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FFXV's future updates adjust chapters, add cutscenes, add playable characters, more

And you should be disappointed if it didn't met your standards. But, here, they are announcing their plans to fix and expand their game... I don't know but i think if they had only taken feedbacks like mine on the game, they wouldn't have felt obliged to re-touch it.

They are doing it for you people disappointed, not for me. They listen. They understand. What do you want people?

This is it. Damn.

Why would I replay a game I only somewhat enjoyed to see if it's any better than play a new game I'd probably enjoy much more? Get it right the first time and don't ship unfinished products is the point.

And honestly I don't want to return to it. It's a giant clusterfuck and it's a result of the very structure of the game itself. I can see it being improved with patches but it will never be great. I don't want to feel like I'm missing out on playing the better version of the game just because I don't want to replay something that is mediocre.


In my experience, this is only the case among a particular sector of the enthusiast audience. Almost everyone I interact with outside of GAF has either already beaten and adored the game or is dying to play it.

The same. Only my cousin who is 13h in at chapter 3 finds the game a little too difficult. Everyone is praising the game in my bubble.

NeoGAF can be very cynical sometimes and love to jump on the inherently elitist bandwagon with the ideal of an objective and educated view on games. So when a game is very praised by some NeoGAF gods, everyone and their mother here jumps right in. Then, some weeks after, some other GAF god makes some criticism and boom everyone get very scary.

This is the school of the masses, and it's very predictable.

The game is already finished, ready, playable, even if it has very weak points. You can like, love or hate it, whatever, but jumping on the hate bandwagon to feel validated or being part of the community is exactly what's happening here or on similar places on the internet.

There is valid criticism to do. But saying it's not finished or good without even playing it is another thing.

Deft Beck

Why would I replay a game I only somewhat enjoyed to see if it's any better than play a new game I'd probably enjoy much more? Get it right the first time and don't ship unfinished products is the point.

Unfinished products are an unfortunate reality of the AAA market, especially embarrassing in this game's case.

I will remain optimistic.


Just reading bits and pieces here to not get spoiled. I just entered chapter 5. Am I ok? Should I stop playing for now?
FFXV is surrounded by negativity, though. It was like that from the get go.

Yes, this is great, they are supporting their game and will add things you should expect in extensions or maybe even different opus. For free. They have some merit and the game is already a great one.

People calling it a mess just want it to fail badly. Or just didn't like it and will continue to spread negativity about it.

This is absolutely sad, people can't appreciate things for what they are anymore, it's not like SE owe anything to us. They can do what they want here, they are just extending the product we paid for, adding more value to the 59€ i paid two weeks ago.

How are you not banned?


I mean... Making the ring more powerful won't stop chapter 13 being an utter bore.

As for cutscenes in the second half of the game, that would be pretty nice. Bit late though, since I already went through those chapters....

I feel like the game would have benefited from just being delayed again...


It has an 83 on metacritic. 7.9 user score. The same exact Meta score as FF XIII actually. Not exactly high praise.

That was a decade ago and reviewers aren't AI.

And it was the new opus in the magnificent FF saga. That isn't the case anymore. It deserves praise, it's a good game IMO.

FFXIII wasn't a bad game, it is a good one too but i didn't quite like it like i like FFXV. But enough liking for today, i'll hate from now on.
I don't get the deal with some of these people. Complain the game is unfinished or rushed and then bitch about future patches?

As someone who really likes ffxv, knowing that future playthroughs will have something extra is awesome. I'm thinking about it like the way Nier was designed.
So, How's this possible coop mode supposed to factor into the story and gameplay?

Only way i can guess that would work is you'd be playing a former member of the Kingsglaive, Given the whole Warp-strike thing, not to mention the need for lucian powers for healing items to work (otherwise they're just Red Bull in fancy bottles..)


We should hold FFXV to higher standards than FFXIII.

Well, let's talk about FF XII then. I wish FF XII story was revisioned and improved on but they never did it, even with the remaster. FF XV is doing that and will most definitely be a really complete game with the definitive version.


I don't get the deal with some of these people. Complain the game is unfinished or rushed and then bitch about future patches?

As someone who really likes ffxv, knowing that future playthroughs will have something extra is awesome. I'm thinking about it like the way Nier was designed.

Because the released product clearly wasn't ready to be released but they did it anyway?

I mean it's nice they're fixing it, but people are still going to complain at the fact they released an half baked product.

It wasn't sold under the early access banner or whatever. :p


I want to get to Chapter 13 before it's updated just to see what the fuss is about. Then NG+ after all the DLC is out and everything is updated.

That's a pretty significant amount of updates. Credit where credit is due.

But I'm still looking forward to the day where XV is a thing of the past and we have XVI to look forward to. Fresh start. No baggage.


I guess the last patch will be there right in time for the PC release :D
Nah, I like it that they're supporting the game in such a way but it can be annoying for those who have already played though it. Guess that's why I like to buy games much later.
So, How's this possible coop mode supposed to factor into the story and gameplay?

Only way i can guess that would work is you'd be playing a former member of the Kingsglaive, Given the whole Warp-strike thing, not to mention the need for lucian powers for healing items to work (otherwise they're just Red Bull in fancy bottles..)
The co-op mode allows others to take control of Gladio, Prompto or Ignis.
That was a decade ago and reviewers aren't AI.

And it was the new opus in the magnificent FF saga. That isn't the case anymore. It deserves praise, it's a good game IMO.

FFXIII wasn't a bad game, it is a good one too but i didn't quite like it like i like FFXV. But enough liking for today, i'll hate from now on.

I'm just trying to dispel this myth that it's been this phenomenally well received/reviewed game. It's been pretty mixed. And I like it better than 13 too believe it or not. It's still a mess but with some very redeeming qualities.
I think it's much better than not patching at all. Games get complaints about bad sections in games all the times, for once it's being addressed and now it's all doom and gloom.

Also, i think people should wait for more news on the upcoming features, I doubt we have enough information to judge the "avatar" feature at all yet, especially when we know the game is getting co-op
I don't get the deal with some of these people. Complain the game is unfinished or rushed and then bitch about future patches?

As someone who really likes ffxv, knowing that future playthroughs will have something extra is awesome. I'm thinking about it like the way Nier was designed.

The number if people who is gonna replay the game is minimal. Filling the holes would had meaning when I was playing the game, now it dosn't.

And no, is not the same as adding fixes and similar, this is completing a SP experience that should have been there day 1. All those other examples of DLC, that people likes to compare, have well defined narratives, which DLC is used to add to the experience, not to fill holes.
I don't get the deal with some of these people. Complain the game is unfinished or rushed and then bitch about future patches?

As someone who really likes ffxv, knowing that future playthroughs will have something extra is awesome. I'm thinking about it like the way Nier was designed.

People aren't bitching about the patches, they are bitching about the necessity of them. If you fuck something up, don't expect people to praise you for fixing something you shouldn't have fucked up in the first place.

Well, let's talk about FF XII then. I wish FF XII story was revisioned and improved on but they never did it, even with the remaster. FF XV is doing that and will most definitely be a really complete game with the definitive version.

I know. The point is we shouldn't encourage these types of releases.
Pretty much killed my urge to play the game. Even though I got it only for 30 dollars and these updates will add more now I have to wonder if there will be more down the line and if I should just wait for the full experience. Man sometimes I really hate the gaming industry. Is it really so hard to get a complete experience on launch day and make the extras feel like extra? I knew I should have waited for the goty version.


Pretty much killed my urge to play the game. Even though I got it only for 30 dollars and these updates will add more now I have to wonder if there will be more down the line and if I should just wait for the full experience. Man sometimes I really hate the gaming industry. What a bummer.
Should've waited for the playdate.
Pretty much killed my urge to play the game. Even though I got it only for 30 dollars and these updates will add more now I have to wonder if there will be more down the line and if I should just wait for the full experience. Man sometimes I really hate the gaming industry. What a bummer.
U should be happy. U can go through your backlog instead!


I was planning to wait at a year until we hopefully get a PC version ( or at least it's announcement ), I guess even if there isn't one they just gave me even more reason to not get the game now. That's gonna make my decision far easier to keep.

The hard part will still be to avoid spoiler for such a long time.
I don't get the deal with some of these people. Complain the game is unfinished or rushed and then bitch about future patches?

As someone who really likes ffxv, knowing that future playthroughs will have something extra is awesome. I'm thinking about it like the way Nier was designed.

Not everyone replays games, I don't replay modern games because they take a lot of time, time that could be spent on playing other games.

A game should be finished and the best experience from day one, that's what I paid for.
I guess I'm going to have to accept that this is another destiny. I was super super hyped for destiny and the launch product was a joke after 2 weeks. FFXV though? They had plenty of time to fix the development hell going on with it. I was incredibly hyped for XV and hearing this news is both a delight to hear but also worrying and something to get furious over. I think I'm nearing the end of chapter 13 now and it feels like lots of things were terribly missed.

Npc dialogue depicting Ravus's betrayal but then you just find him dead in chapter 13. Not shown how he dies.


This is...quite a big move.
I'm happy for it, more so as its all free and Im happy theyre happy with the sales, but as someone who already completed the game, not so likely I'll experience the changes? I will probably replay it again when NG+ is out but will take a while to go through it again and won't be a priority.

I guess not all plans are there, but being able to speed up time is probably number 1 of things to be added. Like the sound of a few things they're adding though.

I mean it's interesting the approach they're taking to keep people coming back to FFXV, and I may not be too against the idea, especially when FFXV already has a ton of content to go through anyway, but just further shows the point that FFXV isn't complete, especially with the dlc chapters being cut out as it is.

We need stuff for Cor too, that was one of the things that most annoyed me.The previous kings bodyguard basically and he barely helps Noctis. He shows him a tomb, goes, shows up before altissa, goes, and he just doesn't have interest in Noctis after that. Just his characters actions don't match his motives.
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