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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast


You need a Vita for such dire situations. So many fighting games...a great version of UMVC3, and Skullgirls coming soon!

so appropriate, dead games, dead platform.

I kid. I love my Vita and partly for the huge collection of fighting games, UMvC3 included.
What is that? I have to go home and be a family man so I get only a couple of moments in the evening to game. I rarely get play games in the daytime especially on the weekends.

I got PS4 version with the thought of if people wanted to play a couple of rounds for fun. Jeebies.

Glad you are okay Anne.
My wife and I share a car. She gets out at 7PM tonight. My work said "leave whenever you want, and enjoy your summer!" (teacher) So...yeah. I got myself some food from 7-11 to eat while I post on GAF. I'll start writing some scripts for the FG training video series.

I'm just not sure what to call my fighting game channel. I thought about calling it "The Ludus", but if you don't know what a ludus is, it sounds kind of weird. I would use "The Gymnasium", but that means something else these days...

She isn't as tough Juicebox is making out. Go for it, man. She's kind of a total control, dominating type of character when she has her zoning or pressure on point, so you'll like her if you like Zato.

Edit: Glad to hear you are okay, Anne! wb
That's kind of what I was thinking, thanks for confirming that. I will try her out next time I play USFIV at locals.

You need a Vita for such dire situations. So many fighting games...a great version of UMVC3, and Skullgirls coming soon!
I need my fight stick. :-(

Did you ever get Smash Wii U?


wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.

It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.

for some reason i get the feeling that a lot of people in that thread don't actually know what footsies are.

maybe it's the usual paranoia but the way they're splitting characters into the types of 'footsies, zoning and 50/50' is absolutely fucking bizarre and goes against what i understand to be footsies in the first place. like they're not exclusive to each other at all...?
the op's responses to delbuster really seem to show that


I need my fight stick. :-(

Did you ever get Smash Wii U?

I'm not sure how I managed to play so much on the Vita after being a long-time stick player, but eventually it just clicked. I can even play Zero on Vita now.

I did get a WiiU but I still don't have Smash. Sadly the 3DS version never really clicked. I still don't "get" Smash. I don't have a proper feel for the core gameplay, even though I really like the mechanics and characters. I will probably get the WiiU version eventually though.


for some reason i get the feeling that a lot of people in that thread don't actually know what footsies are

maybe it's the usual paranoia but the way they're splitting characters into the types of 'footsies, zoning and 50/50' is absolutely fucking bizarre and goes against what i understand to be footsies in the first place. like they're not exclusive to each other at all...?

it's definitely a weird thread with A LOOOOT of misinformation being passed around on the idea of footsies. The main argument is that "since projectiles are worst in this version, footsies are dead!". The footsies battle is just very subtle in MKX that people probably don't see it when it happens in front of them
wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.

It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.

It's not surprising. MK fans really liked the way the neutral and offense worked in MK9. The continual pressure that did major chip and gave you few defensive options. The dash blocking and strong low pokes. For a lot of players this is what they wanted and thought of as being MK or a good/honest game.

Some in the community spent 2 years being critical of the heavy emphasis on 50/50s and set play in Injustice. They expected this to not be in MKX. Well it is and they're upset. It's whatever, those guys will fall behind and new blood will take their place.
It's a very good version, and possibly the more responsive than any console version since it's playing off the Vita's low-lag screen. The online play is actually pretty decent most of the time, though it's prone to random disconnects which is really aggravating. On the system there's also Divekick, Street Fighter X Tekken, BlazBlue (both CS and CP I think), MK9, Injustice, and who knows what else. Also old PS1 fighters are compatible with the Vita.

I wish that you could have 2 accounts on Vita so I could link my JP account and play Guilty Gear PSX.
Good to see that Anne is ok

wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.

It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.

I find it amusing how biased the poll is
"Yes you agree with me"
"No you have an extremely opposite opinion"
"You don't agree with me but you agree with me anyways"

Hmm. Interesting, but I feel like people will think this name is too weird.

What do others here think?

MvC4 is so random.

I think Lyceum sounds cool
Good to see that Anne is ok

I find it amusing how biased the poll is
"Yes you agree with me"
"No you have an extremely opposite opinion"
"You don't agree with me but you agree with me anyways"

I think Lyceum sounds cool
It's like a GFAQs poll. Half the time my opinion isn't on the list.

I'm not sure how I managed to play so much on the Vita after being a long-time stick player, but eventually it just clicked. I can even play Zero on Vita now.

I did get a WiiU but I still don't have Smash. Sadly the 3DS version never really clicked. I still don't "get" Smash. I don't have a proper feel for the core gameplay, even though I really like the mechanics and characters. I will probably get the WiiU version eventually though.
Fix that ish!


The "Lyceum" is essentially the Greek analog to "Ludus". People are generally more familiar with Greek culture, but it is still relatively esoteric knowledge. I think the larger point I want to make here is that going with something esoteric fits with the educational theme and the fact that you're a teacher IRL. Just take a moment to let people know what it means, it could make a great introduction to your first video.

You could also go with "The Symposium" if you'd like, which is similar in concept.


wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.

It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.

LOL at quoting an M2Dave thread as anything worth listening too. He's a running gag in the community for being loud and completely wrong most times. What makes it hilarious is his catchphrase is to call everyone else "fools". Don't bother listening to him seriously. At times I think he must be a joke account.

Oh lord yes do I ever want this. It'd be incredible.

People barely mastered singular characters in BB,, having to learn 2 or more characters for a single team is going to be a huge investment... assuming they don't greatly dumb down the characters and mechanics.

Seriously? You make it sound like this game is impossible just because each character has a character specific trait ability. Hold buttons and whif D attacks with Amane to make his drill attacks do more damage and lost longer. Noel and Taokaka aren't exactly tricky and neither are dudes like Ragna or Jin. Noel has one button rekkas,Taokaka gets dashes that are cancellable into stuff, Ragna heals with D button moves, and Jin freezes people.

Oooh...so hard to understand and start playing with. Maybe a puppet user like Carl Clover coupled with Hazama would take a helluva lot of study, but these gimmicks and abilities aren't too damned complex per character to understand and utilize in a match.

If you don't enjoy something for being anime thats fine, but don't act like BB is so impossibly complex that a tag version would tax players too much to enjoy it. Every character has a D button ability unique to them and its not too hard to use any of them. You can go for super long flashy mcswaggity stuff sure, just like any fighter, but even then there are bursts to end combo stuff and enough footsies to where you can run if you need to so its not like its Marvel TOD at every turn. You have options.

If anything a tag format makes it EASIER to use the cast since assists or tag combos would mitigate the need for learning long sequence combos or trickier setups with one character only. Use your assist or tag combo if it works like other tag games and get your damage that way.

Seriously. Blaz Blue is great and has loads of depth but making it out to be some ridiculously complex beast is just silly. No you can't just pick up the game and instantly know everyone's gimmick. No that doesn't make it complicated.

If you can use your computer you can take 2 seconds to look up any drive you need to and start utilizing it.

El Sloth

I don't know if this is old to most people keeping up with the changes in [st] (are we calling it UNIST now?), but I just saw this today in the list of Gord changes on Dustloop:

-Someone definitely confirmed start of the round Grim Reaper into CVO for 5K but thinks someone can get more


I expect other similar things from first attack vorpal.
Well he is a T-hawk player



People barely mastered singular characters in BB,, having to learn 2 or more characters for a single team is going to be a huge investment... assuming they don't greatly dumb down the characters and mechanics.

I see this game not doing as well as the previous one due to the whole 2 characters being too much thing. Char loyalty is also very intense in waifu games like BB. (and yeah, it's a waifu game)

It's gonna go over about as well as TTT2 did on console.

I think it's a good name. But fancy schools are still sometimes called Lyceum over here so perhaps i'm just used to it.

At least you guys have never had to hear a 10 minute unwanted lesson on the Egyptians while playing a set with someone.
Know your audience, is all I'm saying. Simple shit like "lab" and "tech" go a long way, but stuff like "lupis" or "symposium" are gonna make people scratch their heads.


How to play Juri against divekick characters and Akuma:

1) Charge HK fireball
2) Hold HK fireball
3) Stay at a range where HK fireball will catch neutral or forward jumps
4) Release on reaction to a jump

5)... all while playing footsies with HK, crMK, and LK fireball

Juri is actually tough. Mandatory tough links for her BnBs, 950 life, need strong footsie knowledge when HK and fireballs aren't enough. Too much work for most people in a game like SF4.

Ultra 1 is cool but if you can't back it up with strong footsies it's irrelevant. Just helps you win her even or good matchups more.
Exactly why I suck. But I don't give two fucks bout the rest of the cast. I'm t3h d00m3d.
I honestly don't even like the term "lab" for training mode, but I'm amazed at how far it has spread. I surprised myself when I noticed I was using it a few times.


Mrs. Harvey
Maybe this is a sign that the FGC should finally let SFIV go. This will be it's last big year. EVO is all or nothing.


You have the air of someone too sophisticated to bother with fighting games, let alone their communities :p

Well, I'm absolutely terrible at the games so I enjoy them more as a spectator than as a participant (even aspirational) and can't really contribute to discussions. So, I don't post very often. I haven't really been watching streams that long in the grand scheme of things, either; this money match was my first fighting game stream.
I honestly don't even like the term "lab" for training mode, but I'm amazed at how far it has spread. I surprised myself when I noticed I was using it a few times.

I used to call it that too. Now I just say training room/training/gym.

Or when I'm joking around with friends about how bad I am "time to put the turkey back in the easy bake oven"
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