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Earth Defense Force 5's enemies are literally called “Immigrants"

I always go back to Jimmy Carr's beautiful line: "Think about it... came over here with no qualifications and took your job? You're shit...".

Love that man, devastated I couldn't make his show in Sydney couple years back, had a ticket and everything... :(

OT: Wow, assuming that's just like something that doesn't translate particularly well or isn't considered as immediately reactionary in Japan.
In America, don't people refer to immigrants as aliens?

In the game, they refer to aliens as immigrants. What's the difference?

I'm not being ironic, I don't understand.
When talking about the Nazis invading France, do we usually call them immigrants? No.

It's bizarre how many people don't understand that words have connotations. It's not just that calling monsters trying to invade the planet "immigrants" is a tad offensive, it also is an extremely unfitting word for the context.

In the biological context of the term it happens to be completely appropriate, actually. A lot of people in this thread are attributing meaning to the word immigrant that isn't there, such as all immigrants are human, immigrants must be seeking jobs, etc. In reality an immigrant can be a human, an animal, a plant. It just has to have migrated to a new place to live as these aliens are clearly doing. Choosing an offensive portrayal of the word is actually being very narrow in your definition.

There's bigotry and xenophobia out there in spades for sure, but I don't think this is an example of it. A better example of that sort of thing would be folks in this thread tsking at the imagined xenophobia and then attributing it to the developers being Japanese.
We sure it's not "immigrANTS?"


Fuck that.

I ain't gonna support xenophobes; not buying this game ever, unless they apologize and fix this shit.



I didn't realize the word immigrants was associated with people trying to take over.
The intent of the non-indigenous organism isn't relevant to the fact that is, by definition, an immigrant.
When talking about the Nazis invading France, do we usually call them immigrants? No.

It's bizarre how many people don't understand that words have connotations. It's not just that calling monsters trying to invade the planet "immigrants" is a tad offensive, it also is an extremely unfitting word for the context.
It's bizarre that people keep quoting me without reading the words that I've posted.

It appears to be an ongoing thing online. Somebody posts and there will be a response which adds it's own information to the original meaning that was never actually in there or even suggested by it. Other people then read those responses and reply to the original post but they use the text that was used in the incorrect responses instead of what was actually said originally.

Then the threads go on and on and the whole thing just turns into something that has never been said by anybody.

It seems pointless to respond to people about the very definition and context of words when those people aren't actually willing to read the words that are actually posted. That's surely the most bizarre thing here? People wanting to discus words without being willing to read the words before responding to them.

I have no issues at all with people wanting to quote something that I've said but it defeats the point of doing that if the response has no relation what was originally said. I really can't think of any valid reason for me to respond again if people just aren't willing to read before they quote me.

You're certainly not the only person on here to do this.



a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.
an organism found in a new habitat.


I really don't see the issue here.
Stop being easily offended over definitions.

It is what it is and you must accept.

That definition doesn't apply to Japanese though.
I've glanced at a few articles in Japanese about the game, and from the way those were phrased, it seems like D3 has pretty much acknowledged the word as an intended translation for 移民 (literally "immigrant"), which in Japanese can't be used for anything but human populations.
It really doesn't appear to be a mistranslation, nor open to interpretation.

I don't think there's an active agenda here, though. It's just the expression of a form of passive xenophobia that's so ingrained most people would probably have trouble even seeing how this could be an issue.
It's not like the far-right needs any kind of anti-immigration propaganda in Japan; people are already massively (~70%) against the idea of accepting large amounts of migrants (or refugees).

Besides, the game is a niche title that caters mainly to otaku. Otaku are in general a lot more openly xenophobic than the rest of the population, so it's not like this is at any risk of causing an uproar.


It's not particularly offensive but the lack of awareness is astounding. I mean...

...you really don't know what's going on in the Western world at the moment? The Syrian refugee crisis? Brexit? The rise of Donald freakin' Trump? Come on.

Over reacting to everything helps nobody. The first step to rationalising the world again is to comprehend that not everyone agrees with the 'progressive' line all the time, and that they have a right to disagree with it, and that it doesn't make them evil witches to burn.

Or we could keep on down this road until nobody can do or say anything without fear of offending someone. We're nearly there.

I won't even consider this when it comes to buying the game, it will be considered on enjoyment & technical merits alone.
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