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EDGE: Sony’s VR tech will be revealed at GDC

Here it is, appropriately named "Don't Let Go" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia8HeT1Pj2Q

Hey thanks for that. No way I'd make it though on the Rift, my toes were curling just watching that spider crawl up his arm.


At least you tried. Every time I think I should try it out I get heart palpitations. It's just sitting there...mocking me.

Lol, same. It took me ages to get through the window into the asylum. Then I hid behind a couch and quit. I will be back eventually (preferably on a bright day in the middle of summer).


I wonder what kind of cool shit we will see with VR in terms of climbing Mount Everest, being on the moon, swimming in deep ocean.

If you made traditional games out of these things, they would be rather lame (Hello Endless Ocean on the Wii!), but with VR it makes them a massive draw to a massive audience out there.

Then there are porn games which have never taken off, few have tried and despite being a multi billion dollar industry, porn and video games never meshed. Yet VR is that opportunity

The potential with VR is massive, monumental even.


Quote resource:

Driving the Future of Innovation at Sony Computer Entertainment (Presented by Sony Computer Entertainment America)
Richard Marks | Senior Director, SCEA R&D
Anton Mikhailov | Sr. Software Engineer, SCEA R&D
Shuhei Yoshida | President, SCE Worldwide Studios

Join Sony Computer Entertainment for a presentation on innovation at PlayStation® and the future of gaming.


Live Blogs:
Sony is video-recording the presentation for later distribution.
For the new page.


I wonder what kind of cool shit we will see with VR in terms of climbing Mount Everest, being on the moon, swimming in deep ocean.

If you made traditional games out of these things, they would be rather lame (Hello Endless Ocean on the Wii!), but with VR it makes them a massive draw to a massive audience out there.

Then there are porn games which have never taken off, few have tried and despite being a multi billion dollar industry, porn and video games never meshed. Yet VR is that opportunity

The potential with VR is massive, monumental even.
Sony are working on something with NASA, I'm sure that'll be some jaw slacking mojo.


Sony are working on something NASA, I'm sure that'll be some jaw lacking mojo.

I did not know that. The second best thing next to sending people to space, which is a massive cost, is giving them a VR device

Just a floating in space demo, with debris flying everywhere, Gravity inspired, put that demo in stores with VR and you will sell the device on that alone.
This could be a legitimate concern developers may have to think about as VR technology advances into presence, given that some people actually can be scared to death (stress cardiomyopathy) in times of extreme stress. With horror movies and games on TV screens, I think there's a reasonable enough barrier to total immersion that people are generally not going to reach that level of stress to trigger a health scare. But when given a traumatic experience in the state of presence, where you actually feel like you're in that virtual place, that's new territory for us, and I wonder if our brains will be able stop a fight-or-flight adrenaline surge that can be dangerous for some people.

I don't mean to be fear mongering (no pun intended) about the "dangers" of VR + horror, I just think it has the potential to be a valid concern with this new technology - much more so than in traditional entertainment experiences, considering the new level of immersion with VR.

The first wrongful death b/c of VR lawsuit is inevitable. I've never really been scared at all from any movie or game, but looking these nightmare creatures face to face is absolutely horrifying. I could only do it in very short bursts before pulling off the rift. Giant beasts that tower over you, ankle biting spiders that are hard to see as they scurry between your legs, ... the glowing eyes of an undead skeleton as it emerges from the shadows and rushes right the fuck up on you ..., even remembering it now, my heart still races.

I can't wait.


...it's happening, isn't it?

After all this time, months of rumors...

It's happening today, right? Finally?

And... just maybe... with a Media Molecule project on board?


I wonder what kind of cool shit we will see with VR in terms of climbing Mount Everest, being on the moon, swimming in deep ocean.

If you made traditional games out of these things, they would be rather lame (Hello Endless Ocean on the Wii!), but with VR it makes them a massive draw to a massive audience out there.

Then there are porn games which have never taken off, few have tried and despite being a multi billion dollar industry, porn and video games never meshed. Yet VR is that opportunity

The potential with VR is massive, monumental even.

Even just considering the potential impact of virtual cinema alone. Boggles the mind.

(by which I mean, pre-recorded or live telepresence)


Same I screamed like a little girl within 15 minutes of playing Outlast. I was like nope...

You should try the Oculus Rift Demo Dreadhalls. The graphics and animation are bad, but I nope out of it within 20 seconds.

I really hope more people make atmospheric creepy games and not just these pop out horror games for the VR.


Even just considering the potential impact of virtual cinema alone. Boggles the mind.

(by which I mean, pre-recorded or live telepresence)

The potential seems almost endless. It would be funny if Sony tried all these years to save their struggling TV business to no avail, and it turns out VR is the next step in consuming television. That wont happen in the next few years, but could be the future, its not impossible.

You guys all from Eur or what? It's on at 8 est here...

Yes Euros here, listening to loud techno music and waiting for this shit to start =P

You should try the Oculus Rift Demo Dreadhalls. The graphics and animation are bad, but I nope out of it within 20 seconds.

I really hope more people make atmospheric creepy games and not just these pop out horror games for the VR.

It's the same as with films though. When it comes to scary, the "BOO!" type is just much easier to pull off than the atmospheric type :-(


Wouldn't it be funny if "Driving The Future Of Innovation" was all about a new PS4 software update? Update 2.0?

And that they are all like "yeah, we've got innovative software" ('Innovation' reference) and "we've got good drivers in the software" ('Driving' reference).
Same goes for the rumored Microsoft VR headset. If everyone launches one, VR will be more likely to become a big deal. It has the potential to raise all boats.

But here is the biggest thing; it means more big studios will invest, which means more VR games. VR fans are the biggest winners.

Isn't Microsofts thing AR?
I always war under the impression that they're going for AR glasses(projecting stuff into your environment like Google Glass).


I'm a little concerned they aren't streaming this live.

If you have something special to share, you make a big splash.

Hope it's awesome.


S¡mon;104905996 said:
Wouldn't it be funny if "Driving The Future Of Innovation" was all about a new PS4 software update? Update 2.0?

And that they are all like "yeah, we've got innovative software" ('Innovation' reference) and "we've got good drivers in the software" ('Driving' reference).
Someone would snipe Shu as he leaves the conference hall.

That would just be TOO brutal a troll.
It's the same as with films though. When it comes to scary, the "BOO!" type is just much easier to pull off than the atmospheric type :-(

To me atmosphere is largely driven by pacing and music. Take the early RE and Silent Hill games for example. Largely deserted environments with atmospheric music playing throughout. That main police lobby music in RE2 alone really helped keep me hooked into the "feel" of that world throughout. Finding music like that these days for games is rare but having a good soundtrack imo is key to creating a good atmosphere. Also a single sound chiming throughout an environment like a ticking clock (RE) can go a long ways towards fostering this sense of dread from isolation/wandering around a place alone. But yeah jump scares are all the rage now unfortunately. Hopefully we see much better-paced chills in Isolation.
I'm a little concerned they aren't streaming this live.

If you have something special to share, you make a big splash.

Hope it's awesome.

If it's a live demo, there's too much risk of it fucking up. They don't want a video of that going on youtube, so we'll probably get some sort of edited video released later.


To me atmosphere is largely driven by pacing and music. Take the early RE and Silent Hill games for example. Largely deserted environments with atmospheric music playing throughout. That main police lobby music in RE2 alone really helped keep me hooked into the "feel" of that world throughout. Finding music like that these days for games is rare but having a good soundtrack imo is key to creating a good atmosphere. Also a single sound chiming throughout an environment like a ticking clock (RE) can go a long ways towards fostering this sense of dread from isolation/wandering around a place alone. But yeah jump scares are all the rage now unfortunately. Hopefully we see much better-paced chills in Isolation.

Oh yeah, I'd love a Resi or Silent Hill game in VR. It's funny how atmospheric stuff like that can stick with you: when you mentioned the police building music in RE2, I could hear it in my head immediately. Now that's atmospheric.

I just hope devs learn a bit of restraint with it, as I reckon things will be a whole lot scarier in real first person.


I hope they scare the hell out of us. You are free to not play.

What's with the passive aggressive tone here? Did you even try horror in VR? Ask pretty much anyone who did and jump-scares aren't exactly fun my friend.

There is more to horror than cheap scares in my opinion. But if you end up loving that then more power to you. Also, thanks for pointing out I wasn't forced to play. What a relief! ;-)


For me the most scary things in games are when your connection to the world breaks down, wanderingprostheyltite's avatar is a great example. You've played HL2 and it's episodes for probably about fifteen hours, you're driving across a path and suddenly your peripheral vision pulsates and is crippled, and you don't know what it means, and you don't know why it happens, and it's extremely scary. MGS2's AI breakdown did the same thing to such a high standard it still sticks with me, I can still hear the tone of Campbell's voice change twelve years later.


I'm a little concerned they aren't streaming this live.

If you have something special to share, you make a big splash.

Hope it's awesome.

Arguably the biggest splash they could make is to involve more developers and reveal it to them. Average consumers won't care till they see games and highly marketed reactions, hype and availability
Ok, I think I cracked chubigan's code:

im hre 2 drp da BOMZ
I am here to drop the bombs.

sonyvr cmin at ya end ofday? dunno i only nowhats 2cum tomorw:
Confirmed Sony VR at the end of the day. Welcome to the world of tomorrow.

i t will bedev tules re-lted so dontgettoohype if ur not dev butstill its guna be gud n stuf
DriveClub, Doom 4 (which is now PS4 exclusive), new Guerrilla Games exclusive IP, Skyrim PS4 all support VR.

soo knee probible, xbox posible, othr plats maby 2
Xbox is bowing out of the console wars.

asa dev im ex ited butt well c howitgoes tmrow
Devs are all excited as hell.

So there you have it guys. Y2Kev am cry.

(I'm going to get banned for this, right guys?)
For me the most scary things in games are when your connection to the world breaks down, wanderingprostheyltite's avatar is a great example. You've played HL2 and it's episodes for probably about fifteen hours, you're driving across a path and suddenly your peripheral vision pulsates and is crippled, and you don't know what it means, and you don't know why it happens, and it's extremely scary. MGS2's AI breakdown did the same thing to such a high standard it still sticks with me, I can still hear the tone of Campbell's voice change twelve years later.

There's a great bit like that in Arkham Asylum...
Okay. Let's actually address this logically.

Firstly it's not 120Hz, maybe one day, maybe even with Rift CV1, but we don't know that, the best suggestion so far is 95Hz, because they plan to meet or exceed the Valve prototype.

It is 1080p, and it is 3D, so that's more demanding still, typically from between 30 and 50%.

So let's say it's 1080p+50% for 3D and 90Hz.
That is roughly twice the performance of 1080p/60fps/2D, which PS4 is comfortably providing with very pretty results.

Roughly halving performance seems brutal on the face of it, but then you have to look at what is more effective in VR. Valve have said shaders look horrible, and textures can look really bad, preferences seem to be more flat shading with nice lighting. Ironically, less is more in VR, which bodes extremely well. The other thing to consider is the limitations of game design in VR, you want a very stable simulation, so performance spikes don't happen, you don't want TitanFall where performance demand per frame is incredibly wide, you want a highly controlled simulation, this is excellent for performance.

You're going to see a visual hit, no question, but it's going to be so much closer than you'd expect on the face of it, and the impact of VR is really impressive.

If you have a really beautiful PC, you're going to have a better experience with the Rift, no doubt. But people are really going to be awestruck by what's capable on lower end hardware like PS4.

Absolutely right. Its all about getting that feeling of being there which Valve called 'Presence' which is really important for VR to work effectively rather than all the greatest latest high-res graphics. If I can even play old first person shooters like DOOM with those nasty graphics (this just exaggeration as we will get much much better graphics), but I can feel that I am 'in' there and not just outside as a player, that would blow my mind more than any other graphical jump.

So close...I will be really disappointed if this in not VR. Don't do that to us Sony.


Ok, I think I cracked chubigan's code:

I am here to drop the bombs.

Confirmed Sony VR at the end of the day. Welcome to the world of tomorrow.

DriveClub, Doom 4 (which is now PS4 exclusive), new Guerrilla Games exclusive IP, Skyrim PS4 all support VR.

Xbox is bowing out of the console wars.

Devs are all excited as hell.

So there you have it guys. Y2Kev am cry.

Translation seems to be spot on. Well done.


Ok, I think I cracked chubigan's code:

I am here to drop the bombs.

Confirmed Sony VR at the end of the day. Welcome to the world of tomorrow.

DriveClub, Doom 4 (which is now PS4 exclusive), new Guerrilla Games exclusive IP, Skyrim PS4 all support VR.

Xbox is bowing out of the console wars.

Devs are all excited as hell.

So there you have it guys. Y2Kev am cry.

(I'm going to get banned for this, right guys?)

Perfect, i'm calling MisterXMedia right now to announce the bad news.
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