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Fallout 4 Season Pass: $30, "we dont know what the actual DLC will be yet"


I'll just assume that everyone complaining pays for PS+ month per month, and only after the games for the month have been announced. Because there's no way you paid for entire year without knowing what games it includes.


What is the difference between an expansion and dlc? use fallout new Vegas' dlc as example?

I genuinely don't understand a difference, though I have always been a console gamer until recently so maybe I have never experienced an expansion.

dlc is downloadable content, not downloadable clothing. both character skins and "expansion" type content are dlc.

My point was DLC can be anything, as micro as a new gun model or a hat, and expansions were just that, expansions of the game, like new story arcs and levels, like "Warlords" and "Beyond the Sword" for Civ 4. DLC can be any content, including expandions, it does not have to expand the game, like texture upgrades, which do NOT "expand" the game. DLC and Expansions are NOT the same thing. If you buy it on physical copy, is it DLC? No. Again, not the same thing.

-Edit: and dude, sarcasm never really helps a conversation, you know bruh?


Not surprised at this really.

But I'm not buying it before I know what's actually in it. I'm sure it won't be idiotic shit like character skins, multiplayer levels and challenge maps, but you never know.


So the game will be 90$ if you want all quests..

I miss good old days

of paying $70-$95 for a 3 hour game?


dem good ol days


I'll just assume that everyone complaining pays for PS+ month per month, and only after the games for the month have been announced. Because there's no way you paid for entire year without knowing what games it includes.

I know I pay for an entire year of PS+ mostly just for online play on PS4 lately. Games are just a bonus.


Lets be real. You guys would be just as pissed if the announced the Season Pass with the DLC detailed asking "why can't they just give it to us for free" or include it in the main game.

They aren't forcing you to buy this season pass.Can't a Season pass be bought at any time? So you can still buy all DLC separately if you wish. I really don't see the problem with this.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
While I loved playing Fallout 3 and NV DLC, Skyrim's was... lacking. That's really the only thing that has me worried right now is how much DLC we're getting before plonking down thirty dollars.

I don't want it to be just some cheesy construction pack, weapon packs, then like two really sparse story packs and call it good.

New Vegas DLC was probably one of the best ones I've played out of all AAA games last year, so I do have some faith. I think each one gave us new areas to explore, on top of new stories that took a few hours or more to complete. I remember spending days in Dead Money and Old World Blues.

But New Vegas wasnt Bethesda...


It's completely ludicrous to put a price on vague promises, but you know what? It means the DLC isn't done yet, and for that alone I like this. The DLC will NOT be stuff cut from the game, and WILL be developed afterwards. Good.
It's a bit hard to justify a blind purchase like this, but hey, at least the haters can't complain about cutting game content to resell as DLC here.


I don't like it, but it's the nature of the AAA beast. If you're a huge Fallout fan, I doubt you stand to lose much by purchasing a season pass; however, I wish publishers would hold off until they have an actual product to sell.


I don't like it, but it's the nature of the AAA beast. If you're a huge Fallout fan, I doubt you stand to lose much by purchasing a season pass; however, I wish publishers would hold off until they have an actual product to sell.

meh I'm a massive fallout fan but even I tire of the actual mechanics of the games after 50-70 hours... so more DLC is not really necessary, or I feel pretty satisfied going back and picking it up on sale 6 months later if I want to go back to the game. Not really seeing the value here at 30 with them basically "threatening" 40 later, when I know it will actually be 20 later.... maybe a bit later than later lol.

Gaming moves along pretty quick nowadays, I just picked up shadows of mordor and I already feel it is kind of a generic sandbox and a bit dated (pretty interesting nemesis system tho). Definitely would not do DLC for most games of the sort... especially the more you are into them the more time you generally spend with the base game, making DLC even less necessary in my opinion.


Don't feel like reading every page, but here's my opinion.
4 options:
-No season pass aka a la carte DLC
Rationale: No discount on DLC, must pay full price for each, has the ability to judge each independently before they purchase
-Has season pass and lays out what it is
Rationale: Discount on DLC, know what to expected, HOWEVER, means that the identified content could be cut from the original game. Can't judge each individual DLC unless you pay a la carte.
-Has season pass and says they haven't thought about what they are going to include yet
Rationale: Discount on DLC, don't know what to expect, means Bethesda isn't cutting content (assuming they are honest). Same as an above.
Rationale: No extra content, not being nickled and dimed

To me option 3 is the best. Don't like it don't buy the season pass and buy them a la carte. If you trust Bethesda based on past DLC buy it and get a discount. This option gives everyone the most amount of choice.


I'm saying that people are saying (not necessarily here) that they are doing this because they are cutting content to sell it.

And I don't understand this logic. Going by what some have said in this thread they would be happier if DLC was never released for a game so that they can feel like they are getting the whole experience for what they paid.

Me? I like it when publishers keep working on content after I buy it. And a Bethesda game that logic makes even less sense because you're easily getting 100 hours or way more content anyway. Just how complete do you want your game to be?


The other Fallout DLC was always good, so it looks ok. In the end it's only $30 bucks. And with a game like this you already know if you are going to play it a lot or not, so it's really not that big of a gamble and Bethesda will not greatly disappoint.


They better drop their Steam price in Brazil, or they may not see much money being spent there, even from the base version.

I will make sure to get the game when it drops to a reasonable price in the future. That said, I have no intentions to pay 30 extra dollars for unknown content.

It's R$ 200,00 in nuuvem right now.
I'm not even sure if I can finish all of the content in the vanilla.
I'll get the DLCs in GOTY edition next year.

Still waiting on that Shivering-Isles-style expansion pack for Skyrim, Bethesda.

Stiiiiill waaaaaiting...

Did you mean Oblivion?

Edit: Oh I get it. I misread your post. :p
Ok question for you. I know as a consumer the track record of the developer for the DLC that they have put out. I have enjoyed all their previous DLC and am most likely going to equally enjoy their future one's as well. Why would I not buy something that will offer me a cheaper way to get all their DLC?

I understand where you are coming from, but Bethesda has done some questionable quality DLC before - this is the company who brought us horse armor.

Most recently, the house building DLC for Skyrim was mediocre. With this you are signing up without knowing what you are getting, or when, or how much it will cost without the season pass. That seems like too many questions to me, but everyone has to decide for themselves.

I hope that all of the extra content for Fallout 4 is awesome.
Does the dlc still happen if the game sells like shit ? (Likelihood is fairly low)

As much as I hate season passes at least most companies outline what is coming over the next year.

Surely they have thought beyond release as to where they may go.


I understand where you are coming from, but Bethesda has done some questionable quality DLC before - this is the company who brought us horse armor.

Most recently, the house building DLC for Skyrim was mediocre. With this you are signing up without knowing what you are getting, or when, or how much it will cost without the season pass. That seems like too many questions to me, but everyone has to decide for themselves.

I hope that all of the extra content for Fallout 4 is awesome.

Ha! The house building was my favorite Skyrim DLC :p. Anyways, you still got two big story DLCs with Skyrim (I think they're saying worse case scenario they're planning on at least having two such DLC).

Anyways, I don't see the big problem unless some one is trying to push you to buy the season pass now. Just wait and see if it is worth it. It's not like they are saying if you don't but the pass now the offer expires and you'll have to buy the DLC at full price. The reason to offer it now is they know some people will pay for it now. And no company wants to leave money on the table. If there are people wanting to give them money for it now, it's honestly foolish from their perspective not to take it.

And hey, they did say you would get *all* of the DLC with that... which is better than what a lot offer.

Also, sure, they could just rip you off for the season pass. But customers get smart to that and they know if they do that now, they ruin their ability to sell stuff on faith later. And seeing as they are not a company that puts out a game every year but puts a lot of effort and years into one game, they don't see the type of company that can afford to throw away good will with a one time money grab that will ruin their good will with their fans for future games. As for horse armor.. notice they are not the company anymore doing that and their DLCs after have been pretty much expansions, not just microtransaction like shit. It seems they realized their customers don't like that and adjusted what they did. So they don't seem like a company that completely ignores its fanbase and what they want either.

I honestly have faith the season pass will be a good deal. I'm still waiting to buy cause since it's not a limited offer but I can wait until I want the DLC and can play it, why should I buy now? But I have enough faith I'd buy it if it was a "buy now or buy the DLC at full cost". But that's cause their history has proven itself and I know that as long as Fallout 4 is what I expect (from what I've seen), I'm going to want more of it to play. So I'll be buying the DLC. I could at least see the uproar though if they did try to make it a limited time offer. As it is not, I think people are going overboard in how scummy they think this is. You can wait and see and then still get the deal if the DLC does prove to be worth it to you.


Will buy this, I don't have any worries about Bethesda making good dlc. I loved Fallout 3 and both Elder Scrolls dlcs. I'll also pre order Fallout 4 so I can play it as soon as it releases. I am everything that is wrong with video games apparently.


My point was DLC can be anything, as micro as a new gun model or a hat, and expansions were just that, expansions of the game, like new story arcs and levels, like "Warlords" and "Beyond the Sword" for Civ 4. DLC can be any content, including expandions, it does not have to expand the game, like texture upgrades, which do NOT "expand" the game. DLC and Expansions are NOT the same thing. If you buy it on physical copy, is it DLC? No. Again, not the same thing.

-Edit: and dude, sarcasm never really helps a conversation, you know bruh?

okay, buying an expansion in a box doesn't preclude other expansions from being a form of dlc. and from their previous work we can assume that when they say "all dlc" they mean content similar to what we've seen in other games i.e. expansions. as for your "texture upgrade" argument, they already said that things like that will be in the form of a free regular update

actually, now i have no idea what you're arguing about. are you saying that because they say the season pass is for "all dlc" that we'll only get weapons, clothing and other small dlc like that and not the full blown expansions the other games have had because they don't specifically use the word expansion? do you work for cdpr?


Literally all they said was:
"We plan on making at least $40 worth of DLC. We will be offering a season pass."

That's it. They have not asked for money, did not ask you to buy blindly.

What's everyone upset about?


Gosh I barely feel comfortable pre-ordering things these days. Might wait for reviews on this one since the Fallout 3 DLC was so hit or miss.


You don't need to "pre-order" a Season Pass. Just wait for the first DLC to hit, see if it's good and then decide. If the first one is decent, the others have a good chance of being decent as well.

Or wait for all of them and then get the Season Pass. Season Passes are useful if you're going to buy all the DLC anyway, you save money that way. I would've liked for Dark Souls 2 PS3 to have one, but I ended up buying them all separate and that bummed me out.
Bethesda doesn't exactly have a good track record with DLC for their Oblivion/Fallout titles.

Operation Anchorage and Broken Steel were the only good Fallout 3 expansions and Skyrim's expansions were laughable, really.

If this were Obsidian (and god knows I wish it was) doing Fallout 4, I would force feed them my money. But, I'm going to wait on this and hope to see these DLC expansions to be...you know, good.

But New Vegas DLC mostly sucked. That casino one specially. The Big MT one was good though, aside from the repeating missions bits.
If this were Obsidian (and god knows I wish it was) doing Fallout 4, I would force feed them my money. But, I'm going to wait on this and hope to see these DLC expansions to be...you know, good.
Joke post? Are you really talking about Obs "just ship it unfinished, fan mods will take care of it" Idian?


I swear people are dense as fuck. Am i actually reading people bitching about Bethesda not knowing what the dlc will be? Gee, i seem to remember an alternate reality where companies that know what their DLC would be were crucified for cutting content from the main game, cause they had the DLC already planned.
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