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EA announces Subscription Service for Xbox One ($5/month or $30/year, get game vault)

I...honestly can't find anything bad to say about this?



I wonder if this will be bundled with x1 consoles. Imagine getting a year of live and a year of this for free with the Xbox. That's a really good deal.

Instant access to 4 games.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw that appear at some point.


I grabbed the year sub as well. I have just enough of a passing interest in football and football (own BF4/Peggle already) that $15 each for at least a year + early trials/other free games (I own NFS already, but maybe some BF4 map packs or NBA/PvZ/UFC [way down the line] or something shows up) is just too good to pass up.

I think this is great. They make a little extra money off me, who would have never bought those games for full price, while I get them at a good, fair price to where they're still relatively recent engines (rosters literally matter zero to me) and fun to play.


Neo Member
They're smartly picked titles which have all had a considerable shelf time already: Peggle 2 for the micro transactions potential, BF4 for the DLC/Premium sub, FIFA for Ultimate Team money or, at worse, basically "zero" lost sales since the new iteration (same for Madden I guess) is close to release already and its sales are massive at launch with great legs which always slow down a lot a month after the winter's transfer market closes.

Exactly so. DLC and microtransactions are king for EA, They already make a big share of their revenue through them. I just fear that EA Access will shape their upcoming catalog even more towards that business model and all those DLC will suddenly make the consumer pay much more to EA than the subscription pricing announced. I can hear EA execs talking: "We don't have to give out a full games for our EA Access subscribers, they only pay 30 bucks a year. Let's give them glorified demos instead and charge extra for the real content." Just as DRIVECLUB is doing on PS4's PS Plus.

Btw, those particular games still have much longer retail tails than your common triple-A adventure, which spikes like mad week one and diminishes fast.


The only thing I worry about for this deal is this:

You buy game using discount from EA service

You let the sub lapse/cancel

WILL you loose access to the game yet. I doubt it but it seems to good to be true from EA.


Looks like they resent the codes out. Now redeeming from the message works. Before a space was inserted at the beginning, deleting the last character (normally a Z). That's why manual redemption was working.


There's absolutely no value in EA games pretty much as soon as the sequel releases. That's probably the reason for this.

I think it's their idea of free to play. They are already monetizing games with those team cards/stickers/DLC but why make the games themselfs free when you can get $30 a year for them and everyone loves you for it? I can't exclude myself, I was about to buy Battlefield 4 when it goes on sale for $40, of course I'm buying EA Access now and if they don't add substantial new content over the year I will only subscribe for that year. Games as a service is a brillant idea and long overdue, I just would have never imagined EA to be the leader.


They should really expand this to 360 as well.

Edit: Of course they would probably have to make it so the games can only launch in the access hub if you have a subscription.


Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but anyone else think this could be the second step in EAs potential plan to buy the xbox brand?


Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but anyone else think this could be the second step in EAs potential plan to buy the xbox brand?

Er, no. Why would they launch their own service if they intended to buy the Xbox Live infrastructure ? Besides I doubt EA could afford it (or would want to, they make all their money on all platforms after all)


I'm in just need to wait to get home from work.

Need to test out if the game sharing stuff works and if I can still buy US games in UK..

I really hope so....

Boarderlinx account to the rescue....
They should really expand this to 360 as well.

Edit: Of course they would probably have to make it so the games can only launch in the access hub if you have a subscription.

This is a MS sponsored initiative and MS needs to add more value to the Xbox One, the 360's sales are just fine.


Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but anyone else think this could be the second step in EAs potential plan to buy the xbox brand?

Those conspiracy theories. The service is launching on Xbox One because obviously Microsofts software department is working at a faster pace and can get things done. EA Access is seemlessly integrated with the Xbox Store. The service will no doubt come to other platforms in the future especially if those platforms sold nearly twice as many units as Xbox One. EA has no interest in becoming its own hardware platform, that's a costly way of doing things unless you can sell your hardware at a premium price like Apple.


The only thing I worry about for this deal is this:

You buy game using discount from EA service

You let the sub lapse/cancel

WILL you loose access to the game yet. I doubt it but it seems to good to be true from EA.

You will loose access to the games

You may cancel your subscription at any time for any reason. In addition, Microsoft may terminate your subscription if you fail to comply with the Microsoft Terms of Use (http://www.xbox.com/livetou). Likewise, EA may terminate your Origin Account, thereby blocking you from the EA Access Services, for any violation of the EA Terms of Services (http://www.ea.com/terms-of-service).Please note, unless required by law, all EA Content (such as in-game entitlements, add-on content, and downloadable content) purchased in connection with the EA Access Services (including, without limitation, purchases made during Vault Titles) are non-refundable and non-transferable. If your subscription to EA Access is cancelled or otherwise terminated, you will not have further access EA Content until and unless you purchase the EA Content or Vault Title separately. In addition, Vault Titles contain functionality designed to disable access to those Vault Titles in the event that (i) your subscription is canceled or otherwise terminated or (ii) EA decides, in its sole discretion to remove certain Vault Titles as described above.


You will loose access to the games

Ergh I KNEW it!

So even if I buy a game at a discount I would lose it and have to pay full RRP again?

Oh EA you sneaky son of a bitch......

Surely if you actually buy the game at 5% off you should be able to keep it......

Clarification needed, as I understand that Vault Games/DLC you'd lose fine with that but if you do actually lose games because of cancelling then screw that.


Ergh I KNEW it!

So even if I buy a game at a discount I would lose it and have to pay full RRP again?

Oh EA you sneaky son of a bitch......

Surely if you actually buy the game at 5% off you should be able to keep it......

Clarification needed, as I understand that Vault Games/DLC you'd lose fine with that but if you do actually lose games because of cancelling then screw that.

I don't think this applies to games bought with the 10% discount


You will loose access to the games

That part doesn't mention bought games, only content accessed through the program. The fact that they specifically mention purchasing as a way to keep having access to the game without a subscription would indicate that game bought with a rebate will still be yours. Which makes sense, otherwise you can't call that a purchase.


Wonder how much MS paid too get this first on XB1, we really need an insider at EA. Wonder What would happen If Sony made the same thing with Activision.


Got a code this morning for the early access. Going to check it out when I get home. I still don't have BF4 so now seems a good time to subscribe to this for a year, also I usually buy the season ticket for the Fifa so this is worth it for me.


That part doesn't mention bought games, only content accessed through the program. The fact that they specifically mention purchasing as a way to keep having access to the game without a subscription would indicate that game bought with a rebate will still be yours. Which makes sense, otherwise you can't call that a purchase.

Not clear, but the last sentence mentions

Vault Titles contain functionality designed to disable access to those Vault Titles in the event that (i) your subscription is canceled or otherwise terminated or (ii) EA decides, in its sole discretion to remove certain Vault Titles as described above.

So would assume any games purchased via Vault will be disabled.


You will loose access to the games

You may cancel your subscription at any time for any reason. In addition, Microsoft may terminate your subscription if you fail to comply with the Microsoft Terms of Use (http://www.xbox.com/livetou). Likewise, EA may terminate your Origin Account, thereby blocking you from the EA Access Services, for any violation of the EA Terms of Services (http://www.ea.com/terms-of-service).Please note, unless required by law, all EA Content (such as in-game entitlements, add-on content, and downloadable content) purchased in connection with the EA Access Services (including, without limitation, purchases made during Vault Titles) are non-refundable and non-transferable. If your subscription to EA Access is cancelled or otherwise terminated, you will not have further access EA Content until and unless you purchase the EA Content or Vault Title separately. In addition, Vault Titles contain functionality designed to disable access to those Vault Titles in the event that (i) your subscription is canceled or otherwise terminated or (ii) EA decides, in its sole discretion to remove certain Vault Titles as described above.

Here comes that EA stank guys. Stop assuming this is going to play out the way that you're hoping it will. This is EA. This is going to play out only one way: EA gets more of your money for less effort on their end. It's an incentive system leveraging games that have either met a specified attach rate or sales rate and minimal "discounts" on digital goods that should by all accounts be lower priced anyway. You realize you are paying EA for the prove large of paying EA even more money later right? It's brilliant in it's deception of "value."


Here comes that EA stank guys. Stop assuming this is going to play out the way that you're hoping it will. This is EA. This is going to play out only one way: EA gets more of your money for less effort on their end. It's an incentive system leveraging games that have either met a specified attach rate or sales rate and minimal "discounts" on digital goods that should by all accounts be lower priced anyway. You realize you are paying EA for the prove large of paying EA even more money later right? It's brilliant in it's deception of "value."

What if the games that get taken down are very old versions of sports games?

What would be the point in keeping Madden 15 in the vault if Madden 16, 17, and 18 are in there too?


Does anyone know if this offer is currently available in Australia? If so, does someone wanna shoot me an invite to the Dash Beta? GT is Johnny NoShoes.



That part doesn't mention bought games, only content accessed through the program. The fact that they specifically mention purchasing as a way to keep having access to the game without a subscription would indicate that game bought with a rebate will still be yours. Which makes sense, otherwise you can't call that a purchase.

I also do not believe that you loose access to the 54 USD game you bought.

This just cannot be true.
Here comes that EA stank guys. Stop assuming this is going to play out the way that you're hoping it will. This is EA. This is going to play out only one way: EA gets more of your money for less effort on their end. It's an incentive system leveraging games that have either met a specified attach rate or sales rate and minimal "discounts" on digital goods that should by all accounts be lower priced anyway. You realize you are paying EA for the prove large of paying EA even more money later right? It's brilliant in it's deception of "value."

As opposed to buying each game on there own 30 dollars second hand and still needing to buy dlc anyway ?

Even if I just play one game from this service in a year I still end up ahead.


I will buy them on the US store. $54.

That's what I'm trying to see if it would work atm.

I probably will test it out for madden 15 or something....

Just because my US account is separate from my UK account I think I'm going to have a lot of issues getting the actual subscription to work.

Just praying my boarderlinx address works, then I will be fine.


What if the games that get taken down are very old versions of sports games?

What would be the point in keeping Madden 15 in the vault if Madden 16, 17, and 18 are in there too?

My what if is somewhat supported by EAs shenanigans (anti consumer DRM, microtransactions laden BS, incentivized piecemeal content delivery designed to squeeze more money for the same amount of content) these past few years. Yours is based only on happy thoughts and hopes that it will be what you want it to be.

There's a reason EA has a shitty rep and it's well deserved. You'll have to excuse me if I don't believe they've magically woken up and decided to focus on consumer value prospects as opposed to maximizing their own short term profits.



Hey, it was just a theory


Those conspiracy theories. The service is launching on Xbox One because obviously Microsofts software department is working at a faster pace and can get things done. EA Access is seemlessly integrated with the Xbox Store. The service will no doubt come to other platforms in the future especially if those platforms sold nearly twice as many units as Xbox One. EA has no interest in becoming its own hardware platform, that's a costly way of doing things unless you can sell your hardware at a premium price like Apple.

Yet you have one yourself....
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