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EDGE: Sony’s VR tech will be revealed at GDC

I think Media Molecule are the first party studio working with the VR headset. Their Z-brush tech demo would work very well with VR.

Metal B

Reaction from what? Oculus? Do you know how long this supposedly-VR from Sony has been in prototype/development?
Properly longer then Oculus VR. But it isn't important, who does something first. It's how hard you want something to succeed and believe in your product. I'm sure nobody at Sony would push for VR-Googles, if Oculus VR didn't warm everybody up on VR and showed, what is possible.

This sounds like discrediting all the hard work OR has put in, but what do I know? Perhaps it's easy as fuck to create a good VR solution as long as you have enough money.
Creating something complex as VR as cheap as possible is genius. It's other people to discrete the hard work, to make something financial accessible.


What an acceptable level is, is wholly subjective.

The PS4 can handily produce VR with fidelity notably better than any game on last-gen. If a game looks as good as TLoU, it's perfect 60fps and 1080p, and you have the much richer immersion of VR, I think there are a significant amount of people who would find that acceptable.

You do not want to run VR at 60fps.

Actually I think Guerrilla's investigation of engine side interpolation could be a huge deal for VR, allowing for acceptable IQ & Framerates at significantly reduced performance costs, much better than simply culling half the pixels as we saw from 3D games on last generation consoles.


Junior Member
Don't see any good chances of this being adopted in any significant manner, even if one of Sony's studios (read: Media Molecule) can pull off a quality, impressive product. Not this generation of systems and this particular accessory at least.

Edit: Will be exciting to see nonetheless.

Really?? People on GAF are proclaiming the Occulus Rift as the second coming of christ, why can't Sony's VR headset get the same amount of hype?


This properly becomes once again a "We too"-reactions-product from Sony, like the Move, EyeToy, PlayStation 3's Motion-Controller, PlayStation Home, PSP, etc. They all look good on paper, but Sony never creates enough qualitative software to support those products.

Also it isn't hard to make a better product then the Oculus Rift, only trying to target the same low price-point is the challenge. Still i and surely Oculus VR are happy, that more people and companies show interest in virtual reality.
What did the PSP copy?


Nope, once you post, that's it.


For tat size, yeah Id totally buy it. Oculus Rift, I'm sure is awesome, just looks like something I don't want to be seen in the house with.
I dont know how Sony can "pressure" developers, but I can't see this thing taking off if third party developers don't get on board.

Sony's first party can only do so much... DriveClub may be a killer app for it. Actually, Gran Turismo and its massive fanbase is perfect for it.

How likely is it that this thing will end up like Move?

as excited as I am for VR games, I don't want VR to completely replace my current games. I'm in the opinion that a good VR games will have to be made with VR in mind from the start, they can't just add VR on any FPS and expect it to work well.

so with that in mind, I really don't want Sony to force developer to adopt VR, even if it's their own developer.

I think driving games, or anything that have the player sit in a cockpit like plane sim, mech action game etc will be cool for VR, but fps and tps will have harder time working in VR


I really don't see how Sony's VR headset is going to work on a PS4. PS4 is somewhat powerful, but it certainly is not powerful enough to produce 1080p 60 FPS in 3D for triple A games, Indie games yes, but upcoming games like Battlefront or Driveclub for example, it just wouldn't be possible as 3D is essential for VR and 3D halfs the performance as it requires double the processing power to display it.

I found playing games at 30 FPS on an Oculus Rift Dev Kit to be so nauseating, 60 FPS is essential in VR and if the resolution is 720p like the Oculus Rift Dev Kit so the PS4 can manage 60 FPS, that's not going to be a pretty experience as you'll be able to see every pixel like the Oculus Rift Dev Kit.'

I get the feeling Sony's VR headset will be for PC gaming mostly as consoles just aren't powerful enough, but we'll have to wait and see.
Would be great for flightsims, and games like Outlast. Uncharted might also work well. I think FPS and driving sims would be a tougher sell.


Properly longer then Oculus VR. But it isn't important, who does something first. It's how hard you want something to succeed and believe in your product. I'm sure nobody at Sony would push for VR-Googles, if Oculus VR didn't warm everybody up on VR and showed, what is possible. .

Like all great economists say, competition is bad.


Not buying until about 50% of new game releases are compatible.
I really wish that there could be some way VR to be somewhat easily implemented in games.


This properly becomes once again a "We too"-reactions-product from Sony, like the Move, EyeToy, PlayStation 3's Motion-Controller, PlayStation Home, PSP, etc. They all look good on paper, but Sony never creates enough qualitative software to support those products.

Also it isn't hard to make a better product then the Oculus Rift, only trying to target the same low price-point is the challenge. Still i and surely Oculus VR are happy, that more people and companies show interest in virtual reality.
Eh? As far as I know, Sony has been in the VR space for longer than Oculus, and what exactly was wrong with PSP's software? It had plenty of compelling titles

Properly longer then Oculus VR. But it isn't important, who does something first. It's how hard you want something to succeed and believe in your product. I'm sure nobody at Sony would push for VR-Googles, if Oculus VR didn't warm everybody up on VR and showed, what is possible.

Creating something complex as VR as cheap as possible is genius. It's other people to discrete the hard work, to make something financial accessible.

Of course it's important if your whole argument is that Sony is adopting a "me-too" approach with this.
I was gonna drop some cash and get their 3D VR headset, but now I'll just wait n see what they have in store for gaming. Their PS branded accessories are actually pretty good for general use.

According to the Eurogamer article, the thing had two 0.44 inch screens, both very close to 1080p o_O. Bullshit?

Eurogamer said:
Sony has announced a curious new head-mounted display peripheral for PlayStation 2. The unit, which will be confined to Japan for the moment, carries two 0.44-inch 1.8 million-pixel LCDs attached to a pair of overhead headphones.


EDGE said:
There’s the obvious issue of motion sickness, the lack of a standardised controller and VR gaming’s potential complexity, not to mention cost. If it is to become anything more than an expensive hobbyist niche, it’ll need the backing of a major platform holder to popularise the medium by simplifying the proposition and opening it out to the average player. Sony has all of this in its grasp, potentially – it has millions of players already locked into its ecosystem, and the preexisting marketing and distribution presence to take VR mainstream. Right now, VR on PS4 represents virtual reality’s best chance of becoming a viable future platform for interactive entertainment.

...Sony already has everything it needs to steal Oculus’ thunder at GDC. It has the audience, the branding and the support of game developers across the industry – if its tech is accessibly priced and can overcome the problem of motion sickness, Sony’s VR headset could be the device to truly kickstart virtual reality gaming.
Couldn't agree more. The consumer version of Oculus Rift will be fantastic but it can't compare against the ecosystem a standardized console package will offer (considering the many elements of VR which is not just glasses).


Really?? People on GAF are proclaiming the Occulus Rift as the second coming of christ, why can't Sony's VR headset get the same amount of hype?

Oculus have constantly talked about VR in the context of 'five years' from now, they're making the device for the future but laying the groundwork now. There's going to be a whole lot of hurdles with VR during these early years, both technically and economically. People are excited for the future, not necessarily the short term.


They did even release a VR-enabled game for PS3: Datura.

The most hilarious gaming experience I've had with drunk friends.

"what the fuck is that hand doing"

"oh my god why can't we open a door"

"ahhh there's cockroaches everywhere fuck this"


Really?? People on GAF are proclaiming the Occulus Rift as the second coming of christ, why can't Sony's VR headset get the same amount of hype?

If Sony's headset is PS4 exclusive, it's forever saddled to relatively low-powered hardware. Good VR takes a lot of horsepower. Watch this for more information:


I'd be a lot more interested if it winds up being PC compatible. But even then, it can't be easy to compete with Oculus' genius squad.


Neo Member
If this is the case I expect it to completely blow oculus rift out of the water. At this stage of technology and developments the oculus is extremely slow and behind in terms of tech.

The last job I had was working for a technology company in the music industry called Solid State Logic, part of my job was to go around the world to conferences not too dissimilar to E3 one of them I went to in Amsterdam had many copies of oculus rift some of them much more sleek and impressive.

One that springs to mind was a simple cradle for your mobile phone Galaxy, Xperia. They had an app on there running the usual rollercoaster app. It was stunning and tiny.

I expect a company of Sony size to absolutely come out of the gates swinging with this tech wise.

Ultimately though, like the move and 3d)(I have both :() we will see a tiny pick up rate and sales probably less than the move. Still ill get one.


I really don't see how Sony's VR headset is going to work on a PS4. PS4 is somewhat powerful, but it certainly is not powerful enough to produce 1080p 60 FPS in 3D for triple A games, Indie games yes, but upcoming games like Battlefront or Driveclub for example, it just wouldn't be possible as 3D is essential for VR and 3D halfs the performance as it requires double the processing power to display it.

We're probably not looking at "1080P 3D" for this thing. We're looking at 960x1080 3D or thereabouts. Same number of pixels in total as 1080P. So the required power would not be doubled.

If a game can run at 1080P 60FPS on PS4 there's no reason to believe a game of similar visual quality can't run at 960x1080 left/right at 60FPS. I think the bigger question people are wondering about is if 60FPS will be enough.


Junior Member
For tat size, yeah Id totally buy it. Oculus Rift, I'm sure is awesome, just looks like something I don't want to be seen in the house with.

Aye, hopefully it is possible to have good FOV with small size, but Rift DK1 like only 70% screen viewable. Lot of size waste.


If Sony's headset is PS4 exclusive, it's forever saddled to relatively low-powered hardware. Good VR takes a lot of horsepower. Watch this for more information:

Crow *will* be served to whomever think the PS4 is underpowered in regards to VR.
If you watch the video you linked you will notice that M.Abrash contradicts himself a bit. They made the simplest demo imaginable (square gigantic room) and the body accepts it as absolute truth.
Whenever I show my laptop powered Oculus Rift (devkit 1) VR demos around the office then minds are blown.


I wonder how much dev time would implementing VR add.

You can't shoehorn VR into every game, even basic things like getting shot from behind (causing the player to move unexpectedly) can cause big issues in terms of motion sickness. And stuff like scale needs to be tailored for VR for it to be beleivable (no more watermelon sized lightbulbs was an example). Pretty much only stuff like racing and flight sims would be noteworthy candidates for VR when considering non-VR focused games.


This news is interesting, but I think especially after Move's lacklustre support Edge should lay off the heavy handed editorializing.

Let's see what price, which software, what hardware first.


You do not want to run VR at 60fps.
What people 'want' is irrelevant, what Sony can deliver is what matters. Rift is 60, and people lose their shit when they use it, despite the God awful IQ and persistence.

Crystal Cove is rumored to be 72Hz, which is a little better, but just the low persistence and change to OLED and 1080p would have caused almost as much of an improvement.

Maybe Sony go for 60, 72, 95, 120, who knows, but 60 will be enough to blow lots of people away.


Gold Member
A prototype is already in some thirdparty developers’ hands, who have told us that Sony’s VR headset is far superior to Oculus Rift’s first incarnation,
Well, it better be if they want to compete.
though that is expected to even out a little with the arrival of Rift’s new, more advanced Crystal Cove devkit.
Oculus haven't disclosed the specs of DK2. It wouldn't surprise me if it was superior to CC.


If this is the case I expect it to completely blow oculus rift out of the water. At this stage of technology and developments the oculus is extremely slow and behind in terms of tech.
How is it behind in terms of tech? What about Sony's unit will blow Oculus' out of the water exactly? I'm assuming you are privy to the details of the Sony unit and also Oculus' consumer model that doesn't even exist. Please share!
I'm almost the opposite of those who need a certain amount of content to warrant the purchase. If it's legit quality wise and supports a game like Destiny from the start, I'm all in.
What an acceptable level is, is wholly subjective.

The PS4 can handily produce VR with fidelity notably better than any game on last-gen. If a game looks as good as TLoU, it's perfect 60fps and 1080p, and you have the much richer immersion of VR, I think there are a significant amount of people who would find that acceptable.

Don't you need 60 fps per each eye to have not vomit forcing VR ?

So yeah 120 fps 1080p games on PS4 are not going to happen.

I have a feeling it would be 720@120 fps in best case.


Crow *will* be served to whomever think the PS4 is underpowered in regards to VR.
If you watch the video you linked you will notice that M.Abrash contradicts himself a bit. They made the simplest demo imaginable (square gigantic room) and the body accepts it as absolute truth.

Yes, even sparse environments can trick your brain but it would be nice to have higher fidelity stuff as an option. PS4 simply won't be able to offer anything even close to what its dev teams usually release while PC will have something like Star Citizen.

Honestly, I'm happy to see VR take off anywhere. I just think there's a lot more potential in the PC space at the moment.

Don't you need 60 fps per each eye to have not vomit forcing VR ?

So yeah 120 fps 1080p games on PS4 are not going to happen.

The rift is displaying a single 1080p screen, not two of them.


Junior Member
Sony producing mobile screen display. I won't get too much worry about the screen, but the optics lens are the important. Hopefully same view as Rift.


EA is sniffing around VR also.


Wouldn't be surprised if they get in bed with Sony on this one.

Well, EA claimed last year that they had "programs" in place that would show that they aren't tilting toward MS

We’re not tilting Microsoft’s way; we are firm longterm supporters of Sony. I’m sure you’ll see tactical programmes between us and Sony in the future that we haven’t announced, but will make things much more balanced.


That was in October and there hasn't been anything mentioned since then.


Couldn't agree more. The consumer version of Oculus Rift will be fantastic but it can't compare against the ecosystem a standardized console package will offer (considering the many elements of VR which is not just glasses).
PS VR is forever doomed to Move-esque status because it's not standard on all systems. Few games will support it, and price will be an issue.

Rift has the advantage of being forward-compatible. PS VR will likely not be.


I really don't see how Sony's VR headset is going to work on a PS4. PS4 is somewhat powerful, but it certainly is not powerful enough to produce 1080p 60 FPS in 3D for triple A games, Indie games yes, but upcoming games like Battlefront or Driveclub for example, it just wouldn't be possible as 3D is essential for VR and 3D halfs the performance as it requires double the processing power to display it.

I found playing games at 30 FPS on an Oculus Rift Dev Kit to be so nauseating, 60 FPS is essential in VR and if the resolution is 720p like the Oculus Rift Dev Kit so the PS4 can manage 60 FPS, that's not going to be a pretty experience as you'll be able to see every pixel like the Oculus Rift Dev Kit.'

I get the feeling Sony's VR headset will be for PC gaming mostly as consoles just aren't powerful enough, but we'll have to wait and see.
It is powerful enough for PlayStation fans.


Don't you need 60 fps per each eye to have not vomit forcing VR ?

So yeah 120 fps 1080p games on PS4 are not going to happen.

I have a feeling it would be 720@120 fps in best case.
This gets a little more complicated because when people write 1080p, people presume they mean 1920x1080.

We don't know what Sony will do, but the Oculus units have a single screen, and you view half with each eye, so 960x1080. I'd imagine Sony go 960x960, but it's anyone's guess.


Don't you need 60 fps per each eye to have not vomit forcing VR ?

So yeah 120 fps 1080p games on PS4 are not going to happen.

I have a feeling it would be 720@120 fps in best case.

It's not 120FPS, it's still only one screen but I believe the way it's rendered is slightly more performance intensive the same game on a regular 1080p screen. So I guess you'll need more power, but not to that extent.
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