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EA holding live conf on PS4 today at Morgan Stanley tech conf [Up: Summary in OP]


He also said the same about Destiny not being there on the night. It was there. He also said third parties in general wouldn't be invited, but Capcom, Square and ActiBlizz were invited and showed stuff.

Then he started shit about EA and Sony not getting one well and implying that we might see MS exclusives from them, EA just confirmed BF4 and FIFA for PS4.

Seriously he just seems to be very down on PS4/Sony for some reason, maybe Kaz ran over his dog or something.

Is that deliberate misinformation? From a journo? That's... unconscionable. Heh.

I mean I can understand sharing your information but if it turns out you're wrong you should address it if you have a platform to share your piece more widely than the average joe. IMO of course.
Why would one assume that they'll be at MS's event? Perhaps they simply plan to hold their own event, or unveil their next-gen titles at their E3 presser.

Well, when they mentioned why they weren't at the PS4 event, they hinted that there were other parties involved which they sort of had agreements with, so to speak.


Unconfirmed Member
My guess: EA wants to build maximum hype for their next gen games when they finally show them. They don't want to muddy the message by saying "Coming to PS4 and.. uh other next gen systems!!" They'd much rather just announce both platforms at the same time but they can't because MS hasn't announced the new Xbox yet.


b) Maybe the games are just not ready for prime time at this stage in their development?
Battlefield 4 is definitely ready to be shown since they're showing it, but ~20 million selling games often get their own events.

BioWare has directly said they're not ready to show Dragon Age 3 yet however.

Outside of that, I'm not sure how much EA has for the immediate future (Q4/Q1) that isn't a sports or racing game. Maybe Respawn (they're at E3)?


Thuway has been PMing me a lot recently asking about PS4 specs. He said he has "a group of guys that know stuff."

I figured he was 12 and told him I didn't know anything.

Anyway, back on topic... didn't gies say something about EA and Sony not getting along as well as they used to? I wonder if there's something to it. I was surprised when they weren't at the PS4 event. Their excuse seems flimsy.

Gies and Thuway had access to some of the same internal leaked documentation. Just so you know. Thuways record with accuracy is also better than Gies and Pro elites. Far as I can remember the only thing he's been wrong on is the 8gb GDDR5 update with the PS4. Durango and Orbis dev kit specs he was right on well ahead of most people on here. From my recollection, the most reliable on specs or leaks thus far have been BruceLeeRoy and Thuway. I think Kagari knows a bit on the Japanese software side but runs a tight ship. Doesn't let on much.
Does anyone buy this? I sure as hell don't. Sounds like overly optimistic goals.

Why should they lie to investors? No offense, but it seems to me that some Nintendo fans want to believe that nextgen development is incredibly expensive, and that devs should probably rather develop games for WiiU instead of going out of business or something like that.


Industry Verified
My guess: EA wants to build maximum hype for their next gen games when they finally show them. They don't want to muddy the message by saying "Coming to PS4 and.. uh other next gen systems!!" They'd much rather just announce both platforms at the same time but they can't because MS hasn't announced the new Xbox yet.

He also said the same about Destiny not being there on the night. It was there. He also said third parties in general wouldn't be invited, but Capcom, Square and ActiBlizz were invited and showed stuff.

Then he started shit about EA and Sony not getting one well and implying that we might see MS exclusives from them, EA just confirmed BF4 and FIFA for PS4.

Seriously he just seems to be very down on PS4/Sony for some reason, maybe Kaz ran over his dog or something.

hey, at least we know we can expect the opposite of what he tells us.
You will see a noticable down grade between E3 and launch when retail units hit for the Microsoft machine.

E3 with CGIs for Microsoft (like Sony at 2005), at launch, Durngo games will look worst than E3.

Sony's will upgrade, but I am trying to prepare GAF for the eventual meltdown when the Xbox games look substantially better.

PS4 games will not look like Durango CGIs.
Gies and Thuway had access to some of the same internal leaked documentation. Just so you know. Thuways record with accuracy is also better than Gies and Pro elites. Far as I can remember the only thing he's been wrong on is the 8gb GDDR5 update with the PS4. Durango and Orbis dev kit specs he was right on well ahead of most people on here. From my recollection, the most reliable on specs or leaks thus far have been BruceLeeRoy and Thuway. I think Kagari knows a bit on the Japanese software side but runs a tight ship. Doesn't let on much.

Thuway popped up in a Sony thread a few weeks ago and claimed to know the PS4 dimensions. After people got all excited and began showing mockups of the shape, everyone quickly realized they were ridiculous and he suddenly backed off his claims citing a "bad source".


Gemüsepizza;48378606 said:
Why should they lie to investors? No offense, but it seems to me that some Nintendo fans want to believe that nextgen development is incredibly expensive, and that devs should probably rather develop games for WiiU instead of going out of business or something like that.

Well pizzafans assume things too fast (see what I did there?). I just don't buy such a small bump in costs. I have no crazy agenda like you said.


I really dislike EA as a publisher. It's getting to the point that I genuinely am debating boycotting their games forever. I feel sorry for the devs that are forced to shoehorn in their fucking dlc, micro-transaction, online pass bullshit. Not to mention constantly toning games down to appeal to the masses.

It's just a corporate machine attempting to squeeze out more money in any way they see possible. Apparently consumers are enjoying micro transactions. If there is any company that wants always online, no used etc it's fucking EA. That's probably why they wern't at the PS4 conference.

EA is like the devil on Microsofts shoulder. Unfortunately, I think the angel is long gone.


Thuway has been PMing me a lot recently asking about PS4 specs. He said he has "a group of guys that know stuff."

I figured he was 12 and told him I didn't know anything.

Anyway, back on topic... didn't gies say something about EA and Sony not getting along as well as they used to? I wonder if there's something to it. I was surprised when they weren't at the PS4 event. Their excuse seems flimsy.

Yo, who does EA get along with lately lol?
The interesting things here to me are:

PS4:720 in same ballpark (predictable)

$69 games...also something I've speculated.

Honestly though, while I've actually defended the idea, heck I've always said I'd pay >$100 for quality premium experiences EG, Neo Geo games back in 16 bit era, and inflation is definitely a real thing. At the same time I really think I'd blanch at $70 games...

This isn't a tech thread but there seems to be some tech discussion, so I'll mention here, I found it quite interesting the talk of "100% efficient" XBnext GPU, vs 60% Xenos. If the nominal flops are .25 TF and 1.2 TF respectively, adjust for the efficiency and Xnext GPU becomes 1.2X1.6666=1.9999 TF. Essentially a 2TF GPU as comparable to Xenos if the marketing speak is true. That could explain a lot such as why I've mostly only heard the machines are "comparable" from any dev sources so far (meaning lherre's post here, etc).
Well pizzafans assume things too fast (see what I did there?). I just don't buy such a small bump in costs. I have no crazy agenda like you said.

Ha, ok lol. But still, as far as I know they have to tell investors the truth or else they can be held accountable for false statements, and I guess they have solid numbers to back this up.
He also said the same about Destiny not being there on the night. It was there. He also said third parties in general wouldn't be invited, but Capcom, Square and ActiBlizz were invited and showed stuff.

Then he started shit about EA and Sony not getting one well and implying that we might see MS exclusives from them, EA just confirmed BF4 and FIFA for PS4.

Seriously he just seems to be very down on PS4/Sony for some reason, maybe Kaz ran over his dog or something.

I'm not sure that he was implying that EA would go exclusive to the next Xbox. I just took it as him saying that things would be flipped from this gen. The next Xbox would get things like the timed exclusive Battlefield DLC or exclusive content to certain games like we saw with the PS3 this gen. That's assuming that what he said was true.


$69 games?

If that becomes a trend with all publishers, consider this industry fucked in the ass.

Publishers seem to be hitting us with a one-two punch: Jack up the price of games and damage/eliminate the secondhand market so you remove any other option for players. IMO, I think people already wait for games to drop in price or buy used. If their only options are a costly piece of software or nothing, they may spend their disposable income elsewhere. This is a potential disaster in the works.


My heart skipped a few beats with that 69.99 MSRP but I'll hold my breath on that. Hopefully things don't go down that sad territory.
Thuway popped up in a Sony thread a few weeks ago and claimed to know the PS4 dimensions. After people got all excited and began showing mockups of the shape, everyone quickly realized they were ridiculous and he suddenly backed off his claims citing a "bad source".

Yeah, it was two Gamecubes duct taped together from what I remember!
5-10% increase in cost of production yet they can reduce the time it takes to do things in this generation from months to weeks? Bullshit, EA.
From what I recall, currently a lot of game development is highly iterative - plagued with repeated need to render, review, rinse and repeat. I think the advent of real time rendering is supposed to speed up this process.

This is just my lay perspective - I could be entirely wrong and someone more technical can probably explain much better and/or correct me.


Gies and Thuway had access to some of the same internal leaked documentation. Just so you know. Thuways record with accuracy is also better than Gies and Pro elites. Far as I can remember the only thing he's been wrong on is the 8gb GDDR5 update with the PS4. Durango and Orbis dev kit specs he was right on well ahead of most people on here. From my recollection, the most reliable on specs or leaks thus far have been BruceLeeRoy and Thuway. I think Kagari knows a bit on the Japanese software side but runs a tight ship. Doesn't let on much.

Briceleeroy was the first one to say 176 bandwidth for PS4 when everyone assume 196 as GDDR5.

no leak had that number
This isn't a tech thread but there seems to be some tech discussion, so I'll mention here, I found it quite interesting the talk of "100% efficient" XBnext GPU, vs 60% Xenos. If the nominal flops are .25 TF and 1.2 TF respectively, adjust for the efficiency and Xnext GPU becomes 1.2X1.6666=1.9999 TF. Essentially a 2TF GPU as comparable to Xenos if the marketing speak is true. That could explain a lot such as why I've mostly only heard the machines are "comparable" from any dev sources so far (meaning lherre's post here, etc).
What? How does improved efficiency somehow increase a theoretical maximum... :/


Thuway popped up in a Sony thread a few weeks ago and claimed to know the PS4 dimensions. After people got all excited and began showing mockups of the shape, everyone quickly realized they were ridiculous and he suddenly backed off his claims citing a "bad source".

Lol he told me about DriveClub months ago. Along with loads of other things that have come to fruition. I've berated him about the 8gb thing but by the sounds of things hardly anyone, even internally knew.

But never mind. Let people think what they will. As BruceLeeRoy even said, not even insiders and devs are totally right on these things because stuff changes routinely. My guess is that a small group of sources are the ones responsible for many of the recent leaks, including a chain to how some GAFers are getting this info too.

Anyway, let's get back on topic.
I honestly think the only way we get Mirror's Edge 2 is if EA partners up with Nike or something and sells Nike footwear and track wear as DLC microtransactions.

In all seriousness, it's the only way sadly :(


Great Post... as much as we like to dump on the EA. im looking forward to their efforts next gen. If they can achieve their performance targets then games will look amazing.

I'm not happy about a 69.99 price point through as a base. I can only imagine how many crappy SKU's will come from that "Limited Edition", "Collectors Edition", "Fan Rape Download Packs"



industry insiderp

Seriously thuway, why did you post that? It didn't even make sense. :/
The 100% efficiency stuff is an AMD feature of GCN, they should both benefit from it or not depending on what it means.
Yes, that too. But the idea that something with a theoretical maximum of 1.2 or 1.8 TFLOPS being more efficient at utilising that processing power than a last gen system, propels it above it's theoretical maximum is absurd to me.


  • Giant leap for the industry, every step and function. "Between 8 & 10 times the power of current generation."
  • Not limited to current generation "1080p, 60 fps, camera IQ"
  • All of internal software will work flawlessly.

Ok cool, sounds good.

  • No pricing on retail games set, but you may see a trend of "$69.99" at start and dropping down to $59.99 similar to the beginning of the current generation.
  • Discussed the progression and advantage of the PS4 in regards to downloading games
  • Thrilled with the PS4 specs - the new Battlefield is stunning
This is bullshit, fuck this. I don't want to pay $70 for a game. I have a problem paying $60 as is (which is why I very seldom do it) and fuck Battlefield 4.


The interesting things here to me are:

PS4:720 in same ballpark (predictable)

$69 games...also something I've speculated.

Honestly though, while I've actually defended the idea, heck I've always said I'd pay >$100 for quality premium experiences EG, Neo Geo games back in 16 bit era, and inflation is definitely a real thing. At the same time I really think I'd blanch at $70 games...

This isn't a tech thread but there seems to be some tech discussion, so I'll mention here, I found it quite interesting the talk of "100% efficient" XBnext GPU, vs 60% Xenos. If the nominal flops are .25 TF and 1.2 TF respectively, adjust for the efficiency and Xnext GPU becomes 1.2X1.6666=1.9999 TF. Essentially a 2TF GPU as comparable to Xenos if the marketing speak is true. That could explain a lot such as why I've mostly only heard the machines are "comparable" from any dev sources so far (meaning lherre's post here, etc).

No.... Increased efficiency just means they'll be able to better utilize the 1.2 TF of THEORETICAL performance of the GPU. It's still 1.84 TF vs 1.2 TF which of course they're going to say are in the same ballpark. Because they are. But the extra CUs on the PS4 GPU will still make a difference.

Regardless, your theory also applies to the PS4 since they both essentially use the same architecture. Any efficiency benefit on 720 will also be seen on PS4... Even moreso due to the bandwidth advantage with GDDR5.

Seriously thuway, why did you post that? It didn't even make sense. :/

Would of he been banned regardless if he just told us the info(cause he wasn't given much time?) So essentially banned for teasing? Or was he banned because he was about to reveal info he wasn't supposed to?
Yes, that too. But the idea that something with a theoretical maximum of 1.2 or 1.8 TFLOPS being more efficient at utilising that processing power than a last gen system, propels it above it's theoretical maximum is absurd to me.

It is a silly idea. One that isn't worth discussing tbh.

Would of he been banned regardless if he just told us the info(cause he wasn't given much time?) So essentially banned for teasing? Or was he banned because he was about to reveal info he wasn't supposed to?

Banned for teasing. Did it in another thread as well.

I've said this before, PS4 ports will run at a slightly higher resolution with effects maxed out, with Durango ports being slightly lower resolution and effects.

If you are developing on more powerful hardware, the games by default will look better. You will see a noticeable down grade between E3 and launch when retail units hit for the Microsoft machine. Sony's will upgrade, but I am trying to prepare GAF for the eventual meltdown when the Xbox games look substantially better.

At first he said that PS4 ports will look better with higher rez and maxed effects, then he flips and says that the 720 will have better ports. The fuck...
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