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FFXV's future updates adjust chapters, add cutscenes, add playable characters, more


Tabata literally says, that they will provide further updates to improve and enhance the game and people go nuts on it...

free patches for all == bad thing?

I remember CD Projekt adding a few upgrades with free patches to Witcher 3 and they got praise.

FFXV is surrounded by negativity, though. It was like that from the get go.

Yes, this is great, they are supporting their game and will add things you should expect in extensions or maybe even different opus. For free. They have some merit and the game is already a great one.

People calling it a mess just want it to fail badly. Or just didn't like it and will continue to spread negativity about it.

This is absolutely sad, people can't appreciate things for what they are anymore, it's not like SE owe anything to us. They can do what they want here, they are just extending the product we paid for, adding more value to the 59€ i paid two weeks ago.


Junior Member
Lmao. Good thing I'm still waiting before I buy the game. Knew that in an big open world game like this, there'll be patches that dramatically changes the game after initial launch.
i would just like to know should i wait a week for a major patch or just plow through and finish the game if they are coming "Spring 2017"
Lol. I guess I should stop playing. This game was really rushed out the door. It's great that SE is trying to fix it after release, though! Hopefully that means XV won't stay the incoherent mess it is now forever.


They should cut the Kingsglaive movie scenes too while at it. It was so out of place.

This can only be a good thing. I remember CDPR added stuff in the final chapter of Witcher 2.


FFXV is surrounded by negativity, though. It was like that from the get go.

Yes, this is great, they are supporting their game and will add things you should expect in extensions or maybe even different opus. For free. They have some merit and the game is already a great one.

People calling it a mess just want it to fail badly. Or just didn't like it and will continue to spread negativity about it (looking at you Kagari).

This is absolutely sad, people can't appreciate things for what they are anymore, it's not like SE owe anything to us. They can do what they want here, they are just extending the product we paid for, adding more value to the 59€ i paid two weeks ago.
My hero.


Very interesting move here. I did wonder if they might do something like this.

I posted quite a rubbish lengthy rant last week regarding the second half's story to just vent out my frustrations with it. I walked away after going through Chapters
9 through 12
and I've not been able to make myself go back.

The story execution is indeed that bad. I even started to doubt myself when characters just start talking about things nonchalantly as if I was meant to know and I wondered if I had missed things. With this move it seems I'm not crazy and that it is indeed bad enough for the team to address it, within a week no less.

This is a super rare thing to see and I applaud them for trying to fix it (though it should've never released in this state). I'm lucky in that I have a Chapter
save still. I'm happy to shelf it for now and come back when they've addressed the story (in a year lol).


So, is Conan the last trusted reviewer?

Game got 9's and 8's all over.

They also need to overhaul the smartphone-tier combat and magic system.


I imagine it'll be the characters who already fight alongside you, namely Cor and Iris and Aranea. That way you're not limited to their story appearances. I guess you can use them in the post-game?

Thanks for spoiling this for me...
Hhhhehehe, I saw this coming a mile away, first AAA I haven't bought on day 1 in a long time. FF XV will be a 9/10 when I play it next year.


FFXV is surrounded by negativity, though. It was like that from the get go.

Yes, this is great, they are supporting their game and will add things you should expect in extensions or maybe even different opus. For free. They have some merit and the game is already a great one.

People calling it a mess just want it to fail badly. Or just didn't like it and will continue to spread negativity about it.

This is absolutely sad, people can't appreciate things for what they are anymore, it's not like SE owe anything to us. They can do what they want here, they are just extending the product we paid for, adding more value to the 59€ i paid two weeks ago.

Going by some responses in this thread you'd think people are happier if SE does nothing and moves on to focus on only paid DLC, meanwhile these negative responses came from the very same group of people who've been critical towards the second half of the game in the spoiler thread and wished it to be patched.
Uhhh so how bad is the stuff they're changing then?

Was already planning to finish Pokemon then play The Last Guardian and Steins;Gate 0 before getting to this, but maybe I should wait a bit longer?

Going by some responses in this thread you'd think people are happier if SE does nothing and moves on to focus on only paid DLC, meanwhile these negative responses came from the very same group of people who've been critical towards the second half of the game in the spoiler thread and wished it to be patched.

People would be happier if they had a finished game after all these years.



Going by some responses in this thread you'd think people are happier if SE does nothing and moves on to focus on only paid DLC, meanwhile these negative responses came from the very same group of people who've been critical towards the second half of the game in the spoiler thread and wished it to be patched.

I'd be happier if they launched the game finished and with the whole story. Like every other company do. I don't think that's unreasonable at all. It is actually a standard they failed to meet and criticizing it is completely fair.

What's even worse now is that nobody can play the game while knowing that it's the final version, because Tabata is trying to fix this mess step by step. Basically, the only way to experience the complete game will be when the team will stop working on it.


Uhhh so how bad is the stuff they're changing then?

Was already planning to finish Pokemon then play The Last Guardian and Steins;Gate 0 before getting to this, but maybe I should wait a bit longer?

It's not as bad as some people here are trying to make it seem.

Play the game, it's enjoyable and worth the time spent on it.


FF XIII tried to expand the story with paid games (even retconnecting the ending)

FF XV will improve and expand the story and content post release for free. How is that even a bad thing i don't know.

Anyway the game story as it is now will be completely the same even after the patches, just read patch notes. They aren't going to change the way story progresses, just expand on many off-screen events happening and never exaplained with the actual version.


FFXV is surrounded by negativity, though. It was like that from the get go.

Yes, this is great, they are supporting their game and will add things you should expect in extensions or maybe even different opus. For free. They have some merit and the game is already a great one.

People calling it a mess just want it to fail badly. Or just didn't like it and will continue to spread negativity about it.

This is absolutely sad, people can't appreciate things for what they are anymore, it's not like SE owe anything to us. They can do what they want here, they are just extending the product we paid for, adding more value to the 59€ i paid two weeks ago.

I call the story a mess... and I really wanted to love the game I had waited 10 years for... but man that story execution really screwed the pooch. I've honestly been proper gutted for the last week about it. All I'm trying to say here is that while there will be some folk just being negative for the lolz but there are also people who are genuinely disappointed in it.


FF XIII tried to expand the story with paid games (even retconnecting the ending)

FF XV will improve and expand the story and content post release for free. How is that even a bad thing i don't know.

People want their shit now instead of later. Given how the story is a mess, I can understand people's frustration with the game. But people just need to chill the fuck out. NG+ and all that fun stuff with enhancement patch and fixes should make a second playthrough interesting.


This all sounds great to me, but I've been waiting to purchase FFXV after replaying 6 and 9 and finishing WoFF.

I can understand others frustrations though.

They clearly had management breathing down their necks to get the game out, so I'm just glad they are continuing to provide substantial updates.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Baker: *puts in less chocolate in the cookies*
Baker: *puts in a lot of chocolate but with fewer chocolate chips*
Baker: *adds more chips in the future batch*


Also, lol at Tabata who delayed FFXV because he wanted people without internet to fully enjoy the game. Good job.

Completely different. The game is enjoyable from start to finish even without the day one patch. People finished it without it.

The day one patch and everything else are just improvements to make the game more complete. I guess the game with a September release would have been technically unplayable without a huge patch at day one. Is that so difficult to understand?
FF XIII tried to expand the story with paid games (even retconnecting the ending)

FF XV will improve and expand the story and content post release for free. How is that even a bad thing i don't know.

Anyway the game story as it is now will be completely the same even after the patches, just read patch notes. They aren't going to change the way story progresses, just expand on many off-screen events happening and never exaplained with the actual version.

We should hold FFXV to higher standards than FFXIII.


I call it a mess and I really wanted to love the game I had waited 10 years for... but man that story execution really screwed the pooch. I've honestly been proper gutted for the last week about it. All I'm trying to say here is that while there will be some folk just being negative for the lolz but there are also people who are genuinely disappointed in it.

And you should be disappointed if it didn't met your standards. But, here, they are announcing their plans to fix and expand their game... I don't know but i think if they had only taken feedbacks like mine on the game, they wouldn't have felt obliged to re-touch it.

They are doing it for you people disappointed, not for me. They listen. They understand. What do you want people?

Baker: *puts in less chocolate in the cookies*
Baker: *puts in a lot of chocolate but with fewer chocolate chips*
Baker: *adds more chips in the future batch*

This is it. Damn.
I've already gone and done chapter 13.


are they gonna add WATER magic? i mean i can't believe this game has no water magic lol

and HASTE? where is HASTE!
Avatars? What? Are we getting a silent companion to accompany the bros, and at times they ask for his advice but interrupt as soon as he's about to say anything?

But I think I'll postpone my second story run until these changes are implemented. If done well, this game will shoot back up in my rankings.
Final Fantasy XV: 10 years wasn't enough.

I guess I'm the fool for day oneing this after XIII. I'll try and wait for them to fix this mess.

Also, playable Luna plz.


Well at least they are trying to improve it. But I really wish I had known this before because atm I feel like I wasted 60€. The game just feels very lacking in several aspects. I could have bought the game for like 20€ next year with these updates. Oh well.


Avatars? What? Are we getting a silent companion to accompany the bros, and at times they ask for his advice but interrupt as soon as he's about to say anything?

But I think I'll postpone my second story run until these changes are implemented. If done well, this game will shoot back up in my rankings.

Yeah, too much White Knight Chronicle vibes from that.

But what if they let you tame monsters in order to add one in your party, ala FFX-2 or FFXIII-2? That would be excellent. I'm dreaming, am I?
A few weeks ago, I said it would be hard for me to wait for a PC or Switch port (I have no PS4 or XB1).

Now... well, it seems like I lucked out. I'm a big FF fan and I don't want to play XV until it's ready.


I extremely regret buying this game last Saturday. WTF, I could have saved some money waiting until they finished developing this game


It's not about updating the game, making it better, adding quests, monsters or whatever, but playing the game, you just notice whole chunks of story are missing, cause they didn't have enough time, so some scenes/ending where not that emotional as probably intended.

I wished they had told that before, cause then i would have waited, i know they need the money, but it still it's just annoying.
FFXV is surrounded by negativity, though. It was like that from the get go.

In my experience, this is only the case among a particular sector of the enthusiast audience. Almost everyone I interact with outside of GAF has either already beaten and adored the game or is dying to play it.


Neo Member
Good thing i stopped playing after 1 hour in.
The game is horribly optimised on PS4 Pro 4K. Frame pacing and shit.
Also menus and in textures like PS3.
And what about that really low res game area map...
Hoping for the tech patches at least even not story...


People would be happier if they had a finished game after all these years.

I'd be happier if they launched the game finished and with the whole story. Like every other company do. I don't think that's unreasonable at all. It is actually a standard they failed to meet and criticizing it is completely fair.

What's even worse now is that nobody can play the game while knowing that it's the final version, because Tabata is trying to fix this mess step by step. Basically, the only way to experience the complete game will be when the team will stop working on it.

Which you know was never an option here and something already happened.

Playing dumb is fun, eh?
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