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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 2-8 | The Great Cave-In Offensive


they were not as familiar with the game as the commentator alluded to.

I guess it's early to expect much; I just remember Dogura being pretty damn good at the prior GGs but enough has changed since then.

Edit - if anyone wants to go a few rounds on USF4 PC just hit me up. Otherwise I'm on Xrd over on PS4


Slayer of Combofiends
Spooky suggested Sanford get springs on his stick so when he throws it just boings up backwards lmao

spooky with them godlike comments.

『Inaba Resident』;151074707 said:
Exactly why Ridley can't work.
Looks fucking dumb.

it actually looks awesome. they should just make ridley move slower than how he's moving right now. I'm glad they got his moveset down, its broken.


I guess it's early to expect much; I just remember Dogura being pretty damn good at the prior GGs but enough has changed since then.

Honestly I thought he would be at a higher level now cause I know he dropped BB since he is not happy with 2.0, I wonder what game where his time is going.


So they went out of their way to showcase those costumes for the Tekken tournament?

No wonder Tekken's dead.

SS seems boring this year.


Man, has anyone ever hit a wall with a game they enjoyed but just were fucking terrible at? I am at about 1,000 matches played in Smash 4, and I am literally without exaggeration worse at it still then any other game in any genre I have played in my entire life. Like, I keep playing it because I enjoy the actual game and I'm usually playing with a friend most of the time online against randoms, but I have gotten 0% better from game 1. Just absolutely nothing about the game's movement, mechanics, etc seems to click with me in the slightest and I still can't find a character I really like. It's actually starting to get frustrating because I am actually so fucking bad (we're talking negative practically every single match, at least -2) that it is starting to impede my enjoyment of the game. I have no idea what to do and it sucks :(

Also holy shit I had no idea SS was even happening this weekend, was there a thread? I know the timezone differences are bad, but even then damn.
Got rekt at the Toronto monthly

Too much damn league. Barely played since the last tournament two weeks ago.

Why is League like crack brehs


no wonder it looked familiar... does anyone here not read manga or watch anime? i think at least 90 percent of ppl who post here watch anime or read manga.

The rest are closet weebs. Every time someone posts fuck anime.gif then they're admitting their guilt.


Slayer of Combofiends
Nah, I would've gotten rekt either way. Just feeling mad burnt out on SF4 lately.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still top 2 on GAF :smugkobe:

Top 2? More like bottom 2, amirite guys? Kappa

The rest are closet weebs. Every time someone posts fuck anime.gif then they're admitting their guilt.

You hear that miniboss?

I post fuck anime gifs while getting hype off One piece.

Is one piece really anime tho? One piece is life b

my man
I never get tired of seeing Riposte body people in Gaming threads.

I also haven't played a fighting game for at least a month now. Too much FFXIV.

I really want to pick GGXrd back up again despite the annoying online setup. Before I stopped I learned some good corner stuff with Ky that I never got to use in a real match.


Man, has anyone ever hit a wall with a game they enjoyed but just were fucking terrible at? I am at about 1,000 matches played in Smash 4, and I am literally without exaggeration worse at it still then any other game in any genre I have played in my entire life. Like, I keep playing it because I enjoy the actual game and I'm usually playing with a friend most of the time online against randoms, but I have gotten 0% better from game 1. Just absolutely nothing about the game's movement, mechanics, etc seems to click with me in the slightest and I still can't find a character I really like. It's actually starting to get frustrating because I am actually so fucking bad (we're talking negative practically every single match, at least -2) that it is starting to impede my enjoyment of the game. I have no idea what to do and it sucks :(

Also holy shit I had no idea SS was even happening this weekend, was there a thread? I know the timezone differences are bad, but even then damn.

I had something similar happen to me. Smash just doesn't click with me at all. Also, I can't take it seriously. When I see a pink blob beating me up, or a a pokémon... It just looks stupid to me.

I will admit that while I had it I did have a good time going online With my gf. It was a game we could play together and nothing mattered.
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