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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 2-8 | The Great Cave-In Offensive


button monkeys don't get sponsorship's. the sooner people realize this the better. You can be a god at any fighting game, beat everyone in the whole world but if you act like an ass, have a negative reputation, lack communication skills, and don't network you will rarely get a sponsorship. Which is why Snake Eyez is a gust in the wind.

Not everyone wants to be sponsored. I don't think Snake Eyez is willing to put the work in to be sponsored. He'll take free money because who wouldn't, but he's not going to put himself out too much. I know I wouldn't unless I was dirt poor (I don't know his situation).

Azure J

@Sayad: Everyone was saying how the TOs were selling out to Nintendo for them to do nothing when switching venues or reaching out to the community. Spooky just laid out that Nintendo joint chipped in to get the Garden State Convention Center with Twitch, provided setups not only for Smash 4 but for Brawl and Melee, and promoted the stream/tournament in other channels including the newcomer stream and some social media pushes at the last second.

This is the 3rd one. The Rapture is the TO, and they're said they're going to have customs on eventually.

Also, somebody have developed the latest in stick security.

That webm name tho, lmao.

Cool to see how chill everyone is on this stream. Also, Smash stream heads know rap.


What happened? Who blew up Nintendo and for what?!

keyboard warriors just complaining that Nintendo did not help with the chaos that ensued with Apex

Not everyone wants to be sponsored. I don't think Snake Eyez is willing to put the work in to be sponsored. He'll take free money because who wouldn't, but he's not going to put himself out too much. I know I wouldn't unless I was dirt poor (I don't know his situation).

I know. But I just hate when people say "so-and-so is not a sponsored player!" after that person beats a top tier player especially a team sponsored one and just want those people to realize it takes more than pushing buttons to get a sponsorship.


The US players are kind of weak right now. It's between Smug and Snake. American players need to just abandon Marvel and level up in SF4. It's holding them back. At least Dieminion is coming back. Hopefully he can get back to the level he was at before he took a break.
Only reason Dominion went out to this event was so he could go back to France
@Sayad: Everyone was saying how the TOs were selling out to Nintendo for them to do nothing when switching venues or reaching out to the community. Spooky just laid out that Nintendo joint chipped in to get the Garden State Convention Center with Twitch, provided setups not only for Smash 4 but for Brawl and Melee, and promoted the stream/tournament in other channels including the newcomer stream and some social media pushes at the last second

Ngl that seriously annoyed me that day. Specially when the NoA twitter posted something along the lines of "Look how awesome the Smash community is for being able to overcome all these hardships!" and then people just took the chance to go "fuck you you did nothing to help/you're just using us for promotional purposes." The tweet at no moment mentioned Nintendo at all, it was nothing but praise for the players, and yet they get a response like that. :/
Ngl that seriously annoyed me that day. Specially when the NoA twitter posted something along the lines of "Look how awesome the Smash community is for being able to overcome all these hardships!" and then people just took the chance to go "fuck you you did nothing to help/you're just using us fir promotional purposes." The tweet at no moment mentioned Nintendo at all, it was nothing but praise for the players, and yet they get a response like that. :/
I don't think people can let things go or are just childish in general sometimes. Like even recently with DMC we are getting DmC with changes fans wanted and DMC4:SE, but still people find reasons to bitch and moan about that.. So sometimes I just don't know what to say.


some people here say smug doesn't have footsies though...

Smug has spacing, godlike reactions and anti-air recognition, max damage output in multiple situations, I can't count how many times he's successfully buffered ex machine gun blow into stand roundhouse after a whiffed normal, you need footsies for as many cr roundhouses he landed on Dieminion, etc etc etc....


I don't think people can let things go or are just childish in general sometimes. Like even recently with DMC we are getting DmC with changes fans wanted and DMC4:SE, but still people find reasons to bitch and moan about that.. So sometimes I just don't know what to say.

Fans have a right to be upset over somethings, but when a developer tries to get them what they were after and they still just want to be mad then there is no reason for the developer to listen anymore. If giving them what they sounded like they wanted doesn't make them happy then at this point those are already either lost markets or just people who will complain regardless of your time and dollars spent.

Those sort of folks are best left ignored or any studio or team would go crazy trying to please them. Problem is the action and fighting game communities tend to attract a lot of folks that fit the desktop developer who will never be pleased archetype. Those communities also attract a lot of intelligent players with passion who complain loudly but with legit insight...hard thing is you can't tell em apart sometimes.

Eventually, I think every developer just has to decide to only listen in occassionally, and then decide on what feels right. Some suggestions are reasonable or even exciting but most need taken with a massive grain of salt...because thats all they are. I'm beginning to wonder if some developers and projects would do better if folks stuck to their guns more instead of worrying about the louder corners of the community.


I know. But I just hate when people say "so-and-so is not a sponsored player!" after that person beats a top tier player especially a team sponsored one and just want those people to realize it takes more than pushing buttons to get a sponsorship.

Especially when a game first comes out, the level between top-rank and 2nd-rank players isn't that much, or to put it another way- the skillset required to be great changes as a game matures. You've got your Viscant-types who are great when a game first comes out because of their creativity, but then it becomes more about execution and knowledge later on as a game's options dwindle and setplay becomes more prevalent.

Eventually, I think every developer just has to decide to only listen in occassionally, and then decide on what feels right. Some suggestions are reasonable or even exciting but most need taken with a massive grain of salt...because thats all they are. I'm beginning to wonder if some developers and projects would do better if folks stuck to their guns more instead of worrying about the louder corners of the community.

The last part depends heavily on the developer. I'd trust Mike Z before I'd trust say , Ono to know what he's doing. (even if I disagree with Mike Z's vision he has one and sticks to it)


Smug has spacing, godlike reactions and anti-air recognition, max damage output in multiple situations, I can't count how many times he's successfully buffered ex machine gun blow into stand roundhouse after a whiffed normal, you need footsies for as many cr roundhouses he landed on Dieminion, etc etc etc....

yup you're totally right with your analysis and this is the only appropriate response to the naysayers out there
lol T hawk players


Street fighter, Can i talk about street fighter real quick.

street fighter V needs hip hop in it. Its time

Villager is the new Jigglypuff

... thats more thematically accurate than I would like to admit

Then you should've nominated something. You POST in SonicGAF, ffs

I know I know, life got a hold of me. And i have been building my portfiolio up talking to profs for summer internships and shit. Got swamped sorry, next time I wont stop untill every category has Dive into the mellow and Flying battery zone.


The last part depends heavily on the developer. I'd trust Mike Z before I'd trust say , Ono to know what he's doing. (even if I disagree with Mike Z's vision he has one and sticks to it)

100% agree. It will ALWAYS depend on who the developer is. Mike Z is a competent player, coder, and creative designer of moveset metas. He has a lot of competence in his jobs. He can take things casually on feedback and stick to his guns more easily than Ono and most developers who depend on large teams and roles to be split up heavily. Smaller teams and highly capable creative folks who are able to sit and ignore things if they choose to. ...problem is so many folks who aren't on top of every single angle of their game refuse to admit their own weak points and find more expert advice. Even worse...those that do can't recognize an expert over someone who just specializes in one thing who will break a product in new ways in favor of making it more suited to their one style of play.

Its why I think fighting game designers need to play a LOT of games and understand a lot of systems from other games instead of just comparing everything they design to one thing all the time. Its why Mike Z is so great in my eyes...he's a veteran and he knows a lot about a lot of fighters. We know he's Marvel, but his knowledge of just fighting game systems, mechanics, tools, and utility from years of studying the genre and its titles as a player/coder has him ahead of the curve.


Mike Z doesn't just know fighters- he knows how to make games, and that's obvious from the work with Skullgirls. his non-fighting game experience helps as much as his FG experience.

That's the big difference between Mike Z and Sirlin when it comes to design.


The last part depends heavily on the developer. I'd trust Mike Z before I'd trust say , Ono to know what he's doing. (even if I disagree with Mike Z's vision he has one and sticks to it)
The difference between those two is that Ono is a producer while Mike Z is a lead developer who even writes the code for the project. I still understood your point but that comparisson wasn't really fair.

Anyway, I've nearly giving up on hoping for reasonable discussion, critical thinking, and nuance from strangers on the internet especially in regard to interests like gaming. Everyone justs wants to be -mad- at whatever and this smash situation puts that in perspective for me.


tagged by Blackace
Street fighter, Can i talk about street fighter real quick.

street fighter V needs hip hop in it. Its time
Down for some Thugger Thugger in my fighting games. Hopefully they keep lames like Cole out tho

I'm sorry, but I haven't memorized every abbreviation for every videogame ever made yet. Could you actually post the title you are referring to :(
If it's not Star Wars Battlefront 2, I don't know what it is.
The US players are kind of weak right now. It's between Smug and Snake. American players need to just abandon Marvel and level up in SF4. It's holding them back. At least Dieminion is coming back. Hopefully he can get back to the level he was at before he took a break.

Nobody has mentioned him but Knuckledu has been making a serious push lately for that claim. He got some heat for getting into Capcom Cup because of online qualifiers but then he took out the great American Hope and then proved it wasn't a fluke by doing it two more times in tournaments since then. He even took out Smug on his way to beating Snake in GF's at Apex.

But I don't think their is a best US player like how Momochi and Daigo stand alone in Japan and Louffy in Europe. I think the US is basically A beats B beats C beats A kind of thing.


Nah, it'll have classical music so it can avoid being blocked on twitch for copyright

but UltraDavid still got flagged for Public Domain classical music tho :(

Nobody has mentioned him but Knuckledu has been making a serious push lately for that claim. He got some heat for getting into Capcom Cup because of online qualifiers but then he took out the great American Hope and then proved it wasn't a fluke by doing it two more times in tournaments since then. He even took out Smug on his way to beating Snake in GF's at Apex.

But I don't think their is a best US player like how Momochi and Daigo stand alone in Japan and Louffy in Europe. I think the US is basically A beats B beats C beats A kind of thing.

basically... Our use to be best are like kinda lacking right now. Jwong and Ricky are having character crisis, Dieminion stuck on complaining about nerfs (kinda ironic with his BT shirt), PR Rog not hungry anymore, Sanford keeps beating himself, Snake Eyez is emo from his CC performance, and don't even get me started on ChrisG...


it will have wub wub and you will like it!

I have enough of that shit in tekken
Down for some Thugger Thugger in my fighting games. Hopefully they keep lames like Cole out tho

If it's not Star Wars Battlefront 2, I don't know what it is.

chun li song to be done by niki minaj,
all of the kappas and their cucumber hoards

Like who?

Less like who and more like what, sound wise i mean.

There is a bunch of sounds i would like to bring to street fighter issue is you also gotta make it a coherent thing, and some of that conflicts with one nother

Hip hop is a complicated brew


I had a big long post, but screw it.

I think Hip hop is a bad idea and too divisive in terms of music genres unless it is just lyric free rhythms you're talking about. If this turned into Madworld I can see a lot of people going to the mute button.
I had a big long post, but screw it.

I think Hip hop is a bad idea and too divisive in terms of music genres unless it is just lyric free rhythms you're talking about. If this turned into Madworld I can see a lot of people going to the mute button.

but indestructible is ok
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