, it's my new job treat. Will be good see it develop.


Neo Member
Not interested, but that's a great subscription model for takers and it's gonna bring in a lot of gamestop money to both the parties. I'm just wondering how much more "strategic partnership" is still in development though, apart from just bundled codes and waived off royalties. MS is getting pretty damn serious now. EA on the other hand, considering that they don't have plans for a psn counterpart for now, might just keep pushing their titles on PS plus for the next few months to hang in the balance and let Sony approach them. They're in the driver's seat here if indeed the playstation team are looking for a similar service because EA can negotiate a bigger margin.

Capcom, Square Enix and Ubisoft will follow suit once they have an extensive set of library on these new consoles for sure.


If this is a joint EA and MS thing, I wonder what the chances are of MS putting other games on there? Other Publishers might not like the idea and they would have to work out how to get paid but putting older titles on there to play could be interesting.

Zero I say, since MS have GwG.


Unless MS and EA signed a contract on this, if it gets popular, I doubt EA won't bring this over to Playstation. Then what? That outcome just seems really silly.

Yeah we just don´t know that.

Major Nelson writes "exclusivly on Xbox One" but that does not mean it will be exclusive forever ...


Neo Member
Very surprised to see this kind of positive reaction even though all cards are not on the table. Also frightening to see this blind trust and positive beliefs.

Look, it's not going to be as good as you hope. Things like this are made for business purposes only and to fight things EA are loosing money on.

This is just a way of making even some money through older games, where revenue is lost to second hand retailers like GameStop. If you want to play last years Madden, then you might win. GameStop loses big time.

For EA this is also a good anough reason to raise digital pricing. Digital game prices might get an added ~10 dollars to the pricing, and with EA Access' -10% discount you still pay full price, but feel like you are saving. Higher prices for non EA Access subscribers will drive Access subscriptions and the wheel keeps on turning.

This might also lead to more splitting of game content. Sell base game cheap - even give it away free for subscribers, and start moving your revenue aquision towards dlc. Would just make it Free to play in disguise.

Also this is a way to charge from demos.

Just some worst case scenarios here, but hey; it's EA after all.


Apologies if this has been asked (had a look at the last few pages and couldn't see it) but does the 10% discount stack with things already on sale?

So the BF4 season pass is 33% off at the moment, would you then get an extra 10% off too?


Very surprised to see this kind of positive reaction

Look, it's not going to be as good as you hope.

But isn't that you just taking an opposite stance? What if it does? Right now it's mostly positive because for $30 you're getting 4 pretty awesome games. 1 year is enough time to beat the crap out of those games and if things turn to shit after that then you unsubscribe.


Does this work like PS+(ie. you own it until your membership lapses), or do you own it indefinitely? I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere.

Ea describes the vault as "evolving" so I take that as games you have access to can come and go and I wouldn't expect the vault to hold more than a dozen games at a time but that is purely my own speculation.

But hey of they just keep adding games to the vault and they never leave and you keep access as long as you subscribe then that will get me to sign up right away.
Very surprised to see this kind of positive reaction even though all cards are not on the table. Also frightening to see this blind trust and positive beliefs.

Look, it's not going to be as good as you hope. Things like this are made for business purposes only and to fight things EA are loosing money on.

This is just a way of making even some money through older games, where revenue is lost to second hand retailers like GameStop. If you want to play last years Madden, then you might win. GameStop loses big time.

For EA this is also a good anough reason to raise digital pricing. Digital game prices might get an added ~10 dollars to the pricing, and with EA Access' -10% discount you still pay full price, but feel like you are saving. Higher prices for non EA Access subscribers will drive Access subscriptions and the wheel keeps on turning.

This might also lead to more splitting of game content. Sell base game cheap - even give it away free for subscribers, and start moving your revenue aquision towards dlc. Would just make it Free to play in disguise.

Also this is a way to charge from demos.

Just some worst case scenarios here, but hey; it's EA after all.


Yeah on face value this seems like a good deal as long as you don't always buy the latest games, but I'm holding off until this plays out a bit longer. How often are games added to the vault? 10% off? 'Conditions, limitations and exclusions apply'. Nice.

But for now I'd get the sub, play those games on offer and unsubscribe if things don't change quickly.

What actually bothers me about this is they are setting a precedent that other publishers will now feel like they need to follow (whether they have the catalogue to do so or not). I don't think that's a positive thing, especially if this is a veiled way for them to change their model - easing us into more DLC and free-to-play.

As for being MS exclusive, I'm not surprised. It'll come to PS4 but not for at least a year at a guess.


"Surely"? Hardly.

It's also questionable whether this will work if more companies did it. How many people would want to spend 180$ per year up front on the off-chance they might make money back off of it, if say EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Sony, and Microsoft all had the 30$ plan? Especially given how much better deals you can get from Retail.

"Vault" titles still only appeal to certain people.

And I still don't think EA will be adding new titles in any meaningful time-frame to the Vault. If they weren't trying to draw people in now I'd bet Battlefield 4 wouldn't be on the list, they have to get people started somehow.

My opinion Battlefield is there to promote DLC purchase.


Putting my cynical hat on, if this is for XB1 only and that games retailers will miss out on second hand sales, then wouldn't those game retailers be less inclined to push the XB1?


Apologies if this has been asked (had a look at the last few pages and couldn't see it) but does the 10% discount stack with things already on sale?

So the BF4 season pass is 33% off at the moment, would you then get an extra 10% off too?

No you don´t. They answered it on the xbox forums.

If something is discounted you don´t get an additional 10%
Ea describes the vault as "evolving" so I take that as games you have access to can come and go and I wouldn't expect the vault to hold more than a dozen games at a time but that is purely my own speculation.

If that's how it works, then I can see why it isn't on Playstation. That would be a competing service to PS+.
I wonder if Sony have shut them down, or if they've chosen not to pursue it on PS, as I wouldn't expect it to have anywhere near the same adoption as on XBox.

I wonder if it's going to have an effect on EA titles coming to PS+ in future though.


Putting my cynical hat on, if this is for XB1 only and that games retailers will miss out on second hand sales, then wouldn't those game retailers be less inclined to push the XB1?

Why? It's only one publisher. Retailers won't push the XB1 because a percentage of XB owners will opt in while the rest continue as is?


Look, it's not going to be as good as you hope. Things like this are made for business purposes only and to fight things EA are loosing money on.


Well, yeah, stating the obvious.
GWG and PS Plus were made for 'business purposes' and they turned out OK. This doesn't mean it will be bad. Business is there to make money. If this is shoddy and rips people off it wont make money. Everybody wins from this.

Wow. People really wanna see the glass as half empty. This is a good deal. If it's not for you, fine. Move on.


Neo Member
But isn't that you just taking an opposite stance? What if it does? Right now it's mostly positive because for $30 you're getting 4 pretty awesome games. 1 year is enough time to beat the crap out of those games and if things turn to shit after that then you unsubscribe.
Opposite stance for now. I am very interested to see the complete product, but wanted to shake people up a bit, because it seems some people think they will automatically get all newest EA games with this. That just makes zero business sense.

About the games on EA Access right now: they are all good or great games for their own audience, but I really doubt that the core audiences of BF4, FIFA 14 or Madden really are that interested in Peggle 2, or of the other games for that matter. Not including Peggle 2, those are all heavy user multiplayer competitive games for "just play this game for a year and nothing else type of gamers" (which is fine and a lucrative audience), but those gamers also always want the latest release of their favorite franchise. Lineup now is for top 10 games, not hardcore or core gamers.


Neo Member
Well, yeah, stating the obvious.
GWG and PS Plus were made for 'business purposes' and they turned out OK. This doesn't mean it will be bad. Business is there to make money. If this is shoddy and rips people off it wont make money. Everybody wins from this.

Wow. People really wanna see the glass as half empty. This is a good deal. If it's not for you, fine. Move on.
As it stands it's a good deal for those who don't care if they play older games. Again, just wanted to break the belief that EA is going to release all of their newest games for EA Access subscribers.


Ea describes the vault as "evolving" so I take that as games you have access to can come and go and I wouldn't expect the vault to hold more than a dozen games at a time but that is purely my own speculation.

But hey of they just keep adding games to the vault and they never leave and you keep access as long as you subscribe then that will get me to sign up right away.

But is it like GwG? I mean, will you be able to keep playing a game as long as you have already downloaded it? Even if they exchange it for another one later on? If they do then yes, that would be pretty awesome and I would even encourage them changing it frequently.
Well, yeah, stating the obvious.
GWG and PS Plus were made for 'business purposes' and they turned out OK. This doesn't mean it will be bad. Business is there to make money. If this is shoddy and rips people off it wont make money. Everybody wins from this.

Wow. People really wanna see the glass as half empty. This is a good deal. If it's not for you, fine. Move on.

Exactly, its not different from ps+ which from all accounts as been a great service and even pushed competitors to step up (ms), like every company they want to make money and this will generate more money for them from older titles and dlc then i expect the normal retail channels will (in australia second hand game prices dont drop significantly for years).

So for someone like me who doesnt mind playing older games its a great deal. Plus the added bonus of betas here and there .

And if ea decide to screw everyone over there will be a huge outcry and at most ive lost 30-40 bucks which in the grand scheme of things is tiny.

This actually saves me money for not spending crazy second hand prices on really old games.


i can see this working out well for them with certain franchises and getting more players on board. especially with selling game items in the mix.

publishers acting as a cable channel pushing content out in a way a programmer would every month would be even more interesting to see. its questionable if this can have any legs as a model though, will EA have the content to warrant keeping players interested in such a service? franchises like madden have a pretty loyal base who will buy the full version regardless.

id argue xbox one is a better test environment for this, the platform seems more casual friendly versus the type of ecosystem were seeing on the ps4 (at this point in time anyway).
Opposite stance for now. I am very interested to see the complete product, but wanted to shake people up a bit, because it seems some people think they will automatically get all newest EA games with this. That just makes zero business sense.

About the games on EA Access right now: they are all good or great games for their own audience, but I really doubt that the core audiences of BF4, FIFA 14 or Madden really are that interested in Peggle 2, or of the other games for that matter. Not including Peggle 2, those are all heavy user multiplayer competitive games for "just play this game for a year and nothing else type of gamers" (which is fine and a lucrative audience), but those gamers also always want the latest release of their favorite franchise. Lineup now is for top 10 games, not hardcore or core gamers.

I can tell you that I have very little interest in Peggle 2 or even Madden to be honest with you, but I will definitely download and play both because they'll be included with EA Access. You'd be surprised just what kinds of games people are willing to download and play when they're getting a deal such as this one.

Remember that $5 FIFA 14 demo thing? That was probably related to EA Access.


Looks like Gamestop is in panic mode over this. As they should be, their stock dropped 6%. It sounds likely that they are going to downplay the Xbox One and focus on the PS4. It makes since from a business standpoint. PS4 sells more consoles and games, and the competition has an exclusive program that eats your profit margins.

I wonder how this will play out.

The OP says

Coming soon, GameStop fans will be able to purchase an EA Access membership at their local GameStop retail store. In the UK, gamers will also be able to purchase their membership through GAME stores.

Which wouldn't indicate what you imply.

Your analysis almost reads like wishful thinking.


The OP says

Which wouldn't indicate what you imply.

Your analysis almost reads like wishful thinking.

It is wishful thinking.

I wish people would stop treating stock prices like the end all/be all. I doubt the CEO of gamestop gives a shit whether or not the stock dropped by a measly 6%, why should we?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Opposite stance for now. I am very interested to see the complete product, but wanted to shake people up a bit, because it seems some people think they will automatically get all newest EA games with this. That just makes zero business sense.

About the games on EA Access right now: they are all good or great games for their own audience, but I really doubt that the core audiences of BF4, FIFA 14 or Madden really are that interested in Peggle 2, or of the other games for that matter. Not including Peggle 2, those are all heavy user multiplayer competitive games for "just play this game for a year and nothing else type of gamers" (which is fine and a lucrative audience), but those gamers also always want the latest release of their favorite franchise. Lineup now is for top 10 games, not hardcore or core gamers.

They're smartly picked titles which have all had a considerable shelf time already: Peggle 2 for the micro transactions potential, BF4 for the DLC/Premium sub, FIFA for Ultimate Team money or, at worse, basically "zero" lost sales since the new iteration (same for Madden I guess) is close to release already and its sales are massive at launch with great legs which always slow down a lot a month after the winter's transfer market closes.


so, woke up, already had a code send to my xbone, I downloaded the app.

now, I have already bought the majority of EA games on xbone,
bf4, fifa, nfs, peggle 2 and garden warfare.

madden I dont play american football, and nba live yeah, you know about that.

but to say that I'm not interested in what ms-ea proposes, it would be such a stupid thing for me to say.

I just want one item I dont already have and would like, so that I do the yearly sub. you figure it out ea, and you give it to me.

it seems like a very good scenario to me, what they did here.
I mean, 23bucks and you get to play battlefield, fifa, nfs, peggle2 right now, and play everything they will add for the next 12 months too.
and have 10% discount on anything extra you buy, or same 10% in new games, with 5 days preview.

if someone has not already bought these games, I say that it could be a very good 23 dallars spent :D

very cool ea


As it stands it's a good deal for those who don't care if they play older games. Again, just wanted to break the belief that EA is going to release all of their newest games for EA Access subscribers.

Of course, to each their own. The current lineup is limited (the only game I'll get is BF because I had that but traded before completion) but the potential is there. PvZ later down the line will be a winner (it will also be good for current players of PvZ as there will potentially be a bigger community).

The whole thing could turn out to be rubbish. Who knows? Personally, I can't buy games as much as I used to so I naturally miss out on a lot of games. This would be a great system for me to catch up on some good ones I missed :)
The OP says

Which wouldn't indicate what you imply.

Your analysis almost reads like wishful thinking.

That doesn't change anything. They sell PS+ and GwG memberships. This has to do with the stock reaction, and the PS4 is already selling better. What do they have to lose by putting it in the front now and giving it more space? Why don't we wait and see how this plays out. I have a feeling this will make a big impact for better or worse.
The only game I have is Battlefield 4, so Madden, Fifa and Peggle 2 for $30 seems like a good deal to me, of course I subbed for a year :) I don't usually buy sports game so I don't mind playing them year late for $30.


That doesn't change anything. They sell PS+ and GwG memberships. This has to do with the stock reaction, and the PS4 is already selling better. What do they have to lose by putting it in the front now? Why don't we wait and see how this plays out. I have a feeling this will make a big impact for better or worse.

This would make sense......if GameStop was run by a bunch of Sony fanboys. The more realistic outcome will be they roll with it and try to find a way to still make a buck out of it.
I own three of the four already. And Need for Speed which I can see them adding eventually. I'll probably still go for the year sub and take a punt on them adding stuff I don't own in the coming months.

My other Xbox friends are going for it purely for BF4 as they couldn't get that for the price of a yearly sub.

Wise move EA

Would be nice of them to offer DLC to those of us who have already bought those games


It is wishful thinking.

I wish people would stop treating stock prices like the end all/be all. I doubt the CEO of gamestop gives a shit whether or not the stock dropped by a measly 6%, why should we?

Measly? Seems like economics was your major.
I own three of the four already. And Need for Speed which I can see them adding eventually. I'll probably still go for the year sub and take a punt on them adding stuff I don't own in the coming months.

My other Xbox friends are going for it purely for BF4 as they couldn't get that for the price of a yearly sub.

Wise move EA

Would be nice of them to offer DLC to those of us who have already bought those games

Why sign up now ? Wait until they put up something decent in 3-6 months and then subscribe.

As for DLC, i guess if you own the game you get some minor discounts , but most of the people who still own the games already have the dlc as well.


Warned a mate who's been talking about buying an XB1 for months not to get a deal including any of these games because of this and he's off to buy a system today, this is what has pushed him over the edge!


Measly? Seems like economics was your major.

Watch that stock rebound after the news dissipate and Gamestop does nothing. Like it has so many times before. This news doesn't change GS profit margins or more importantly the dividends they pay out.

Of course when that happens no one will make a thread about it.
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