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EA holding live conf on PS4 today at Morgan Stanley tech conf [Up: Summary in OP]


Thuway has been PMing me a lot recently asking about PS4 specs. He said he has "a group of guys that know stuff."

I figured he was 12 and told him I didn't know anything.

Well you + the rest of us that's like 5-6 people that have got those same exact style of PM's:) Weirdness in the Neogaf sandbox.

EA announcing really does clear up that little issue of them not showing up at the PS4 party.
$70 games? In this economy? Haha ... hello crash. That price won't stick. Especially, Xbox versions that you can't trade in because MS is run by morons.

Game sales are down already. I'm sure 30-40 dollar handheld titles aren't helping the 3DS and Vita.
I'll never pay $70 for a title. Even now there are very few games I buy for 59. I usually wait ~3 months and pick up what I want for $39.
That means no playable demos.

Then... why downgrade?

Have you honestly not considered that he's completely full of shit about the downgrade? How could anyone possibly know what MS is showing on stage at E3 already? How could anyone know the final polish of 720 and PS4 launch games? How could MS launch a console in 2013 with nothing playable on the E3 show floor?

There are quite a few people on these boards and others who got their hands on early specs for PS4 and Durango (and Wii U). Many of them have used this info to write console war fan fiction. Try to separate the facts from the hopes, dreams, and blind speculation. When thuway says "720 games will look better than PS4 games at MS' April event", he's guessing at best, damage controlling at worst.


I'm rather annoyed at EA's attitude towards Wii U but that summary of the meeting actually got me a bit jazzed for the MS/Sony consoles. I think just the scope of what the machines will be able to do is interesting.

I'm really interested in a console that integrates into my lifestyle but also brings my gaming to the forefront more. Wii U has started to do that but in typical Nintendo fashion they don't really dedicate themselves to it and jump in feet first; they dabble. I want Mii Verse and eShop on my smart phone and via web access. I want to be able to take videos of my games and share them like the PS4. I want a Wii Connect 24 type thing where my console gets messages, info, alerts, and maybe sometimes special treats just appearing on my machine.

No idea what Sony and MS are going to do but I do have some sort of hope that they'll really try and push gaming and entertainment into the living room and elevate it from a hobby to more of a lifestyle thing.


$70 games? In this economy? Haha ... hello crash. That price won't stick. Especially, Xbox versions that you can't trade in because MS is run by morons.

How do you know Sony doesn't have a similar strategy for used games? Nothing is confirmed.


Its possible that EA will be at MS event but I feel most likely they are going Rockstar style, Looking out for there own, holding there now pressers without being attached to a console. Battlefield 4 along with other EA titles will have its own meeting.
  • They have never been more prepaired or ready for a new console launch
  • Giant leap for the industry, every step and function. "Between 8 & 10 times the power of current generation."
  • Not limited to current generation "1080p, 60 fps, camera IQ"
  • All of internal software will work flawlessly.
  • What used to take months will now "take days" to do.
  • Seeing new ways to approach current IP's and new IP's.
  • The ability to have cross platform play, will open up new consumer base.
  • EA has slimmed down their lineup from 85 games to 15 core titles (Uh huh.)
  • Allows stream lining the backbone of game creation
  • Sony and Microsoft in-line for their transition will reduce cost of production
  • 5% to 10% increase in cost of production on current games.
  • No pricing on retail games set, but you may see a trend of "$69.99" at start and dropping down to $59.99 similar to the beginning of the current generation. (Fuck off EA.)
  • Saving time and money in comparison to the roadmap they set up last year.
  • Data collected on gamers through created technology and algorithms allow them to engage the players.
  • Gross margin as gone from 55% in 2010 to 55-65% range currently.
  • Due to the transition into the digital world from boxed gaming.
  • Discussed the progression and advantage of the PS4 in regards to downloading games
  • Many more opportunities in "always on" connected gaming
  • The focus is always focused on the "consumer experience"
  • Discussion of margins in regards to digital expansion packs and the margins it drives
  • Doing so builds an actual community, and overall over time, more profitability
  • Building into all games micro-transaction: "Consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business" (Fuck off again EA.)
  • Over $25 Million revenue in micro-transactions alone last quarter.(Thx dipshits that put us into this situation.)
  • Much has been learned on infrastructure in regards to the failed iOs launch of the Simpsons.
  • Absence at PS4 reveal is not indicative to their status on the console.
  • Between now and E3 you will see a lot of stuff from EA
  • Thrilled with the PS4 specs - the new Battlefield is stunning
Have you honestly not considered that he's completely full of shit about the downgrade? How could anyone possibly know what MS is showing on stage at E3 already? How could anyone know the final polish of 720 and PS4 launch games? How could MS launch a console in 2013 with nothing playable on the E3 show floor?

There are quite a few people on these boards and others who got their hands on early specs for PS4 and Durango (and Wii U). Many of them have used this info to write console war fan fiction. Try to separate the facts from the hopes, dreams, and blind speculation. When thuway says "720 games will look better than PS4 games at MS' April event", he's guessing at best, damage controlling at worst.

Yes, that's why I asked "how he knows something like this?", how can he knows what MS will show at E3 and how it will looks? and how it will looks at launch?
Well you + the rest of us that's like 5-6 people that have got those same exact style of PM's:) Weirdness in the Neogaf sandbox.

EA announcing really does clear up that little issue of them not showing up at the PS4 party.

Ah Thuway, the guy that said PS4's GPU would be between 3 and 4 Tflops lol...


Its possible that EA will be at MS event but I feel most likely they are going Rockstar style, Looking out for there own, holding there now pressers without being attached to a console. Battlefield 4 along with other EA titles will have its own meeting.

Honestly I would be ok with both. Activision played PS4 let EA go to MS's event. OR have those big guys just slam the shit out of our eyes with their own announcements. I do like them coming out for a particular platform and the manufactures love it of course as well.

But EA and Acti are pretty fucking huge.


Thuway implied Microsoft will show spruced up demos at E3, although they are not representative of the final product.

Yes and No. This will all follow the same cycle it has followed every single time since the first E3. These devs, who aren't just 1st party and thus don't answer to some MS will to spend a ton of cash on more dev work to make a fake item, will do exactly what they have done every other time. Make what they can in the time required for the show and then remove or add stuff before launch of their game to get the performance that they want.

Sort of like the entire history of game development up until this point. Just like the PS4 announcement and any future ones we have to take what we see knowing that the devs have to make adjustements.


Yes and No this will all follow the same cycle it has followed every single time since the first E3. These devs, who aren't just 1st party will do exactly what they have done every other time. Make what they can in the time required for the show and then remove or add stuff before launch of their game.

Sort of like the entire history of game development up until this point.

Dat Vertical Slice.

Hopefully not to the extent of Aliens: Colonial Marines though.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Yes, when a company reduces their portfolio from 85 games to 15 games, there's an extremely high chance that a sequel to a financial flop will be greenlighted for development.

Its been confirmed multiple times as being in development.


If that happened I wouldn't be surprised if more people turned to piracy.

I'd turn to PC/steam sale only, but I know many friends who already have said they will just wait for the first console to get hacked if they are both anti used. These are people who buy 80-90% new, but do rely on selling their games to buy new games. EA has been FANTASTIC at turning customers into non pirate non customers, and pirating non customers. Too bad they seem to be swaying first parties to join them in their madness.


This is kind of bad news. I guess Dead Space 3 was just the start.

I honestly just screamed out loud.
I got new contacts and read your ORIGINAL post as "IT IS KIND OF BULLFROG to Release..." and I frigging thought I was going to see a new bullfrog game for a minute until I got my glasses. SHIT from high to low in 4 seconds flat. God damn.


I think it would be interesting if only one publisher tried to make the leap - imagine a $70 BF4 going up against a $60 COD.

Won't happen. IF EA does it, Activision will do it (and same if the roles were reversed).

And if those two do it (and have success), everyone else will follow.
Some of these publishing decisions...they moan and cry foul over lack of sales yet they won't recognise their own faults. A possible $400 system with potentially $70 with micro transactions games in a unhealthy financial climate, more studio closures then, great.


Honestly I would be ok with both. Activision played PS4 let EA go to MS's event. OR have those big guys just slam the shit out of our eyes with their own announcements. I do like them coming out for a particular platform and the manufactures love it of course as well.

But EA and Acti are pretty fucking huge.
Unless something happened between them and MS,Acti at Sony doesnt mean much other than them trying get gain some good graces with Sony. I see EA using BF4 to flex some muscle in the "this is next gen" sort of way. Something that they probably want to do alone.
I refuse to even buy games at 59.99 now unless it was HL3(hahah doesn't exist) much less games at 70 dollars. I will just buy a WiiU and stick with the tried and true PC gaming or i will still get the PS4 and just wait until a game is dirt cheap to buy 6 months after it's release.


$70 games my ass.

More like a generation of steam purchases is more like it.

And by the way there's hardly a justification for that rise in any event. They plainly state that new game development costs no more than 5-10% what came before.

10% more than the MSRP of games right now is $66. 5% more is $63.

These dollars might seem relatively insignificant, but it's no surprise they want to cut the knife at 70 instead of, say, $64.99. Because they're goddamn greedy as shit. A price rise to 70 is, what, nearly 17% rise in game prices? Am I doing my math wrong, because I'm really shitty at math!


Yeah, that was a loooong time ago. He also was one of the first on here to tell us not to expect 2Tflops even.

And hint at Microsoft's exclusive racer, DriveClub, 176gb bandwidth, Durango specs, colour blocks and SME's, bump in GDDR5, Liverpool SoC, number of CU's in Durango and Orbis and several other things. He's probably just left at the behest of his sources.

By the way, and I might as well let it out seeing as how there's already an article about it out there now lol, the thing he was teasing, that he didn't spill on in time, that got him banned was that there is a small chance Orbis' performance would go up because Sony is still playing with clock rates. Supposedly they were over conservative on both CPU / GPU. Take it as you will.

Personally I do agree that teasing should be frowned upon. If you have something, spill it or don't say anything at all. Shame he didn't edit his post with the details before he got banned lol.

On topic, I think it's a bit shite that the cost of development will only increase 5-10% for EA, if that, but they're considering bumping retail costs by more. Add to that, didn't Radesh(?) in the discussion, say that they are beating all targets on their roadmap thus far, including development progress, costs etc?


Building into all games micro-transaction: "Consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business"

looks like my policy of never paying more then $9.99 for any EA game will continue into the next generation.


If games are going to be $70 new then I'll just buy even less games on day 1.

Same here. I'll simply buy only absolute can't do without games and will wait on the rest to drop in price. You would think that it would be enough with all of the DLC milking that goes on, in addition to a $60.00 game.
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