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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]

If they turn Fallout into an FPS, I won't buy it
VATS and other skills would still be rolls.

First person shooting turned into roll as it leaves your gun is horrible, it's just incredibly unfun. It wasn't fun in ME 1 either.

So, as per the example I gave, the roll would be on the quality of the guns you find, not on the shot. Early on at lower level you'd just find shitty guns that have wonky aim/lineup. That's fun... and presents a challenge that you can overcome with skill.


First of all super mutants overran the area. Absence of any significant organization with interest in rebuilding...like NCR on the west. Neither the BOS nor the Outcasts were focused on rebuilding. The Enclave trying to kill off everybody, raiders...

Besides the fringe groups that set up shop where they could, how could you rebuild that area like the west?

Super mutants have prevented every single attempt to organize and rebuild but can't eliminate a cave filled with kids? Also wasn't the Brotherhood like irrationally good in 3 and trying to white Knight humanity and whatnot. I vaguely remember some lines about their leader breaking off from the west coast Brotherhood along ideological lines.

The only reason I can think of for the DC wasteland to be so unremarkable as it is is that Bethesda really wanted to get across that post apocalyptic vibe.

What they should have done was set Fallout 3 before 1 and 2 but that would mean having to come up with their own factions instead of (poorly) slapping the Enclave and Brotherhood into it.


4th row 3rd column has the "Savior of the Wasteland" image (Jesus Vault-Boy), and the one next to the desk is the usual "Speech" icon with the Vault-Boy and the stand with a microphone for what I can see.

3rd row last column has "Bloody Mess", 6th row 6th column might be "Strong Back", it looks like Vault-Boy with a back-pack and a walking stick. Edit: 7x1 is Strong Back.

Some more I picked up on.

3x4 is probably action boy.
5x6 is Mr. Sandman
6x7 is grim reaper
8x3 is adamantium skeleton
Super mutants have prevented every single attempt to organize and rebuild but can't eliminate a cave filled with kids? Also wasn't the Brotherhood like irrationally good in 3 and trying to white Knight humanity and whatnot. I vaguely remember some lines about their leader breaking off from the west coast Brotherhood along ideological lines.

The only reason I can think of for the DC wasteland to be so unremarkable as it is is that Bethesda really wanted to get across that post apocalyptic vibe.

What they should have done was set Fallout 3 before 1 and 2 but that would mean having to come up with their own factions instead of (poorly) slapping the Enclave and Brotherhood into it.

That's the thing. I don't think there were very many attempts. I think the effort was not there because of those conditions.

The Capital Wasteland is relatively small. How is it so hard to believe every single area would not have any significant recovery
In 200 years there would have been organizations formed, "super"mutant wouldn't have held it back considering what Bethesda did to them. 200 years is such a long time. They're mostly wimps. It still doesn't make sense to me. I still think the capital wasteland is what it is due to Bethesda simply going with what they thought was cool without much thought behind it.

There should've been more factions formed after 200 years. And who's saying prewar glory? Nothing was in prewar glory in the originals. The settlements don't make much sense in F3 either. There's no way they would've survived as is anyway. It's a poorly though out world.

And the Brotherhood has always been hoarding technology.
I thought Fallout 3 had a really great world... But I also honestly had no idea it was supposed to be 200 years later haha, it really does feel like a much smaller amount of time.

That's the thing. I don't think there were very many attempts. I think the effort was not there because of those conditions.

The Capital Wasteland is relatively small. How is it so hard to believe every single area would not have any significant recovery
Wouldn't a small area make recovery easier?

I think the idea was that since DC was the Capitol it (and the East Coast) probably got fucked the most by the nukes, but they may not have shown that in the best way.


As in "Heathcliff"
7 more days until we are getting more information on Fallout 4 :D


Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Period of time: Annexing of Canada, or after the Nuclear war

Whether you're American, or Canadian, I think it would be a great time for a Fallout game to be set.

Game or DLC, idgaf, let me walk around Toronto in an apocolyptic setting, or the annexing, please. Bethesda, pleeeaaassseee.

I know it won't happen because Bethesda ants to keep it in the USA, but I can hope :(

I'm totally up for that. I'm curious how the heck American managed to annex Canada.

2 (plus NV) games west, 2 games east, how bout 2 games central?

Fallout 5 Chicago and 6....Detroit?

Ehh the midwest is largely a shithole I'll just be happy with Chi town I guess.

I honestly don't mind to see St. Louis and Chicago. Also it would be cool to checking out alternative universe of 1950's Detroit.
Do you guys think there will be some sort of realtime switching between present/past, at least in certain areas?

It could at least explain why the game looks... not great... in a lot of places. Though it looks good in the city areas (which would probably be too dense/detailed to do realtime switching?)

I kind of hope this isn't the case... first- I don't like 'memory' effects in games (usually some faint energy ghost walking around, or echoed voices letting you know there is something useful on the other side)... second- this is more of a criticism of this past aspect in general, knowing exactly what happens sort of ruins the way players piece together hints of life from the past. For example... going back and seeing exactly what happened to a family, vs piecing together clues around their house. Your imagination is more powerful at filling in the gaps.

Then again the alternative is also annoying: forced flashback missions that pull you out the game. Hope I am convinced of whatever they are doing in 7 days.


Do you guys think there will be some sort of realtime switching between present/past, at least in certain areas?

It could at least explain why the game looks... not great... in a lot of places. Though it looks good in the city areas (which would probably be too dense/detailed to do realtime switching?)

I kind of hope this isn't the case... first- I don't like 'memory' effects in games (usually some faint energy ghost walking around, or echoed voices letting you know there is something useful on the other side)... second- this is more of a criticism of this past aspect in general, knowing exactly what happens sort of ruins the way players piece together hints of life from the past. For example... going back and seeing exactly what happened to a family, vs piecing together clues around their house. Your imagination is more powerful at filling in the gaps.

Then again the alternative is also annoying: forced flashback missions that pull you out the game.

I think the flashback stuff in the trailer will probably only be in the intro.


Do you guys think there will be some sort of realtime switching between present/past, at least in certain areas?

It could at least explain why the game looks... not great... in a lot of places. Though it looks good in the city areas (which would probably be too dense/detailed to do realtime switching?)

I kind of hope this isn't the case... first- I don't like 'memory' effects in games (usually some faint energy ghost walking around, or echoed voices letting you know there is something useful on the other side)... second- this is more of a criticism of this past aspect in general, knowing exactly what happens sort of ruins the way players piece together hints of life from the past. For example... going back and seeing exactly what happened to a family, vs piecing together clues around their house. Your imagination is more powerful at filling in the gaps.

Then again the alternative is also annoying: forced flashback missions that pull you out the game. Hope I am convinced of whatever they are doing in 7 days.
I don't think there will be past/present switching, I think we'll only see it at certain points in the story.


I think the flashback stuff in the trailer will probably only be in the intro.

Judging by the plastic look of the flashback artwork, it definitely looks like just a cutscene to me. They'd have to put way more work in for it to look playable IMO
I don't think there will be past/present switching, I think we'll only see it at certain points in the story.
I hope there is a decent amount of time spent in the past in the prologue. It would be nice to establish a good chunk of the story before the bombs drop.

I hope it doesnt switch back and forth too often and break up the pacing too much.

The Witcher is guilty of this by having too many times you take control of Ciri. I enjoy those parts but it messes with the flow too much IMO.
I think the flashback stuff in the trailer will probably only be in the intro.

I don't know. It's possible he needs to use it to find his wife, or it's a by product of him being from the past. I highy highy highy doubt it's useable at any time in every area, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's used in story missions. I noted this before, in the trailer during the "past segments" they have a fence if you look out of the window. I think that might be an artificial border. So you could use it in predefined areas, but couldn't leave while it's active.
I don't know. It's possible he needs to use it to find his wife, or it's a by product of him being from the past. I highy highy highy doubt it's useable at any time in every area, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's used in story missions. I noted this before, in the trailer during the "past segments" they have a fence if you look out of the window. I think that might be an artificial border. So you could use it in predefined areas, but couldn't leave while it's active.

I really hope they don't go too deep into who your character is. The less definition, the better.

I love those "Alternative Start" mods for FO3/Skyrim for subsequent playthroughs, so that your serial killer character isn't starting out in the same place as your champion of justice who isn't starting out in the same place as your wandering merchant.


Half of me wants to dust off the old 360 and play some New Vegas. If the launch is 2015 for F4 I'll hold off, if it isn't I'm gonna cave.
Here the impression I get is that the flashbacks will be found through key locations of the game revealing MC memories from his childhood and up to the point when all hell broke loose.

We still don't know at what time period the game takes place yet, right?


Here the impression I get is that the flashbacks will be found through key locations of the game revealing MC memories from his childhood and up to the point when all hell broke loose.

We still don't know at what time period the game takes place yet, right?
We don't, but I think most of us have been posting under the assumption that it takes place after 3/NV, maybe a decade or so later. Maybe it's even further though, who knows.


just rewatched the trailer. the initial disappointment is still there. not because of the mediocre graphics or anything, but because of the direction they are taking with the design. it has too much life and way too many colours. it's supposed to be set in a postnuclear world not disneyland.

new vegas I can understand, it was vegas after all. but Boston is east coast, it's cold, rainy, full of irish people, it's depressive. I want the grey/green and quiet bleakness of Fallout 3 back.

Does nuclear war suck all pigment out of the world?

Does the sky stop being blue? Does the sunset not have warm colors anymore?

Maybe if there are enough people who hate color on PC, they'll make a mod for the game that makes everything drab grey and poop brown.

They're just going with a more honest, realistic approach to the world design/lighting now.
Does nuclear war suck all pigment out of the world?

Does the sky stop being blue? Does the sunset not have warm colors anymore?

Maybe if there are enough people who hate color on PC, they'll make a mod for the game that makes everything drab grey and poop brown.

They're just going with a more honest, realistic approach to the world design/lighting now.

Yes, the sky may not be blue after hundreds if not thousands of nuclear bombs kick dust, ash, soot, and radioactive elements into the atmosphere.

As far as color being in the world, I think you're really oversimplifying things. This is a world 200 years after nuclear devastation. Where it rained for four days straight, toxic, black, acidic (?), devastating rain that killed off most species and humans living above ground.

Yes, you would expect this world to not be colorful. Frankly, there wasn't even that much color on the outside world in the trailer anyway.


Personally, I prefer Fallout 3's look and aesthetics over both New Vegas and Fallout 4 (from what I've seen so far). But I can still appreciate both those looks.

Just give me an amazing ambient score, Bethesda.


Good eye. In this clearer image, it's clearly a desk. I guess these are perks? Well whatever they are there is 77 of them:
I'm thinking maybe those circles are tags you hang once you've picked the perk?


But the circles seem to be behind Vault Boy in some of the pics...

Funky Papa

Why is the sky blue? The NASA answers this humanity-old question.

But I have a better answer: because oddly tinted skyboxes help to convey a sense of devastation and lack of life, whereas blue skies and green-ish grass make the world look living, or at least more fit for life -which is not something traditionally associated with Fallout's universe, where everything has gone to shit in Mad Max fashion.

With that said, the technical limitations of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, coupled with their mostly desertic setting, resulted in a rather monochromatic look. Fallout 4 is set to fix this with a bigger number of scenarios allowing for more visually distinctive areas, each one of them with their own particular look.

Here, plenty of green/brown for a highly polluted area. This is some place you don't want to visit without a rebreather.

Blue skies with tons of low flying dust to portray urban devastation. You can pretty much taste the ashes in your mouth.

Darker skies. They don't look otherwordly like those of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but combined with the rest of the level they make easy to believe that something fucked up happened there. It feels oppressive. Nature has started to retake this part of the world, but it's still a noxious place that can't support vegetation for a long time.

Blue skies. This particular place almost feels clean and fresh.

My problem with Fallout 3 was that even the parts covered with lush vegetation (Point Lookout is kind of the exception) looked as if level designers just tacked some fresh folliage on top the wasteland with no real care. Hopefully the new aesthetics will help Fallout 4 to be a bit more cohesive.


What I do hope for though is they let OBsidian do another cash grab... hell, twice the fallout, right? And we'd get another west coast Fallout :). I will fully admit though I would have been pleasantly surprised if some how I was wrong and it was Obsidian ).

I think the whole 84 Metacritic Score thing would make this hard for Obsidian to agree to again.

That and because Bethesda don't wanna be shown up again. ;D


Now that I've seen the blue skies and color of Fallout 4, Fallout 3 and NV look even worse to me when I see screenshots. I think it's gorgeous, and really makes the world look more alive. And from a "well it's a nuclear wasteland though" perspective, I have no problem with it either. As far as I remember, 1 and 2 were relatively colorful, and it's also been 200+ years since the bombs dropped. The atmoshpere should be largely clear aside from pockets of radiation and stuff (which we saw in the deathclaw scene).

I think the whole 84 Metacritic Score thing would make this hard for Obsidian to agree to again.
I'm pretty sure the rumor that there's "bad blood" between Obsidian and Bethesda for that has been debunked multiple times, even in this thread. I can see them working together again
and if there is bad blood then PLEASE get over it for our sake. I can't wait another 5 years after FO4 for the next one.

Funky Papa

I would absolutely adore a new Fallout set in Canada or even Mexico, given that both countries were annexed to some extent (Canada right away, while Mexico was more or less "pacified" by American forces IIRC). Both are foreign places that could still relate to the main Fallout tropes due to common culture or American influence.

I guess an European game set during the Resource Wars could be fun, but far removed from the main universe to make it work. Maybe in the form of some DLC expansion?


I'm pretty sure the rumor that there's "bad blood" between Obsidian and Bethesda for that has been debunked multiple times, even in this thread. I can see them working together again.

I know that, but Bethesda better give them a better contract not tied to Scores. Maybe "Make a game which ain't full of game-breaking bugs and you'll get your bonus".

Like I mentioned before, New Vegas attracted me to Fallout so much and a lot of that was to do with Obsidian doing what Bethesdon't. ;D


I think the whole 84 Metacritic Score thing would make this hard for Obsidian to agree to again.

That and because Bethesda don't wanna be shown up again. ;D

Honestly, I think people need to stop saying these things as I don't think they are true:

1) Obsidian has already said they would gladly do another Fallout. They said they would be willing to alternate: Bethesda does East Coast and they do the West Coast. Plus, Obsidian really can't turn down any work as they need it to stay in business. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere here on NeoGAF that Obsidian is actually bigger than Bethesda Games Studios (it's been awhile and I"m not sure if it's still true).

2) I agree that New Vegas was the superior game and showed up "Bethesda", however that Bethesda was Bethesda Games Studios the developer. They are a completely separate entity from Bethesda/Zenimax the publisher who would be the one to decide whether to hire another company like Obsidian (or anyone) to do a Fallout game.

I'd imagine Bethesda/Zenimax the publisher is more interested in the profits the game brings in than whether people prefer Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas. I'm sure if they felt hiring someone like Obsidian to do a New Vegas type game for Fallout 4 (while Bethesda Games Studios works on Elder Scrolls VI) was worth the cost, they would do it. I know i definitely would buy it day one.


That seems to be the unpopular opinion here, but I agree. Calculations aren't what make the game an RPG. It's a dated way of doing things, especially in the guise of an FPS. It just makes the game feel like it's fallen behind of other shooters in the end. Just look at Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2. Yeah, the RPG systems were streamlined but in the end it made the gameplay significantly better.

Fallout isn't a FPS. I would assume most Fallout fans don't want it to be a FPS.
If you want a FPS, buy one of the hundreds out there already.

I hope they go even more towards the RPG side, and less shooter.
Fallout isn't a FPS. I would assume most Fallout fans don't want it to be a FPS.
If you want a FPS, buy one of the hundreds out there already.

I hope they go even more towards the RPG side, and less shooter.
Either allow the player to use shooting skill when looking down scopes or remove it completely. It's just unsatisfying to look down a scope and miss due to numbers.


Neo Member
Either allow the player to use shooting skill when looking down scopes or remove it completely. It's just unsatisfying to look down a scope and miss due to numbers.

That was only a feature in Fallout New Vegas minus the sniper rifle, which wasn't developed by Bethesda, but I kind of agree the scope feature was unnecessary

Todd Howard in Dice 2012 mentioned best when it comes to what feature should be in the spotlight. If they put fps to the game spotlight, a lot of negative from players will show like why can't fallout has this feature when other fps has bullet physics, fast-pace action/how many bullet you can shoot in a minute, cover system, realistic graphic and etc. By doing something that is different, it makes their game more memorable


Either allow the player to use shooting skill when looking down scopes or remove it completely. It's just unsatisfying to look down a scope and miss due to numbers.

And I enjoyed it fine, and no, I don't want fallout to turn into a shooter. It's an rpg first and foremost with shooter elements. You want a shooter, go play one. But I would be upset if they sacrificed RPG elements to make it more a shooter.

I loved shooting real time and having my character's skill affect my shooting didn't bother me. Maybe they should do what borderlands does, if your shooting skill is low your hand shakes more and it's harder to get a steady shot.


I'm totally up for that. I'm curious how the heck American managed to annex Canada.

The events leading up to it are interesting, and since it all sort of wraps up right before the world goes boom, it might be a unique position to take.

I would absolutely adore a new Fallout set in Canada or even Mexico, given that both countries were annexed to some extent (Canada right away, while Mexico was more or less "pacified" by American forces IIRC). Both are foreign places that could still relate to the main Fallout tropes due to common culture or American influence.

I guess an European game set during the Resource Wars could be fun, but far removed from the main universe to make it work. Maybe in the form of some DLC expansion?

Canada was also pacified as all protestors were executed on sight and it went through military occupation while the US military sucked their resources dry. The lore made it seem brutal, but there's also the idea that it was necessary to beat the Chinese. I think that story is interesting but I don't think any developer will touch a Canadian locale. Deus Ex HR was made in Montreal and included the city in its story, but only not as a main location.

I would love to see more things take place in my homeland, but what makes those places unique is not very well known while their similarities to American locations really limits the opportunity. After all, why pick Toronto when you can put a game in New York where more people know what to expect.


That's largely the point. It informs your decisions for how you build your character.

Removing player skill is a bad idea. Players like to think they have control over each moment of their character - not just the inventory screen.

If I'm a crack shot that can expertly adapt to scope sway and recoil, then that should translate into gameplay.
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